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Posts posted by acr0ssth3p0nd

  1. 37 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    Would you really settle for a big box of this?


    NGL - yes. I'm getting back into TOW *because* of the doofy models. They're a low-pressure, nostalgia-laden painting experience and I'm having so much fun redoing my old Orcs right now.

    That said, I recognize that a lot of people have some really valid criticisms of that old Skeletons kit, especially when it comes to building TK variants and not having enough parts to do so.

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  2. 51 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    I do not know. 

    To be honest I've always felt they were redundant in ironjawz anyway. They take too much spotlight off brutes imo. Technically they're not even ironjawz so I wouldn't be upset to see them replaced. 

    Hell Kruleboyz could use them in the form of murknob ardboyz. 

    In some early aos story Gordrakk utilizes scouts and I  think that'd be a cool Ironjawz unit and give players some new tools to play with. Think ironjawz kommandos. 

    Regardless it's an exciting time to be a fan of the green. 

    I loved how the old Black Orcs were actually competent and not just louts in scrap metal, so if we get something like Ironjawz Kommandoz, I would be *all over* that lot.

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  3. 6 hours ago, novakai said:

    It’s like firstborn, people said they would not remove them but it ended up they where doing it slowly 

    of course AoS and ToW are two different  system and teams in the end, what happens in Old world doesn’t have any ties with AoS when talking about AoS.

    model for the most part going to toW are gone in AoS at least to the AoS design team because it’s not their product any more.

    The other thing is that, by and large, removed Firstborn Marines usually get a Primaris equivalent eventually, if they don't already have one - so it's less "they're squatted" and more "they have better rules and better models that play basically the same but have a different name".

    So in the case of the Wanderers, I'd be a little less miffed if we had lots of Kurnothi out or clearly on the way, and a *lot* less miffed if we had new aelf units actually in Cities of Sigmar that filled a gameplay role where the old Wanderer models could be easily proxied in.

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  4. 25 minutes ago, CDM said:

    After seeing this I went to lexicanum to find out more! Unfortunately there's a giant advert for meg 2 covering up the info so I didn't learn much 🤣

    I saw they've divided them into Kurnothi Aelf, Kurnothi humans are mentioned as are Fawn and Centaurs! I didn't know it was a cult I assumed a new race!

    Are we getting a Kurnothi warcry warband?

    Man I hope so!

  5. 17 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I doubt clanrats and Stormvermin will change. 

    Gutter runners and night runners could absolutely share a box. 

    Plauge monks and Censer Bearers could share a box but I would image they will get separate releases. 

    I put together the Stormvermin from my Echoes of Doom box last year, and I was surprised at how well those models hold up. They're well-posed for foot troops, with natural stances that imply a readiness to fight without being too dynamic, and the level of detail is perfect for the number of them you'll need to paint. I'd be happy to see them stick around.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    They have me worried on the deployment part, with all the frontage and depth and etc. I had a conversation with the former black polo of my GW store, who was a big WFB veteran, and he tomld me one of the big drawbacks of WFB was that sometimes the frontage was so big (especially hordes) that your pack could only go forward and backwards. Which was taking away some of the strategy since the game turned into 2 armies pushing into each other with little maneuvers at all. I hope TOW doesn't have this drawback.

    Yeah, this is an area where I feel that Warmaster works way better. You're at a smaller scale but with the same movement distances (or more) so you have a much greater emphasis on maneuvering and positioning.

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  7. Man, I'm not gonna lie, this is really disappointing that there aren't any aelves in this unit.

    I know I can proxy, but aelf units have the aelf keyword, and this unit almost certainly won't, which means that there is an actual mechanical disparity in the gameplay.

    • Sad 1
  8. 2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I'd like to see an AoS take on classic Dawis, a bit how the Votann are a modern take on classic Squats. I'm a human enjoyer, but I do love my short kings. However, if classic dwarfs are to be redone, I hope it's after FS and KO get something to push their range beyond what they are now. And I'm talking about real units and beefy kits, not another foot hero. After KO and FS get the fleshing out and range expansion they deserve, and after Chaos Dwarfs make their return in AoS, will I be happy with another dwarf faction that's more classic in appearance.

    In the meanwhile, the remaining Dwarfs from WFB can hang out in CoS. They are fairly good kits that hold up very well today (I had a blast assembling my gyrocopter) and they blend in super well with both SCE and the new freeguild humans. I have 0 problems with them remaining long term. 

    100%. Fyreslayers deserve some better support in their model line.

  9. 7 hours ago, Rachmani said:

    Shame. I liked the Idea of Kurnoth coming back sooner rather than later.

    But maybe there still is something there. His Shard stalk Ghoul Mere, I think. So maybe… .

    The most recent White Dwarf has an in-universe lore article on the nature of the gods, and Kurnoth is mentioned as a notable example of how the gods are killable - but this is used as a lead-in to the very next paragraph, which talks about how a god "dying" is far from a permanent, mortal-style death.

    The same issue also has an article from the Warhammer Studio talking about how lore seeds get sown far in advance, and how release dates like "2027" are pretty casually tossed around in the studio right now.

    I'm not saying Kurnothi are 100% coming, but I'm absolutely gonna use this as an excuse to go KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI 

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  10. 36 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Yeah, nice of them to finally say something. Of course they had this exact information for the last 1 to 3 years but it's still an improvement (which says a lot about the expected level of customer-friendliness, but I digress).

    Personally I am very happy to have completely halted my Cities project as soon as this was even rumored.

    I am happy to see GW officially embrace proxying with a very loose interpretation of WYSIWYG rules (wildwood rangers weapons don't look like Executioners' at all, and they are also very different in terms of armour). Hopefully all TOs everywhere embrace this standard.

    Final point, it makes me a bit angry to see the article itself use the line "don't worry, they're going to The Old World". If someone in your community is upset about their models being "bretonniaed" my suggestion is that you tell them that they can still use them however they like in their games with you, and not that you tell them that they can use them in a system which is a) unreleased; b) entirely different (rank 'n flank, to just mention the glaring one); c) not necessarily as popular as AoS (network effects being one of the reasons why many people invest in AoS)


    Yeah, my "they'll still be around in The Old World" stance is more about just the availability of the models. Sucks to see the unit profiles get dumped - there's only so much that proxying can do, especially with more specialized units that had thematic mechanics.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Kempak said:

    thoughts on nurgle box seems like start collecting of old with a new leader if it under £60 tempted.

    I'm very hopeful for a balanced, useful option for bringing some Nurgle into my Slaves to Darkness, and I've wanted a Harbinger of Decay for ages!

  12. 2 hours ago, PJetski said:

    I think somebody read my AOS 3.5 wishlist and "leaked" it onto 4chan


    Love these changes! The main thing I'd add is just for certain Heroes to be able to join specific units, so you can more-reliably keep them in buff range (especially with things like Charges). For example, a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig might have the ability to join Squig Hopper and Boingrot Bounder units.

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  13. 31 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I had a feeling it was him when I read the book summary that it’s focused on a Ghur mobile city that rides around on a giant sled to escape monsters like the giant kraken that’s chasing it.

    The man is quick becoming a pseudo-Josh Reynolds on how much he embraces the glorious weirdness of the Mortal Realms and wants to play around with them(like in a podcast starring him he said how even when there’s a sentient mountain that teleports to different realms on a whim of it’s own that should just be a another average Tuesday for the people that run into it)

    Very much loving his works! 🤩 

    Just wanted to say thank you for the work you put into updating and maintains that list. Super helpful and very cool thing that you do! 👍

    I loved Dark Harvest, so this very much piques my interest!

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  14. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Good point on the wild riders. I always thought they looked somewhat similar to revenants. I do wonder how they would fix that lore wise. They would have to leave CoS and Wanderers would be squated and somehow some units would cross over to Sylvaneth. 

    As a fan of weird spooky fey, I maintain that the fact that Wild Riders aren't Sylvaneth is a crime. 

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  15. 52 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    We should* see an AOS 4th edition Starter - in summer 2024 - that could very well be Stormcast vs CHAOS**.

    The chaotic side could be Khorne again, or StD (as "main Chaos villain") but both ranges are very extensive. So, we could have new Skaven - Island of Blood style. Or maybe be Beast of Chaos, but are they a good fit for a Starer box ? (I would love to). 

    *IF Gw doesn't break pattern like they sometime do (cough Slaanesh vs Destruction warband in Warcry cough).

    ** Alternatively, and Order vs Order boxed set isn't absolutely out of question, like Lumineth / Stormcast vs Ulgurothi Dark Aelves. But I don't think it is probable.

    Between Skaven and Beasts of Chaos, I think Skaven are more likely. They're more out-there and eye-catching than BoC tend to be. They've got this great combination of broader appeal and closer, clearer ties to the Warhammer universe and IP, which makes them great for a beginner-focused product that wants to draw in new players while getting them quickly attached to Warhammer as a specific IP 

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  16. 35 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    Xenos didn’t even get a Christmas Battleforce last year. They made a big thing about there being more Battleforces…then only did Imperial vs Chaos. 😕


    Stormcast already feel bloated compared to my other armies. They are a great starting army for many of the same reasons as Marines, but I really hope GW put more resources into stuff like Destruction and revamping old armies (Skaven, Ogors, Chorfs) before adding to SCE.

    Yeah, Stormcast definitely feel like they could do with a slowdown of the number of new units they get. There's still space to expand them, of course - I'm waiting on a 5-model squad of pegasi cavalry, myself - but warscroll bloat is a real thing and it can be a big obstacle for new players trying to wrap their head around the Battletome.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    I’d still like to see Kurnothi as a Destruction faction - keying off the destruction of big city-based civilisations and forcing things back to a more natural state.

    (Add to my ongoing ‘at least but Aelves into different Grand Alliances’ lecture.)


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  18. 50 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Yeah that's what I am going for. The centaur from the Warband in particular looks awesome (I love how it's reminiscent of Wild Riders, but sort of they're natural evolution) so I'd like to see it used as the basis for a unit in a potential Kurnothi army. The Satyrs are cool, if he happy having them as the basis for a melee unit as well (perhaps a new wardancer style unit), but I'm also happy to have more low key Qualthis style Kurnothis too.

    What I really want is an AoS centre piecing version of Orion/Kurnoth. Orion had some great art in Warhammer, but better of his minis even really captured it. We know that GW can achieve amazing results but, so give us an amazing giant Satyr dude. The Mortal Realms needs it!

    Man I need to do more Kurnoth art. I've got this idea floating in my head of a deer centaur with 4 arms and 6 legs and a weird, hungry face that looks like a cross between a kruelboyz and an aelf with antlers...

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