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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. Has anyone got some games in with triple Maggoth Lords? 

    On paper they are great being killy, fast (for nurgle) and with great unique abilities but I've not seem any battle reports with people going "Full Maggoth"?

    Thinking something like 3 M Lords, Lord of Afflictions,  3*2 Blightlords and 2*3 Nurglings.

    Only 15 models but plenty of bite!


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  2. On 4/30/2022 at 2:24 AM, Tizianolol said:

    Guus a question about epidemius, each hero phase i can roll for rerolls, every turn i lose rerolls not spend or if turn 1 i still got 3 rerolls , turn 2 i got 3 + other rolls? Thx a lot!

    You build up and use rerolls across the entire game.  So you keep unused ones between turns but the most rerolls you can use is 7 across the entire game. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Holy_Diver said:

    THIS. Basically you saturate the table with models (yesterday a full dragon list lost against it) and do not forget summons!

    It's scary yeah, but it's costly.

    Yup, I regularly play 3,3,6 Dragon Orgors and 1 shaggoth.  By far the most effective part of my army and only 655 points.  Three times that would be terrifying and as you say our now great summoning on top and ambushing too if you go dusk walkers.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Holy_Diver said:

    One in my group is testing an "all in thunderscorn" list, with 4 shagghots and only dragon ogors.
    240 wounds to deal with it's a Thing.

    Has anyone ever thought about using such an idea?

    Yup, It's a scary prospect (more like 200 wounds, but that's plenty).  Not quite as scary as 40+ Enlightened (on foot)  but hard to shift and good damage now a days.  

    30 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

    With a small unit count list like this I`d be worried about armies with extremely high kill potential like DoK for example. As the number of units and models in those units with this list is rather small small all it takes is one strong enemy turn (not even double turn) and its GG.

    I think at the very minimum your friend should add in few fast chaff units like Centigors to shield all those DO.

    Small unit count?  Dragon Orgors are 125 a unit, you'll have Tonnes of units!

    With 4 Shaggoths you have room for 11 units of 3 Dragon Ogors!

    With Horn of the Tempest you have the speed, so don't see the need in 90 points of chaff to protect 125 point units.


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  5. 23 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Not that great overall imo, 105 points for ~11 wounds on a 5+, statswise he's a maneater with an extra shot and 1 more rend on the melee weapon. doesn't have a subfaction keyword so he can pick up some abilities there, and he can turn off artefacts if he gets close to something at the start of the combat phase, but its a bit unreliable.
    I'd like him a lot more if he had the gutbuster keyword, but it seems like a fun scroll. I'll probably just use him as a maneater or something.

    Cheapest hero we have and the +1 to hit means be has an ok damage output.  Not exciting but great value.


  6. Has anyone use Rot Covens much yet?

    In theory they look great, discounted caster and whopping +3 to cast/unbind.  But every time I make a list with them I end up wanting to add arcane tomb, spell portal, extra spell enhancement etc. to get the most of them, suddenly the cheap hero choice is eating up lots of resources. 

    Sure Spell Portal+ Rancid visitations will RUIN some armies but all the spell feel relatively situational, so I'm not sure how good them are in an 'all comers' list.

  7. 2 hours ago, Zeblasky said:

    So, I've played quite a few games against top players experimenting with Nurgle and here's my 2 cents about Nurgle current state....

    Lots of great stuff, the only bit I disagree about is the Witherstaff/GUO.  I think it's ok but that 7" range combined with the GUOs tiny movement means I just don't think your going to get enough unit in range for enough of the game to justify an 500 point GUO (who's not a great pick without it).  Against a maxed disease unit you usually only adding one extra mortal wound a turn.   If we were staved for good artefacts it would be a different matter but Arcane Tomb, Splithorn Helm, Rust Fang and even shield of growths, we've got plenty to choose from. 

    I also feel like Favours Poxes is something of an overlooked gem already.  Not very easy to pull off, but the single most effective debuff in the game and potentially last forever.  Also helps us against Sons of Behemoth, which are both very hard for us to beat and very common in the competitive environment.


  8. 1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:

    He got a 6+ ward and makes nearby destruction units (including himself) charge 3d6 and can declare charges against things within 18".

    Not sure if it makes him "good", 6+ ward only adds around 3 wounds to his bulk, but he's certainly a lot more interesting to play with now, as 3d6 charges are a pretty powerful tool, especially for mawtribes who get their ogor charge buffed by it.

    Also counts as up to 30 models for objectives, which is massive when combined with the increased charge range. Just needs 1mm of base withing 6" of an objective to take it from almost any ay out there. 

    He's still massively vulnerable to (non spell) mortal wound spam, but is definitely a viable option now.




  9. On 1/7/2022 at 12:12 AM, Harbinger-of-Nurgle said:

    I just brought the Vanguard box set and a Great unclean one. just wondering but which is the better loadout for the Great Unclean one?


    Also is the Harbinger of Nurgle still ok to use planning on converting one up as always liked the unit

    As mention above the Harbinger is rubbish now. :(

    For mean the Great Unclean One should be Bilesword definitely (I don't rate the Bell at all unless your doing some crazy summoning focused build).  For the second weapon it depends on what other casters/Endless spells you have, if you'll use the extra cast Bileblade, if it'll end up without anything good to cast most of the time: Flail.

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  10. 52 minutes ago, Schauer said:

    So with that Kragnos update despite his point cost I think its safe to say he's almost an auto-include at this point right? 3D6 charges for ogors is pretty devastating on paper but the bubble is pretty small

    Don't know about auto, he's still super fragile against some armies but definitely a solid option now. 

    I think the added threat range is more important than a few extra mortals but it all adds up!

    Also, cheap Gnoblars, yay!

  11. I'm thinking of getting my Underguts out again for 3.0 and was wondering if anyone has tried out Blocks of 12 Leadbelchers yet?

    I love the idea of all out attack for 12D6 3+/3+/-1 shots and enough unleash hell threat to scare off anyone. But the coherency rules really hurt their combat potential.

  12. Had my first two games with 3 Breaker list last night. Deliberately took sub-optimal artefacts to keep it fun.:

    Breaker Tribe: Fierce Loathing (Bossy Pants)

    Gatebreaker, Old and Gnarly + Kingslayer Cowl

    Gatebreaker, Arcane Tomb




    Emerald Lifeswarm.

    Must say it was great fun.  Played twice against Thunderlizards (4 stegs, Engine of the gods, Basilidon, Carnisuar and some skin buff heros).

    Tossing Gatebreaker rocks at garrisoned hero's was probably my favourite trick, +1 to hit and +1 damage makes them an absolute menace. 

    Emerald Lifeswarm was ok, cast once each game and healed 5 each time. Situationally a bit better than Mystic Shield but wouldn't write home about it. Not sure if there is a better choice with the leftover points.

    Won both games relatively comfortably (Making Territory and Tooth and Nail) and didn't really miss the third Mancrusher or Kracken Eater Kick.  The RAW power (and decent shooting) or 3 Gatebreakers is great, the only really problem with the army is that it's a bit dull with only 2 warscrolls.


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  13. Eventually making some more progress on my Sons of GorkaMorka.  Skin is done for now (needs scars and warpaint), so starting to work on the details now. 

    I've just signed up for the Warhammer World Team event at the end of next month and going to bring these big lugs to motivate me to finish them.  Going to be ice themed bases, so starting to play with some GSW liquid frost, great stuff.


    On the tactics front, I'm not coverting any more any time soon so going to be rolling with Three Megas and Three Mancrushers, but not decided at all which flavour or which tribe. Only thing I'm set on is at least one Wizard (the Mega-Prophet) so Glowy Lantern or Arcane Tomb are a must.

    First question for the community, with 3 Megas should I run the Mancrushas individually or in a big mob?  Definitely advantages to either and really struggling to make up my mind.



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  14. Had my first full 2k game with Bonesplittas a few days ago and they didn't disappoint.  In Icebone every thing unit is a threat, so I used 2*4 big stabbas as a distraction while my Maniacs ran riot (one unit of 10 on Boars and 2 units of 10 on foot).  10 Boarboy Maniacs with Glowy tusks ripped through one flank single handed, even with only 8 getting in to combat (silly coherency) the damage output is insane.  Even the Arrow boys where beating things up in combat. 

    The Waggog mask also shone, taking down his general and a Celestant Prime.

    Definitely less tricksy now, but tonnes of Orruks charging into anything they can reach just feels right.

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  15. Quick one today.  What's the average cost (in terms of wounds take) for taking down different targets with a Waggog's Mask

    Target wounds Rolls to kill Mortals taken 6+Ward 4+ Ward
    5 3.75 3.208333333 2.673611111 1.604166667
    10 7.5 7.583333333 6.319444444 3.791666667
    15 11.25 11.95833333 9.965277778 5.979166667
    20 15 16.33333333 13.61111111 8.166666667

    So if you're rocking Glowing Tattoos you can happily through out 10 mortals wounds a turn if you've got some decent healing near by (heroic action, Wardocs or Emerald Lifeswarm would do it). 

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  16. In big Waaagh Savage Orruks really suffer losing their two bit damage bonuses (Spirits and Icebone) so the best units too include are those that don't rely on these abilities:

    Wargog Prophet: as mentioned by others, also the Mask is cool and potentially game winning.

    Wardoks: 80 points caster than can dance if your opponent is dominating magic. I don't think an army in the game has a cheaper caster, let along one that's still useful when Naggash or Teclis are about.

    Big Stabbas: cheap, big damage, 3" range and some chip damage when they die (against monsters this can pack quite a punch).  They are slow now without run and charge but at 40 points a model, such great value. MSU very useful for building up Waaagh points. 

    Big Boss: 65 point hero with solid damage output and is basically a free activation. Again very useful for building up Waaagh points. 

    Wierdboy Maniac: Fast cheap wizard, Ironjaws would kill for one of these. Handy for keeping up with your Mawcrusha/Goregruntas to keep Mystic Shield up.

    Arrow Boys: reasonably cheap, hard to kill objective holder that can through minor shooting to finish off units or draw out All out defence. Even OK in combat now with 2 attacks each (3+/3+ once you've power up Waaagh).

    So more than a few reasonable options.

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  17. On 9/23/2021 at 8:06 AM, Kasper said:

    In general I wouldnt math anything against a 4+ save, these days its most likely a 3+ if not even lower and if the save is worse then it typically wont matter. The question these days is "how do I kill this 3+ (or 2+) monster? can I deal enough damage?". I also dont think you are factoring in +1 damage from Warchanter, which will always be on the unit when fighting tbh. 

    But yeah, Gore Gruntas are surprisingly good. I do believe Brutes pull ahead if they fight a 4+ wound target from the extra +1 hit, but considering how mobile GGs are I have a hard time fielding Brutes in my lists.

    Yeah 3+ is more common now-a-days but 5+/6+ aren't unheard of, which is why I use 4+.  One day I'll do a proper distribution model to allow for this variation, but not today.

    I've ignored the War-chater buff for simplicity with these examples as things get very complex very quickly when you allow for all the various buff options.  Unless your playing 3+ war-chanters and/or your opponent lacks mobility having that buff up isn't guaranteed.  I've often Alpha struck or outflanked Iron jaws to get favourable combats with unbuffed units.

    For me Brutes are their for an easy to use reinforced unit to run up the middle of the board, take centre and counter attack as necessary. 5 Orruk units just feel worse than Gruntas.

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