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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. I've just noticed another minor buff for Tzaangors, Shields work for all wounds on the unit as long as you have at least one Shield (so don't have to be assigned to the shield bearer), so one shield is enough and everyone else might as well have paired blades.

    8 hours ago, FPC said:

    How about 3x10 tzaangors, screen of 2-3 units of pinks, some wizards behind all within 9” of each other?  Now each unit of tzaangors is slinging MW that hit on 4+ out to 18”.  Say 2 units of pinks, a tzaangor shaman, orgoid, gaunt summoner. That’s 5 tries per unit average 7.5 MW. Throw in some enlightened or whatever to taste. Could be interesting.

    If only they came in units of 5.


    Absolutely, I think lots of min Tzaangors with all the casters that have spells that produce free models will be very competitive:  Orgoid, Mangister, Shaman, Fateweaver, and blue scribes for rerolls to cast, maybe changing if your feeling tricksy. Round off with Pinks and endless spells to taste. Tonnes of mortal wounds, healthy combat threat and up to 4 free annoyance units a turn. Would not be fun to face.

    On a less competitive note, I'm looking at fun build for a game this week:

    Guant summoner with familiars: General with arcane sacrifice.

    Lord of Change with Gryph-feather charm

    Herald of Tzeetch

    The Blue Scribes

    The Changling

    2 * 10 Pink Horrors

    10 Tzaangors

    2* 10 Brimestone Horrors

    Malign Sorcery up the wazzoo: Pendulum, Balewind Vortex, Chromatic Cogs, Geminids, Gnashing Jaws and Shackles

    Hoping to clog up the mid field with endless spells and pink horrors (who I don't mind taking some mortal wounds) while the characters blast mortal wounds like it's no tomorrow.  Vortex (probably for the Herald) and Sacrafice very important to make sure I can get spells across the storm of spells that the middle of the table will hopefully be. Brimstones obviously there to screen and Changling hoping to get a nasty Pendulum across enemy lines.

    Is this complete madness or will I just get wiped off the board (mostly by my own spells)?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Lou_Cypher said:

    If you can somehow take first turn against Nagash, you can try betting your entire hand Destiny Dicing Hand of Dust with the Changeling. 

    And using Kairos Fateweaver to cause Nagash to fail his Unbind.

    If it works, hilarious. If it doesn't, there's a dead Changeling.

    LOL, love it.

    I'm usually running 90% of my units in a change host, so usually get choice of first turn.

  3. 4 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    9 Skyfires will fix that

    Will they?

    9 shots, means 3 will do mortal wounds (assuming Shammy is near by) of those average 6 wounds, he'll ignore half so 3 wounds done  Another 3 will hit without mortal wounds, 2 of those wound and one saved, so average 2 more wounds. So your 660 point units (with 180 point support character) has done 5 wounds (on average).

    Sure you can use destiny dice to improve it slightly, but it's still going to take 3 turns at least (assuming your skyfires remain intact).



  4. Anyone got any thoughts or ideally experience dealing with Nagash?  I tend to play pure Demons, so very heavy on magic and can see his 8 unbindings at +3 and  4+ save from mortal wounds make him near impossible to stop. Perhaps I'm just catastraphising as I've not actually faced him yet.

  5. I think the witchfire cult is only going to be worth it with BIG units of acolytes (30+), so you can get them up in the opponent's face to make sure your in 18" for the hero phase without them getting wiped out quickly.

    Had a good game over the weekend with a 2k change host: LoC Herald on foot, Herald on disk, 4 *10 Pink horrors, 3 flamers and 2*3 screamers. The magic damage output was insane, burning through my opponents characters and black coach in 2 turns despite a large unit of Banshees + 3 unbinds from Heros. After than is was a romp for the LoC and massed horrors carving through unsupported unbuffed night-haunts. 

    The only problem I had as running out of models, between Icons (with the help of 4 ones on destiny dice) and fold time, I created 15 more Pinks and ended the game with over 50 spare blue horror points. I thought my 30 blues would be enough, but had the game been closer I would have really missed those extra bodies. How many blues do people generally bring along for splitting and summoning? (especially for pure demons) I'm thinking that even if I cut down to 30 pinks I'll still need to pick up and paint more blues, and that's before adding some as starting units (or summoning with fate points).

  6. 59 minutes ago, RaritanAnon said:

    So I'm pretty interested in starting up a small army of Tzeentch. I was actually going to do this before 2.0 but was sort of driven away with how cheese Tzeentch was on the onset. Now they're not too terrible. Problem is, I don't know jack about building an army list. This is especially important because I don't want to use any Tzaangors or Kairics at all. Just Daemons of Tzeentch. I'm aiming for 1k right now, but I'm not especially sure what's the best option. I especially don't know what heroes are good any more, but I know I like Screamers and Horrors and Flamers and all that jazz a lot. 

    What should I start off with? 

    Pure demons are in a decent place right now, nothing really stinks but nothing is crazy good either. I think you can't go too far wrong with the Heros, except I'd avoid Herald on the burning chariot (just not worth 200 points) and make sure your heros will have enough spells for your heros to cast (not a problem if you play with all the malign realm spells).

    Screamers and Flamers are OK, not going to win anything on their own but you'll have fun with them as long as you don't over spend.  I really like Blue horrors as a solid screen that can shoot and even gives you a unit of Brimes when they are killed.

    Pinks are obviously staple unless your going for Burning Chariots as battle-line (not recommended) and too be fair they are good.  

    Personally I love the Change Host for pure demons (not Viable at 1k), Great manoeuvrability and makes your army sooooo much more effective if you get given first turn.  So if I was starting from scratch I'd start building towards that from day one (not hard, a few start collecting boxes, a pair of Blue/Brims boxes and a LoC), after that start filling up on the special characters (all solid).

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  7. Nottingham Contemporary

    14 hours ago, DrMarmalade said:


    Anyone have any thoughts on running a large unit of flamers? I think Kairos is a great support unit for them due to fold reality guarantee.  Battle line would be 30 Tzaangors and 2 units of 10 pinks.

    I'd love them to work in big units (have about 30 kicking around) but unless they are in an Eternal Conflagration, they are just too fragile to have as a big hard to hide unit.  multiple small units is much better, more champions for extra attacks, easily hidden and the highly random locus ability makes it very hard to gauge how much killing a small unit will take .

    Re Rael

    2 hours ago, Rael said:

    Hey guys wondering if I could get some feedback. Putting together a Tzeentch list but can't decide on the last bit which happen to include Skyfires & Enlightened. 

    • Lord of Change 
    • Gaunt Summoner 
    • Tzaangor Shaman 
    • 30 Tzaangors 
    • 10 Acolytes 
    • 10 Acolytes

    This part I'm pretty set on (due to models already in possession). Below is what I'm undecided on...

    • 6 Skyfires 
    • 3 Enlightened 
    • Quicksilver Swords

    First option, has a bit of both.


    • 9 Enlightened 
    • Magister

    This removes Skyfires entirely but I get a pretty solid main battle line unit in the Enlightened but lose ranged strength in Skyfires. Also gain another caster which is always good.



    I'd avoid quicksilver swords like the plague, those sting if your LoC gets them in the face (replace with the Shackles).

    Personally prefer the second option anyway, more models, more magic and 9 enlightened is a scary force to handle and has enough wounds to happily strike second to get the crazy rerolls, but I know some people are still crazy about Skyfires.

  8. 4 hours ago, Drib said:

    I noticed, that the Gaunt Summoner, the Magister and the Ogoid are now "Webstore Exclusive". Does someone know why? Is there even a good reason for any Models to be webstore exclusive?

    Eeep, I hope it doesn't mean they are stopping production. Such nice models.

  9. Hey,

    Congratulations on the win.  I'm curious, why do you have bolt of Tzeentch listed twice for the summoner? My impression was that you only get one spell from one lore and that both bolts are the same spell (i.e. you can't cast both version in one turn), is this how you played it?

    Also curious how you found the spell portal? I'm not convinced it's worth it now it can only be used once a turn.

  10. As nice as it looks on paper I just don't think the  arcanite cabal  is worth the hefty price tag, especially as it basically forces you to take multiple Shammys or magisters, meaning you quickly run out of good spells to cast.  The 4+ destiny dice recovery is decent but if your running max Tzaangores most of your destiny dice should be used making sure they make combat and don't get crippled but a bad battle shock

    Personally I'd drop the second Shammy, Curseling and the Cabal for:  Guant summoner with familiars (great for clearing large squads, build in casting bonus and the -1 save aura makes a huge difference to Tzaangore damage output), Ogroid and use the leftover points to add a small unit of Tzaangors (for the banner and some sticking power).

    I completely agree that Tzeentch's firestorm is a bit too random to put lots of resources into, bolt of tzeentch or a nasty endless spell is going to do more work 90% of the time.  Personally I love Aethervoid Pendulum, hit three units and your producing an average 10.5 mortal wounds and it can't really backfire unless your really dump with placement (and I always seem to have 40 points left at the end of building a list). 

  11. Generally I get to something relatively low points turn 2-3 (Herald or flamers), so nice boost but nothing amazing.  That said I've never played an optimised fate generation list (Arcanite cabal, cogs, mark of  conjurer LoC, etc) which could throw out Lots of fate points a turn.

    I think our summoning is very different to Seraphon who have to sacrifice a lot of resources (casts, taking specific units etc) but can get an amazing amount of summoning, where Tzeetch summoning is more of a nice bonus that's basically free.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Drib said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Scribes and/or Changeling? My changehost uses 10 Units so you can loose one unit and still do 2 swaps.

    Humm, blue scribes are definitely tempting, but not convinced Changeling is worth the 200 points seems very easy to reveal post-FAQ. Not played with either yet, as I despise finecast and need to put together some conversions for them. So any thoughts/advice on using them would be great.

    I'd love to put in 10 units but struggle to find the points. Can you share your list?




    Last night I tried out this pure Daemon list and it performed admirably wiping out a Lizardman list in 3 turns.


    Battalion: Change Host

    Lord of Change, General with Incorporeal Form and Griffon Feather Charm

    Herald of Tzeentch on foot

    Herald of Tzeentch on disk with Wellspring of Arcane Might

    3 * 10 Pink Horrors

    2 * 3 Flamers

    6 Screamers

    Aethervoid Pendulum


    The one thing I an struggling with is, I love the change host, but struggle with the last three units to fill it (the flamers and screamers in the list above).  Just not sure what to replace them with, I don’t need more horrors, more heralds will mean I struggle with having enough spells for them to cast and having tried them out I’m just not a fan of the other options. Any thoughts/opinions would be appreciated.

  14. I was looking at Multitudinous Host and I think it's still a solid option at 2k (obviously gets even better at larger games). 

    You can fit in 5 units of pinks, 3 units of blues, 3 heroes (herald, scribes, Guant Summoner for example) and the battalion cost.

    Even with the reduced rates, that's producing an average 260 points of horrors (10 pink and 6 blues) a turn while you have all the starting units, in addition to the command point and artefact, that's still great value. The main problem I see is collecting and painting all those horrors: you'd probably want about 80 each of Pinks, Blues and Brimstones to avoid running out of models! and that's before any units for Fate summoning, which should get you something decent with 8 casters in the list.

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