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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. Played my first 2 3.0 games with SoB last night.  Simple 4 Mega list

    Gatebreaker Tribe, Idiots with Flags

    Gatebreaker: General, 5+ Ward, Louder than Words


    War Stomper

    War Stomper

    Played against a mixed Celestial Vindicators list with some Dominion stuff and a range of solid traditional units.

    I'll do full reports later, but basically it was a complete whitewash.  At no point in either games did I feel like there was much chance of winning.  The 5+ Ward generic artefact is crazy good, we're amazing at missions, the command abilities, hero abilities and monster abilities cover up a lot of our short comings.  First game I was 20 VPs ahead and winning the fighting by the end of turn 2.  Second game I auto won turn 3.  

    Bare in mind this was my first game of 3rd against a good opponent who has played a few games.  3rd is definitely SoBs time to shine (except against Gotrek, :( )

    • Like 1
  2. 50 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

    After reading a lot online / my own experiences / what I think we will see going forward I think Unleash Hell could do with a tweak down the line to simply change it from that it can only be used on the unit that has been charged. This'll prevent screening a shooting unit, only to shoot with it when the screen is charged.

    How have other peoples found Unleash Hell so far? Between that, Redploy (can't do same phase but still huge) and All Out Attack not being able to used in the shooting phase it feels like we've shifted a shooting meta further that way. 

    The thing is all the movement away from the shooting meta is much more subtle.  Many of the new objectives and missions push armies together and mean that a shooting focused army could easily lose the game in the first few turns but just getting too far behind in VP despite decimating the other army. Smaller boards is obviously another push away from shooting meta, as is that unit champions can issue some orders (less of an issue if your heros get sniped off). So far I don't think Unleash hell is problematic, but that said I've not played against 60 Sentinel LRM yet.

    • Like 4
  3. 18 hours ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    The Errata is out and they basically changed nothing for us, which is understandable since the new tome is right arround the corner but still annoying since we still have to wait to see what boat we are sitting. 

    Sure we are better off then others but man I want to know everything right now :D.

    Feels like the changes to other armies is actually good for us.  Basically all rerolls to saves have turned into +1sv.  Since +1 save is so prevalent in 3 anyway (and max +1 save core rule) it helps mitigate our lack of rend a bit.  Much easier to brute force through  when no one is rerolling saves.


    • Thanks 1
  4. On 6/25/2021 at 2:29 PM, SpiritofHokuto said:

    In Knights of the Empty Throne their stock has gone way up with access to Heroic Actions (and commands as they're a Hero). So much so I'm surprised they didn't get even a nominal points increase.   

    Only annoying thing is the +1 to wound limit which is annoying for a unit that has now got 3 sources of + wound (Khorne, Lance's and Finest Hour).  But as long as you don't got for both MoK and Lance's, not a bit deal (although that used to be a great option for Empty Throne general).

  5. I actually like both the models and rules for Hobgrots, for me, they just need to have some allegiance ability to up their power level a tad.  20 grenade shots for under 200 points isn't too bad and a close range shooting horde feels like something different to the usual chaff.

    Guprippas, not so much.  No Banner or Musician and a complex yet rubbish special rule.  They just seem bland and poorly thought through.  They really need a second very good allegiance ability to bring them up to playable.

    • Like 3
  6. 16 hours ago, Coyote said:

    Explain like I’m five - Coherency, Pile in and removing casualties  
    Assuming successful charge - Can someone give examples of the Charge, Pile In, and also retaining Coherency after removing casualties?

    Maybe an example using Fyreslayers with 32mm and Skaven with 25mm?

    2.0 or 3.0.  The new edition is changing a lot of things: you now pile in to the closest unit rather than closest model and coherency is more restrictive for units over 5 models strong.


  7. 14 hours ago, HostilSpike said:

    So with our Battalions gone, I can't help but wonder what the point of a Huskard on Stonehorn is now. They really should make it a Priest to give it a purpose

    Ability to take a mount trait (but cheaper than FLoST) is the only thing I can think of.

  8. I do think we're in a word place right now, lots of the changes feel like they hurt us, but we got off lightly with points and the meta moving to more monsters will definitely benefit us.  

    I think Wardocs with curse is potentially a game changer for us, just wish it was possible to improve the roll to better than 4+.  

    I do feel like Rogue Idols and/or Big Stabbas will become basically essential to get some rend with all the +1sv around now.

    Mercenary SoB could be a good call too, anything to get some rend to deal with those good save non-monster units.

  9. 25 minutes ago, GutrotSpume said:

    Strangely I feel we’ve got way more list flexibility now they made mega gargants battleline. I’m liking the idea of taker tribe 3 kraken eaters and 1 gatebreaker or breaker tribe 2 breakers 2 stompers.

    Yeah, I'm probably over-reacting as I LOVE gatebreakers, so the fact that there is only one efficient way to take more than one (2 Breakers, 2 Stompers) is a bit frustrating.  3 Breakers and 2 Mancrushers (or 2 Breakers, 5 Crushers) is possible but feels like your hamstringing yourself with a massively under point army.

  10. So been considering the new points cost and after initial annoyance at the 525 Gatebreakers have come to accept that we've gone up massively in power level and more restrictive list building is the price we pay (not having to take Mancrushers is an interesting twist though).  Annoying that Two Gatebreakers and a Krakeneater isn't a realistic option anymore (loses an entire Maneater), as I feel it was our best build.

    Might thoughts on possible good builds:

    In your face, smashy list.  Feels like the best for raw power but lacks tactical options:

    2 Gatebreakers + 2 Warstompers: Gatebreaker general (Louder than words, Idiots with Flags, Amulet of Destiny)


    More flexible list

    On of each mega, three units of one Mancrusher.  Gatebreaker general (Louder than words, Idiots with Flags, Amulet of Destiny)

    Could clump the Mancrushers together for better shooting and command efficiency but I don't think it's worth the lost of flexibility going from 6 to only 4 units.

    Could also opt for Krakeneater general, but only time will tell how valuable that bonus to capturing objectives will be in 3.0.  Generally less models on the board, but lots more of them count as multiple.  


    What's everyone else thinking?



  11. What I really want to know is what is happening to Sons of Behemat points.  A 10% price hike would absolutely kill them (could only fit 2 Megas in 2k) but if everyone else gets hiked and they don't (along with basically every new rule benefiting them) they will go up massively in power level.  Interesting times.

    • Like 2
  12. I've been thinking about this army since SoB came out, but now finally got my finger out and started converting it.  I bring you the first stages of the Sons of Gorkamorka.  The concept is simple, the more Orruks fight the bigger they get and boy do they love to fight.  Do eventually some Orruks are going to get to gigantic proportions.  Only got 1 mega and 3 mancrushas WIP at the moment as I'm waiting for the GHB to drop before investing in more models (points changes could have a massive influence on what a 2k SoB army looks like).  Planning on taking my time with these, lots of green stuff and Bonesplitta bitz to make they look more Orruky.  Only things I'm struggling with at the moment is what to use as weapons for the Megas (want them to be crude with mininal metal to sell the Giant Bonesplittas vibe) and how to base them.  Thoughts always welcome. 



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  13. 10 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    It means choosing who goes first. The rule for that is in section 4.1:

    At the start of each battle round, the players must roll off. This is called the priority roll. The winner has priority in that battle round and must decide who will take the first turn and who will take the second turn

    That's a shame, one of the things I like least about 2nd Ed is that one play knows they will have the choice of first turn, soooo powerful.   Thanks for clarifying!

    • Like 2

    On 6/13/2021 at 7:45 AM, Grimrock said:

    I don't believe Archaon was overpriced at all, but he's absolutely going to be a beast in the new rules. With the monster and hero buffs he can just wander around tossing buffs on himself like mad. Being able to give himself +1 to hit or save whenever he needs, using heroic recovery along with the khorne head for 2d3 heals, arcane bolt and smash to do 2d3 mortals before combat even starts... and that's all without needing a single other model to buff him and before he gets any bonuses from his mark. Plus the 3 missions we've seen all start with an 18" no mans land so he's pretty well guaranteed a turn one charge and the smaller board means he can reach out and touch people a lot easier. Honestly the only thing I see balancing him out at all is the fact that he takes up half of your army and only counts for 5 models on objectives. He's going to be ridiculously hard to kill for most armies and he's just going to smash anything he comes into contact with. At this point I'm actually worried about using him because he's so strong, it's just going to be an auto feels bad moment. Either your opponent has a counter to him and when they kill him you just lose half your army, or like most armies they won't stand a chance and he gets to run roughshod over them for 5 turns. 

    Also for what it's worth, it sounds like pretty much everyone is getting a points hike. It's possible slaves will see a proportionately smaller increase than some other armies, but I'm not going to hold my breath for it. With the prevalence of reroll saves in the army All out Defense is going to be reallly good.

    Also, have you seen the new generic spells Flaming Weapons, +1 damage to all the casters attacks (and only 4+ to cast)!

  15. 42 minutes ago, PlayerJ said:

    From todays preview:


    "As savage as the Great Gnashtoof is, it’s by no means the only monster lurking in the swamps of Ghur. We’ve seen the terrifying Mirebrute Troggoth already, but rumours that make it out of the darkness mention a fearsome beast known as the Sludgeraker and even a winged monstrosity that circles the murky skies above."

    The mounted Killaboss rules are really uninspiring.  Solid stats (except the 1" spear) but was hoping for a cool command ability or something.  Perhaps there is something good they've just not shown us?

  16. Don't forget that All Out Defence + (rumoured) New Mystic Shield + There Finest Hour are a nerf to most shooting armies.  Having most of your damage focused on one Phase per round means you're generally going to be punching through much better saves.  Sure, doesn't effect LRL too much but basically every other shooting army will do less damage when their number 1 priority unit is at least +1 save (declared after you start shooting them).

    The new victory points system is also likely to encourage more aggressive/combat approaches.  

  17. 6 hours ago, stratigo said:

    The meta is gonna be 1 to 3 shooting units with 1 to 3 shamans to give them mortal wounds on a 5.


    Welcome to AoS.

    Lol, depends entirely on how the shooting units work!  Is they have low volume, high quality attacks, definitely not going to be worth escorting with a hero for better poison.  

  18. Personally I think Battleshock itself will be largely unchanged but with inspiring presence reduced to once per turn (or hopefully once per game).  I'd like to see some sort of cost for being immune to battle shock and think the Killsboss' aura is a great example of this. Reduce losses without completly ignoring it.

  19. While I get people being worried about unleash hell, missions/objectives/points changes could easily move the meta away from shooting. 

    Similarly with the coherency rules, cavalry or large based models in general could have an exception which would fix this (less confident that this one will actually happen, but you never know).

    So while I'm not 100% happy with what we've seen so far, I want to see more before I go looking for another system.

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