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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. On 8/1/2020 at 10:00 PM, Gutlord said:

    Deffo mate, speaking of which, now we know the points value of these big boys do we have any guesses of how there warscrolls will look?

    Using the one I think will have the least abilities (warstompa) I'd say we have to be looking at least 18 wounds, main weapon doing 4 attacks 3s and 3s minus 3 rend 3 damage a piece. Bravery 8? Movement 10 possibly. I'm not expecting a great armor save....prob 4+ if we're lucky

    I'd be surprised if they have allot of -3 rend or 4+ saves. 

    My guess

    20-25ish wounds, 5+ save and maybe an after save.  10-12 move (starting).  6 4+/3+ rend -1 attacks, d6 damage.



    1 minute ago, cplhicks said:

    MSU Big Stabbas has been on my mind as a big block of them is too juicy of a target for my opponent.   I wonder if MSU will reduce their effectiveness because you can't buff one big block.

    Would a Teef Ruk be good for MSU?  The ability is wholly within 12" so you could get more then 1 small squad to benefit but it does force you to clump up near the Big Boss (now 10pts cheaper! lol)

    I don't think they miss out much as most of the buffs are wasted on them (don't need bonus to hit and +Save is a waste).

    Teef ruk is interesting as it gets rid of the high drops of MSU, but as you say encourages clumping and does mean even less points for support and screening units.


  3. 29 minutes ago, cplhicks said:

    I had built a balanced Big WAAAAGH list to be used as my main AOS army for the next year or two but it got hit hard by the points changes so I think I will be going  back to pure bonesplitterz. 

    I was considering a pretty spammy boyz list (296 wounds, 2 drop list) but I don't think it would be fun to play (or play against).  With the point changes to Bonesplitterz the only real impact in the Idol going up 20. 

    Has anyone one had any luck with a Big Stabba list?  Like 10+ (because I'm a  Maniak!)

    I use 8 regularly and find them very effective at that number.  Especially good in Drakkfoot where they just demolish a lot of the best combat units in the game (Meduci, Healthguard, Grimghast, Bonereapers etc etc) as well as being even more effective against those monsters with shrug saves.  I usually run them as 2 units of four but if your going with lots I'd be temped to go for MSU (multiple small units) to help with survivability. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    What sorts of point reductions would you guys see as needed to make StD work better? Some things I would say by guts:

    • Chaos Knights from 180 to 160
    • Choosen to 120
    • Soul Grinder to 200
    • Slaughterbrute 140
    • Chaos Lord on Manticore 210
    • Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore 210
    • Daemon Prince 200
    • Gaunt Summoner 220

    I agree with most of that but  Guant Summoner and Manticore Sorcerer options are fine the way they are, if anything Guant Summoner could go up a bit.

    In my mind Chaos Warriors are the unit most in need of a price drop, say 80 points for 5 and possibly a horde discount on top of that. 

    Also Marauders should go up slightly.

  5. Just finished my first 5 wolf rider conversations, not a fan of the pigs.  Any thoughts on the best tattoo colours to compliment the ice theme?  Also anyone got tip or technics for painting tattoos. Always struggled.


    On a unrelated note, how dependant on command points to people find Bonesplitters.  I know we have no killer abilities but battleshock feels like a potential big problem.  Trying to figure out if one a turn is enough or do I really need to supplement them with battalions etc.




    • Like 5
  6. 8 minutes ago, Spears said:

    Thats weird I would swear the Varanguard wording was the same as the chaos lord in that you have to be within 3" to use the ability regardless of pile in range.

    It is, you are right. No matter how far you can pile in or be selected to fight from, in order to select the unit to fight for the second time (using the Varanguard ability or Chaos Lord Command Trait) you need to be within 3" of an enemy before piling in (for the second time), so often quite easy for a decent opponent to take causalities to deny the second attack. Both abilities are crystal clear that they need to be within 3" to be selected for a second time and there aren't any abilities, traits or artefacts that effect those specific rules.

    Grasping plate does let you run/retreat to a position over 3" away then pile in and attack (for the first time) without charging, which is great.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    I'm incredibly inexperienced with Bonesplitterz but my thoughts are that 2-4 are more than enough to smash most monsters(2 with no buffs dealing on average ~7.5 damage), and they're extremely fragile. lumping a bunch in a big unit would make them an easy target for shooting/magic, where a small unit is easier to hide, and tougher to justify dumping a lot of resources into removing.

    For single monsters, yes, but I'm thinking of Deathstars, so 3+ Monsters clustered togehter, 20 Hearthguard, 20 Medusai etc.  They are fragile, but not ridiculously so and my hope would be against any but very shooting heavy lists we can protect them with screening.

  8. 3 minutes ago, azdimy said:

    I am looking for an alternate sculpt for the hellstrider rider models. Any recommendations?  I know some people use deamonettes with whip on them but I want my riders to be humans not deamons but not nearly as muscular as the current model and I hate how the current model legs are  spread way beyond  the mount it s riding

    I used Sisters of the Thorn with Claws instead of the non-shield hand and Wych heads (I used the Wychs bodies with Daemonette heads for Daemonettes).  Looks good as they are all similar scale models and the Stags have some great poses.  

    • Thanks 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Could someone give me some opinions on the following list? I got a box of Savage orruks for warcry and I was considering expanding them to a full army. I'm a little unsure about the amount of boars (tried to get 2 unities to get some use of the icebone command ability), would 2 unities of 10 maniaks + 4 big stabbas be a good enought hammer?

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Icebone

    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Great Hunter
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    - Artefact: Kattanak Pelt
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Breath of Gorkamorka

    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)
    30 x Savage Orruks (300)
    - Chompas
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)

    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)

    Total: 1500 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 159

    My worry with this list is that you don't have a lot of wounds (for Bonesplitters), you have lots of heros and Stabbas/Maniacs are our most fragile units (point for point) so I think you'll struggle late game. Personally I'd think about dropping a Wardoc and one unit of Maniacs for 30 Arrow Boys or 20 Arrow boys and 10 Maniacs on foot. Gives you a chunk more wounds, a shooting option for units that really need softening up before you engage them and a unit or two that is happy to hold back and sit on objectives.

  10. 1 minute ago, Gistradagis said:

    You compare weapons by seeing the total output, not likeliness to hit (which is a part of the process itself to see the dmg output), because doing damage is what you're interested in. In your example, the first attack is more consistent to hit, but less consistent in dealing damage. Consequently, it's a less consistent weapon for what we're interested in, which is damage.

    I think your miss understanding the word consistent. Which means likely to produce the same result repeatedly.  I talked about total chance of doing damage rather than chance of hitting etc, to simplify the argument.  I will try another example:

    Unit 1 has an ability that automatically does one mortal wound every combat phase. It is perfectly consistent, always 1 mortal wound.

    Unit two has an ability to cause d6 mortal wounds, but only if you roll a 4+ first (so works 50% of the time). Less consistent (only works half the time) but much higher average damage (average 1.75 mortal wounds a turn).

    If you know you only need to do one wound say to kill a character) unit one is better as it is more consistent but in many situations unit two is better as it averages a better damage output.


    • Like 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, Gistradagis said:

    If it's less consistent, then it's worse on average. That's kind of the point of consistency.


    E.g.: If one attack does 5 damage 50% of the time (and none the rest of the time), and another does 50 damage 10% of the time (and none the rest of the time). 

    The first attack is more consistent (more likely to cause some damage) but the second is much better on average (average 2.5 damage for first attach Vs average 5 damage for second attack) .

  12. 3 minutes ago, NJohansson said:

    I haven’t found StD in need of the battalions. One drop is nice but you pay points that you really need to spend on other things. Moreover if you go with either of Be’lakor or Archeon then you rarely need the second artifact. 

    As to the DP - Tzeentch one is utter rubbish but the Khorne and sometimes Nurgle can be absolutely brutal. With the Ethereal amulet and the wardsave (and a re-roll from sorcerer lord) it is also very resilient if needed (I prefer a defensive instead of an offensive build). I actually like a Khorne Daemon Prince even in my cabal builds (gives so much board control in the right circumstances and offers a great boost to the Khorne marauders). Probably not S-tier in any way but has provided me good games/wins against many of the more prolific “hard builds”. 

    No reroll from Sorcerer Lord, it can only target mortals. 

  13. Going to be playing with my Despoilers list for the first time tonight. Mainly I want to crush stuff with Soul Grinders, but should be a solid list.

    Despoilers, 2k, All marked Slaanesh were possible.

    Daemon Prince: General (Paragon of Ruin), Sword, Doombringer Blade

    Daemon Prince, Axe

    Be'lakor, Whispers of Chaos 

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore,  Mask of Darkness

    3 * 5 Horsemen with Axes

    20 Marauders with Axes

    3 * 1 Soul Grinders (1 Sword, 2 Talons)

    Prismatic Pasclade.


    Hope is that the Pascalade works well with Twisted dominon to shut down lines of site against shooting lists.

    Other synergy is Doom Blade with Soulgrinders, as it works on shooting as well as Melee. So one enemy monster/hero should be marked for a very swift death. 

    Horsemen are a bit of a stand-in until I can get more Marauders built (converting them).


  14. The command ability 'The Shadow Legion' uses the Daemonettes keyword (in bold, thus keyword not unit name), so seekers and seeker chariots are fair game.

    28 minutes ago, mkelly0693 said:

    Can I ask, how are you bringing the Seekers back? This seems incredibly fun, but when I read the command ability, it seems to me that it specifics units named Daemonette (not units with the keyword Daemonette). Maybe/hopefully I am misunderstanding because I'd love to try this list out. 


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