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Magnus The Blue

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Posts posted by Magnus The Blue

  1. Yup, as others have eluded too, just don't play his game.  Feed Skarbrand trash while you win on objectives or just shoot him to death.  Underguts with plenty of Iron-blasters and the trophy rack is almost an auto-win against this army as you just shoot Skarbrand off the board from a safe distance.  Four of them shout comfortably do it in one turn, if they don't impact hits should do the job (although your shooting from 24" so their shouldn't be much danger of a charge anyway).

    For Death,  just use an allegiance that lets you resummon units and let him murder away while you resummon and win the objective game.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Moogypies said:

    Allegiance: Sons of Behemat
    - Tribe: Breaker Tribe (Fierce Loathing: Shiny 'Uns)

    Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant (490)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Extremely Bitter - Bossy Pants and Clever Clogs
    - Artefact: Enchanted Portcullis
    Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant (490)
    Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant (490)

    3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1

    This is what i'll be running. Cant resist the urge to field 3 megas for their first outing, even if it may not be the right choice ^^' 

    Unless anyone has a list they really want to see how it plays, if you do drop it in and I can test it out instead.

    Personally I think you'll get more mileage out of +2 attacks than the extra Loathing (less situational), and 12 attacks on the flail is just gross. 

  3. Just what it says on the tin, I love the Soul Grinder models and am currently converting and painting up 3, but just can't decide what army to build around them.  I know they are never going to be top tier competitive, but it'd be great to be good enough to challenge most people in pickup games and local events.  Some ideas I've had are:

    Slaanesh- Syll'Esske Host: have a great battalion (only one for soul grinders) that gives them +1 to hit and Saves, but they don't synergise at all with the host abilities and with a shooting strong meta and realm artefacts gone the Host is very weak.

    Slaves to Darkness despoilers: has some nice synergies with the grinders, but feels like choosing a weak alligence on top or 630 points of meh units is crippling myself too much.

    Anyone had any joy running multiple soul grinder or have any ideas for a good army to put them in?


  4. 45 minutes ago, Drazhoath said:

    Hey guys 

    Yesterday I had my first and probably last game against a Tzeentch Eternal Conflagation List with 2x10 Horrors, 2x6 Flamers, 6 exalted Flamers and a lot of Heroes.

    I tried Archaon the first time and played a Keeper and tried Warriors and fast Seekers.

    Turn 3 I skipped the game. I dont want mourn but that wasnt fun. Turn one he shot my fast units and a double turn later my heroes died...

    Whats your experience with shooting Tzeentch and how did you manage this?

    Heavy shooting lists are never going to be easy and Archaon is only going to make things worse.  Also warriors are basically zero value in a matchup like this, too slow to have any impact.

    If your going to tailor a list against that sort of thing I'd got for alpha strike, so Lurid Haze with some Marauders and tonnes of seekers/ in units of 5.  The Masque is also great for these games either charging in where needed or hiding at the back to enable summoning.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Makes sense. I personally don't find the sabrecats to slow or small. a Unit of four can easily block a charge, or at least hinder it to the point of uselessness. In combination witha hunter it's also excellent for pick up games or tournament settings where you don't know what you'll face.  Can deepstrike both, or one, or just threaten to do so and as a last drop set up the cats as a screen... which is just amazing fun against my mate who I play the most. 😂

    Do you play the slaughtermaster often? I just love the goremand battalion in combination with a big units. 
    I also feel like I get more value from the charge with 3 big units than 6-8 small units. 

    Would be fun to face off against each other. It reads like it's just down to personal preference. 

    What armies do you play the most? 
    For me it's Stormcast/KO/Cities/Skaven

    If you have a hunter too I can see the value in Cats, but I find them lackluster without and need the points for the big guns.

    Because Belchers come in units of 2, it's more like 12-15 small units instead of 3 big ones (if your investing that many points) which is a nightmare to deal with and gives much more impact damage and significantly more attacks (because of champions who have 50% more attacks).  Different story with Gluttons who come in min 3 and, so not the same efficiency.  Also different if you playing with single target buffing spells but for this list the small units are great.

    Played them against all sorts of opponents  KO, Stormcast, Beast, Nurgle, Khorne, Bonereapers, Slaves, Orruks etc etc.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Interesting. How do you play them? 
    after 5+ games i switched to big units and haven’t looked back since. 
    but I do always have different units to screen. 

    I find the Ogor screens too slow/small/expensive.  Much prefer using multiple small units to protect themselves rather then dedicated screens.  Assuming you have a few hard hitting units that are using your first few combat activations and aren't competing for drops, small units are just more useful: don't have to worry about Bravery, you can split fire efficiently, 1" range isn't an issue, you maximise champions and opponents waste damage overkilling units. 

    4 minutes ago, Frowny said:

    The fire belly seems no good. Yes the spell is great. But 150 points for something that goes off on an 8 just feels too unreliable.  Maybe 2x 2 more Leadbelchers for more punch or a gnoblars screen+frost sabres to take an objective or hrogthorn to threaten backfield objectives if they come forward.

    120 points, so our cheapest hero and a caster to boot.  I found that you really need a 3rd character for missions that need them and having one unbind/dispell can make a bit difference compare to completely abandoning the magic phase.

    8+ to cast is unreliable, but lower cast rolls will tend to get easily dispelled anyway (never going to really compete in the  magic phase outside bloodgullet).  Stick near the maw pot and it's casting more than half the time and can be game winning, especially if you get it off before you get double turned.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    That seems to be what I was thinking too but I feel something is missing. Something feels off. I might mess around with mass leadbelchers with maybe a different battalion

    It's a lot better than it looks on paper. The small units are great as they mean you don't have to worry about Bravery, you can split fire efficiently, 1" range isn't an issue, you maximise champions and opponents waste damage overkilling units. So if you going with mass Leadbelchers I'd use lots of small units every time.  

    The Battalion is mainly there to reduce drops and get the artefact but I prefer that one as it means you don't have to over invest in characters (while not being screwed by character focus missions) and you aren't forced into taking gluttons, who just don't fit with the rest of the list.

  8. 22 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Anyone got any good Underguts lists they want to share? Theres something satisfying about walking with cannons, blasting, then smashing with said cannons.

    My Underguts list that is undefeated at 2k after 12+ games:

    Tyrant: General + Trophy Rack

    Firebelly + Billowing Ash

    Frostlord on Stonehorn, Metal Cruncher + Gnoblar Blast Keg.

    4 Ironguts

    2 * 4 Lead Belchers

    2 * 2 Lead Belchers

    4 * Iron Blasters

    Tyrant's Gutguard.


    As others have mentioned it's not a pure shooting army, but has enough shooting to force people towards you.  Personally I love the Iron Blasters as they are hard to kill, fast, mildly competent in combat and force people towards you. There presence also forces people to take first turn against you rather than out-dropping you they give you a not very productive first turn before potentially double turning you.

    Every unit (except the Ironguts) can do damage in Shooting, charge and combat phase separately which means you don't waste much damage output overkilling things. A massive advantage that's easy to underestimate.

    The Ironguts are usually the star players as people tend to focus on the Frost Load and Iron-blasters, so the Guts are relatively free to decimate stuff. 


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  9. 23 minutes ago, Gutlord said:

    I'm thinking of kit bashing a mega gargant to fit in with my ironjawz and I've been looking at some 40k ork stuff to use....there are some models called "tin canz" and I think you may get a nice helmet for a mega.....like an ard boy type look. I'm just checking the sprues out on gw website to get ideas at the moment mate

    Killer Kans could work as a helmet.

    • Like 1
  10. Obviously followed by wave 3, Mega'est Gargants :D

    On a slightly more serious note, I'm considering converting my Sons of B into 'Sons of Gorka-morka' mega Orruks.  The main problem being I'm not confident I have the skill to re-sculpt the heads into something more Orruky.  Can anyone think of something (GW or not) that has an Orky head that would be big enough to not look silly on a mega gargant body?

    • Like 1
  11. 16 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Mate we may actually be getting a King Brodd in a year or two!! ****** I'm beyond hyped bring on this Sunday in case of a Pre Order announcement!!

    Wave 2, Mega-mega Gargant kit with options to assemble one as King Brodd. each 30" tall :D

  12. 3 minutes ago, peasant said:

    I Hope instakill effects doesnt work properly in mega gargants something like  gotrek

    Are their enought that this is an issues?  Hand of Dust and Slayer of Kings are the only ones I can think of (that effect models with lots of wounds) and both are on 800point+ unique characters and are highly situational.

  13. Could also try MSU ruin bringer battalion.  His army feels really weak to mortal wounds, so 4-5 units of 1 chariot doing 4ish mortal wounds each on the charge will soon add up.

    The main things is to focus fire and make sure a unit is completely wiped out before moving on to the next.  He's invested hundreds of points in healing and has very few wounds if you carefully take them down.  Also make sure to force him to stretch out his lines so the Crawler isn't covering too many Mortek when you engage them.    

  14. 13 hours ago, Gutlord said:

    Bit of a noob question (and not technically ironjawz sorry), but do you get 2 big stabbas for 100pts?....as in 4 orrucks, two gorktoofs  in total?

    Cheers guys

    Yup 100 points for 2 bases worth (each set of two Orruks on a single base is treated as a single model for all rules purposes).

    • Thanks 1
  15. 17 hours ago, kozokus said:

    Going to a 5 round tournament witht he following. Wish me luck.

    Only made a couple of tests, 4 wins against classic lists, Beastclaw, Ironjaw, Kharadrons and daughters. Onelost against Tzeentch flamers.

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Icebone
    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Master of the Weird
    - Artefact: Mork's Boney Bitz
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits
    Maniak Weirdnob (140)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Breath of Gorkamorka
    Savage Big Boss (90)
    - Artefact: Kattanak Pelt
    Savage Big Boss (90)
    - Artefact: Glowin' Tattooz
    5 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (140)
    5 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (140)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    10 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (120)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    10 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (120)
    Big Rukk (80)
    Snaga Rukk (120)
    Kunnin' Rukk (140)
    Kunnin' Rukk (140)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 175

    Yes yes i know, i just spend 500 points in bataillons but believe me, this is worthy. The Onedrop thing is HUGE, beeing able to dictate the first turn is a big advantage when playing a shooting army. Plus that reroll is atrocious.


    Really cool list, I've been pondering a Big Rukk list too and think this is probably the best variant.  Two questions, why no artifact on the Wierdnob? and do you find the Balewind useful given your spells don't really struggle for range?

    Would also love to see some battle reports.

  16. 5 hours ago, Gutlord said:

    More with friends at the moment but we are quite competitive and one day I would like to take part in tournaments.

    My mates have just brought two new armies to the table (mine is ironjawz), and it looks like I'm going up against slaanesh and fyreslayers so if you could advise what list and tactics I could take to deal with those two specifically that would be great. Thanks mate

    Ohh, your going to have a hard time.  Slaanesh and Fyre slayers are both really good combat armies that you can't just smash into and expect to win.  With both you need to avoid their heavy hitters (Keepers/Hearthguard Bezerkers) until you can completely overwhelm them.

    You're not far off having what I'd consider a 'standard' competitive list, generally 15-20 Ardboy units (to be buffed and telaported turn one), 2 warchanters, 1 shaman (unless your doing bloodtooth) and 1-2 Mawcrushers.   Our battalions are so good they are almost mandatory, Ard Fist or Iron First being the best ones (unless your feeling rich and splash the cash on 15+ Gore Gruntas).  

    So with what you have, I'd say you have three options: go for a second Mawcrusher, except a life of poverty and build a Gorefist, or invest in more infantry for more of a traditional Orruk feel. 

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    • Haha 1
  17. On 8/28/2020 at 9:24 PM, swarmofseals said:

    Yeah, I think 30 blocks of Morboyz aren't very practical because of the 1" weapon range. For regular SO's with stikkas a 30 block is fine, but for Morboyz a big chunk of the unit is going to be sitting idle and you aren't even getting a massive regiment discount. Really I'm not much of a fan of Morboyz in general and especially not against SCE as you're basically never getting a monster kill. I'd much prefer maniaks.

    I really want Morboyz to be good as that would allow for a solid onedrop army as they are linked to the only multi-hero battalion.  Unfortunately they just don't fit a particular roll as well as other units.  Small units are just outperformed by Boarboys/Manics in almost every way and bigger units really suffer with 1" range and no horde discount, you'll almost always want Stabbas instead.  I sometimes play a unit of 10, maybe two, to hold backfield objectives against weaker flanking units but thats the only role I've found for them.

  18. 6 hours ago, MKsmash said:

    Gonna have to disagree here. Destruction is one of the weakest competitively. They have great magic in Big Waaaaagh, but Bonesplitterz are frankly not great and IJ are too slow for the allegiance (you need to rely on outside means for Mighty destroyers). Ogor shooting is very unreliable, and all the shooting units are better in melee anyway. Stonehorns, some of the best units in Destruction, took a hard nerf with the GHB, as there is no more Ethereal Amulet, gryph-feather, thermalrider, etc.

    All of the Orruk Warclan factors can do well competitively (just look at the results from major events), Bonesplitters are probably the weakest but still have some great builds.

    Ogor shooting isn't the best of all armies, but the fact they are all good at combat too means you can field a 90%+ shooting list and not worried about loosing out on combat power.  My Underguts have lost once in 20 games, including going 5-1 at Throne of Skulls (no hyper competative, but still).

    Stonehorns suffer a bit from the realm rules changes (only ever really fielded one realm artefact) but so did every monster reliance list, Slaanesh for example got a tripple nerf this year (points, FAQ changes and realm artifacts).

    2 of our 3 books have multiple viable competitive builds.  

    Death, by comparison have Bonereapers (massively nerfed) and flesheaters monster mash (also nerfed by realm changes) .  Obviously Chaos and Order have more competitive options but they also have WAY more army books 

    • Like 1
  19. Especially compared to Death, I think we are generally in a really good place. Lots of options (despite only a few books), some great competitive lists and some super models.    The big issue is lack of (recent lore), but hopefully the Sons battletomb (and maybe some well times Black Library Action will help).  

    We have great list for Magic (Great Waaagh), Shooting (Ogors), Monster Mash (lots) and combat. With the last round of GHB updates I think Ogors and Orruks can definitely compete on the top tables.

    • Like 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, Mebig said:

    Hi All,

    Remember these are each 25% of your army.

    In my opinion, they will have to be significantly better than that to see any play.

    I would expect them to be able to kill a 30 wound unit with a 4+ save and no after save on an average roll. (and assuming top profile) and they will also need to be able to survive a round or two in combat. I would put them in them in the ballpark of 30 wounds with a or 5+ save or 25 wounds with a 4+ save. Hopefully they'll also have a mechanic with a built in -1 to wound them so they might live through 1 round of fighting.

    This is pure speculation but, GW will need rules to make sure everyone wants to buy the kit. Especially, since everyone can use one.

    I definitely hope they will have an after save or - to wound to up the survivability just trying to temper my expectations.  

    Attacks wise I was definately a bit miserly, but I do think it'll be more attacks rather than more rend.  But that's pure guess work.

    I just hope they have decent alligence abilities, so their is some motivation to have a pure force.  Not some Gloomspite Gitz "+1 to hit if it's a Thursday afternoon and your opponent has a ponytail' nonsense.

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