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Posts posted by Warbossironteef

  1. @PlasticCraic What's your guess/feelings about Kragnos? Do you think he will be a good Anvil for Mawtribes? I miss my Ethereal Stonehorn. I'm guessing he'll be more expensive than a FLOSH but he's spell defense seems great. It could be a nice fit. I really hope he offers some more synergy with Destro armies than +1 Bravery.... 

  2. 17 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I really like that @Warbossironteef

    I don't know if it's an improvement or a sidestep, but I'd personally take 20 Gnoblars and a triumph bid over the unit of 6 Frost Sabres.  I really value chaff screens highly, and it give you a triumph bid.  You still fulfil a minimum Skal.  I'd value protecting your key units over fighting with the 6 cats personally.

    It's definitely worth trying out. I have 40 of the little ****** and they seem prime candidates for some Contrast paint. :) 

    • Like 1
  3. I face a lot of shooting and magic. I dont play the Eurlbad builds and I think I've built a pretty competitive list with some counterplay. It's not perfect because we don't have too many tools to interact but it has some defensive tools.

    • -1 to hit from shooting in early game
    • Against melee armies you can thrust 8 Ironguts and Thundertusk in middle of board and always strike first
    • 1 Auto-unbind from Thundertusk
    • Ambush for late game objectives or early game disruption 
    • Not many buffs or crazy synergies, but Ironguts are our best units based on warscroll

    It's not a ton of tools, but it still has 3 big hammers and some ability to fight back against things happening outside of combat phase. Do you all see any opportunities to improve this list? 

    Mawtribe: Winterbite
    Frostlord on Stonehorn (400)
    - Artefact: Frostfang
    - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn
    Huskard on Thundertusk (300)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Artefact: Skullshards of Dragaar
    - Prayer: Pulverising Hailstorm
    - Mount Trait: Alvagr Ancient
    Icebrow Hunter (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Wintertouched
    8 x Ironguts (440)
    8 x Ironguts (440)
    6 x Frost Sabres (120)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    Skal (100)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000

    • Like 2
  4. Noob question, how does Archaon get to use the Reapers of Vengeance Command Ability? Doesn't it requires another daemon to be within 8 inches of him and he cant take because he's a named character? 

    Does someone mind explaining how it works?

  5. I know most people are aware of this but just as fun PSA 4x Big Stabbas with Big Waagh buffs deal 18-21 wounds on average to a +3 save monster.  They are matchup dependent but even 4 make a great travel companion for 30xOrruks, especially if you see monsters in your meta. 

    Have a great day and keeping WAAAGGGHHHINNNNG. 

    • Like 3
  6. 13 hours ago, Keilerei said:

    Mixed Warclans lists, are they any good?

    Recently you see a lot of pure IJ Big Waagh lists, after the book has been out for maybe a year. With it’s release people tried out more Mixing IJ and BS, or putting in a Rogue Idol. But buffed up Ardboys seem to be the go to.

    I now am experimenting with Arrowboys a lot. Although not amazing, I can now take part in every phase, while also use their fairly cheap bodies to farm up Waagh Points.


    any thoughts on maybe using them in a kunnin rukk, or should unjust stick to our guns and spam ardboys?



    Arrowboyz are legit inside BW in Kunnin Rukk. The issue is you need to bring support heroes and pay for the Big Boss. I also personally think GoreGruntas are just as good as Ardboyz in BW. I think something like the below is pretty solid. 204 Wound count, you have a great middle of the board presence with 120 wounds from Orruks. 1 unit of Goregruntas can flank and one can counter punch whatever hits your orruks. 

    You have 2x Arrowboy units so you can be super aggro with one, for example using the extra move from Kunnin Rukk turn 1, bait opponents into comiting to it and then transfer all your buffs to the other unit. Be careful though, your support heroes are weak and you need the buffs for the arrowboyz to be worth it. That said you can easily get your Wurrgog to like 3+ casting and higher making your buffs easier to get off. You can take Extra Command point or BWV. I like extra command point to burn on Big Waagh Points.

    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    Savage Big Boss (90)
    Wardokk (80)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    10 x Savage Orruks (120)

    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
    6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
    Kunnin' Rukk (140)
    Extra Command Point
    TOTAL: 1990/2000

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/8/2021 at 8:09 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    Oh you should definitely run them all!  Those with however many Clan Rats you can fit would be pretty awesome.  And they wouldn't suffer battleshock, or almost never.   Dreaded Warpgale along with the Warp Lightning Vortex is super good, and the big dudes would give you some punch vs enemy heroes besides magic.  But the chance of summoning a Verminlord is too fun not to try sometimes :D

    Wow, those are NICE!  And apparently a free file?  I would recommend using Shapeways if you don't have a local source for 3D printing.  Sometimes local libraries have printers but they're usually the PLA filament types, better for big things like terrain sized pieces.  I just ordered some Plague Monks for Acoylte conversions.....have some spare heads from the Plague Catapult (gasmask heads), then I'll use bits from IG vehicles or something for the back packs (hard to find Arkanaut backpacks as separate cheapo bits).

    Do you have any suggestions for a first buyer/user of a 3d printing website? I have no idea what type of material/plastic I should purchase. 

  8. On 12/28/2020 at 4:21 PM, Rors said:

    That's a nice combo! -1 to hit while you move up and you can afford to position aggressively as anything charging would get itself deleted before doing anything.

    Does the higher amount of drops in that list cause issues? With such a large invest in every unit for ogors I can see why double turns are extra impactful for the army.

    For sure being a 2 or 3 drop would be better. You can go all in on Ironguts in Tyrantgut guard and keep it to a 2-3 drop with FLOSH and a unit of Gnoblars. It might be a better version of this list but I'm testing out a more TAC version with some extra movement from Skaal and the Thundertusk + Ironguts combo.

    The Alvagar Ancient Thundertusk helps against alpha strikes from melee armies that outdrop you and the -1 from shooting helps against getting doubled by shooting armies.


  9. The most common competitive build is Eurlbard  low Drop armies with Stonehorns. Being very low drops means you can set yourself up for the double turn and Ogors/Stonehorns on the double turn  are pretty good. Eurlbard armies also have the benefit of being easy to purchase because it uses everything from the Start Collecting Box.

    I face a lot of shooting armies and I've really been enjoying Winterbite. Ironguts fit nicely into this army  because they dont need a lot of buffs and are self sufficient (probably still 10-20 points overcosted though). I've been testing this army a lot and been winning pretty much all my games. I just need to wait until tournaments start again in my area to really test it.

    It is balanced and has a nice little anti-melee combo in the Thundertusk and 8xironguts. A Thundertusk with Alvagr Ancient can be bubble wrapped with Ironguts and then if anything charges the Ironguts they would fight last thanks to the Thundertusk's artefact. It's been a nice central board piece for against Melee focused opponents.


    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: Winterbite
    Frostlord on Stonehorn (400)
    - Artefact: Alvagr Rune-tokens
    - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn
    Huskard on Thundertusk (300)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Artefact: Frostfang
    - Prayer: Pulverising Hailstorm
    - Mount Trait: Alvagr Ancient
    Icebrow Hunter (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Wintertouched
    8 x Ironguts (440)
    8 x Ironguts (440)
    6 x Frost Sabres (120)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    Skal (100)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000

    • Thanks 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, Belmail said:

    I like the 2nd prophet for the extra cast/deny over the weirdnob and the 4+ to generate cps plus he does generate a wagggh point. Half my gameplan is being pretty hard to remove from objectives so the extra cps over time really help my playstyle. That and I dont feel very lucky, I never feel like exploding 6s does much for me.


    As for the 20 spears I honestly had them bunched together because I am really lazy but you're probably right splitting them into 2x10.

    Oh I didnt even notice it was Big Waagh. I love BW but have you tried this list as pure BS? The extra movement from Tireless Trackers is really huge for getting onto objectives and it's a huge bonus for Kunnin Rukk lists because it helps you get your Arrowboys into range/redeploy. 

  11. On 12/22/2020 at 3:31 PM, Belmail said:

    This is my current competitive list, it has been going 2-1 at 3 round tournaments I've been going to. Most people just don't seem to know what to do against bonesplitterz in general so it just seems to give me an edge overall. Hardest challenge so far has been dealing with tzeentch lists.

    Allegiance: Big Waaagh!

    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Master of the Weird
    - Artefact: Mork's Boney Bitz
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry
    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - Artefact: Big Wurrgog Mask
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Bone Krusha
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Breath of Gorkamorka
    Savage Big Boss (90)

    30 x Savage Orruks (300)
    - Stikkas
    20 x Savage Orruks (240)
    - Stikkas
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    5 x Savage Boarboys (130)
    - Stikkas

    Kunnin' Rukk (140)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 230

    Nice list with lost of wounds. With that many arrowboys I cant help but think the Maniak Weirdnob would be better than the 2nd Prophet. I'd also consider splitting up the 20xSavage Orruks into 2x10 man. They still fit in the battalion but allow you to use them for objective siting, backfield screening, sitting in gnowholes, etc. Your buffs are going to be going on the 30 man unit and arrowboyz so I would think 2x10 man units to spread across the board would be much better for you. Just my thoughts.

  12. You guys have inspired me to pull out my Bonesplitterz and give them a go. Like many of you the decision between Icebone and Drakkfoot is a tough one. My local meta doesn't have a lot of DoK and I think this type of list can handle most Mawtribes list so I'm going to try Icebone for awhile.  I really like the idea of a 1 drop but I guess I dont have the guts to spend 400+ points on Battalions. I'm going to see how this 4 drop list plays out. The Big Stabbas are very matchup dependent but in my mind this type of list really benefits from having one big threat against monsters and high armor units. 6 Stabbas against melee armies are great and threaten to one shot most monsters. It's another type of threat and they are also seem good at punishing melee armies who try to over extend to kill your arrowboys.

    Thanks for sharing your list and experiences because it really got me excited to play BS again. I think this is a pretty balanced list! 

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Icebone
    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Master of the Weird
    - Artefact: Mork's Boney Bitz
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits
    Maniak Weirdnob (140)
    - Artefact: Mystic Waaagh! Paint
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Breath of Gorkamorka
    Savage Big Boss (90)
    - Artefact: Kattanak Pelt
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    5 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (140)
    5 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (140)
    6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)
    Kunnin' Rukk (140)
    Snaga Rukk (120)
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    TOTAL: 1990/2000 WOUNDS: 193

    • Like 1
  13. I really think Boarboy Maniaks in Big Waaaghh might be a sleeper unit. They are weak to shooting, but with one spell can fly and move 24 inches. If you wait to get both big waggh bonuses and get a charge off below is their average dmg output (without any other buffs or spells):

    10x Maniaks (280) on Charge - 42 wounds generated

    15x Maniaks (420) on charge - 62 wounds generated 

    You could easily screen with 30 savages and fly them over or first turn suicide them in to break your opponents line. Goregruntas are great, especially in Ironfist, but you could take both. It leverages the strengths of both armies, one being able to get Warchanter buff and Mighty Destroyers, the other getting the Bonesplitter buffs.

    • Like 1
  14. I think I've come up with something pretty creative. It may not be ultra-competitive against shooting armies but I think it would be strong against most melee matchups. Mawtribes dont have the most tricks, especially when compared to other armies, but this army tries to use most of them.

    It controls the center of the board with netters/fanatic's. The Thundertusk pairs up with Leadbelchers. If you position correctly, essentially base to base with all the Leadbelchers, if they get charged they will always fight first thanks to Alvagr Ancient.

    Sabers and Blast Keg Hunter are a decent threat to backfield objective holders and Frostlord is built to tank and go in for that 1 super important fight of the game to take off key piece of opponent. It gives you some tools you dont normally get in our typical, ultra offensive lists. What do you guys think?

    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: Underguts
    Frostlord on Stonehorn (400)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Mass of Scars
    - Artefact: Alvagr Rune-tokens
    - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn
    Huskard on Thundertusk (300)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Prayer: Pulverising Hailstorm
    - Mount Trait: Alvagr Ancient
    Icebrow Hunter (120)
    - Artefact: Gnoblar Blast Keg
    40 x Stabbas (260) (spears and nets)
    5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)
    12 x Leadbelchers (480)
    6 x Frost Sabres (120)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    Skal (100)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000

  15. Yeah the battalion is super good, but like you, I think for 320 the Griffon isnt worth it. Being a 3-4 drop is definitely a big bonus though. I have 60 pistoliers/outriders to paint so Im going to test out some lists, albeit against myself due to the pandemic lol.

    In my head the Ironclad is going to be the focal point of the army and the Endrinriggers are great at keeping it alive and healthy enough to  Fly High. They might not be worth it in the end and maybe 10x more horses, 3xgyro copters would be better.

  16. Am I crazy or would something like the below be super fun and pretty powerful? It lacks large units for holding objectives but it has some pretty powerful parts to it. The Ironclad is the central piece. You can give it -1 to hit from the Battlemage and be super aggro with it first turn. The Prime also pairs well with it. Those two can go anywhere on the board and take out most things. Endrinriggers do some decent shooting and keep your Ironclad healthy.  

    Min units of Pisotliers & Outriders for screening. They are battleshock immune as long as the Hurricanum is alive and close. Other weaknesses are lack of wounds and if the Hurricanum goes down, they small units of horses are easy to take out. Maybe you have to forgo the utility of the Endringriggers so you can beef up your model count with 10 more horses. 


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Tempest's Eye
    Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Hawk-eyed
    - Artefact : Patrician's Helm
    - Lore of Eagles : Aura of Glory
    Battlemage (110)
    - Mortal Realm : Hysh
    Celestant-Prime (300)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    5 x Freeguild Outriders (100)
    5 x Freeguild Outriders (100)
    6 x Endrinriggers (200)
    - 2 x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 2 x Drill Launcher
    Arkanaut Ironclad (480)
    - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon
    Prismatic Palisade (30)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000 WOUNDS: 114

  17. Putting aside who's "right", I think all your math and discussion is useful so thank you. It's less of a mathhammer question in my head vs  how do I see my army playing and what role do the Endrinriggers fill.

    Pros (mathhammer doesn't show) over Pistoliers: 

    • They fly. Even though pistoliers are fast, they still dont have the same mobility flying gives you.
    • Ability to snipe characters. In range of buffs, 24 inch (36 inch threat range)2 attacks at +3 +2 -2 rend flat 3 dmg. Potential to spike 6 dmg or finish off small heroes chipped by Battlemage. 
    • Slightly tougher  4+ armor save 
    • Higher bravery (not to be overlooked)
    • High rend - some long range and some melee - are they the best long range shooters or OP melee powerhouse? No, but my list has very little high rend. If you keep them in range of buffs and can get the spell off they can definitely pack a punch for their points. When you get the TE spell off, 9 attacks at +3 +2 -2 rend d3 dmg isnt bad. High quality attacks also scale well with rerolls to 1 and this army usually generates decent CP.
    • Very situational, but ability to prevent retreats
    • Griffon and Endrinriggers can team-up to fight monsters and heroes. (again only high rend in my army)

    In general they can do some things that Pistoliers can't. Pistoliers are awesome, it's why I'm bringing 50 of them, but they are kind of one dimensional and lack high rend.

    I'm hopefully going to get 2 Gunhaulers one day and I think for me the decision will be between the below options:

    10x more Pisotliers vs 6x Endrinriggers vs 2xGunhaulers. It seems like a tough decision and im not sure what's right. 

    • Like 1
  18. Have people discussed the value of 6x Endrinriggers in Tempset Eye? I think they are a strong fit in a Aetherguard Windrunners army.  They would be your Countercharge unit and sit behind your Hurricanum and Griffon. Most games you'll be focused on the middle of the board, trying to keep your units in range of buffs. With fly, their high rend and ability to double their extremely reliable melee attacks I think they are a perfect fit. They also have a few decent long range options. The do make your list a 3 drop.

    What are your thoughts on Endrinriggers?


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Tempest's Eye
    Freeguild General on Griffon (320)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Hawk-eyed
    - Greathammer & Shield 
    - Artefact : Patrician's Helm
    Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)
    - Artefact : Seerstone Amulet
    - Lore of Eagles : Aura of Glory
    15 x Freeguild Pistoliers (300)
    15 x Freeguild Pistoliers (300)
    10 x Freeguild Pistoliers (200)
    5 x Freeguild Outriders  (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    6x Endrinriggers, 1xSkyhook, 1x Grapple - 200
    Aetherguard Windrunners (120)

    Chronomatic Cogs -80
    TOTAL: 2000/2000

  19. He does have a shield. Opps! Good idea about Outriders

     Maybe ill switch to 2x5 man Outriders. I think they also randomly have 1 higher bravery too. Any tactics or tips for using this many pistoilers? 

    2drop means youll get to decide based on matchup whether you go first or second. I imagine ill be going 2nd a lot to try and go for double turn.

  20. What do you all think about this list with the new point changes? I may have ordered 50 Pistoliers models :). I honestly think it's hot fire. It's a 2 drop.  It's got some weaknesses but it seems powerful and super fun to play. I think it has legs. It would be a tough list to navigate perfectly but with some practice I think it could be a good list. 


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Tempest's Eye
    Freeguild General on Griffon (320)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Hawk-eyed
    - Greathammer & Shield 
    - Artefact : Patrician's Helm
    Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)
    - Artefact : Seerstone Amulet
    - Lore of Eagles : Aura of Glory
    15 x Freeguild Pistoliers (300)
    10 x Freeguild Pistoliers (200)
    10 x Freeguild Pistoliers (200)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130)
    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (130)
    Aetherguard Windrunners (120)
    TOTAL: 1980/2000 WOUNDS: 144

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