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Posts posted by Scurvydog

  1. Bonereapers also got more back into the game, they can now receive and issue the same command multiple times. They can still only issue and receive 1 but at least you can now unstopppable advance multiple units and also shieldwall multiple mortek guard units if you wish, but no stacking with +attacks from the liege still or anything else. Might not "fix" them, but helps a bit. Arkhans multiple mystic shield shenanigans is gone though.

    • Like 3
  2. Archaon got nerfed to the GROUND:


    Page 88 – Archaon, The Eye of Sheerian Change the rule to: ‘Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that Archaon will use the Eye of Sheerian. If you do so, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit until your next hero phase.’

    This was reroll 6s to hit against him before... Lumineth sentinels rejoice...

    • Like 2
  3. 54 minutes ago, NinthMusketeer said:

     I do think the change of 5 models to 6 would be perfect, because it is really the 6-man units that are suffering.

    This right here would be a good house rule I think most could get behind, the big base troops are really not in the best spot right now, especially those with 1" reach like Crypt Horrors, Bullgors, Ogor gluttons, Stalkers etc. "Monstrous infantry" is stuck in a weird place right now, especially the 4 wound kind, they do not count for more models before they are at 5+ wounds, they also suffer a LOT from the coherency rules, so it is usually better to go for the rank and file infantry or monsters now.

    Cavalry also falls into this category somewhat, it is just awkward to play with in many cases and wastes a lot of time doing weird squeezes with the miniatures. This coherency rule seems more geared to the 40k engagement system rather than the reach system of AoS.

    Another reason I like this is because it gives something, it provides options without breaking anything and encourages exploring some new lists by positive reinforcement, rather than preventing or blocking what people might already have and enjoy.

  4. 3 minutes ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    Can you provide some specific examples of lists that are, as you said, sniping a Maw Crusha turn 1? And can you elaborate on why you feel these lists are commonplace at the casual level?

    They are not common place at a casual level, which is why I state I can see why someone playing in that category can have trouble with some heroic monsters. Playing at competitive events though I can say the non unique monsters is for sure not the meta breakers and reducing the options available to monsters and heroes does nothing to the strongest lists out there.

    There is a reason DoK snakes are super popular right now, their average output with an all out attack:


    Now this is with 8" move and 24" range, so a massive threat range. They can also thanks to Morathi shoot in the hero phase and also shoot when charged with unleash hell, which of course is a bit lower damage due to -1 to hit, but does nothing to the MW output. Most lists got 2 units of these as well in the competitive meta, ensuring your big 500 point monster or 700 point kragnos is dead turn 1.

    Another popular choice for competitive lumineth lists are Sentinels:


    So we can see all damage here is basically mortal wounds, and a spell portal can all but guarantee a lambent light cast to reroll those hit rolls, resulting in 36" threat range to basically guarantee an instant kill of a Maw Krusha for 500 pts or Zombie dragon or similar heroic monster. If they somehow survive that volley they still need to close the distance and then also potentially survive an unleash hell if any sacrifical units are not available to eat that. 

    Finally we have a popular choice, in my last tournament 3/5 in the top 5 had Gotrek, and for good reason:


    Again I am not saying Amulet of Destiny is not good, it is exactly that because this right here, that are the types of lists and output you need to deal with to play at competitive events. The MW output is also extreme so saves hardly matter. Mid tier play talks about save stacking, while the top tables do not care at all about anyones armor saves, wards is almost all that matters.

  5. 14 minutes ago, woolf said:

    I would agree with this one, good call imo. I was also thinking that maybe a good house rule would be that Heroic Recovery cannot heal you to above 5w, e.g. a 10w hero can only use it if they are below 5 and if they are e.g. at 4 it can only take them up to 5

    Do you want 2 gunlines shooting at each other? This is how :) 

    Nerfing all these options that keep the hero monsters in the game more than 1 turn against the shooting meta, that would require removing unleash hell as well.

    The most oppressive things right now are mortal wound spam at range, extreme mobility and Gotrek. None of these suggestions does anything in the competitive meta, it just makes hero monster less great, which I can see can look like a problem at "bring your dudes" club games. All this does is remove tools GW put into the game to help the hero and monster models that just got insta sniped.

    • Like 1
  6. Well this sure seems like the dream houserules for any KO/Lumineth/Tzeentch/DoK player that is for sure.

    Perhaps this works ok for club games, more casual lists where some units can be oppressive with the Amulet, however in competitive play that amulet is all that enables a 500 point mawkrusha to possibly survive 1 shooting phase from the above armies.

    Ranged damage and especially unpreventable mortal wounds at range has become one of the largest problems. The amulet was already a little bandaid to this much larger problem with the game. The most powerful unique monster heroes have built in MW prevention for a reason. Just see what happens to those without, like Kragnos that simply falls over with his 700 points against some snake ladies with bows or 360 noscope aelves with boardwide threat range.

    I can understand some dislike the early double turn, but in my experience this is mostly again club level games, where people like to push cool toy soldiers closer to each other. The new command point rules can make this decision actually matter now, and if the players actually plan and play for this mechanic, it can create some really interesting scenarios and forces some tactical decision making and complexity that is lost without it.

    I do think some house rules can be cool though, but more in line with an event theme perhaps than just "patching" the game, especially if the intention of the event is clear (competitive or narrative event?). 

    For example I will be joining a narrative event soon with MANY house rules, it also has a scratch built meta game with a live world map, with players moving and attacking on the map, which can even create 1vX situations. Lists will be around 1500 pts only, no named/unique heroes allowed. No artifacts allowed. Most armies are 0-1 behemoths, although sub factions with monster focus (Avengorii, thunder lizards etc) got 0-2. Saves can never be better than 3+ (modifier can still negate rend as usual). 

    That is a whole bunch, but it fits the event, as games need to be more speedy, so less points, less tankyness potential etc. I would absolutely hate these rules in a competitive environment though, imagine any professional sport where the rules got changed in a major way from one league or championship to another, like the number of players on the field, the shape or weight of the balls or the size of the field. Teams train and plan for the core ruleset, same with competitive warhammer players.

    A group of friends can agree anything they want, but imagine how much it sucks to be excited by some rules for your army, but your 5 mates decides that rule is too cool, so you can't use it. Once you open the houserule box like this, you can instantly also create fear in your players because somebody in charge of the event/club, might not like your toys.

    GSG and BoC can get a 10% discount though on the house, that is more fun than limiting anyone else. Slaanesh won't get anything, they would hate being denied the agony.


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  7. 10 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    Makes a lot of sense. The books are printed in China, right? 

    Delays are the rule with COVID and shipping.

    Just for AoS though, 40K seems to ship just fine. I don't buy it. "The global situation" has just become a catch all excuse for any company these days whenever they mismanage something or have delays. It has become the "my dog ate my homework" of corporations these days. 

    The "global situation" is not worse than it was a year ago, at this point delays should be planned for and managed.

    I don't think this is related to shipping at all, just GW "gaslighting" the customers at this point, to divert attention from internal issues, which are most likely related to their app. As we know anything related to apps and GW is a match made in the deepest pits of Shyish ;)


    40K: Here is a roadmap for what will be released for the rest of the year (ok not great, but it is there at least). Please also have a new boxed game and updated app.

    AoS: ummm Global situations! Who knows, anything could happen (it is going to be delays). Did somebody say app? Call the commisar! (They are in AoS too right?)

    • Like 9
  8. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    WHAT? This is truly the edition for the Sons of Behemat, isn't it? o.O

    1. The strongest SoB lists does not see much play for the 3 man mancrusher units anyway.

    2. It is still not possible to use the same ability more than once and you will often have monsters engaged elsewhere, so this clarification only really affects those very unique scenarios where you only have a 2/3 man unit of mancrushers engaged, while nothing else is engaged. Expect this to have minimal impact, although it does help the least used tribe "Stomper" a little bit. 

    SoB are not happy about Nagash with Vile Transference now (rolling 35 dice and 6s are MW and also heals a wound to caster). The new orruk boltthrower also easily averaging 12 dmg against them, will bring more hard counters into play.

  9. 27 minutes ago, C0deb1ue said:

    I thought that most of the good Orruk lists in AoS 2.0 were just Ironjawz anyway? would b excellent if big waaagh turned out to be good.

    Ironjawz was a decent mid tier army, falling short of greatness due to some of the more oppressive mechanics of the top tier armies that could simply deny them from doing what they needed to do, either by magic or efficient screening, while picking off warchanters and the relatively squishy battlelines. 

    I think Bonesplitterz had some good elements, but they suffered from some of the same issues as armies like FeC, where they rely a lot on their magic, while not having enough bonusses to get anything done against a Teclis/Kroak/Nagash list. If they keep the Drakfoot bonus of ignoring wards in the new book, they could really be worth a second look (Think Arrer boys with 3 shots each and ignoring wards vs Gotrek).

    Ironjawz have so far had no reason to look at the Idol or Gargants instead of Mawkrushas and I think that might continue despite all the new Kruleboyz monsters, however I could see Ironjawz getting some benefit from Boltboyz or possibly the ballista to have some ranged pressure. I hope Big Waagh allegiance comes with some synergies we have not yet seen as well, to better bring the different types of orruks together, however so far all their spells and abilities previewed has been very keyword locked.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    A rising amount of -2 rend could give you a sense of what’s to come for all new tomes in 3.0.

    Imo it‘d be crucial to diversify rend. 2.0 did not do enough with it.

    Although my guess would be, that the SCE would in deed be on the more elite side of things, with better access to -2 rend & 2 dmg.

    Save stacking only devalues armor saves and enforces that everything is now about mortal wounds and ward saves. This is bad news for Stormcast, as units like annihilators pay a lot of points for that high save, yet has no use for it in many cases, with the most powerful units right now packign a lot of MW output, even at range.

    The extreme amount of units with access to MW output has really thrown the armor save balance out of the window. Now also Kruleboyz entering the fray with MW output on 6s to hit. There is no counterplay to that and just melts expensive elite high save units. 

    They should really have held back with all those MWs and kept them to abilities and spells and used dmg and rend for effects, such as lumineth getting 1 more rend and damage on 6s possibly, instead of just mortal wounds with no counterplay to it.

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  11. 13 hours ago, mystycalchemy said:

    Nope. Annihilator died, rolled 3 dice and did mortal wounds on a 5+.

    Nice to see on the new paid service they can't even get the most basic rules correct for their own game and for a starter box army... Really sets the expectation level moving forward I guess. Guess we are in the "moving pretty miniatures forward" level of tactics with rules knowhow being very optional.

    Guess it will still be a long time before we get our hands on the rules if the AoS app needs to work first...

    • Thanks 2
  12. My original plan was to subscribe, not because I think it is the BEST deal ever though, as most of the content can be found for free from many great creators, such as battle reports and painting guides. I thought that as I both like AoS and 40k, getting full access to both apps for 50 GBP for a year and that Ironjaw megaboss was sort of OK by itself, with some animations and whatever being fine to get. The old novels and WD's I do not care about at all.

    Multiple aspects has just soured me to the whole thing, and I am much more on the fence right now, trying to make up my mind. As I have impatiently been waiting for the new stormcast book and models, this app fiasco and delays has ruined my plans for an upcoming event, where I am now locked into a faction with no models to buy as planned... In addition they have not even shown as much as a screenshot of the AoS app, which has me very worried, as that app and the access it should provide, is the main selling point for me to be a sub. 

    The Bale Eye animation really did that aspect of the service no favors, as it really just seemed like an ultra cheap effort with very little depth. That this brings some excitement just goes to show how great an IP GW is sitting on and how tragically little awesome things they do with it.

    In conclusion everything about this just screams "mismanaged", "cheap" and "incomplete" to me. They do not even launch with more animations than the length of a regular animated movie. Imagine that a subscription service launching and they hardly have what amounts to a single movie in length. Seeing them shut down stuff like the brilliant Astartes fan movies, to charge for a cheap animation, running at 5 FPS and at barely saturday morning cartoon quality, has left me even more cold to this.

    All in all a very disappointing start, and if any less content was present it would not even be a product at all. Once I see the AoS app and features and if they ramp up some more and better animations, I will strongly consider committing to a year, although who knows if I even keep my Ironjawz army for so long for the model to be of use (Waiting a YEAR to receive that model is madness and should have been ready to ship for anyone making the 1 year sub commitment day 1).

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  13. 3 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    I'm thinking GW could plausibly do both, an SC box for each faction and an expensive plastic kit for the heroes. Based on the sprues:

    Nighthaunt SC box: Lord Executioner, 4 Grimghast Reapers, 5 Glaivewraiths, 10 Chainraps (20 would be nice but who knows)

    Heroes of the Nighthaunt: Knight of Shrouds on steed, Guardian of Souls, Sprit Torment

    Sacrosanct Chamber SC box: Knight Incantor, 2 Evocators, 5 Castigators, 8 Sequitors, Ballista

    Heroes of the Sacrosanct Chamber: Lord-Arcanum on steed, random Incantor (maybe this one is a bit small...)

    That would be horrible boxes... The soul wars box was already a nightmare for matched play of absolute nonsense. 5 glaivewraiths... come in units of 4. 4 grimghasts... come in units of 10. Sequitors are in 5s, same for Evocators, it never adds up and lacks special weapons and unit champions and I could go on.

    I think they should do proper boxes, these reboxing of snap fit models really hurt some factions already. Thinking about Stormcast that is just littered with the same posed liberators because that is what everyone got, however the "real" multipart liberators actually look quite a bit better I think, in addition to the horrible shoulder pads on from the box set models, that needs liquid green stuff at times to not look bad. 

    I think it is a bad way to get people into the game, when they realize they got the worst quality models, with the least dynamic sculpts and unpleasant gaps (a beginner most likely do not have all the handy hobby tools), while also finding out none of the unit sizes fits the actual matched play game. Nah GW should put in some effort and make cool boxes and not cheap out by using the multipart kits.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    Could be.
    I even find the skeleton box lacking with all the new gravelords models that were released. Imo start collecting boxes should get someone excited for starting a new army. Not getting a discount for older models. I really hope we are getting a good one for destruction.

    A Mancrusher and 1/3 of a mega gargant!

    Not like destruction need more, there is just not many destruction armies. The start collect Ironjawz is great value, but would be cooler with brutes instead of ardboyz. Gitz box has no focus, but a lot of cool looking things! The Ogor box is of legendary value with a Stonehorn + 4 mournfangs.

    It is not all that common for GW to make multiple start collecting kits. I do think the combat patrol 40k uses is a bit better though and allows for more interesting boxes.

  15. 2 hours ago, mystycalchemy said:


    Decided to take a crack at coming up with rules for the new units. Left out Krondys and Karazai, as I just couldn't think of much for them besides "big wizard and big beatstick"


    These aren't meant to all be good, just interesting. I don't play tournaments so these are all probably either terrible or gamebreaking. But isn't that the fun part? :P

    Some wishful thinking in some areas I'm afraid ;) 

    Chariots needs to be bad in AoS, so no way there will be a baseline rend 2. Maybe, just maybe the spear will get a rend 2 dmg 2 with 2-3 attacks on the charge, the Axe will at best be rend 1 with a standard liberator-ish profile.

    The Drake riders will most likely have less attacks. Swords rend 1, lances rend 0 but rend 2 on the charge, also 1 less attack for each and reach 1-2 on lances. There should be some actual attacks from the drake too, something similar to the dracoths we have seen most likely. I would expect more expensive flying dracoths almost, however I think they will only have 3+ saves.

    You can probably safely expect to remove a rend in many places, the new bow dudes will for sure not have rend 2 on their bows, nor will the vanquishers with great swords, I think those guys might be 2 attacks with 3+/3+ rend 1 and dmg 2 and 4+ saves. A bit cheaper than vindictors, worse survivability but perhaps a slight edge in damage, at least for smaller 5 man units where reach is not needed (the greatswords will be reach 1" of course). 

    At least GW gives us plenty of time to speculate.

  16. 46 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    I have a strong feeling (based on nothing concrete) that BoC are going to be merged into Slaves, and will probably be able to take a mark.

    I don't hope so, although it could be another soup tome of course, I just don't think these really fit all that well together. Both lore and rules wise these armies operate vastly different, so I think both armies would be lesser for it. I do still like the coalition rules, if Dragon ogors or Bullgors etc actually became any good, it could be cool to have some god aligned ones in a StD army. maybe I would even convert some Bullgors to Chaos Ogors.

    • Like 4
  17. 47 minutes ago, Lengthster said:

    Yeah that's how I've been playing it, just feels weird. I like that arcane bolt is now a lot better for combat wizards, but it's funny how a Stormcast wizard that specialises in shooting arcane bolts doesn't get any bonuses for being in combat range.

    They did not care with that FAQ, the book should have been out long ago, but they keep mucking up the app and then holds the books back. But the prime electrids is the least of the problems.

    At this point I wouldnt expect the book to land before October, seems they are having big issues with the app+battletome codes. 40k stuff works fine to release though :/

  18. 16 minutes ago, SlyRebirth said:

    The Old Bale-Eye animation was interesting. Given that I'm on book 46 on HH, I have to say I think it would be awesome if they did a complete HH series in the old Batman cartoon style, or something like that.

    It was somewhat entertaining, but I don't really think it played to the strengths of 40k at all, it was very much a saturday morning cartoon vibe and the animation seemed somewhat cheap.

    It does seem this is sort of like a Love, Death, Robots, so there might be some lukewarm stuff and some great stuff too. Probably not much to go around for the AoS crowd though.

    • Like 5
  19. 31 minutes ago, Bompah said:

    For 27.4 to bite the general needs to have the sub-faction keyword. To the best of my understanding tribes do not add a keyword to a sons general or units.

    The thing is the Lord and Master rule says that the type of general defines the sub faction, Kraken Eater keyword on the general is then what defines you are a "taker tribe". This is also how the TO ruled this at my last tournament, so I guess you can check with your opponent/TO, but I'd also say Kraken Eater = Taker Tribe, the keyword defines the other.

  20. 10 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Two more week as to wait guys 

    While I am extremely impatient to start working on models, at least we should get man reads book in about a week now. With all those units there should be some content to dig into with the book.

    I wonder how long they will drag the release though for the models, somehow I doubt they will release ALL the new stormcast and Kruleboyz in one go...

  21. 10 minutes ago, PJetski said:


    That Vindictor (?) in the bottom has an axe and a cool helmet. 

    ...is that a Thunderstrike armor Evocator? :o

    Thinking that might be the artists impression of a Knight Relictor. Could also very likely be rule of cool and just something the artist felt like making :)

    New Stormcast Eternal Knight-Relictor: ageofsigmar

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