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Posts posted by Scurvydog

  1. On 11/25/2018 at 9:01 PM, Malakree said:

    So much more fun than bloodtoofs and the weirdnob with average 36/42" threat range on the foot just lets you delete key problems before they can do anything.

    This sounds interesting, but unless I am missing something, you will still at best get +2 to cast, unless you play with terrain rules and can somehow be near arcane terrain for another +1 from turn 1. 


    With the vortex the shaman is unable to move and he still only casts foot on a 8+ with maximum bonus, so less than 50/50 for it to even work. With the shaman being unable to move, your entire army also needs to be fairly stationary to benefit this tactic,  So you must have rolled glowing hot dice to get so many mortal wounds, as an average foot, if near your entire army will get +4 mortal wounds, so average 7 wounds per stomp, with less than 50/50 to cast it and then 50/50 chance for it to stomp again, the odds of doing those 50ish mortal wounds with it one turn are just incredibly low.


    The opponent also really needs bad placement to get hit by the puke more than once and any good alpha strike list or with any sniping capability should be able to rather reliably shut down the shaman. Again unless I missed something here :s

  2. I am currently playing 1k lists with my gaming group and starting up with Death.

    I do not own all the models yet, but want to make the list to dictate the shopping list, what I do have though is 10 black knights (Also a VLoZD and 3 vargheists, but they are not used in this example list).

    I really like the deathrattle theme and came up with the list below. My main issue with it though is mobility, as aside from the king and knights the rest will lack far behind. The pros are that all is summonable with plenty of sources to bring back dead models and units, and the king and necro can really buff up anything that needs to be a hammer, as the king alone can grant aura and command trait to give +2 attacks.

    Is this a nice baseline for a good but not cheesy 1k list? I'd like to expand into 1,5-2k later, adding the dragon perhaps and maybe some morgasts as I love those models.

    Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
    Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120)
    - General
    - Mount: Steed
    - Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar 
    - Artefact: Balefire Lantern 
    Necromancer (110)
    - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Blades
    15 x Grave Guard (240)
    - Wight Blades & Crypt Shields
    10 x Black Knights (240)

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 85

    Edit: Also a second option for a 1k list

    Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
    Vampire Lord (140)
    - General
    - Mount: Flying Horror
    - Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar 
    - Artefact: Balefire Lantern 
    Necromancer (110)
    - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    10 x Black Knights (240)
    2 x Morghast Harbingers (220)
    - Spirit Halberds

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 82



  3. Only downside of the Ulgu combo is that the lord executioner has a measly 3 attacks, unlike the sword combo on Ironjawz running 2 x warchanter cross buffing for +2 to hit on 4 attacks, 4+ triggers an extra attack (and the 1d6 mortals) which just obliterates anything.


    The reaon I compare these is due to the investment needed to make an inferior combo (although the executioner is a bit more sturdy). We need a battalion and also a 120 pt character and command point to even get 4+ to proc the sword, and then just for 3 attacks. While another army can do this with just 2x 80pts heroes using a free ability to, on average, get over twice the output.


    There is a strong case though to be made that the execuitioner is tough enough to stand up to said monsters and heroes and possibly survive a counter attack while swinging the sword. If only his +2 dmg on 6's was affected by the battalion, then he would start to look like a major threat.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Ashes said:

    Does someone have experience with the Blade of Dark Summons artifact from the core book?

    Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can set up a SUMMONABLE DEATH unit wholly within 12" of the bearer and more than 3" from any enemy models, and add it to your army. The models in the unit must have a combined Wounds characteristic of no more than a
    2D6 roll.

    Even if it’s luck dependent I really want to give this a try. As the unit can charge directly after been summoned this could make up for a nice surprise for my opponent.  

    This would be an amazing artifact in the nighthaunt book, but as it requires death allegiance you are losing a lot to get this, which in the end on average is just 6 wounds worth of models, probably 6 bladegheists for max value, which is very unimpressive for the price of an artifact and losing allegiance abilities.

  5. Oh how I wish harrows were not heroes but an elite cavalry option (with adjusted stats and points). I just can't justify buying more of them just to make hexwraith conversions, as hexwraiths are already bad as it is. They have a niche use in hero objective capture scenarios and that is about it.


    I also have great difficulty finding a place for the lord executioner, I love the models, but comparing the name to the 3 attacks 1 damage axe is just sad. Using his battalion and possibly -1 to be hit artifact to stack up to -3 to be hit by heroes might make him a trolling hero, locking up a bloodthirster or something which then hits on 6's, but I don't see any consistent use for him. Anyone got ideas for this guy?

  6. 2 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    This version of my death stalkers list is currently undefeated. 

    The Chainguard one has also performed really well, only losing in missions where it was impossible to win anyway. About 80% win rate. 

    Sounds interesting, why is it you do the CP farming without having any real command abilities to spend the points on?


    It sounds like a lone hero and 8 stalkers are quite vulnerable to a counter attack, like stormcast coming down, what is their purpose on opposite ends of the board?


    Grims are a given as good, but what is the role ofthe craven king? ou mention CP farm/denial but for what purpose and can he really bring home his points in offensive power? Enough so either a grimhailer or Olynder would not be better suited?


    What is your most common target for the battalion rule, just finding the largest most elite unit on the board?



    • Like 1
  7. The black coach synergizes well with spirit hosts, as it brings back 1d3 models at power level 1 wholly within 12". 


    Olynder is also quite nice with them as her command ability also bring back entire model. Ruler of the spirit hosts you already chose, which is also great.


    I think 2 spirit torments can be a bit overkill, although I can understand you might want more coverage of reroll hits of 1.


    With so many spirit hosts it could also be fun to run an execution horde and give the executioner something like a sword of judgement for hero killing, a miasmic blade to stack -3 to be hit against heroes, so he can tank a bloodthirster without issue.

    • Like 1
  8. I like the idea of the briar queen, and I do not think she is bad, but I do think she has a problem serving a specific purpose in an army hard pressed for hero spots, where those heroes need to have specific synergies.


    The most direct comparison might be the guardian of souls, who is 10 pts cheaper than her and her thorns. They are both "lvl 1" wizards with about the same statline. 


    The guardian is really powerful at bringing models back on the table and the +1 to wound aura is immensely useful and powerful and is a key factor in turning chainrasps into truly dangerous hordes.


    The briar queen has no such buffs, she is weaker in melee (not overly important) but has 10" missile attack that might do a wound or two. She has her 6 chainrasps, which is not bad to have and can provide look out sir on their own, but just being 6 will not really achieve anything major, other than serve as a bit of bubble wrap.


    I just see other heroes as far more important, either due to providing command abilities or critical support, as I want a guardian to buff my hordes, and especially if I bring bladegheists I wont a spirit torment, which is still nice otherwise. I also want a commander of sorts, either a knight or vampire. This is where the problem lies for me, as I don't see how my lists or gameplan is improved by replacing any of the other heroes, and when I got my bases covered by those heroes I would probably rather want 10 more reapers or 20 chainrasps than another supporty caster.


    Tl;DR: I don't find her bad, but believe there are better options for your hero slots with more synergy with the overall army.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Mutter said:

    Isn't the vamp's one for a whole round, while the KoS's one is only for the current turn?


    Good catch, that is true which is also in favor of the vampire.


    I think the chalice 1d6 heal once per game and 1 wound on kill makes up for the otherwise improved survivability of the knight otherwise and general lack of all allegiance abilities, healing 3 units 1d3 is just so strong and being a wizard as well.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Ashes said:

    Thanks, good analysis. Good I just bought and painted a Vampire Lord.


    I forgot to mention that their command ability is just about the same as well, giving +1 attack to melee weapons for a death unit within 15", While it is wholly within 18" for the kngiht, so it is easier for the vampire to land on bigger units. 


    There might be a case for having both overlap command abilities though, probably already mentioned by someone in this thread somewhere, but that might make one of both worth it for some strategies. 



  11. Assuming you have other heroes to make use of artifacts/traits, I have a hard time justifying using KoSoeS instead of a Vampire lord ally.


    They cost 140 each, and vampire lord pros/cons next to the KoSoeS:

    + automatically heal/ressurrects 1d3 wounds worth on up to 3(!) summonable units within 12" 

    + Is a wizard by default

    + Can heal 1d6 wounds once per game

    +heals 1 wound from slaying any model


    - with wings has a few " less movement

    - no ethereal save (could be a + if in cover though)

    - 1 less wound

    - no mount attacks if having wings

    - If in a NH army no allegiance abilities such as super charge or 6+ wound ignore.


    The weapon is almost the same with the vampire having 1d3 damage instead of a flat 2, which i wont count as a pro or con really, but some might have a preference.


    Obviously healing up to 3 units and being a wizard for the same price tag is huge. The Knight will have the allegiance abilities and access to artifacts/command trait, but as mentioned this can be put to good use on by a spirit torment instead for example. I just feel like the knight is heavily outmatched on points here, and in a NH allegiance army, I don't really see other/better units to spend ally allowed points on.


    Am I missing something important here?



  12. On the topic of the heroes I am currently building a 1k list and having a hard time choosing between 2 setups.

    My core list is:

    20 chainrasps

    20 grimghast reapers

    1 black coach

    Now this makes room for some hero setups, but the 2 main ones I am considering are:

    Mounted KoS + Guardian of souls or Reikenor + Dreadblade Harrow.

    The general would then either be the knight or the dreadblade with a midnight tome, so in either case I will have 2 wizards.

    The setup with the guardian will give me a bit more staying power with the handy d6 heal spell and a bit better support with the knights command ability and the +1 wound rolls from the guardian.

    The other setup gives me Reikenor who is a very versatile model, with a nasty punch and the dreadblade as a general provides some mobility tricks.


    I think losing the guardian is a bigger deal than the knight, but the mobility and offensive utility and punch of the Reikenor and harrow setup might make up for it. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on this, maybe I am undervaluing other options as well.


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