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Azlak the Damned

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Posts posted by Azlak the Damned

  1. 18 hours ago, Pickle The Hutt said:

    Deluge should make your models move slower, not faster. Climbing a 3 inch piece of terrain would take 6 inches of movement (rain makes climbing harder). Also, I don't think you can let your opponent go first if you win initiative (that's a Warhammer Underworlds thing).

    Just spoken to my opponent about this and apologised for getting it wrong. Although he thought it was the same to so looks like we both need to read more carefully next time. The game should have been a draw we think.

    I need to write the second battle up but I've agreed to forego the 5GP I would earn in my next win.

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Moldek said:

    I think the main « problem » with objectives in narrative play is that they can feel a bit abstract. I plan to use idols and treasure chests in my games, maybe even stuff like food rations so it gives a reason for the warbands to fight over them.

    Thanks @Moldek. Love your idea, will steal that and incorporate that into the next one of that's ok.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi all, hope this is the right place for this. I'm starting out on a Warcry campaign and will chronicle my Iron Golems story here. The only difference I'm applying is that my roster will be randomly chosen each game. I have two of each model with the exception of the Dominar, Perfector and Signifer of which I have one of each.

    The Desert Hammers are a faction of Iron Golems that spend their days hunting and overseeing the thralls that roam the deserts of Chamon. They are ruthless in their approach to capture the beasts of the realm and they will take down anyone who attempts to claim the beasts for themselves. This has earned them a fearsome reputation as hardened warriors.

    Desert Hammers warband roster

    • Raigan Dreadhammer - Dominar
    • Brunn the Chained - Drillmaster
    • Brek Ironlink - Drillmaster
    • Varsk the Defiler - Signifer
    • Grakko the Butcher - Prefector
    • Thavroc Forgestrider - Armator
    • Bhakim Hammercrest - Armator
    • Kos Gorehammer - Ogor Breacher
    • Gruc Goremaw - Ogor Breacher
    • Sald Rageshield - Iron Legionary (Shield)
    • Yoth the Bloody - Iron Legionary (Shield)
    • Thrisskull Twicehammer - Iron Legionary (Twin Hammers)
    • Derrorn Rockcrest - Iron Legionary (Shield)
    • Vakh Irongrip - Iron Legionary (Bolas)
    • Kestrond the Reckless - Iron Legionary (Bolas)
    • Like 2
  4. On 8/16/2019 at 3:21 PM, RaiderX said:

    You'd do well with any fighters if you roll that many crit.

    Points for stat wise The Armator is amongs the worst fighters in the game, with no ability on top. And his sluggish 3" MV certainly didn't help.

    I'll keep in the mix. I like having variation in my warband. Generally my opponents tend to go for my Leader, Drillmaster etc and ignore the Armator, so I can normally sneak him in for a couple of decent attacks.

  5. I don't like to look at the cards as best or worse. Warcry is a refreshing change from AoS because you don't choose the battlefield layout and victory conditions, you have a real challenge every game. A good player will take what they get and plan their actions accordingly. 

    Admittedly there has been a couple of games that you know you won't win by the end of round 2 or 3 but that's all part of the game for me.

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/8/2019 at 4:37 PM, Acid_Nine said:

    Yea, I think I am going to replace the dorf with a Bola legionare. he's a bit faster and does the same amount of damage more or less, but so far I seen the dwarf to jack and diddly in almost every battle report orgame I played except the miniwargaming vid. 

    I wouldn't underestimate the Armator. In the 3 games I've played he's wiped out an enemy model each time. In the last game I played he killed two Untamed Beasts in one activation, dealing 9 and 13 wounds. I usually burn a double to give him 5 attacks, and with damage 1/4 those crits really do damage to the enemy.

    • Like 1
  7. I've played a couple of games using these rules. Me and my mate decided to even make random tables for our collections and roll on those. So instead of always bringing on the best "Linebreaker" unit we had, we'd roll for a random one. Enjoyed all games we've had so far. Used a lot of models that I wouldn't normally stick in a game (I play Khorne). Only issue we've found is when getting towards the force points limit of you're both on 9, one of you could roll 1 point with of models and the other 6 points worth which can really make for an uphill battle for the underdog. 

    That said, I prefer narrative play and the randomness of the open war generators is great. Much prefer this than matched play as I also like to tell my own story as I'm playing through games. 

    Once we've got the Warcry buzz out of our system we plan to do a narrative campaign using the open war and narrative rules where my Khorne army attack a city stronghold Cities of Sigmar army). Plenty of scope for sieges, underground fighting, streets of war etc.

    • Like 1
  8. Fellow blood followers!

    Do you have any tips on how to counter Tzaangor Enlightened on discs. In both games against these I've not been able to charge my Bloodcrushers in before they charge me first and kill them. My Skullgrinder has been charged and killed by them before he could do anything. And with 9 of them he wiped out 8 of 10 Blood Warriors and the other two fled in battleshock. I don't care if I lose my next game against him, I just want to destroy those Tzeentch disc annoyances! (I'd like to use other words but I'm going to keep this family friendly).

    To add, this is all in a Meeting Engagements campaign we're doing. So it's only 1,000 points.

  9. Aqshy, simply because I have a whole back story for my Khorne army set there. I created an area called the Brass Forges where my army is based. They plunder the area and build great towers of skulls to Khorne.  I even came up with some Time of War rules too where the Brass Forges could potentially explode, dealing mortal wounds to nearby units.

  10. 18 hours ago, Zamik said:

    Do you have any of the Judgements models? The Wrath-Axe can help shave a few models off the unit and give them a -1 to hit rolls.

    Some Skullreapers would work well against a block of Tzaangors too, since they get hit rerolls vs units with more than 5 models, and natural 6s generate additional mortal wounds.


    I don't think Tzaangors are weak at all--they have 2 wounds, and their arcanite shields give them a 6+ after-save. Pair them with a Tzaangor Shaman who keeps replenishing the unit with Boon of Mutation, and it's a hell of a time.

    That's exactly what he keeps doing. I need to get done Skullreapers really. I do have the judgements, in the meeting engagements game I ran the skulls as in the past he'd used his magic to great effect against me. Needless to say, the skulls didn't actually do much but they did make him change his mind about casting any spells in the third battle round. 

    Think I'll run with the axe next game.

    • Like 1
  11. Hi all. I play mainly mortal Khorne (although have a few Daemon models I'm slowly adding in to my army). I'm currently playing a campaign against a friend who plays Beasts of Chaos. Now I've played against him half a dozen times and a couple of things stand out...

    1. The herdstone send quite powerful compared to our Skull Altar. Increasing the range of -1 to hit each round really starts hurting Khorne. All this time we have to sit out Slaughterpriests almost next to the Altar to keep the re-roll. 

    2. He runs Tzaangors (I think), I can't believe the number of attacks that the beats can put out. They always seem to demolish my units and don't die easily either. 

    Any tips on how to combat this and also what are people's thoughts on the Skull Altar? 

    I generally run Asp DB, MLoK, BW x10, Flesh Hounds x5, BSec, Khorgis, Slaughterpriests and a Skull Cannon.

  12. 5 hours ago, Skumbaagh said:

    Hi all, and thanks for a great thread. I am normally lurking in the destruction forums but I have been really into getting myself a khorne dragon to play with.. Just got ghb19 and didn't find any points for vorgaroth in there. Did I miss something or is he no longer viable in matched play? 

    Vorgoath is 1200 points. It's matched play profile is on its warscroll.

  13. Hi all, I'm looking for clarification. 

    Say a unit has 3 separate melee attacks it can use in a combat phase (assume all 1" range). It uses the first attack and slays 4 enemy models. The opponent removes 4 models from the front and this then puts their unit out of range of the remaining two weapons available to the attacker. Can the attacker still use these weapons?

    I have always played it as they can't buy a recent opponent quoted the multiple attacks rule as saying they could attack.

    What is the answer?



  14. I apologise in advance if this has been said but I couldn't see it when I skimmed through...

    It seems the community prefers base to base measuring so I think that any points lists in the GHB v2 should also have a column listing the size of the base each model should be based on. Some people base their models on smaller bases but some base them on larger ones thus gaining an advantage throughout the game.

    This should be a standard column wherever a points list is released.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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