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Posts posted by 123lac

  1. 8 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    This is artwork from the old KO battletome, they could have had SoB planned way back then (although I doubt they did) but I really think this is just the artist taking some artistic license with the aleguzzler.

    Looks kind of similar to attack on titan

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Kasper said:

    Pretty much this.

    I predict the tome having lore that makes it possible for your Seraphon to be starborn/living memories, but also "real" Seraphon that runs around in the mortal realms permamently. 

    and are birthed from spawning pools!

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Athrawes said:

    There are dozens on this forum alone. And I know of at least two chaos Dwarf players in my local meta in middle of nowhere Midwest. 

    And, as for Beasts of Chaos, I suppose all those beautiful/powerful Tzaangor models don’t count against model “neglect” ?


    Skaven have one of the single largest ranges, we can argue about sculpt quality and unit utility, but at the end of the day Skaven players are spoiled for choices compared to almost anyone except Stormcast. Btw, they were one of the best supported factions during the End times, getting loads of great new sculpts. That plus their new hero/terrain/endless spells puts them in a great place.

    Okay there are about 12 chaos dwarf players in the world, representing 0.000001% of the AoS player base ;)


    Tzaangor are more for Tzeentch players. Beasts are like an after thought for those models, like a "here you go I guess you can play with these", like GW took pity on Beasts of Chaos players and deigned to give them Tzaangors.


    Skaven have a large range beause they've been around since the 90's, not because GW love them, otherwise they would have a *new* range with modern sculpts. GW forgets they exist.


  4. 6 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

    This book was billed as something that ALL Chaos players would be excited by. I know that is just marketing hype but it doesn't feel great that a book for ALL Chaos players seems to have absolutely no mention of Skaven, Beasts of Chaos or, god forbid, Chaos Dwarfs.

    Oh well.

    Literally no one plays Chaos Dwarves.

    Beasts of Chaos players are used to neglect. If anything they are probably still recovering from the surprise of getting their battle tome, herdstone and endless spells. That should tide them over for the next 5 years at least.

    Skaven I think GW just forgot that they are part of Chaos when they wrote this campaign book. To be fair, it is easy to forget about the rat men.

  5. On 1/17/2020 at 8:42 PM, Icegoat said:

    Worst by far was cities of sigmar no viable builds without buying two new whole armies to go with your existing dwarfs/empire/elfs delete as a appropriate. A total gutting of all entire ranges within the army. A despicable act and heinous money grab. I'm sure the army will be squatted by next year. We don't want normal humans when we can have more storm cast. 

    Best is gloomspite gitz the new stone trolls are the best model kit I've painted and built in an age. And it made old warhammer fantasy units viable and better the entire opposite of cities of sigmar mass squatting and degrading of old units. 

    I'm surprised how little backlash there was to Cities of Sigmar given how obvious it is that they don't care about supporting the old model lines from WHFB any longer. The tome is clearly a final farewell to the empire, dwarves and elves.

    • Confused 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Icegoat said:

    The only pain I feel is that the mortal realms are a far hollower and  restrictive place than the old world. In the old world humans were in every flavour. Every race and creed.in aos we have chaos humans and the few sets remaining of the free guild.thats it.  It is a tragedy that give years down the line aos still doesn't have a human faction. Stormcast eternals are the hollowest of all.

    I agree with this.

    There are no new human factions, only some old stuff that was thrown into cities of sigmar to give WHFB players a bone.

    Stormcast are super vanilla and uninspiring.

    Some new and unique human factions that aren't infected by Chaos would be very nice to see.

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Kramer said:

    I like this analogy. But it’s more like I buy the football boots with spikes for grass. and two weeks in the league changes the playing surface to artificial grass. 

    I agree. And I love that the company keeps saying they’re model first. Because that’s why they’re winning. (And momentum of being the biggest helps).

    So are there better systems that people play that can use GW models?

  8. 13 hours ago, Smooth criminal said:

    You lack damage dealers, daemon prince is the only one who can do damage here. You have 2 heroes too much. You have 1 judgement too much.

    You need to have either skarbrand, 10 knights, 30 letters, 6 crushers, etc. at least 2 more units like these total.

    You don't rate the mighty lord of khorne, the priests or the khorgoraths for damage?

  9. 2 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Admittedly I have 12000 points of lizards, so l might be biased, but apart from the derpy cold ones, what is the problem people have with the current range? The current salamanders might not be as iconic or "dinosaury" as the original dimetrodon inspired ines,, but seem cool enough to me, and I can't see a problem with any if the troop kits. Is it just that they are rank and file?

    Saurus look like they belong in the flinstones cartoons. Very goofy heads and weirdly skinny bodies.

    Slann are finecast.

    Kroxigors look like they were designed 15 years ago, a very dated look.

    Skinks are okay but they could be better. Very static and lacking much detail.

  10. 11 hours ago, Overread said:

    For me with painting its many things. Being a perfectionist without painting skill does NOT help matters in the least. However there's also teh fact that painting isn't a singular method. There are dozens of different theories and methods and approaches. Even just painting a single colour can be a minefield of various choices of blending and layering and such. So part of it is me mentally making choices on what methods to follow and guides to listen too - whilst at the same time realising that because I am inexperienced I "don't know what I don't know" which makes following different sources and pooling them together and making those final choices that much harder. 

    It actually has me half wanting to collect the Mortal Realms magazine just to provide me a source of models I don't actually "WANT" as such to practice paitning on without having to worry about paint stripping them off later. Of course the logical half of me knows that is NOT a sane approach to things. 

    I can relate to a lot of what you're saying.

    My 'trick' to getting over it is to look at painting as an experience in itself. The more I paint, the more I experiment and learn different things. I'm still not a very good painter but every unit I complete teaches me something that can't just be taught from a video, although watching tutorials helps a lot too.

    Basically, look at painting like leveling up a skill in an RPG. The more you do it, the better you get, so you may as well get stuck in!

  11. 6 hours ago, KingKull said:

    There is literally I could wish for more than this. Archaon has been one of my favorite characters ever since I got into warhammer as a kid some 13 years ago (and I wasn't even playing WoC back then) and I'd love to play him, but in no way can I stomach the new Dorghar. 

    Agreed. I want to like the Archaon model but Dorghar is so goofy, especially with the 3 heads.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    Seconded, the Vigilus books were the closest GW proper has come to the brilliance of the FW heresy or imperial armour books. The psychic awakening books have really fallen far short of that, basically just being a few tacked on rules for 'left behind' factions with cliched recycled narratives.

    I think there may be scope for something like Vigilus to be done here. Both the ossiarchs and chaos have very recent battletomes so I don't think there's much they really need. Ideally then the book can pull on the development the eighpoints got in Warcry and the StD background, as well as the more military stylings of the ossiarchs to make something like an actual campaign account.

    Kind of surprised that Vigilus is so well regarded.

    I read through Vigilus Defiant over the December break and have started Vigilus Ablaze. For me personally the books get pretty boring beyond the first 50 or so pages.

    Have not read any of the Psychic Awakening books so I can't compare to that.

    Considering the price of these book is like $70 AUD each I'd be expecting a bit more.

  13. This is just a guess but I don't think there will be a wave 2 any time soon for KO, IDK, IJ, Slyvaneth etc.

    Reason being they still need to replace a lot of finecast and old model kits for Skaven, Seraphon etc.

    They are also still creating brand new armies like the pointy aelves.

    Finally, probably the biggest reason, is that GW obviously need to put 90% of their production capacity towards Primaris Space Marines at all times.

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