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Posts posted by 123lac

  1. 4 hours ago, Austin said:

    I think probably the worst issue is that an app billed as an army builder has no army builder function three months after release.

    Then there are the technical problems.  Can't log in and view anything unlocked if not on internet, no support for iPad (app shows as though still on iPhone).  I am admittedly not tracking issues with other OS, so those may be the same/different/in addition to the ones I know of and have encountered.

    Wonder how they ****** the app up so badly when Battlescribe has worked just fine for free.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, EasyArmy said:

    I agree, but don't forget that some people spend millions of dollars on expensive purchases like yachts or sports teams.


    Therefore $380, if you live in NZ, for a plastic toy is completely reasonable and beyond critism.

    Haha, I know you're joking but there really are some people who draw these sorts of comparisons with a straight face.

    *edit I saw someone on facebook say their trip up Mt Everest cost more than their Warhammer collection, therefore Warhammer is reasonably priced. He must have lost some brain capacity in the high altitude 😂

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  3. On 10/7/2020 at 2:04 AM, Talas said:

    Set up a budget limit and stick with it. Reevalute every year or so.

    This is a reasonable suggestion if you feel as though you are getting fair value for the price that you are paying. Budgeting is always a good idea for personal finance.

    My issue with the SoB release is that the consumer is not getting fair value. In Aus they cost $320 AUD, that's not fair value at all.

    I can "afford" to buy a kit. I can "afford" hundreds of them today, technically, but why the hell would I when there are better things to spend my money on?

    No one, well almost no one, has infinite money. As adults we need to buy/pay off property, make investments, save for retirement etc. So fair value is extremely important when deciding how to use the money that we have for discretionary spending. I could spend $320 on this gargant kit, or I could make that $320 go MUCH further in a myriad of other ways.

    IMO the only people  at this point who defend GW pricing either a) do not understand the value of money or b) have infinite money. I suspect it is more a) than b).

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  4. On 9/4/2020 at 7:22 PM, Overread said:

    I think some of the dislike of printed material isn't so much a hate of books its a hate of GW's current "here's the core rules - and an army book - and an expansion book - and an expansion book - and a core rules and expansion and points update book" Then we'll repeat all teh expansion books next year and next year etc...

    Basically its the volume of material and the confusion it creates when youv'e perhaps 3 or 4 generals handbooks and you're not even sure which block of optional rules are in the "core" game or not. 


    Look at 40k - buy the core rule book ($110 AUD), buy the space marine codex ($70 AUD), buy the ultramarines supplement ($50 AUD), buy chapter approved ($70 AUD).

    You've now spent $300 AUD just to play the game, never mind how much you spent on the models.

    That's $300 AUD to play the game in its current state. Give it a year or so and you're expected to buy more rules, download erratas and FAQ's, maybe even buy some campaign books just for the bonus rules.

    It's insane.

  5. On 9/4/2020 at 6:07 PM, EMMachine said:

    I understand the idea that device driven rules would be easier to update and would have less spreading between books, but only have online rules isn't a solution. It would only work when the rules are free to download, not with only an App where you maybe have to pay subscription and only getting the uptodate version or maybe nothing when the game gets discontinued.

    In the end maybe 9th age with their free pdfs would be more likely your cup of tea?

    Well yeah, this stems to my thought process of rules being something that should be available for free.

    We pay for the models. Fantastic models, but that should be the cost of entry. Paying for rules, printed rules at that, is unpalatable for me.

    I'm not getting into the gaming side of this hobby until they completely overhaul that side of their business. So much easier to just play video games and keep my hobby to collecting and painting only.

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  6. 20 hours ago, michu said:

    No. Just no. That would also mean no printed lore except BL books. I like more to read a book than to constantly look into my phone or tablet. And book has no risk of dead battery because you forgot to charge it.

    Exactly. I'm not even in my 30s and I prefer physical books.



    I hate how much printed material there is in this game. 

    Can't stand it and don't want it. 

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  7. On 8/18/2020 at 12:08 AM, Bayul said:

    That's not what I suggested. I meant points specifically. You could still buy the rest of the physical battletome and would only miss one page, which soon after the purchase will be obsolete anyway. I could refer to X-Wing TMG 2nd Edition as a counterargument: FFG took this step and it was the most impactful and acclaimed change for the game. The community is always looking forward for those point changes. Going online can't seriously be considered as "barrier" nowadays, especially for wargaming hobbyists.

    If going online to look at points is a barrier then you must be like 80 years old or something.

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  8. On 8/25/2020 at 8:31 AM, KingBrodd said:

    All I want. All I need for AOS. Is for my Sons of Behemat to be released!! I like getting in on everyones excitement and I absolutely love the lore and cannot wait for Broken Realms. But I need the Gargants to have so I can feel like I have a place in the Mortal Realms.


    I was genuinely expecting a release date or at least something about the SoB from the latest reveal. I mean, where are they? What are they waiting for?

  9. On 8/13/2020 at 6:30 PM, Joseph Mackay said:

    From what I’ve seen, this company is scum that just piggybacks off gw and has no original ideas of their own. Everything is a direct copy of gw stuff, but just different enough to avoid legal problems. Either that or over sexualised trash

    Wow, you can just say you don't like their style. "scum" and "over sexualised trash" just sounds like an angry GW fan boi.

  10. On 8/7/2020 at 8:31 PM, RuneBrush said:

    Speaking to the AoS design team, at one of the Open Days last year I got the distinct impression that Wrath of the Everchosen was them seeing if the format is popular or not and that we'd likely be seeing more books along this lines as time goes on.

    I think the question I have, is what the life expectancy for this style of book is going to be.  Seeing a number of battalions that appeared over the last year have their points pulled in the latest generals handbook would certainly make me more cautious at committing to a series of 6 or 7 books that could have a portion of content invalidated*.  I do feel a little lack of love for things that have been produced in the past or outside of battletomes - forbidden power, white dwarf etc.

    * please don't mistake this as me for saying matched play is the only way to play - I (and I'm not on my own) use pitched battle profiles for nearly all of the games I play and would be worried that that running something that's no longer supported could give me or my opponent a raw deal.

    TBH I would prefer all campaign books to NOT be applicable to matched play.

    It's better for game balance to keep narrative books to narrative play, lest we end up with way too much bloat.

  11. On 7/30/2020 at 5:47 PM, albionsangel said:

    I notice only one of you said anything about Synvaneth. And that was only to say they were expensive and that I need wild woods. Anyone care to expand on that? I think sylvaneth are the ones I have the most visceral "I want those lovely models" reaction to. 

    Personally I think you should always go with the army you like the look of the most.

    • Like 2
  12. This thread reminded me that I have my Khorne Bloodsecrator on a 40mm and my Bloodstoker on a 32mm. Turns out they are meant to be the other way around, i.e. to be correct I need to swap their bases around.

    Problem is I've already painted each model and glued them firmly to their bases. Snapping them off is going to be a big pain and might result in me damaging either the models, the paint jobs or the scenic bases.

    How big of an issue is this if I want to play some matched play games in the future? So far I've only been collecting and painting.

  13. 2 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

    Sooo sad, how can eidolons cost more than 300???? 


    So they didnt dropped and since most of other minis got reductions, it means they got even worse ( it is hard to be even worse i know, but they are).


    In contrast liberators at 90, sequitors at 120 or even dracholines, are really great.

    Maybe new idoneth battle tome soon? 

  14. 2 hours ago, WinnerDave said:

    Pretty much, then again I like using stuff no-one else is running.  If I were starting from scratch, then I'd pick a newer, hotter BT.  Typically for me I started LoN just before OBR dropped, but I decided to see it through.  Loads of opponents were very worried when I used to use Nagash...they'd say things like "I thought Nagash could <insert thing here>" and I'd reply "Yeah, he can in an OBR army".  Now i've stopped using Nagash and started using Prince Vhordrai the army is performing quite well, but if I face a newer BT then it can feel like a one sided fight.

    Were you thinking of starting LoN?

    I have Nagash and the start collecting skeleton horde box, which I built Arkhan from. 

    I like the idea of running a mix of ghosts and skeletons together, I'm hoping there's a new LoN battle tome released in the future. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Xasz said:

    It would change less than you might think.

    The problem is not (only) that those are cheap, low impact heroes  and slots are scarce in an army that tends to be more hero/behemoth heavy  but at the moment they  don't have anything worthwhile to buff (at least in a more competitive context, which is my position and that might not apply to everybody!).

    The Bloodstoker once could buff daemons and some other stuff.  We've seen him in the past in many more lists than with the current incarnation of BoK (sometimes bordering on being an auto include).

    Furthermore, it doesn't help that their abilities are often highly conditional and short ranged... it's so much easier going for 2-3 priest and a Bloodsecrator and then fill the 5th and 6th slot with something outside of mortals. They do their job, no matter what.

    Point being, mortals are currently left to their own devices regarding their lists (if we are talking true mortals) and they have some major design flaws.

    PS: I had a lot of hope for Slaves to Darkness and the possibility of salvaging some of their units,  but sadly, while the book offers a lot of world building and pretty pictures, it was dead on arrival rule-wise. 

    Ya but if you could take them as regular units without occupying the important leader slots then I think they'd be worth taking, as they are pretty cheap.

    I agree that their lacklustre abilities could also use some tweaking. The short 'wholly within' ranges in our book are really annoying for me.

    The StD release had one thing that I like and that's the chungus lord on Karkadrak. A proper mounted beatstick for Khorne mortals.

  16. On 6/2/2020 at 8:47 PM, Oak7603 said:

    I'm sure that you all mean to mention Beasts of Chaos too when you talk about Armies needing updates... 🤣🤣😉

    New sculpts for Gors, Bestigors and Ungors would be nice, to bring them in line with the quality of the beastgrave models.

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