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Posts posted by 123lac

  1. 12 hours ago, Lernaean said:

    I still hope for Slaanesh mortals and/or beasts.

    I believe that KoS dual kit is a given, and we’ve already seen the fiend.

    For sure man.

    The other 3 gods have mortals so I'd hope Slaanesh doesn't get left out.

    If anything the Slaanesh mortals could be the most interesting. I imagine a bunch of good looking, drugged up party animals. The Jersey Shore of the Chaos crew. Stahp it Ron.

  2. 12 minutes ago, youngSkywalker said:

    In fact, slaanesh does more than need a few good models :-P. He and Khorne both do. Gimme emperors children, Khorne berzerkers, flesh hounds and a whole lot of mortal and demons for her that thirsts. 

    If we're also talking 40k then I'd like to see new  generic chaos space marines too!

  3. 9 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    I for one hope we do not get a soup tome for all greenskins. 

    I honestly wonder if Greenskins will even be a thing in the future.

    I'd say Orks are well and truly covered by Ironjawz and Bonesplitters.

    Grots will hopefuly get a big Moonclan release.

    Not sure where Greenskins fit into AoS.

  4. 5 hours ago, Roark said:

    Simple philosophy behind this list: multiple threats and some redundancy to keep the blood flowing.

    The only changes I'm currently thinking about are a second Secrator so I can move/stagger the Portal up the field.

    Feels super weird to not have a Stoker, but I still wiped the floor with the shooty Freeguild and Seraphon, so I'm gonna keep testing it. Triple scary guys is so much fun.


    I'd want a bloodstoker for reroll wounds on the reapers and extra run/charge for bloodletters.


    I feel like the lone slaughterpriest can be swapped out. If he can't re-roll his prayers with gore pilgrims then he won't be that reliable.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:


    Theres just a lot of old models and old factions with bad or no rules that need to be cleaned up. 


    Yeah, big time.

    They seem to be slowly getting around to it. Beasts of Chaos treatment is a decent answer to the issue IMO.

    New models would of course be better. But time and resources are finite and all that.

    As a new player though I'm more interested in GW creating new factions than improving the old ones. But I might be in the minority with that sentiment.

    • Like 3
  6. Spear has to be moonclan grots.

    We've had the fungoid cave shaman as a sign of things to come.

    Now we know there's an underworlds warband for the moonclan.

    I would bet money on that spear being a moonclan spear and there being a battle tome + new models in the future for that army.

  7. Saw an interesting post on the BoK facebook group.

    Basically, GW seem to be moving their rules writing towards having mortal wound effects being incurred on 'unmodified rolls of 6'. 

    If this style of rule writing impacts BoK then we can expect bloodletters to no longer deal mortal wounds on 4's or lower, regardless of how many +to hit buffs they have applied.

    Assuming this does happen in the future, how do you think BoK will perform in the competitive meta?

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Kevlar1972 said:

    The priests can cast blood boil and blood sacrifice in the same turn. 

    edit: if taking blood sacrifice then you are losing out on the +to hit buff?

    I thought running a bloodletter bomb with max +to hit was one of the most effective strategies for khorne.

  9. 1 hour ago, Carnelian said:

    Beastmen are not over powered at the moment. If they get better that is not "power creep" that's just them getting better.

    Aaaegh forget it 

    But if they get better compared to other factions with older battletomes then it is power creep, no?

  10. 5 minutes ago, kahadin said:

    The opportunity cost of losing the other blood blessings seems too high to me. 300 points and 3 heroes for a chance at 3 BT per turn. You also have all your SPs clustered up in one place.


    Incidentally I would probably sacrifice chaos warriors with shields. They get a save against it and are only a few more points than reavers. They can also do something besides just die a bit better.


    Opportunity cost does not seem remotely worth it.

  11. 12 hours ago, Mayple said:


    Call me crazy, but I'm getting a very Kharadron-esque vibe from this thing. More rounded than the hard angled stuff of the 40k universe.

    Sisters of battle maybe

    Edit: Looks like the underside of a hover vehicle. Primaris hover bikers would be cool, or some sort of land speeder alternative.

  12. 2 hours ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

    I understand peoples concerns but I never set out to be a rumour monger. I was given the name of the legions of nagash book and believe I was the first person on here to mention it by name. The same source told me seraphon were getting an updated book to bring them inline and so would other books that came before sylvaneth. I was only told soon .

    Will Seraphon get new models? The saurus and skinks look like they were designed 15+ years ago.

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