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The World Tree

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Posts posted by The World Tree

  1. 5 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    TK had fantastic model support. A great range of new kits, and even a piece of FW scenery.

    They were done by one of the worst rules sets ever written by GW. Yes, people love the models. It's why they bought many initially. Then word got out that the rules were utter trash, and new players opted to start with better armies despite the models - thus a quick death.

    Sometimes, rules can kill. That's why I think GW appears to be in a rush to update older AoS books even without much in terms of models. It keeps their rules interesting until they can get a proper redo.

    Rules definitely kill. Not necessarily the strength, but the feel (although both certainly help). Having a distinct rules identity that actively manifests in the gameplay makes the game and the army better. Skaven play EXACTLY as they are described in the lore. Daughters too. Problems arise with one-dimensional army lists that force you to play in an odd way. Stormcast in AOS1 are a great example of this - Vanguard Wing was the only way to play competitively but was a dumb exploit.

  2. On 1/15/2019 at 9:01 PM, Drofnum said:

    The thing is with Idoneth almost all the units are good.  The Leviadon and Shark are not as good as Morrsarr, we all know and accept that, but compared to most things outside of our Battletome they are still quite good units.  I've played quite a few "suboptimal" lists and for everything outside of serious tournament play its still powerful enough to table opponents.

     I love the shark and Leviadon models and hope they get buffed up in some small way so they are more viable in tournament play but there is no reason at all not to field them right now unless you are on the bleeding edge competitive scene. 

    I think a Namarti heavy army with a Leviadon providing constant cover could be pretty cool to play, 4+ save Thralls bringing back 6 models a turn is nothing to sniff at!

    He didn't come 2nd on battle points - only 3 wins. He came 2nd because he was a really nice opponent and had a pretty army.

    His list was basically all Morrsarr, Volturnos, Soulscryer, Tidecaster, Fuethan. I don't remember the exact unit numbers but  something like 6, 6, 9?

    I believe a Deepkin army with a turtle won four  games but I don't know the list.

    • Thanks 1
  3. KO require a significant rewrite, I'd imagine that factors into the priorities. But that could go both ways - it might mean it is prioritised as it is a meaty (and therefore motivating) piece of work, Or it might be de-prioritised in favour of quicker wins.

    The fact that they have a fresh model range and are receiving a Nightvault warband does indicate that in terms of production priority they are important. 

    I think a book comes this year, but I'd be surprised if there's more models. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    Perhaps. It's probably the video production guy in me. I've done that for major companies over the years - written scripts, designed the digital sets, set up the shoots, mixed the audio ...all of it. Maybe one of the most important things I did in that capacity was coaching talent (including otherwise confident and/or arrogant executives) on how to present themselves in order to draw in new viewers and properly get buy in on their message from existing viewers.

    When I watch a YouTube video (or listen to an audio podcast) from sometime trying to be a professional (and let's not fool ourselves, they are monetizing their broadcasts with sponsorships and ads, so they are indeed trying to be professionals) and their inability to present themselves well keeps coming up, it distracts me from the content.


    Anyhoo, how 'bout them Penguins, eh? 🙂

    The idea that you are suggesting that youtubers on this scale should be judged as professional really demonstrates your obliviousness. Like or dislike at your leisure but your attitude is arrogant and misguided.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  5. 49 minutes ago, Saul Goodman said:
    Just in the videos of the Big GT players removed the trees and put their figures on the site dedicated to trees. : /

    Were they flying monsters? Because IIRC they can stop on the woods (though gain no benefit for doing so).

  6. 42 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    If you have 120 points left, take vexillor with pannant of stormbringer. Place your big blob of sequitors on the ground during delopyment. Give all kinds of buff to it in the hero face. Then at the end of the movement phase, drop Gavriel, evocators and vexillor near the enemy. Use vexillor's once per battle ability to relocate your fully buffed sequitor to be alongside Gavriel.

    Actually Lord relictor with translocation prayer can do similar stuff but you need a 3+ to pass the prayer test, so it is less reliable but relictor is 20 points less than vexillor.

    I used a Vexillor at the GT Heat 1 to great effect. It is much better than the Relictor for the simple reason that the teleport is not range-limited and is reliable as you say. You rarely NEED to teleport twice a game if you deploy well, so that limitation is minimised.

  7. 9 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Obviously it wouldn't be good business practice to say "This reveal's going to be rubbish!" but I do think GW isn't very good at managing expectations. They tend to just say every reveal is massive and is going to change everything, even if one is a whole new edition and the other is just a Warhammer Underworlds warband and an updated battletome. 

    Just as an example, the updated battletomes for Skaven and FEC WERE big changes 😂. But yes, I think more direction in the nature of the changes would be useful.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Azamar said:

    If I’m getting really trashed (or think I’m about to be) then I find the best thing is to set myself little targets or objectives. For example, things have gone south and there’s no way you’re going to beat that oncoming hoard of Skaven, but you’re going to make sure you snuff out that pesky Grey seer  before the game is done. 

    I find little moments can often be more rewarding anyway- I’d struggle to recall much about games where I tabled someone, unless it was recent. But I’ll probably never forget when I was down to a single model- a loremaster- and decided to see how long he could stand against the onrushing hoard of blood warriors (3 rounds of combat, as it turned out).  

    I like this - i have a little ongoing narrative about what my Lord-Arcanum manages to kill, and the continued escapades of one of my primes that not only prolongs the drama in a game but creates a deeper connection with the army.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Interesting... though I'm a little wary, GW do tend to say stuff like that about every reveal they ever do, no matter how small 

    Why wouldn't you say the stuff you've spent time on and are trying to sell is awesome? 

  10. 4 hours ago, Draakur said:

    Hi guys,


    I hate the idea idea of being “that guy”, but I’ve been digging through pages and pages of this thread and a few others, tried a few search attempts, and still don’t feel like I’m much closer to the answers I’m seeking. So thought I’d risk the flaggelation and just ask a newb question here:


    I’ve  decided to pick up AoS with an eye to becoming competitive this time (played 40K eons ago as a very fluffy/narrative gamer), really testing myself and seeing how far I can take my skill, providing I enjoy it all etc. While the competitiveness of a faction is certainly going to be the main deciding factor for who I choose, if at all possible I’d actually like to LIKE the models I’m going to be using, and wanted to know: is it possible to play SCE competitively with a force revolving around the more heavily armoured model options? Looking at Decimators,  Protectors, Retributors, etc (and leader models like the Knight Vexillor, Lord Relictor)?? 


     Thanks for any help or insight people can provide!

    Based on the current points values in the General's Handbook, no. 


    Relictors and Vexillors (which I rate particularly highly) have a real value in certain list. The rest you mentioned just aren't great. 

    Evocators, Ballistae and Sequitors are the bread and butter of a competitive list. I'd be wary of a points rise in teh near future for them, but right now they are the go-to list. Unfortunately the army wasn't well designed in terms of internal balance.

    That is on the proviso that you are talking about competitive play!

  11. Ignoring individual choices, but the latter list feels very concentrated. Personally I feel it is quite fragile if you can split them up or get the jump on the Evocators. Personally I'm anti 10-man Evocators because they die so damn easily. 

    I think we are better as an army when we are less specialised and are better able to react to problems. That said, your list will completely dominate some. It will lead to some one-sided games I suspect.

  12. 13 minutes ago, ledha said:

    The only issue with the MW for the evocators is that it happen after they attack, meaning the opponent can't do anything about that, and it become even more stupid in anvils of heldenhammer.

    Making it happen at the end of the combat phase (like the kurnoth hunter Mortal Wound ability), and everything is fine. Evocators will still do damage, but won't be able to wreck the ****** of one unit then annihilating another before your opponent start to retaliate.

    Either that or you have to choose who to target before rolling for the normal attacks would make sense. It is too much 'having your cake and eat it'. If they were part of the same attack step, it would at least force decisions to be made.

  13. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    Even though I've been the biggest advocate for it, I'm thinking of shifting away from the Longstrike Anvils build if the army shifts into more shooting, which it will, since Skaven are out, and people are realizing the Stormcast can shoot as well. Taking 9 Longstrikes into an enemy shooting list is a game of chicken - who can shoot off the other army's shooting first? Can they do it before the melee bricks get in?

     Meanwhile, 3-4 Ballistas behind 20 Staunch Sequitors is way more flexible, if much less killy at a range. Not to mention the Ballista v Longstrike list is, imo heavy favored into the Ballistas. I'll experiment a bit and see how Skaven shakes out, but I can already forsee the changes I'd make.

    This is where Im heading too. The quality is lower but the flexibility and durability is higher. A different Stormhost is probably better for them than Anvils, mind.

  14. Is it so far fetched for Tomb Kings - a force of ever-living soldiers with distant martial memories who've lost their humanity, who are animated by an arrogant and powerful six-lettered leader - to be reimagined as Stormcast?

    Either way, it is just a clunky reference in a book. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Icegoat said:

    I have heard that sylvaneth definitely getting new scenery and three new endless spells with their battletome. Source is not saying anything about kharadron overlords which makes me suspicious it might be something good. 

    Please tell me they are getting rid of the wyldwood overabundance! Those damn woods are a playability nightmare.

    • Like 3
  16. 15 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

    I am surprised that they don't just add more spare heads to the stormcast kits (and a lot of other kits as well) The new troggoth kit has something like 8 alternative heads and they are large multi part. I know that is probably because they have less other options or parts but I'm sure they could find a way to squeeze and extra head or two on sprues.

    They definitely had a design shift with SC - the early kits have no bare heads at all. The Sequitor kit is also really bad for its lack of head variety (and pose variety too), though they ones they do have are better than the FW kit.

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