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The World Tree

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Posts posted by The World Tree

  1. 3 hours ago, Forrix said:

    My group has always played that counts as slain = slain for abilities and models destroyed by battleshock trigger slain abilities. It worth mentioning due to the Blood warrior question awhile back that most abilities that trigger on slain specify a phase (typically combat) or that they be slain by an attack (typically melee).

    Does anyone seriously think counts as slain is distinct from slain? 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Zplash said:


    By the way I think looking in the future there is great potential for std because the tools are there. Just some point reduction could push std pretty hard. 

    I agree with this. With one glaring, infuriating exception. Chaos Warriors. These have to have rend. They should be rend 1 (halberd = 2" range). Bump up the points a fraction if necessary. They just do nothing. They are the best looking unit in the range and the iconic unit, alongside knights (who are good enough). 

    Either that or the army needs a command ability that improves rend on warriors/knights.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    I've thought about a lord on foot, but considering the marauders have to make a minimum 9" charge you're going to have a heck of a time keeping them in range of the Lord at the beginning of the combat phase unless he manages the long bomb charge. Still, extra attacks on 6s and maybe acquiescence should tip them in the right direction. If your opponent doesn't have a good way to limit where you can deploy with screening units then it could be pretty strong. 

    This is one of the biggest challenges with the Chaos Lord. He's so very rarely able to get in to trigger his (incredible) CA.

  4. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I mostly see two main reasons why S2D is suffering:

    pretty much every unit (Except Marauders & Archaon) costs 30% too much.

    Too much reliance on getting spells off with little to no support to do so combined with very short ranges)


    if they followed up with a big points drop soon(ish) the book will be fine.


    edit: the Price for normal sorcerers seems fine at first, but you have to count in that you have to take at least two since the army relies heavily on them. So the price should be reduced a little. (Especially since getting spells off is hard)

    Agreed. It is an odd army in that the synergies are priced in (good design choice in a vacuum) but are mostly unreliable to source.  I would even argue Archaon is slightly too expensive. Not egregiously, though. Marauders are perfectly priced.

    Slaves just struggle to kill things.


    The thing that irritates me are Chaos Knights hitting on 4+ (criminal) and Chaos Warriors having no rend on their normal attacks (understandable, somewhat, but annoying).

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  5. 2 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    My 2 cents if you are interested and this is only my opinion.

    DP and Belakor are useless as it gets.  Especially Belakor with his random roll 1 time per game ability.  We are talking 450 points here.



    Belakor is about as far from useless as I can imagine. He's one of the best units in the book. A 2 cast wizard, 4+ ethereal save, olid combat, a spell that causes -1 to wound with good range, great movement. And then it gets the Dark Master ability which is utterly incredible.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Sumanye said:

    I think the reason you see the tilt toward daemons is, anyone who played Changehost in AoS 1.0 or 2.0 already has the army painted.  Flamers are super cheap ($20 for 3 here) and easy to paint, and although they’ve never been good before, it’s easy to prepare a force in a small amount of time.  Arcanites otoh, have basically never been good outside of disc Tzaangors and most people probably don’t have sizable forces painted.  Tzaangors were good for a few months between AoS 2.0 launch and BoC book nerfing them, but I don’t really see running more than 1 unit of Tzaangors in this book anyway.

    In time I think arcanites will be played.  I’m building and painting 50 acolytes myself and taking a break from painting horrors.

    Yeah. Very few people had kairic acolytes painted - they've never been good. Plus they are hard to paint. Personally I prefer the arcanites so will also be using then, but it takes time!

  7. 1 hour ago, Grotruk said:
    Was thinking about that:
    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Guild of Summoners
    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    - Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
    Ogroid Thaumaturge (160)
    - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum
    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (240)
    - Artefact: Wellspring of Arcane Might
    - Lore of Fate: Arcane Suggestion
    Fatemaster (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Prophet of the Ostensible
    - Artefact: Brimstone Familiar
    30 x Kairic Acolytes (300)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (360)
    Witchfyre Coven (160)

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 107






    Could be wrong but doesn't Witchfyre Coven require Enlightened on foot because it doesn't specify the disc requirement/isn't emboldened? 

    (I hope I'm wrong - it is an annoying restriction, like most of the arcanite battalions)

  8. 4 hours ago, HollowHills said:



    Excellent post. As someone with a similar background, I'd just add one caveat to this:t Aaron Dembski-Bowden and to a greater extent Peter Fehervari do offer something more. Something that could stand alone as a good quality fantasy book. Fehervari is truly excellent. Shameful that they don't just put a wheelbarrow of money at his doorstep.

    There's nothing wrong with a bit of pulp - Josh Reynolds writes some very nice and easy to read stories - but it is a missed opportunity to not aspire for more..

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Forrix said:

    I'm not saying Chaos Warriors couldn't use help (I haven't played with or against the new ones yet) but I am saying that all the world's Stormcast players would fly to Nottinghham and stone the rules design team to death with their Liberator models if that happened.

    Well, I'm primarily a Stormcast player in Nottingham and I disagree. At least the Liberators have a special weapon on the prime and rerolls of 1 to save. Both need help, mind. Though with Liberators I'd either give them self-staunch defender or each model counts for two on objectives vs rend on the CWs. 

  10. 7 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Fully agreed, Chaos Warriors should have a tiny bit more bite. I'll field them regardless as they were the very first Warhammer minis I've ever bought (back when the plastic kit were a set of identical ones) but it's sad to think that those points would be so much better invested in other units when CW should rock! :)


    They would be absolutely perfect with 1 rend on the hand weapons. A lack of special weapons really brings them down. 

    Similarly Chaos Knights hitting on 4s is a crime. 

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  11. They just don't advertise them or synergise them with product lines well. I didn't even know Dark Harvest came out and I'm very plugged in (I've read 95% of the AOS books). I don' necessarily mean each book needs to be released alongside an army release, but at least feature them prominently on product pages.

    They also really need to push Peter Fehervari - he's the only author (maybe ADB) who's books are of a standalone quality regardless of IP. A truly excellent writer whoo should be supported more.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Cambot1231 said:

    I've been hearing a lot of groans about Darkfire demonrift being bent from podcasts, forums, etc.  People saying that this spell takes entire ARMIES off the table. is this really justified?  I look at it on paper and think okay on the higher average  you have 4 wizards in range? The spell moves over one enemy unit and ends within an inch of another enemy unit.  So Bam two unit take 6 mortal wounds. That is powerful but not unlike other tzeentch mortal wound spells.    

    Having used it, it is good. In the army we have it is fine, with our limited casting. We struggle for damage outside of Archao, so....

  13. It was obviously not working as intending originally. Personally I would have changed it to only be usable on itself but as originally written. So it can have a big effect, but can also be played against - they could choose not to charge the DP, or not to pile in and ultimately a single daemon prince isn't winning a game on its own if left unscathed for a turn. Would have been a more interesting change.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    I personally dont see the value in the amount of kits/warscrolls an army has. Yes, in a perfect World it would matter and give you more choices and options. As it is, it just means an illusion of choice and more pages to go through when army building. Cities doesnt have 59 proper warscrolls to pick from in reality.

    Quality not quantity. Every warscroll in Sylvaneth has value - that is good design. (Yes, even the Branchwych, it is still an 80pt mage)

  15. 2 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    So, they go the 40k route, a global point reduction, a global increase on miniatures counts (good for their business), confirming a unsurprising power creep.

    Ok. They at least tried to balance things at mid career of GHB2019.

    There are very few points changes lol

  16. 42 minutes ago, Mcthew said:

    The warscroll builder is as much a GW product as the warscroll itself. Yes it can be flawed but no more than warscrolls. The rules over unit variations can be interpreted on the warscroll while the variations in the builder can not. If the builder is wrong, it will be changed. If it is not, without an FAQ you can read it is as no unit variations.


    It is produced and updated by a(brilliant) member of the public, GW just offered to host it on their website...

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