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Posts posted by Adamcbutton

  1. 6 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

    There are still those unshown bug rumor pics from a looong time ago. Was expectihg them to be revealed at this point. So what if this new army is either silent people or bug gobbos?

    Which bug pics? The ones hatching from the egg? Those were shown as part of the new Sylvaneth model that’s coming out with Kragnos

  2. 6 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

    There are still those unshown bug rumor pics from a looong time ago. Was expectihg them to be revealed at this point. So what if this new army is either silent people or bug gobbos?

    Which bug pics? The ones hatching from the egg? Those were shown as part of the new Sylvaneth model that’s coming out with Kragnos

  3. From the videos released it does seem that this game is really quite easy, players seem to be cutting through monsters with little chance for them to fight back. I’m curious about how much of a difference it would make if you did each mission with two characters instead of four - almost halting the number of activations you get would presumably up the difficulty quite a lot. You could maybe increase your heroes’ item carry capacity to compensate for the smaller party size. 

  4. ‘Kragnos’ doesn’t follow any of the Kurnothi naming conventions we’ve seen so far, which are all very Celtic/Gaellic sounding such as ‘Althaen’, ‘Sheoch’ and ‘Lighaen’.   Plus Kurnoth isn’t exactly buried under a mountain, and it would be a weird move to tie the Kurnothi to a different god. 

    The centaur in the video probably isn’t even this Kragnos character - we don’t often see the faction leaders in these videos (eg Katakros not appearing himself in the OBR one).

    It seems more likely Kragnos is either something completely new, or is somehow linked to something like Beasts of Chaos. 

  5. The rules are in the Sons of Behemat battle tome. From what I can tell, yes you can take a mercenary giant as skaven, it says “any army can include a Sons of Behemat mercenary”. However, the mercenary is treated as part of your army, so would limit your battleline choices to just Clanrats and Stormvermin. 

    it’s worth noting as well that the rules don’t actually restrict Skaventide armies from taking allies - in fact, with a Pestilens general (and maybe all Pestilens units) you can take nurgle allies. It’s just that under most circumstances, you don’t have any. 

  6. 39 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Does anyone know when we might get a first glimpse of the Idoneth Underworlds warband?

    They’ve been revealing approximately one warband per month, and we’re due the bonereapers before them, so we should see the Ossiarchs this month as well as an Idoneth silhouette, followed by full reveal next month

  7. 4 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    It they ever reimagine Dreadfleet but in the skies it’s quite sure Grotbag will get some presence.

    And for AoS they can just simply put them with the Gloomspite like Rippa that has nothing in common with them, until time will come to see if they expand in something of their own.

    I know many armies are referred to in the lore, but apart Malerion is totally possible the next one will be out of the blue as Idoneth at the time. 
    From WU we can see things that actually have a miniature like Rippa wolf riders, Kurnothi and the vampires that for now don’t have a home.

    To be fair, Grotbag Scuttlers would be just as “out of the blue” as the Idoneth - just a higher up blue this time!

  8. I like how the Crimson Court models seem to reference a different bloodline - you’ve got your Lahmian, Blood Dragon, Von Carstein and Strigoi. Now where’s the Necrarch,  GW?

    also that Cursed City trailer solves a bunch of rumour engines, including the halberd and wolf pelt

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  9. 54 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Don't you mean VAMPIRATE HUNTERS BAYBEE! When wish-listing in AOS it is always best to add that hint of spice 🤩

    As someone just starting Ogors that makes me very excited. I am hoping to kit bash at least an Icebrow hunter as I only have BCR bits. The problem is that all of the legs seem too splayed for an unmounted unit. But I have yet to build anything as I am wrapping up my S2D army first.

    But I will agree with the consensus here about how the Ogors have aged like the CGI in Jurassic Park. Both look phenomenal today but also have evidence of the limits of their respective eras. I would argue of all the legacy armies dating back to 6th Ed. or older that Ogors are least in need of a line refresh. I think the army that needs it most is Skaven seeing the new sculpts next to the ancient and atrocious Night Runners is laughable.  Seraphon should be next as I still attest that the resin Slann is a slap to the face of Lizardmen everywhere. 

    With the Hunter conversion, you can sit him on a rock and it won’t look too bad 


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  10. 17 minutes ago, novakai said:

    well reading the text it looks like the armor is turning Karthaen against his own warband.

    quarry and hunter must be new mechanics for this season, maybe there stuff that turns warband members against each other

    Hunter and quarry were introduced last season, they’re basically just keywords that interact with different effects on cards (e.g ‘score this immediately when a friendly Hunter takes an enemy Quarry out of action’)

  11. 32 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    How much does the lore tease an indectoid race? Asking as from my fallible memory I'm drawing that Ossiarchs were teased quite some bit and ended up serving the greater narrative of Nagash going on the offensive.


    The model itself seems to be something decorating a base - I first assumed it to be a Vespid, but the head isn't right - but I'd welcome a bug army to AoS!

    It doesn’t really tease a race at all. The Silent People are mentioned in three paragraphs in the rulebook for Beastgrave. They’re described as having lived in the Beastgrave many, many years ago, and as “somehow insectile in nature”, but not as bug-people. If the art on the rulebook is anything to go by, they look 99% human except with yellow eyes.

    there is a suggestion that something still lives there, there’s a few sentences about how people still feel they’re being watched or hearing clicking sounds in the Beastgrave, but the Silent People are exclusively described here as people in the past tense. 

    I suppose you could also interpret the Ur-Grub cards as a hint, but there’s no lore or anything to do with it

    They’re basically in the same position as the Katrophanes are in the Shadespire and Nightvault rulebooks - a long-gone people that inhabited one specific city/mountain, used to fill in the lore of that season of Underworld’s setting. Seeing as the Katrophanes were never released as models, there’s no reason to suspect we’ll get the Silent People either. 

    EDIT: It’s possible we could see something for them in the next season of Underworlds which looks like it’s going deeper into the Beastgrave setting, but I still believe a full faction release, at least any time in the near future, is extremely unlikely  


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  12. 4 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Which Mega-Gargant variety does this leave for Destruction...? 

    Destruction can probably take all 3 of the named gargants that have already been revealed, seeing as GW confirmed that they can take Bundo Whalebiter as well as Order armies. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Well, we have other two weeks of potential releases... I'm gonna enumerate all the thing we are going to have in the next months for all the games

    •  Underworlds: Next season is in December
    •  Warcry: Without a release date.
    • AoS: Broken Realms date is in November
    • 40k: The big releases are in October, and the next Codex are for the 4Q.
    • Necromunda: Orlocks are for the 4Q (October-November-December)
    • Titanicus: I think the season is over.
    • Aeronautica Imperialis: I think the season is over.
    • Blood Bowl: The Necromancer team and the new edition don't have any release date, but the rumours said that the next season will be an end of the year release.

    So, the things that could be announced in the next two weeks are:

    1. Sons of Behemat
    2. Necromancer Team
    3. Warcry Catacombs.

    Also, sorry if my English is not enough good or clear.  :)

    Also the Blood Bowl treeman will be coming at some point soon presumably

  14. So I’ve had some inspiration for my army:

    Two mercenary mega-gargants, dressed in suits, shades and trilbies, given a quest by their king to raise money to help rebuild the Temple of Behemat. 

    Along the way they reform their adventuring band of gargants and proceed to wreak havoc across the mortal realms. 



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  15. Slaanesh, Idoneth, Seraphon, Lumineth, Cities and Bonereapers don’t currently have any representation so would be good to see warbands for. 

    For the remaining two I’d love to see Spiderfang Grots and Clan Moulder get some representation.

    Four order factions might also be too many, so maybe swap Cities out for Bonesplitterz.


  16. 4 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I think there's a chance we'll get a "Savage Tribes" army at some point, and I'd love to see reimagined Gitmob artillery as part of that.  New Doom Divers with a steppe change in design, similar to the Screaming Skull Catapult becoming the Mortek Crawler (or the Black Coach before that).

    Fixed that for you.

    But seriously, I’d be all-in on a faction of nomadic raider grots riding wolves and other such beasts with their artillery in tow. 

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