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Posts posted by pollo1126

  1. @Battlefury

    Great write up and thanks for the info. How many khorgoraths did you take? I'm thinking 3 in one unit. I also agree with you on the mighty Lord of khorne. His damage is laughable, but it is really fun to run him as a phsyogical weapon. You have to chat up the fact that he can one shot guys and constantly remind your opponent that nagash is not long for this world. With his thermalrider cloak he can zip around and hopefully keep enemy heroes from important places. Granted, any good opponent will just ignore him, but against newer players he is stupidly fun.

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  2. @Sleboda

    I don't mean to burst your bubble but a 100% daemon army will not work. Blood letters are bad. They are only ever good with millions of buffs, flesh hounds are almost objectively better in a reapers list. Also you need a slaughterpreist. Judgments are good and prayers are also good, not to mention Bloodboil. Run priests!! As for the bloodsecrator, I am a firm believer that ever khorne lost needs one. Almost ever unit in khorne wants another attack, and it gives the enemy another threat. Here's a list of you want to stay mostly daemons

    Wok bloodthirster

    General, mage eater, crimson crown

    Unfettered bloodthirster

    Skullshard mantle

    Other bloodthirster





    4x5 hounds

    Hexgorger skulls

    Tyrants of blood


    This is Matt Campbell's list that won Sydney slaughter recently.

  3. Okay, first time doing this, but battle report time! 

    This is a 1000 point battle against skaven (y'all already know how it ends). 

    My list

    Bloodsecrator (general w/thronebreakers thorc), bloodstoker, sliaghterpriest (blood sacrifice)

    2x10 reavers, 10 blood warriors, 5 blood warriors, 5 skullreapers, wrath axe

    His list

    Warlock bombardier, warlock engineer

    6 stormfiends, 2x20 clanrats, soulsnare shackles

    We each got 18" up from the table edge to deploy, and objectives would randomly appear after the first round in one of our thirds. 


    He placed two nawholes in my backline, and one in his. He placed his clanrats near said nawhole, and his stormfiends on the right (my right) supported by his heros.

    I placed my alter as far up as I could. I then put my heros behind it to try and have cover. On my right I had my 10 bloodwarriors with my skullreapers behind and on the other flank I had 10 reavers with 5 bloodwarriors. I kept the other ten reavers to screen the middle and hopefully get me some blood tithe. 

    Round 1

    He went first, buffing his fiends and shooting my priest down to 1 health. He also summoned in some shackles in front of my right flank. On my turn, I failed all my prayers, and figured I would just advance. I could've gotten my bloodwarriors into combat with the command ability, but I figured they'd just die. I decided to leave the charge for next turn so I could also go in with my reapers. If he got the first turn, it would hurt a bit, but I thought it would be fine (first time vs skaven, don't judge). 

    Round 2

    He won the roll off and the objectives came down, both symetrically across each other on the left third of the board. Literally the worst outcome for me. Then he proceeded to shoot my skullreapers clean off the board. He sent 20 clanrats to his objective and 20 more to mine through his nawhole. Now I was thoroughly confounded. I decided I could go in against the fiends with the bulk of my force and then sweep around to claim his objective. The other part of my army could get my objective along with some daemons I could summon in. I did get blood sacrifice off, but nothing else. Then I sent my blood warriors and my bloodsecrator at the fiends and they did pretty good damage. Taking out 2 fiends, 1 more from battleshock. 2 damage bloodsecrator is surprisingly good. On a side note, we weren't sure if the bloodsecrator buffed himself, anyone here know? I also tried to get 5 bloodwarriors and reavers onto my objective but missed the charge. As for my casualties, I had a large chunk of warriors killed, but used a cp to not take battleshock. 

    Round 3

    He won the roll off again, he got two great rocket shots from his heros, killing my stoker. Then he went in hard against my bloodwarriors with his fiends and I was down to 3. He kept his rats on the objectives. On my turn all of my prayers went off and the wrath axe did work to his fiends, which I finished off later in the round. I also got 10 reavers in on his heros, only to have them scuttle away. On my left, I sent in the warriors and reavers and found out the hard way that 20 clanrats are not easily displaced. 

    Round 4

    I went first this round and decided to use my blood tithe to attack against his rats in my hero phase. Most of my attacks missed and to make a long story short, he eventually killed my force on the left and stayed on the objective. 

    By the end of the round I was way behind in vp, so I conceded. I did have a larger presence on board and had killed more guys but he had the objectives. 


    I was surprised by how well 10 warriors do in combat, if you can get them all in they can do lots of damage. Throughout the game I had trouble deciding how to keep my troops inside the secretor bubble. How important is it to do this? I was under the impression khorne was bad without the +1 attack, but if that's the case then we'll just loose on objectives like I did. Also skaven are very good. Anyway, this was my first bat rep and my second actual aos game, I had a great time and I didn't forget any rules. (I think)

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  4. Another thing to consider is that some armies take far longer to paint than others. If you play seraphon, you can just air brush 40 skinks, paint a unit or two of some other troop get a preist and you are set. On the other hand, khorne has lots of little details and a high number of models that can take ages to paint up. Keep this in mind when deciding.

  5. Hello all

    I am relatively new to this forum, but I have been playing Blades of Khorne for a long time now. Personally, I find that using two Bloodsecrators is more effective than running the Gore Pilgrims battalion in Aos 2.0. The cost of Gore Pilgrims is now 200 points. This battalion allows you to increase the range of your Bloodsecrator by 6 inches for every Slaughterpriest within 8 inches. This means that your Bloodsecrator has a maximum range of 36 inches, giving you a maximum effective area of 1296pi inches squared.  Additionally, your Slaughterpriests to re-roll failed prayers. Cool. Now let's assume you take two Bloodsecrators instead of the battalion. Each Bloodsecrator has a max range of 18 inches. This means that in total your Bloodsecrators have a maximum effective area of 648pi inches squared. Additionally, units in both of these bubbles get two additional attacks instead of one like normal. Additionally, you can move one Bloodsecrator up while the other stays in place. This allows you to advance with buffed units. Using a single Bloodsecrator with a range of 36 Inches, will give you a larger maximum area buff but only if he's near the center of the battlefield. In most cases, two Bloodsecrators will be buffing more area, and therefore more units. Finally, two Bloodsecrators will let you not immediately loose when your Bloodsecrator dies. As for your Slaughterpriests, in the battalion, your three priests will be very close to your Bloodsecrator and completely out of combat. This is 440 points of leaders not in combat (3 priests + secrator) compared to only 280 points without the battalion. When you don't use the battalion, your Slaughterpriests will be in combat and therefore be able to kill enemies. This will increase their casting rolls, sure it won't be as good as re-rolling fails, but it is still good considering your using 160 more points of leaders in combat. To conclude, Not using this battalion will also cost 60 points less to your army, it does take another hero slot, but you can simply cut a Slaughterpriest to even out your army.

    I hope you enjoy your day.

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