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Posts posted by Easygrin

  1. 1 hour ago, Sharkbelly said:

    It looks like the Nightwars box allows people to play with Radukar the Beast and Fell Bats as well, so that's cool.


    But is this it then? Feels like Radugar the beast would the final challange. I would have loved rules for many more units and bosses. Like the Ghouls and vampires from undergrounds. Or more advanced skeleton units then just guards. And what about extra playable characters?

  2. 1 hour ago, Gwill_of_the_Woods said:

    So i reckon they'll probably repackage Radukar the Beast, the Kritza Rat Prince and Lady Annika with cards/rules for enemies.

    Then maybe repackage Galen & Doralia ven Denst as a hero expansion.


    @Bjornas- i agree with smart play you can do well, but some of the elite enemies are real bad asses. Link that with some bad rolls 😱

    I really hope for rules to use the UD Warbands from underworlds and stuff like direwolves next to all off that. 

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  3. I kinda like  the idea of multiple tribes gathering to form an Army and the dark oath forfill a part of this. Would love if they are able to form a full army ofcourse. But i think regular old Chaos Warriors should never be pushed out. They r the T800 off Chaos. But maybe they should give the marauders a model update. Wouldn't it be  more impressive if there were lots of barbarian tribes enslaved instead off ... just this 1 tribe... the others said no

  4. 14 minutes ago, Tutenkharnage said:

    Those models are gorgeous. I’m going to guess three fighter with 3 Wounds apiece and another three (including the dog) with 2. 

    Yes they are better than i would have hoped for. Love the one with the sword he looks so much better thenhen does on the art . The one with the axe is good i had a head swap in mind for him but thought it might npt fit the pose he had on the art but now it might actually be perfect for what i had in mind. The others are great aswell the archer and the dog or leopard? Are a nice bonus. 

  5. So... no nurgle no Bonesplitterz no Dark aelves no Slaanesh no deepkin no gor beastmen was hoping for epic posed Gor and a Minotaur  no more of the older races no wanderers guess the half aelf half rotten tree things are 25% ael ves 75% bark kinda like them though love the Dark Oath group I like the goblins I don't like the mushroom Trol and in not sure about the overlords. Kinda excited and disappointed mostly disapdisappointed cause there are no nurgle but really happy with the Dark Oath they really look Conan&Red Sonya might change the hairstyles and do a headswap here and there but i love the Dark oaths

  6. Yes I like that the new warhammer quests got playable Orcs and dark elves if you can still call them that... and love all the chaos dudes I'm one off those lucky people who love Khorne. I've got both ST & SOH and the chaos adversary cards and silver tower is painted par the Cupid looking dwarf and the Warpriest and his Eagle dog busy with Hammerhalls monsters who i really love done most the reavers want more then 10 cause of the card and the rules that they call more also busy with the chaos warriors who I convert from mixxing stormcast liberators with chaos knight's cuz I feel the old school chaos warriors should still tower over everyone also converting the marauders because the originals are too tiny look like dwarves compared to the new scale. Blightkings I take my time for cuz I want them to look as disgusting as possible. Got several warriors finished the Dark Oath Chieftan the questing knight both the Aelves from the ST box the slaughterpriest the Orruk Warchanter both Exalted Deathbringers and the aspiring Deathbringer the Blood Secratrator the lord of plaques which I still had. And 3 custum guys a Bull Centaur a wood elf wardancer and a old school barbarian. I've got a friend on Warseer in the warhammer quest section that made up the rules. I do wish GW would show some more support make more rules crossover models or more boxed exspansions. But I fear they going to let it die 

  7. The shaman and his henchmen look great I painted that shaman once allready and I know he is quite a ****** to do. Was for a friend and need to do him again for myself. The Bestigor is great love his banner like they slaughtered a Minotaur who wasn't fit enough for the herd. To me the Mino's always seem the brute force but the Bestigors are the closest to highly skilled armoured warriors scared of nothing including Minotaurs. This is a top notch army lots of great ideas

    • Thanks 1
  8. Wauw I came to look for inspiration for my Wood elves but now I feel I need to revisit my beastmen aswell. Never painted them for an army although I probably have enough of them to make one . I don't think I ever saw anyone painting warpaint so good it really looks amazing. The Minotaur conversions are the best really great idea with the ungor Drummer ?  in fact best idea I've seen so far. I've got 2 boxes of Minotaurs painted a long time ago but no banners and no drummer. Love this blog 

    • Thanks 1
  9. Fantastic painting I'm myself more of a warhammer quest player and recently made some wardancer conversion to use in Silver tower and shadows over hammerhall. Now I'm drawn in sop much I'm preparing a wood elf army..

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