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Blog Comments posted by Easygrin

  1. My Bull Centaur i remember once i saw the first picture of the forgeworld ones ? I soo needed to have one. Then my heart was broken when I got them and they were waay to big. This one I'm very happy with him still big but workable my friend from Warseer made up rules for him like the wardancer they are both fairly overpowered but have their weakness. The wardancer is like the shard a bit of a glass canon the Bull Centaur is a juggernaut but weak to attacks from behind and the rear side. Still need to make a shield for him


  2. Greenskins need to get the orc Shami sometime and had the goblin shami for long time from my original whq. The Warchanter plays very very nice in Silver tower. Altho I died on the first group I smashed with him the whole rest of the run 


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  3. My elves I lost the head of the sorceress so replace it with another didn't come out to well maybe I do her over at some point. The shard has come out fairly well only messed up a bit in painting the face but I'm content with him as he is. Third the wood elf wardancer one my conversions for silver tower and shadows over hammerhall i love the wood elves and specially the wardancers. Very happy how he came out the hair is all green stuff and 2 gladeguard swords I'm really ****** at freehand so did limited tattoos would have liked to done more but need to improve my skills a bit


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  4. My knight I didn't like the way the stormcast looked so I converted him a little bit. I've never done bases have no rl friends who are in the hobby so dunno where to start. Will do some day. WHQ is my favourite game never really played in aos or a army game but maybe I get there some day



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