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Posts posted by Soolong

  1. 10 minutes ago, CitizenX said:

    Just realized that if you buy a box of leadbelchers to go with the two in this box you have enough to make two min size units. (provided they don't change the min unit size)

    Warscroll for ironguts says 1 in 4 for the banner so they have increased the unit size for them, I assume the same will be true for leadbelchers. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, Amradiel said:

    I would like to start to invest in some units before the update and the Ogor frenzy is a fact. What units would be "safe bets" 😊 My biggest hope is that BCR and Gutbusters get merged.


    Personally I am going to get the remaining man-eaters from gw just incase they get squashed and wait for the third party discount when the ironguts and leadbelchers get a re-box.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

    Sorry, newbie here, how can we ally in Fungoid? I thought it was only Troggoths?

    nope, you can ally in beastclaws as well as troggoths. Fungiod is a herald from malign portents so can be used by any destruction army. 

    • Like 1
  4. Anyone got any thoughts on the new command abilities? Re-roll hits of 1 in the combat phase, re-roll save rolls of 1 and re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase.

    Fungoid can give you an extra command point on a +4, we can buy one more for 50 points.

    Thinking of dumping the butcher for 2 fungoid. 2 CP could give you a screen of bulls re-rolling 1 on hits while causing a MW on saves of 6 with a unit of ironblasters behind them re-rollings 1 on their leadbelcher guns.

  5. 4 hours ago, The Art of Caesura said:

    Hey guys! 

    Just back from Warhammer Fest today where I had some great fun getting stuck into the new paints. I went to the "Science of Paint" seminar, and they spoke all about these paints and what went into making them - some fun stories involving kettles in spray hoods and 12 Space Marine chapters...

    Anyway, I decided to compile all I learned (and experienced) here. Hope it is useful!


    Thanks for the wright up, this is the information I wanted to know. So the models will need to be varnished? They have been very quite about that then, makes me wonder how well other paints will adhere to the new contrast paints if you can not handle the miniatures. I hate the look of varnished models so I have gone from buying the whole range to just getting a few.

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    I can believe that about the iron golems. GW , apart from stormcast, do not really do metal armour using their metallic paints and while there are highlights, mainly on the weapons, they are not the same level you would expect from GW . That could be all base colours and then very controlled new contrast paint.

    Look at the warcry band from yesterday, highlights on everything. Compare the finger joints and stomach muscles. That is how they normally do skin.

    ChampionshipStoreSeminar-May4-WarcryGroup1jvr (1).jpg

  7. From the Stormcast Eternals Battletome. (From the Mount Traits, not the Command Trait or the Artefacts of Power sections): "If a Stormcast Eternals army includes any HEROES mounted on DRACOTHS, STARDRAKES, GRYPH-CHARGERS, DRACOLINES or TAURALONS, one of those HEROES can have a mount trait. Declare which HERO has the mount trait and then pick which mount trait table you wish to use. You can choose or roll for a mount trait from the table you pick. You can choose one extra HERO to have a mount trait for each warscroll battallion in your army. The same HERO cannot have more than one mount trait."

    • Thanks 1
  8. Can someone clear something up for me? Was looking at the the normal ogors , the new repack, are they the same models as ironguts but the ironguts come with two handed weapons? And if that is the case, could you not take the spare two handed weapons from the BCR start collecting and make the normal ogres into ironguts?

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