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Posts posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. 33 minutes ago, AronQ_ said:

    And one more question, which unit is better and why- symbaresh twinsouls or myrmidesh painbringers? I don't know what to build

    I don't think you can answer that straight up, they are different units that do different jobs, which is better will depend on what else is in your list and what you need them to do! 

  2. Slickblades and Blissbarbs have different roles, but overall I don't think you'll hear any argument that, overall, Slickblades are the better unit as they're probably the best Warscroll in the entire battletome right now. I can't say much about LRL specifically, just be aware that our squishy and expensive support Heroes are very much in danger from 30" no LOS 5+ MW sniping if a load of Sentinels are taken in decent numbers. But there's not really a lot you can do about that if you cannot deploy outside of their range. 

  3. Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Zainthar Kai

    Morathi-Khaine (210)
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    The Shadow Queen (390)
    Bloodwrack Shrine (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Fearsome Presence
    - Artefact: Crystal Heart
    - Lore of Shadows: The Withering
    Hag Queen (90)
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet
    - Prayer: Catechism of Murder
    Slaughter Queen (100)
    - Artefact: Crown of Woe
    - Prayer: Sacrament of Blood

    5 x Blood Sisters (130)
    5 x Blood Sisters (130)
    10 x Blood Stalkers (280)

    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)

    Avatar of Khaine (130)

    Scathcoven (140)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Bloodwrack Viper (40)
    Bladewind (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 100

    For more casual matched play among friends. Likely to be played into Ossiarch Bonereapers. 

  4. Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Zainthar Kai

    Morathi-Khaine (210)
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    The Shadow Queen (390)
    Bloodwrack Shrine (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Fearsome Presence
    - Artefact: Crystal Heart
    - Lore of Shadows: The Withering
    Hag Queen (90)
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet
    - Prayer: Catechism of Murder
    Slaughter Queen (100)
    - Artefact: Crown of Woe
    - Prayer: Sacrament of Blood

    5 x Blood Sisters (130)
    5 x Blood Sisters (130)
    10 x Blood Stalkers (280)

    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)

    Avatar of Khaine (130)

    Scathcoven (140)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Bloodwrack Viper (40)
    Bladewind (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 100

    Possibly swap out the two Endless Spells for the Invocation as the damage reduction will be good against all the Snake-ladies. Efficient use of Start Collecting models, not designed to be a super competitive melee blender army, but can add girls in later on and experiment with other Temples from there. 

  5. Hellstriders I just don't understand why GW thought (even now they generate depravity) that they warranted a 50% increase in their points cost. For 50 more points you literally get double the wounds on a more powerful platform, yes the Seekers aren't battleline but that's neither here nor there for the internal balance of these units. 

    • Like 1
  6. TBF I think this book can do work, it's just hard to do so when stuff is so massively overcosted. Daemonettes are our cheapest battleline but to take them in survivable numbers they start getting pricey and are more easily summoned. Why Striders had to go up 40-50% for no discernible change other than they can generate Depravity is kind of bonkers. And, as others have said, only summoning one unit a turn now kind of balances it all out. I'm going to stick with it, I'm a casual after all and don't do tournaments so playing a middle-ground book isn't going to be bad for me, just going to cost me a lot of £££s to get all the new Mortal stuff leaving most of my Daemons to be summons only. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, umpac said:

    I wouldn't take Fiends without Glutos anyway, and to fit both in you have to change ~1/3 of your army. In seekers cavalcade you definitely have the tools to deal with a 40 blob, just stall them with Locus and/or 2.9" cavalcade pile-in shenanigans and win on objectives. You don't have enough shooting or strong enough melee to tackle a 40 blob praetorian Morteks in honest combat. Sigwald could put the hurt on them with a good charge roll and double pile-in but he'll die in prolonged combat so you're better off removing them from play in other ways and directing your damage to smaller units. If the Morteks get into a good position before you can jam them up then its gonna be rough. 

    I've put together so many lists trying to get everything I want, I've done some Glutos and Fiends, but always struggle with Battleline and feel like I'm handicapping myself by taking 6 Fiends which is almost 2 units of Slickblades which are probably overall better. 

    Don't know if it makes a difference but the 40 Mortek will be in 2 units of 20, not a single unit. 

  8. Trying to make a list, as I've said before, always feels like I'm missing something, in this case, something to make use of the second artifact from the Batallion. 


    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot  - General - Artefact: Enrapturing Circlet - Lore of Slaanesh: Born of Damnation

    Syll'Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance

    Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh


    11 x Blissbarb Archers 

    5 x Myrmidesh Painbringers

    5 x Myrmidesh Painbringers

    5 x Slickblade Seekers

    5 x Slickblade Seekers

    1 x Seeker Chariots

    1 x Seeker Chariots


    Seeker Cavalcade 



    I'd love 6 Fiends but can't fit them in, Keeper will be summoned as will Daemonettes to pad things out. Not sure how this will go into a 40 Mortek Guard list....

  9. 18 hours ago, umpac said:

    What units are you looking to build your list around?

    I have at least one box of all the Daemons from the last book so that's all fine. I don't have Hellstriders but may get Shadow and Pain as that might be an easy way to get them for Battleline. Really, I'd like to use my Seekers and 6 Fiends seem like a decent smash unit if a little fragile. 

  10. Why is it so hard to actually write a list with this book? I just run out of points so damn fast and it never feels like I'm putting enough of the stuff I want in there. I wish we had a hero that made Seekers Battleline.... even with Chariots I just don't feel like I'm getting enough in the army to justify the Battalion without going outside of the Hedonites book and I don't want to do that, I want to just play Hedonites. 

    • Like 4
  11. 12 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Double cows are considered to be more of a fun list, so it might be just the right thing for you. They are slow and usually you won’t have much or any protection against mortal wounds, but  once you get into combat they are fun. Ymetrica hasn’t really performed that well in tournaments so far. 

    The starter box was really good, especially when you come new to AoS because you can also use all the little extras in the box. But, a part of the value was in the special edition Battletome, and a new Battletome will be released in the coming months. If you plan on playing with our bovine splendor it might be better to start buying a few of those models and see what’s going to happen in the next few months. With the range doubling in size it’s really hard to say how the LRL will look like. Ymetrica might just be two ballistas and a good hero away from being a really powerful faction. 

    Hope that helps a bit, sadly I have no experience with double mountain spirits myself. 

    This is what I was working with as an idea at the moment; 


    Alarith Stonemage 

    Scinari Cathallar  - General

    Avalenor, the Stoneheart King 

    The Light of Eltharion 


    10 x Alarith Stoneguard - Stone Mallets

    5 x Vanari Dawnriders

    10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens

    10 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels

    10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens


    Alarith Spirit of the Mountain

    1900/2000 no room for a battalion but plenty for Endless Spells

    It's just an idea because I know there's new stuff coming and I already want AirFox and the new Mounted Hero for sure. And obviously no idea what larger changes may come as the result of the new tome. I can get hold of the Starter Box for less money than it would cost to buy just the models, even with a discount, and while the book will be replaced, the extras will likely still be of us, and, if they're not, I'd still be using the units from the box so it's almost a win/win. I want something that will compete with the OBR my friend is looking at without either stomping them into the ground, or being stomped into the ground as that's not fun for anyone. 


    • Like 1
  12. Considering LRL as a new army, I'm a 40k player and have some Slaanesh stuff but may be getting into an AoS project for building an army alongside a friend who's doing OBR, we're not competitive but obviously don't want to suck, just after some fun games that can go either way. I think the Starter Box is a good start but was wondering if anyone has tried double Cows in a Ymetrica list? 

  13. If you only own the Catacombs sit and were playing a campaign, does the Catacombs set have it's own campaign with new convergences, or would you need the original terrain to actually play the original convergences? 

    I understand that the Warcry rules are one of the better sets from GW but don't want to get locked into a purchase and then finding out that you can't play half the game with what you have in the box without buying more stuff on top to round out what's missing between the original starter and this one. 

    Any help gratefully received. 

  14. We should also remember that the Hedonites book is effectively version 1.0 for Slaanesh. After being ignored more or less for the whole of the switch from Fantasy to AoS there wasn't a book and we got a really good deal to start with in 2.0 but like many people I'd have loved to have had mortals too, but I think we may see some of that on saturday. *fingers crossed* and Depravity and our book was ridiculously OP from day 1, it's just sad that the nerfbat swung so hard, so fast and so frequently that by the time it was finished, new armies had come out and the hideous pile of deformed flesh that had been the glorious work of the Dark Prince was now...... less so. 

    For me the easiest fix would be to make depravity army wide and hike the summoning costs. All of a sudden we want to be taking units again, it would open up Fiends as a choice (I love the models for these and have 6 of the new ones and I'd love to use them). Add in some more mortal units as well as with the new lore I can see Slaanesh being on the rise. Not to being the OP tourney army of the past, but hopefully not the whipping boys/girls/whatever to any army that doesn't need to be in melee to do damage. I'd love to mono-dex without having to rely on Beasts or StD to get some decent units in. 

    New Daemonette models would be my ultimate fantasy come true though lol. 


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