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Posts posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. 9 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

    Ah yes, that makes sense. But then i wonder why they did nothing for the brand new slaangor and blissbarb/slickblade seeker kits, i guess they figured pushing the other kits was enough for now or something.

    Slickblades were the best damage unit of the new tome when it came out, presumably they've sold tons of those kits as they were the best unit we had. Now they can get people to buy more of the other mortals. 

    If I was being cynical that is. 

  2. 16 hours ago, woolf said:

    guys is MW dmg which is triggered by VEW reduced by things like thunderlizards and nigthhaunt krulghast?

    Yes, if you are doing multiple damage per wound, so a D2 weapon even if triggered by VEW would still go to D1. 

  3. Interesting to read your take on it! Hopefully in the GHB we'll get some points drops on Gutrippas which will help expand lists. I do like how units of 20 look but as you're stuck with Battleline units you pretty much have to run MSU to get anything other than Big Yellerz and I do want to do more Grinnin' Blades. 

  4. I'd like to have a chance at 5-0 (other than the fact I don't  play tournaments) using just the models in our book though. If it works  for other armies it should work for us, we shouldn't be reliant on other books to bring up the power level. I know many don't want a return to the egregiousness of the first Tome, but somewhere between it and where we are now surely shouldn't be that hard to achieve. 

    • Like 2
  5. From memory White Dwarf is written about 6 months in advance from comments that Lyle has made in the Editorial, obviously I am sure that they can swap some articles in and out as needed. 

    In relation to any update I don't think that GW really does rate summoning, I'd love to see changes in Battle Tactics that can be scored by summoned units. Outside of FEC we're the only army that really brings in a lot of units in a game if the Depravity starts to roll, but the things you're going to summon could give away battle tactics but never score you any. I don't think that's totally balanced considering the drawbacks we have to be able to summon in the first place. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    "the spectral bolts of the Craventhrone Guard always hit their mark"...

    Hits on 4s 🤣

    Glad I wasn't the only one to O.o at the disconnect between the "fluff" and the warscroll there. I know GW like to hype things up but these guys definitely aren't marksmen of any kind. 

  7. Also, when Battle Tactics rely on being completed by units from your Starting Army, your only real use for a lot of the decent summons (30 Daemonettes) is to hold an objective, but you might not score tactics with that unit which can the difference between winning and losing. 

    At this point you seem to lose far more from summoning units than you actually gain (in some ways). 

    Drukhari in 40 have a Power from Pain rule where they get bonuses as the game goes on (kind of like DoK do) I wouldn't be against something like that rather than having summoning as being the crutch we're meant to rely on. Slaanesh has such an amazing model range that it would be really cool to see it all on the table at the start and not relegated to "might make an appearance at some point depending on what I need/packed in my army case".

    • Like 2
  8. The old Keeper had an issue in that all the depravity was based purely on heroes and being able to CA itself meant that you could get a load of depravity from one model. However, they then changed depravity to be non hero dependant and then still nerfed the Keeper for the Locus and the CA, while also increasing its points. It didn't need all of that in one hit

    Shalaxi is just awful though, supposed to be a killer of Bloodthirsters yet with only 1 attack on the spear is utterly unable to actually do that in the game with any degree of consistency. 

    • Like 1
  9. The second is likely to be the printed GHB though so not "skipping" just putting something out that wont invalidate a product they are going to charge their customers for. Look at how often in 40k that a new Codex has come out and the points have been adjusted either before the Codex or immediately after, it doesn't feel good to buy something physically and it's out of date already. If they just kept points in the apps and got rid of the paywall for building armies it would make things easier as they're not restricted to selling print updates but like others have said, selling copy is their entire business model. 

    • Confused 1
  10. On 3/15/2022 at 9:45 AM, Elazar The Glorified said:

     I think with that change though, if we could get a White Dwarf boost like Beasts of Chaos have and what potentially Blades of Khorne might feel from theirs then we might actually be in a decent position. 

    Blades of Khorne's WD update is terrible. It does nothing to solve the issues that Tome already has and actually puts them in a worse spot. As bad as I feel about Hedonites, I am glad we're not Khorne. Really does seem like GW just struggles with what they want the various Chaos factions to be which shouldn't be too tough really when they have their identity. 

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  11. I'll have to admit that my first thoughts on seeing the new Battlescroll was "if I'm already struggling to kill the top tier units, how does giving me more victory points make my army better against them?" They might have a ton of playtest data to back this up but it seems like something that doesn't actually fix anything. 

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