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Posts posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. In terms of kitting out Kippers/Shalaxi I'm not sure the Aegis is auto-take, or higher priority. Hand still seems pretty good, especially when you consider that it might not be that hard, or take that long, to hit the global 5+ ward from depravity. There seems to be a lot of list building options and, with the points being quite high, it'll definitely be an army where you're not going to be able to cram in everything you want. Our Cavalry overall seems really good no matter what option you take, they all have roles to play, the heroes are amazing and as Depravity isn't locked into them they all have interesting roles that you can build around. Mortals still seem better than Daemons but I don't think you're going to feel handicapped if you take more Daemons now. 

    Liberal smattering of Warmasters allows you to play Pretenders pretty easily and maintain your 3CP a turn with a general around so there's even protection there, especially with how good Glutos and Syll'eske are now. I've not felt this excited about Slaanesh for a long time and have even pushed aside my current painting project to get painting Slaanesh before I've even got the book in my hand. 

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  2. Hero slots are going to be at a premium with a lot of really cool stuff to fit in there. Lots of options. Looks like Mortals are definitely the pick of the regular units but Fiends not needing reinforcing to get the extra bonuses now is really positive. So many buffs and debuffs now there's going to be a lot to keep track of but if you play it right feels like it's going to be utterly devastating. If you don't know how to pilot it though, or get it wrong, it's going to feel like the current book where you can't do much. 

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  3. That'll be the real trick with Temptation dice. Save this unit from death or possibly give me enough points to trigger the next Depravity bonus/summon a juicy unit to reinforce me. It's a shame that Euphoric Killers is gone to single unit only, but the fact that we can (if we get better rend) wipe a unit out and still generate that depravity is a real bonus. 

  4. My worry is that if he's not insanely cheap, or doesn't have any other defensive tech bar that 4+ ward, he's going to be so easily killed off that he's not going to matter. Yes, he may buy a unit a turn of combat but, at the moment, most Slaanesh stuff hits like a wet noodle anyway so I'm not sure if it would make a big difference. Now, if we get some revised rend, or abilities to add to the rend of a unit then we're all good. I don't want to fully judge this guy without seeing the rest of the Warscroll and also seeing if there's other synergies in the new tome that we've been lacking sorely in this one. 

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  5. SCE suffer from the same thing as Space Marines, come out strong at the start compared to the other new Tome/Codex, then get progressively worse over the edition due in part to how hard it is to balance so many units. Just imagine if all the various Chambers got their own battletome supplements with a few unique characters/units on top of that as well. 

  6. The problem with HoS isn't the points (well, not JUST the points) so points drops alone won't make the army better. What we need is Warscroll rewrites and that'll not happen outside of a tome unless something is particularly egregious in the meta (like Pink Horrors were). 

    At this point it's wait for the new tome and pray to the Dark Prince GW actually know how to fix the issues Slaanesh has. 

  7. Sadly I think Kruleboyz specifically (although arguments could be made for Bonesplitterz too, not IJ though) have been afflicted by GW's "first book in a new edition" plague. Happened with Necrons in 9th edition 40k. Having a battletome/Codex early on in an edition, especially at release as being the battle box tomes, is a curse. The rules team are trying things out for starters and they don't want to go too gung ho at the beginning, that kicks in as they settle and start to make things more OP. That's why we get things like all these extra dice rolls to make army traits work, or dumb things like cast or elixir with the Shaman, or a Gutrippaz scareshield rule that never sees the light of day. 

    If it was a new army mid-edition I don't think we'd have any of these things which reduce the power of the army comparatively. There's all kinds of cool things they could do with KB, plenty of room to expand, although then there's a bigger problem of balancing everything into Big Waaagh. Would be much nicer to have 3 Orruk tomes rather than trying to cram everything into one and that would flesh out Destruction quite a bit too. 

    Still, at least they're trying to fix things but I don't hold out much hope until the next Tome comes out. 

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  8. After spending lots of time, painting lots of things, last year I sat down and worked out, from the past 5 or so years, what I'd have the most fun painting. I'd decided that was Skaven as I'd really loved painting the Spiteclaw stuff for Underworlds when that first came out. So, I got some Skaven. First model I painted was the Screaming Bell and it was a lot of fun to do. Now I'm moving on to Clanrats and if I can do those guys the rest of the army will follow. So, my favourite model of last year was the last one I finished. 








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  9. I think it sounds great! With the limitless opportunities of the Mortal Realms you've got a lot more creative workspace than you'd have had in WHFB. I can easily see a roving band of Chamon Orruks striking deals with enterprising Dwarves (like the Hobgoblins you get in Kruleboyz with their Chorf grenades) maybe trading slaves for "upgrades" which means all your bionic stuff would thematically work perfectly fine. 

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  10. IMO Khorne has similar issues to Slaanesh, they don't actually play on the table in a way that is consistent with how they appear in the lore. Khorne are depicted as frothing berserkers, who, once their rage is kindled become lost to the fury of combat and the ability to tell friend from foe evaporates, for Khorne only cares that the blood flows! I don't think it would be that hard to depict that in Army Traits rather than everything having to be within a certain range of a buff piece to get the most out of them. Blood Tithe I understand but again, that could use tweaks too. You want things to feel like rage is building up. 

    You could give them a Rage mechanic that works like the tally of Nurgle (not sure if that's even a thing anymore). The more wounds that are caused, and taken, add up and you get bonuses on a tier system kind of like depravity, but you don't pay for it so it's more like a Big Waaagh! To start off with it could be +1 attack when charging, at the end it could be something like all 6's to hit cause mortal wounds, however those wounds MUST be allocated to a model, if no more friendly models remain to allocate wounds to, those wounds must be allocated to friendly models starting with the unit that caused them. 

    This just feels more fluffy to me than what they have now, or you could choose to spend those points to summon in some Daemons. 

    Slaanesh needs to lose the focus on summoning, it needs to be fast, no issue with it having poor saves to balance things, but they need to be able to hit hard. I'd say remove the double hits on a 6 to be a more Slaaneshi "Any 6 to hit increases the rend of that attack by 2" to show the success of the attacker finding that weak spot and caressing them with a beautiful, artful killing stroke. Doesn't get overpowered to start with, can be mildly negated by high armour enemies but also gives you a nice punch if you can get it. 

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  11. I remember when the Kruleboyz were revealed, I think it was on a WarCom article that Gutrippas were sold as the "horde" unit in the army as Orruks can be quite hordey. Then we got the scrolls and 10 models for 180pts is the opposite of a horde. Yes, they have 2 wounds each but it's behind a really bad save and the usual "Destruction has to have poor Bravery" stat so any casualties cause havoc in the Battleshock phase without taking either Killabosses or saving a CP for Insane Bravery which will only save one unit. Obviosuly that's compounded by GV and BH now because it's really easy to wipe out a unit as their defensive tech in the Skareshield might as well not be there in the majority of cases. 

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  12. So many rules that revolve around multiple dice rolls to work, I'd like to see that change, other armies don't have to get as lucky for their army rules to apply. Scareshields need to not have quite so many qualifiers for them to work either. Also, let Shamans cast AND apply a potion, it's not like it would be broken. 

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  13. 16 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah I’ve noticed it today as well.

    had that conversation with a friend.

    and the thought is just hilarious.

    we get a poorly written book and in addition a poorer faq.

    And thanks to that we now have rattling gun weapon teams always shooting in a overcharged state thanks to gw not doing their faqs correctly

    I was part of that Discord discussion. I'm Brood-mother Whiptail. 

  14. Technically, with a certain reading of the rules, they'll never explode anyway. If you look at the core rules for explaining a double, it specifically mentions a 2D6 roll where the results are the same, so a 4D6 roll ISN'T a 2D6 roll so you can't get a double! I'd never play it this was as the intent is rather clear, but if you read the rules literally...... overcharge away! 

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