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Nighthaunt Noob

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Posts posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. 4 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    I'm hoping that he has a Teclis aspect and a Tyrionic aspect and that you choose which one he is using at the start of either each battleround or your turn. 

    Even if that is the case, there's the risk they overvalue the points benefit of that flexibility, or there won't be enough different between the two aspects.

  2. 5 hours ago, Incineroar87 said:

    Even though most close combat wizard hybrid characters are literally potato both at combat and magic, I really hope he has a good selling point that separates him from other choices.

    Agreed GW doesn't tend to do hybrid characters well at all. Hoping they don't ruin a great looking model with trash rules.

    I think one of the things they do poorly is they seem to have an unwritten rule that models of a certain number of points won't have more than "x" number of special rules. Then if one of the rules is super narrow it doesn't leave a lot else. There's nothing wrong with narrow special rules but I think they need to get more comfortable giving out more rules in situations like that.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I don’t know... with how they do characters like the spirit of Durthu and the Eidolon I would think he may be generic. We’ll see eventually, but I am a bit excited to see.


    if he is the only generic fighting guy we got, then I think I will customize my own guy as a proxy just for fluff, as I said before.

    I think we are saying the same thing. I was raising the possibility that he could be generic.

    • Confused 1
  4. I know @JackStreicher has gotten flack before for the use of the word "objective" but I have to agree with his perspective on this. There is evidenced based research that supports the notion that, in aggregate, the typical person finds something more visually pleasing than others, even subconsciously. It makes sense to tap into these "truths" when designing. For example, many people find the OBR heads visually jarring because of the noses and jaws. This departure from what our brain expects to see when looking at a skull is going to cause displeasure in your typical person processing this image.

    That doesn't mean some people can't like certain things like OBR heads. However, these things may not be good design choices because of their likely impact on the typical viewer which has deep rooted concepts of beauty/good design.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Of course not, I just mean that in the art we have the Hammer guys are almost always super prominent compared to the other models we know about. Even the way they chose mountains as the default terrain setting for Lumineth worries me a bit.

    If nothing else I think GW was pretty confident the Hammer Bros would be stars of the line.

    That said, art is art and army concepts often don't match reality. See how prominent Tree Revenants for Sylvaneth are in their art and supposed place as the backbone of the army, when in reality they barely exist in game and even in lore most BL stories focus on Dryads and Branch Wyches.

    1.  GW rarely puts images of people in battletomes these days that aren't part of the release. The "dragon" helm guy is very likely a model (either a new lord, alt build of hammerers, or alt build of cavalry). I think the image was clearly meant to tease the unit just as many other units have previously been teased without acknowledgement during this release (art was how we originally got our first glimpse of the hammerers for example). This

    2.  In respect to the mountain setting in the art, the article says "They are not the delicate elves of the world-that-was, these guys are pike- and hammer-wielding magical powerhouses with backup from all the geomantic spirits of Hysh – some of which literally represent the mountains themselves!" This is yet another acknowledgement that all 4 geomantic spirits are in this army, of which mountain is just one.

    • Like 3
  6. 18 minutes ago, michu said:

    I know that spears and pikes are different things but as 28 mm pike would be too long and too easily breakable I think that GW means Warden Spears.

    The article we got on the spearmen showed a better view of the models that shows the spears are very long. Some people were even debating if they might have 3 inch range. It is definitely understandable that someone might use the term "pike" to refer to them.

    • Like 5
  7. 36 minutes ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    The bottom two rows of tokens all correspond to units we already know, as far as I can tell.
    Celennar, Teclis, Wardens, Eltharion
    Stoneguard, Spirit of the Mountain, Dawnriders, Sentinels

    *Why* there are tokens corresponding to specific units is a more interesting question...

    If this read is accurate (and I think it probably is the best conclusion), it still doesn't mean that there isn't more. Clearly none of these tokens are for the veiled woman, and as someone else in this thread pointed out, the mountain mage doesn't appear to have a token on this sheet either.

  8. 1 minute ago, madmac said:

    So with some strategic pausing, one of the cards shown is a spell from the "Lore of Zaitrec" called "Overwhelming Heat"

    Interesting, in the sense that 1. Does that mean Eltharion is a Wizard? and 2. Probably nota  Mountain Element spell, since the fluff is suffocatingly hot air.

    Could just be an Eltharion ability.  They definitely implied he had some magic in previous reveals.

  9. On 1/24/2020 at 3:58 PM, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Anyone else getting a hunch that the Light of Eltharion, 10 spearmen, and 5 cavalry troops that were previewed are going to come in either a start collecting box or a dual box? It is the same type of composition as the StD Start Collecting that just came out, and the spearmen do look a bit more static than a multipart kit might be. Just seems interesting that this is the first wave of Lumineth they chose to show and it happens to fit a reasonable box archetype.

    On the flip side, there is almost zero chance that that Eltharion model is push fit!

    Called it

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    Looks like tomorrow will be a bigger preview as they are doing previews every 10 mins rather than 15.

    Looking forward to it

    Yeah but it is also a shorter duration than last week so it will probably be roughly the same number of segments. Maybe 1 or 2 more.

  11. 1 hour ago, Adeeb said:

    I think GW did a poor job of setting expectations with this release. The articles discussed all the elements equally for the most part and discussed Tyrion quite a bit as well. There was Phoenix-dragon iconography too which had everyone hyped. If they were just planning to release the mountain subfaction (which seems very likely now), they should have focused on that in the articles. The "BIG" adepticon reveal was disappointing as it was just 2 units. I hope they reveal more next weekend but I doubt it'll be Tyrion/other elements at this point. 

    Thus why it is more likely a lot more is still to come rather than this just being the mountain aspect. You think they're just going to officially reveal the veil-lady and be like "yup, now we're done?" 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Athrawes said:

    It would be almost unprecedented if all of the infantry kits we have seen thus far are not duel kits. I have a strong feeling that the alarith stonemage and Stoneguard are duel kits able to represent other geomantic spirits with alternate heads and weapons.

    What is most telling is that the only place on either of those kits you see the symbol of the mountain is on the heads, and staff. No where on all of their robes or armor can we see the rune of the mountain, which seems really odd unless those kits are a generic base intended for multiple builds. 

    Maybe the hammerers could be a duel kit but no way the stonemage is. The whole floating base is related to her earth magic and the pillar on it has the mountain symbol. I'm not sure what exactly you could reuse in an alternate build.

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