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Posts posted by smartazjb0y

  1. 2 hours ago, MrRoff said:

    Anyone think they'll be a VS box when they get released? Like soulwars, wrath and raprute etc. 

    Seems like almost always when a new team/updated battletome comes out there's a battle box with 2 teams in it. 

    Lots of people have been thinking a Bonereapers vs. Mawtribe battle box actually, which could be very cool. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Rahatlin said:

     As of now Wiki clearly says you can ally anything from Order.

    It's poorly worded but the wiki means any of the AoS Order armies (so the ones listed right there, from Stormcast to Sylvaneth) 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Belper said:

    No? Why would it? Warcry scenery ( at least the starter set's) is terrible for sigmar. It doesn't block los, doesn't provide cover...it's just not very good.

    If you read the OP, they basically state "I like the scenery in Warcry so now I'm actually buying other scenery to use in my AoS games." Not a difficult concept to grasp. 

    And even then they could just fiddle around with the Warcry stuff in their own games with their own rules for it. 

    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, AthelLoren said:

    Dumb question - Can I use Stormcast Eternals Endless Spells for a CoS army, and Sylvaneth ones for a Living City force?

    I'm going to assume no because those don't have "Stormcast" or "Sylvaneth" as a keyword, but I haven't read the battletome yet so they may specify that you can. 

    Edit: Well guess I might actually be wrong there! 

  5. 10 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    So I can use all the tokens and other accessories from Shadespire, just no universal cards correct? I bought a NIB Shadespire and Nightvault recently... feels slightly bad now but hopefully my buddies will chip in to split stuff.

    The number of Universals you can't use from the Shadespire core set is actually pretty small, I think it's only like 5. If you go to https://www.underworldsdb.com/ and filter based on that you'll see which exact 5. 

    It's the universals in Shadespire Warband expansions that took the biggest hit 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Gonna avoid the whole "does the aesthetic fit AoS" argument because I'm not really even sure what's being argued, it seems folks on both sides seem to argue both points? 

    In terms of future support though, the idea of this being a farewell seems unlikely to me. Like I mentioned, I do agree that people can raise an eyebrow at the lack of new endless spells and terrain, I think that's legitimate...but a battletome is a battletome. Rules and background take work. The jump from 1e AoS to 2e AoS was huge, because 1e AoS wasn't in a great state at all and 2e now is, and it really does seem like 2e is the proper base from which they want to build from now on. From all the previews, the rules and background lore seem very solid: that takes work. I don't think that work would've been put in just for a final farewell: if they wanted to remove them in the near future, 2e would've been the perfect time. 

    I also don't even think my take is really an "optimistic" one, it just makes sense IMO. If they truly wanted to remove the old units and make a clean break, it doesn't make sense to put in the legwork to make a good battletome when you're getting into the good phase of your game. 

    And, it really does seem like the release is getting good buzz: people are liking the rules, people have been excited for it. If it performs well (and by all accounts it does seem like it'll do well) then that's another point in its favor. 

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Overread said:

    We still don't have the new Flesheater nor Skaven leaders from WAY at the start of the year in their duel box. 

    And the Arch-Revenant from the Looncurse box too; shame that they really underproduced that box, would've loved to get it 

    • Like 1
  8. I think there's no way it doesn't have new warbands (they kind of hinted at it too); at least from a value perspective I think it'd be a little lame if they replaced the $8 card sets with the book if the book was JUST the same warbands as have been released already. Personally I'm expecting them to add in a lot more AoS armies to really get people on board with it 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Ossyan said:

    Would they not have updated the warcrolls/keywords on Greenskins this past Saturday with all of the Orrukk/CoS stuff? It just seems pretty unlikely to me that they would change them a week later. Maybe I'm just too darn hopeful. 

    I guess theoretically they could also just update the battletome itself in a FAQ/errata to say "only IJ and BS." I don't know enough about everything to see if straight up removing the Orruk keyword would be a bigger hassle than just changing the wording on the Big Waaaah itself 

  10. Just now, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    Almost everything is painted. Total model count is 1474 of which 19 are unpainted.

    Hot damn that's amazing, just spent like 90 minutes this past weekend assembling a Khorne Skullcrusher model so I'm very much on the other end of the spectrum, I can't imagine how long it'd take me to assemble and paint that many models. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    Here's my Cities of Sigmar army collection. I only used the miniatures as they are supposed to be. This means I didn't use "count as" things like Swordmasters as Executioners or something like that. Doing so would approximately double the army's size. 

    Anvilgard, Greywater Fastness, Hammerhal and Phoenicium are about 32000 points. Hallowheart and Tempest's Eye are around 35000 and Living City is at 39000.

    Wow you already have all that built and painted? 39k points worth of stuff is mind-boggling haha 

  12. 1 minute ago, spenson said:

    You can cheat a bit since it's the number of units, not the points value. However it's a shame that SE and Sylbaneth can't target units outside their allegiance. 

    There are a few review videos on youtube (e.g. Guerilla Miniature Games and miniwargaming). You can also check the 1D4 chan page but I'd rather trust the videos since you can see what's actually written on the page.

    Yeah if I remember right, in the videos (I don't remember if we could actually read the page, but based on what they were saying out loud) I don't think the Living City trait or whatever that lets you bring in Sylvaneth had any language that was like "these would replace the Stormcast units you can bring in" or whatever. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, CommodoreCass said:

    I wanna cry when I see all the new miniatures for Warcry and still nothing for StD/Darkoath for AoS. Why is GW playing with us like this?
    Since Hedonites of Slaanesh, AoS got new miniatures, Warcry got 40 and counting, WHU got 2 Warbands and 2 announced. Is GW slightly letting done the game? I dont understand their moves. 

    2019 was very much a "catch up all the older armies to 2.0 standards" and I mean we're getting Ossiarch Bonereapers in a month, I'm not too concerned. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, RatOfGod said:

    I’m afraid that’s more of a problem of certain players building up their own baseless expectations, rather than on the part of GW themselves. I certainly wouldn’t have put money on new sculpts or terrain; endless spells were more viable, but i’m not sad to see us without any uniques. If Skaven only got one new mini, in a limited run box, despite frankly outrageous options like metal acolytes still existing as battleline, it seems bizarre to expect much more for CoS. The two Start Collecting! options came as a nice surprise.

    I would have to agree with that. I do think it's legitimate to wonder why they didn't add new terrain or endless spells since I think most 2.0 tomes have gotten those, but beyond that at the end of the day there's a new tome that seems to have a variety of options for a viable army. That seems pretty good to me 

  15. 1 minute ago, michu said:

    Do you think that Tome of the Champions could be full skirmish rules for all factions? Or like Gaming Book for AoS?

    I'm hoping it's full rules for a bunch more factions as that's what would make it worth it; don't think it's quite Gaming Book level since it does still seem like you'll need the core book. 

  16. 1 minute ago, MaatithoftheBrand said:

    Strange they're getting rid of the starter set. And ahhh that new book probably does explain why the cards have been going out of stock or whatever online. It was nice to spend like $8 and get a functioning warband and it kinda stings that now you'll probably have to spend like $40 on the book, but if I'm getting the hint I bet it'll expand to way more existing armies beyond the few we currently have. 

    As someone who doesn't play Warcry, is all you really need just the core book and maybe a terrain set? Do you need like other tokens and stuff or do those come in the terrain sets? 

  17. 1 minute ago, Verengard said:

    I'm far from a hater about the release, but it's just lacking any love... looks like a filler.

    I guess I don't see why that's the case. It may not have terrain or endless spells, but it does buff the normal endless spells. And from all the discussion the rules are quite good, and after all is said and done it has probably the largest model count out of all the armies now. 

    The idea of even making a tome at all to support old units, and then coming out with two separate SC boxes, seems to me like legitimate support. 

    • Like 1
  18. Yeah I think only like 5 universals from the Shadespire core set were actually rotated out. I think (but am not sure) that a lot of its universals were re-released when the 2 warbands from the core set were released as expansions for Nightvault so they're technically considered Nightvault-era; the vast majority of cards being rotated out are from the Shadespire warband expansions 

    • Like 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    It's probably worth noting that one of my more recent purchases that didn't have the round bases(the Dragon Princes) were still in the old WHFB box. Everything that's had a round base or come with both has been either in new retail packaging or in the plain white boxes/clamshells.

    Kind of a shame they do white boxes haha, for whatever reason I like getting branded boxes. Obviously I'd prefer AoS boxes, but honestly WFHB boxes might be preferable to plain white boxes (though I guess the AoS boxes are largely plain white) 

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