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Posts posted by AaronWilson

  1. Hi all, I have been speaking to a lot of buddies today about Mortal Wounds as a mechanic.  Now I appreciate the answer is more nuanced then yes / no, as most answers will most likely be "Yes, but not as abundant" but as a core rule, a wound that negates any sort of armour save are you fan of Mortal Wounds, yes / no?

  2. 5 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    I don’t get it, why do so many people seem to hate Lord Kroak and think he’s undercosted? His warscroll is a massive nerf from the old one in my eyes and no one complained about him then.

    additionally, what exactly make Seraphon a ‘top tier’ army, and makes some people complain they’re overpowered?

    I have played with Kroak a lot and I have played against a fair few Kroaks while playing around with some FEC & Orruk Warclans.

    I can see the frustration, I played a game last night where in one turn he did 39 mortal wounds in one turn, from very far away, with +3 to cast on everything. That output from one model sitting pretty much wherever he wants on the table, on a 3+/4++ with 10 ablative wounds near him is very oppressive. There are counter plays - you can snipe the support pieces (though their often screened and have a 6++). You can try play around his 22" Celestial Delivarance, though Arcane Vassal makes it hard. On top of his MW output, he supplies command points, board wide unbinds with +2 to unbind commonly and he him self is very hard to kill.

    Yes his normal outfit is a lot of points, (Balewind + Banner + a vassal) but the banner bearer brings fantastic utility him self, any skink wizard hero is fantastic in it's own right. For 320 points Kroaks warscroll is pretty wild (4 casts, board wide dispels, +1 built in, fantastic warscroll spells, acess to stellar tempest) etc etc.

    It can be very demoralizing to see your army eroded away without much interaction, and that's where peoples frustration comes from. While there some counter plays, some armies simply don't have them. Kroak in FoS with skink screens some armies might as well not play the game and even those other armies that are in the S/A tier with Seraphon are really only having a fighting chance.

    The reason why Seraphon are top tier is really a longer answer but TL;DR would be - undercosted units, huge mortal wound output, very strong shooting, hyper mobile, teleports, ability to move outside of their own turn (In FOS). They have everything you need to compete, dictate the pace of the game and play the scenario every game while offloading huge damage. 

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  3. After playing around with a lot of lists, I will be playing this for the rest of the competitive season via TTS until we get the new GHB. Of course for local more casual games I will be playing some different stuff. 


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  4. 6 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

    "Balance" is also hugely subjective and is ultimately down to personal experience.

    An understanding of both balance problems and negative experiences is approached by looking at the breadth and consistency of complaints. It's not about any one person's opinion, but to what degree players share a common opinion.

    Yes I absolutely agree, it's a very difficult thing to discuss without bias taking a role in it. 

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  5. I suppose two answers -

    In regards to power on table, what he brings, etc - Kroak 
    In regards to if Kroak is nerfed - Likely starpriest, so good for the army
    The way it looks - I've always LOVED the look of Sunblood model. 

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  6. I echo the sentiment of others, it's so much the base material (which isn't great but it works bar melting in very hot weather if left out in the sun) but it's the variance of the quality of the product. I've had models with arms going the wrong way, completely bent staffs, etc. Also those stupid little traingles that are all over the model take a age to clip off!

  7. On 3/24/2021 at 5:39 PM, Sol-Rek said:

    Two things: one, this is supposed to be a meme list, two I'm using the summoning to try and fix that.

    I haven't gotten to use it yet cuz covid.

    Okay no problem, most of luck with it!

  8. I think the problem with a second slann, let alone a third is it eats too much into your ability to put models that actually do on the damage on the table. Kroak + Balewind + Astrolith + Skink heroes to use for arcane vassal is enough without eating too deep into your list. 

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