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Posts posted by cofaxest

  1. Units

    Vulkite protectors(shield+war pickaxe)


    1 attacks 3+/4+/-1/1

    Each musician gives +1 to charge (max+2)

    Bodyguard on 3+ to heroes within 3

    +1 attack if they charge or charged

    6s on saves deal 1 mw to attacker in melee


    Vulkite berserkers


    2 attacks 3+/3+/-/1

    Each musician gives +1 to charge (max+2)

    +1 attack if they charge or charged

    Always fight after death


    Hearthguard protectors


    2 shooting attacks 3+/3+/-1/1

    2 melee attacks 3+/3+/-1/1

    Bodyguard on 3+ to heroes within 3

    Retinue(chain activation+ignore battleshock

    5+ ward (+1 to aard rolls if unit is within 9 from hero)


    Hearthguard berserkers


    Broadaxe - 3 attacks 3+/3+/-2/2

    Flail - 3 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1(6s to hit deal 1 mw on top, if there is more then 10 models deal 1 mw on 5+)

    Fight after death

    Retinue(chain activation+ignore battlshock)

    5+ ward (+1 to aard rolls if unit is within 9 from hero)



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  2. So after more then 20 games for FS I have some suggestions

    1 General Idea

    Runes without diceroll

    1) +1 rend; +2 rend(empower)

    2) -1 rend to enemy attacks; -2 rend to enemy attacks(empower)

    3) +1 tohit; 6s tohit autowound(empower)

    4) +1 towound; 6s towound deal 1 mw on top(empower)

    5) +2 to move; +2 to charge(empower)

    6) each time model suffer wound roll a dice and deal 1 mw on 5+; deal mw on 4+(empower)

    Rune empower heroic action can be used by heroes on himself or on any friendly unit wholly within 12 inches.

    All heroes should get +1 wound


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  3. 7 hours ago, EonChao said:

    I could see book 3 being Order focused with the main Cities release, the Black Talons and a Kurnothi character getting released all together. Then Death in winter with FEC being the focus on book 4 and the unannounced but hoped for book 5 being Chaos focused

    It will be strange if we will not see anything for Slayers other then 1 foot hero. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    (Stolen meme)



    This and the idea that GW could do 3-4 new units for FS from that warband (female FS with shovelspears, Tamer with littledroths, new runefather type of hero, 3 man elite unit of scalecrackers) instead putting all of this concepts in one unit is saddens me the most. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    I think that you are simplifying a bit too much. 

    You are right, they have fire-this and magma-that, but move past their wording: dwarfs that use monsters and bound with them; abuse of runes, not just in their weapons but their our skin too; they are a religious group like old slayers but dialed to 11, I can see a triumph of Saint Katherine with a large skull of an ancient magmadroth in it; I can continue but I think you get the point.

    What I'm trying to say is that their main problem is their roster and their basic design of their troops.

    I think more like good old anvil of doom type of diorama unit. Priest with assistant and 4 hearthguards moving this construction into the battle. 

    I think that the main idea is that slayers doesn't have any work other then fighting and collecting ur-gold. Old slayers was an adventurers and in AoS they feels like too settle and too static. Then I ask myself would Grimnir be happy to see how his sons doing thing my unswear is no. 

    Then I think about slayers two words comes to my mind - honor and vengence. 

    Being all-out mercs doesn't help me to like them also.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I don't think either would fit KO that well. Grungi is really not in good standing with most of the KO (and the FS) at the moment.

    As far as I'm aware only some Barak-nar Kharadrons and Barak-Mhornar not very happy. Most of the Kharadrons sees more oportunities in Grungni return and it looks like code will have alot of changes in resent future. 

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  7. 36 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Speaking of Blacktalon. I'm a couple of episodes behind so am watching the 4th one right now and this Nurgle corrupted farmer is such a cool design. I really would love to see something like this in 4th with rules that cause the terrain nearby to cause debuffs or something similar

    blacktalon plague farmer.png

    This gives me hope that we will see 1w mortal infantry for MoN army. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    This is what Im hoping for Mawtribes.

    New Gluttons.

    New Ironguts.

    New Leadbelchers.

    Dual Build Butcher/Slaughtermaster.

    Dual Build Yehtee/Gorger.

    Thats 5 kits that updates 7 units.

    Throw in Braggoth and Globb as characters and a monster for Beastclaw and that range is nigh perfect!!

    I will add rhinox/mournfang dualkit, new small beasts(sabres, vultures, gnoblars) and maneaters to the list ofc. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I've less of an issue with GW dragging Fantasy characters kicking and screaming into AoS than a lot of others here, but I really wish Gotrek had stayed out of it. Regardless of whether his recent outings have been any good or not, his presence just massive dilutes the potential for the Fyreslayers to get anything resembling a headline act despite him... not being a Fyreslayer (and actively disliking them). I actually see a lot of people assuming he IS a Fyreslayer character, despite the only connection being that he's a Dwarf, has a Fyreslayer weapon and has -Slayer in his title somewhere and I wouldn't be surprised if he's sometimes viewed him the same way by GW.

    Hopefully Bael-Grimnir gets his own unique model in the next Fyreslayer wave, seeing as he's the most likely candidate for Fyreslayers receiving a special character of their own. Although I wouldn't scoff at Grombrindal in a Fyreslayer 'disguise' either if it came to it.


    Gotrek is not a fyreslayer but he is duardin with ur-gold rune in him and avatar of Grimnir. So he could lead fyreslayers. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    It's good for the game. There is a FAQ that clears that:

    Redeploy is a move (with it's own conditions and FAQs), so everything in the ship count as having made the same move, and that means the same restrictions. Imo, the intention was clear

    It's not the right place to speak about rules but Redeploy says "unit that recieve this command" so technically units inside the ship doesn't recieve this command

  11. 24 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Kharadron Overlords, Blades of Khorne and Hedonites of Slaanesh update (FAQs) in the App & Webside:

    FAQ's for Kharadrons:

    • Tuskhelmet can't be used (it was not legal, it still is not legal!).
    • Chocking Fug for each Fumigator equiped.
    • Bridge+Movement shenanigan: It was not intended, now we have a have a FAQ.
    • Redeploy units to embark: No FAQ, completely legal! Let's gooo!
    • All embar/disembark "cheats" made by wording are gone.

    I still miss the KHEMIST keyword and an Augmentation ability for Bjorgen and maybe a ADMIRAL keyword for Drekki (even if he is just a Captain, he should issue all avaliable Commands to the Aesling).

    But really happy about KO FAQs.

    Not gonna lie, no unleash hell after redeploy just sucks. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Nah, ideally I want every faction to have their own tome and fully fleshed-out faction.

    I only said CoS integration IF there was a hard cap because then they could spice up the humans with clockwork legion people, bird people, what have you. But by and far I’d want those in their own books so they have unique mechanics, lore and maps focused on just them.

    I think that all players want that. The problem is that if you will have book for each faction (even minor) at some point they will start to blend one in another. For example we have FS and basically a mirror DoK. So add devouted to sigmar faction in the mix and you will get 3 books that basically flashed out the same idea of religious zelots. With all honesty I believe that 2 cultures blending together could create 3 not 1. So from my standpoint it's much easy to manage 24 books with 3-4 faction in each then 72-96 books. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I really would not want to play a souped army like that to be honest. If the optimal (and thus balanced around) way to play my favourite army suddenly becomes suddenly replacing the majority of my army with another faction, what's the fun in that? If Bonesplitterz suddenly have their boarboyz nerfed only because Ironjawz get a new hero which buffs them which is too strong in a souped list, how would players with a Bonesplitterz-only army feel?

    I would be more then happy to such level of synergy. Use your imagination. Boarboys could hit harder in IJ but move faster in BS and used differently. The same system could work in any soup army. 

    • Confused 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I really don't think soup is the answer for a lot of armies though. That just means that instead of having to buy 1 book per edition for my army, I have to buy 1 book that's even MORE expensive and filled for the majority with rules and lore for armies that I do not want or care about, while the lore for my own faction gets diluted.

    Look at how much more flavourful KO and FS Path to Glory rules are compared to Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, who lost uniqueness in their souping. If that's the fate of rules/lore in soup tomes, I'd much rather have more smaller tomes that go deeper into the lore for MY faction and give them more flavour and better rules.

    Longer editions would be a better solution than soup.

    I can't agree. Main problem of souped armies that they are not really souped. It's just 3-4 separate armies in 1 book. They even doesn't have duo-keywords (IJ/BS for example). So I believe that proper soup could work but not what we have right now. I really hope that new IJ model will have some synergy with BS boar riders.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Snarff said:

    After they've spent all this time diversifying them? Please no.

    Give Dispossessed their update with the next CoS wave, give Grungi a mixed Duardin/Gholemkind army, but leave FS and KO to be the unique and distinct cultures they are. In lore, the Duardin unification is failing. Duardin are not World-That-Was Dwarfs, and trying to make them that would be an enormous mistake.

    To be clear, unification is not failing. AoS have places where all duardins live in peace together. So adding option to field them as united force with it's own unique AA could be interesting. IMO if we consider that duardins will never be united in any way then Grombrindale have no real purpose. I doubt that GW will waste such a character.

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  16. 11 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    You missed Maneaters. There's so much cool stuff they can do with Mortal Realm themed Maneaters that I want them to make a really customisable kit for them. Maybe they can give them good times whilst they're at it.

    It would be cool to have 3 maneaters vs 3 doomseekers warcry box. 3 elite ogor mercs vs 3 elite slayers with option to take both as min 3 unit in big AoS.

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  17. 22 minutes ago, Baz said:

    This was confirmed on the preview stream and the maw grunta will be part of that release. This leads me to think the other 2 books will focus on order and death with some factions getting a few more units with the respective book. 

    I hope that FS will get some update with new kits.

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  18. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I think for visual interest an army needs a variety of these things:  small creatures, light infantry, heavy infantry, flying infantry, flying cavalry,  light cavalry, heavy cavalry, monstrous infantry, war machine and large monster and heroes to fit each category of unit. 

    Fyreslayers only tick three of these unit boxes and even then the light and heavy infantry look similar. Unfortunately I think the core kits aren't very well done. As has been noted they all have similar expressions and awkward poses. Not a single model is yelling. No-one is swinging their weapon or pointing or standing at rest. No-one is aiming their fyrepike. They are all just holding up their weapons as if they were in show and tell at school.  Even the heroes are either standing with their weapons held up or running with their weapon held up. 

    I think Fyreslayers need a full resculpt. Mix some some female Duardin into the core units. Make the elite units more heavily armoured. Redesign the fyrepikes so that they need a tank of fuel strapped to the back. Add some hounds that look like terriers which can dig tunnels. Make that invocation into a unit of fire elementals.  Add some cavalry; both Salamanders as someone mentioned and mini magmadroths as the heavy cavalry option and add a Firedrake like we've seen in some of the art as the true centrepiece kit. There's also definitely room for doing a Katakros style diorama kit. 


    1) Anvil of doom as Katakros style diorama

    2) Fyrequeen/Fyredaughter on palanquin with 4 hearthguards holding it

    3) Firecannon/magmamortar dualkit

    4) Youngflames - 1w base infantry (I see them as buffer non battleline unit. For each young flame unit player can pick one other unit as their sworn protector and gain bonuses being near it)

    5) Elite unit of female warriors (more armour, more weapon options)

    6) 6-7w Halfdroths blessed unit of monster heavy cavalry unit(magma spit, asid blood)

    7) 3w - blessed infantry unit (something like StD chosen unit but with Magmadroths aspects) 

    8] 5w 5+ save 4+ ward Doomseekers units - something like elite unit of Grimnir worshipers. For each dead model +1 to dmg of their weapon

    9) Drothling Chariots

    10) Gholemkind infused with ur-gold runes

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  19. 10 minutes ago, Lord Kroak said:

    I just don't get why GW feel the need to give Nagash 8 casts a turn. It makes no sense lorewise (Teclis, the literal God of Magic, has 4 casts), and it makes even less sense gameplay-wise (most of the time Nagash won't even have 8 spells available to cast in a single turn, and if he miscasts, he's screwed). Seems to me Nagash's warscroll could easily have been fixed by reducing his casts to 4 per turn and reducing his cost by 300 points or so.

    4 casts/unbinds/dispells

    9 rerolls to cast/unbind/dispell per battle (1 for each book)

    16-18 wounds

    5+ ward/each ward of 6 return 1 mw to enemy unit within x" range

    4+ save

    +3 to cast/unbind/dispell

    Can return half of slain summonable unit for command ability

    400-500 pts. 

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  20. 2 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    I could see more an unified force of Gholemkind and classic dwarves.

    Gholemkind fits well as a "kruleboyz like" wave and united with an expansion for old duardin.

    I just hope Valaya will have a part in this,her Valikraz can be a nice addition.

    Also "underlords" sounds more like an army name instead of rootkings or Gazul Zagaz tbh...Khazalid underlords

    I'm waiting Valaya too but from my point of view she will fit better as a release for "vs death" edition. Ofc if we consider that Grombrindal novels are cannon. 4ed probably will be more about Grungni and Chamon restoration, so Gholemkind would fit pretty well as a faction that worship him and also helps him to form Chamon in age of myth. 

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  21. 15 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Reading through the Ogor Mawtribes 3.0 tome, I only just picked it up(!?)

    There are references to Duardin who live underground. Could this be the name of the 'Dispossessed Faction'!?

    Kharadron Overlords of the Sky and the Underlords of the mountains!!



    I think it's just the one of dispossessed faction like root kings. 

    I feel that the third duardin faction we will get is Gholemkind to be honest. Something like powered by Grungni's magic living constructs. Would be interesting if they will have actual wizards and "synaps-like" ability.

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  22. 7 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

    So if I cover myself in contrast paint, construct a pentagram from old sprues , and burn a pile of squatted figures, do you think I can summon Whitefang and find out if we'll ever see any Silent People before AoS moves away from Ghur to another realm?


    Forget more elves, dwarves, humans, etc. AoS needs an insectoid race. Lets end the era of the beast with an insectoid Destruction army of silent ones and a giant Ur-Grub/beast monster for the army. 




    What if they will be a part of Alarielle forces? Trees+Animals+Insects

  23. 1 minute ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Hoping that after that final refresh Grungni will be finally locked to Duardin people narrative though maybe planning to release Valaya in some way with Grombridal).

    It feels like we will see Gholem kind first as Grungni's main faction in Chamon and only after that Valaya as we move forward to Order vs Death edition. 

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