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Posts posted by cofaxest

  1. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I kinda think they will still get something this edition. They set up the return of Grungni in Broken Realms and are teasing Chaos Dwarves with the Hobgrots and Horns of Hashut. I would be surprised if the whole edition passes and nothing dwarf-related happens.

    I believe that Chaos Dwarves will show up at the end of edition and this would lead to Khazalid empire release. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    My usual source has hinted that 2023 will be a big year for AOS. Not to expect a new army until later in the year, but expect the remaining Battletomes to get flushed out with some getting new hero and other getting a few units similar to Sylvaneth. 

    Seraphon will get more than a hero. Didn’t specify outside of rescuplts. I’d imagine Kroxigor and/or salamanders.


    OBR and Soulblight will both be getting new units not just a hero, sometime next year. 

    Khorne is getting a much needed hero rescuplt….I’ll assume Valkia whenever they drop that Battletome. 

    The perceived plan is to flesh out the rest of the armies and get everything up to date for 3.0. Then expand into other armies.  Similar to what 40k has been doing this year. 

    Sounds cool. Hope that duardins will get something eventually in 4th edition.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, readercolin said:

    So the question is when does the Galletian Veterans keyword apply.

    The answer is that it always applies to Arkanaughts, and can sometimes apply to thunderers, and can sometimes apply to endrinriggers and skywardens.  However, all 4 of those do count as troops, but the bounty hunters battalion only affects melee in a mostly shooting based army.

    Overall, I see this as making arkanaughts weaker, as they are now always going to be at risk to the +damage battalion. The bounty hunter battalion isn't particularly useful either as the only things that are going to be effective with that would be skywardens/endrinriggers, but even then endrinriggers have a single attack and skywardens only 2.  And using that battalion would also mean giving up the one drop battalion, which is generally fairly important to competitive KO lists.

    I think in the end that the competitive KO lists are still going to need the 1 drop battalion to be able to dictate turn order.  Otherwise I don't see any other positive changes for KO from this update.

    Totally agree. KO will get even less scoring this season so I can't see our faction as tournament faction at all. 

  4. 10 hours ago, JReynolds said:

    1) Missing/unspecified, as of two years ago. That might have changed with the new Kharadron/Fyreslayers tomes, though. 

    2) Treachery. Whose treachery, and why it took that form, are as yet unknown. Again, as of two years ago. Might have changed since. My money is on Hashut, though. 

    So nothing still changed... 
    As for Treachery I remember that chains was created by Grungni him self or Teclis. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    There is just one to blame for Fyreslayers being treated as poorly as they are: James Workshop himself. 

    It's sad to see them leaving slayers who are a legendary and iconic part of Warhammer lore out in the cold like that; but I seriously see no point in blaming the Aelven factions for that. Sure, as everyone knows I'm a Lumineth fan and loyal follower of the Archmage, so you might say I'm biased. 

    I'd be salty as well, but blaming Lumineth and Sylvaneth comes across more as a product of (relatable) jealousy than valid point of discussion. At the moment GW don't seem to see too much merit in expanding Fyreslayers, or maybe the just wanted to streamline their rules before souping them together with Dispossessed and/or Fyreslayers towards the end of the edition.

    I believe that the reason why GW decide not to expand any dwarven army is that they want to soup all dwarfs together in 1 book (KO, FS, Dispossessed) as a new Khazalid Empire and maybe we will get any love when this book will come up(there is a ton of hints in the lore right now). So as I sayed long time ago it looks like we will have 3 books for Elves, 1 for dwarfs, 1 for SCE and 1-2 for Humans. 

    • Sad 2
  6. 10 hours ago, Beliman said:

    I'm not a fan of diferent profiles for more than a 1 or 2 models in a unit. It's teddious and a waste of time. I prefer that all [Special Weapons] would become one profile that it's buffed by how many of them are carried by your unit. I don't know, something like this (ignore the numbers, it's just an example):

    As for the Thunderers maybe something like these:
    Rifle 18" 1 shot 3+/4+/-1/2
    DB Rifle 18" 2 shots 3+/4+/-1/2
    Fumigator 9" D3(D6?) shots 3+/3+/-2/1
    Special weapon crew (1 mortar, 1 cannon, 1 decksweeper) 
    Choose 1 of the profiles for every SWC:
    Decksweeper 9" 1 attacks with 5 tohit rolls 4+/3+/-1/1
    Cannon 12" 1 attack 3+/2+/-2/3
    Mortar 18" 1 attack with 6 towound rolls 4+/3+/-/2 
    OR even something more simple
    SWC barrage shooting attack
    Choose unit within 12" and roll 1 die for each model with special weapon. If unit have less then 10 wounds on 4+ deal D3 MW. If 10-19 wounds on 3+. If more then 20 or more on 2+. 

  7. Oh and what about our behemoth ships!
    How about this:
    3+ save
    Each time Behemoth skyvessel loses a wound roll a dice if it landed
    if 0-3 wound is on ship it is landed on 7+
    if 4-7 wound is on ship it is landed on 6+
    if 8-11 wound is on ship it is landed on 5+
    if 12 or more wounds is on ship it is landed on 4+
    Landed ship can't move
    When Behemoth skyvessel loses it's last wound roll a dice. On 6+ it exploded and deal D3 MW to each enemy unit within 3". Remove exploded skyvessel from the table and place all garrisoned model on it's place. If skyvessel doesn't explode then it considered as terrrain feature that can be garrisoned. 


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  8. Just some mad ideas to improve KO. Basically it's just my wishlist) 
    1) Alligience ability:
    Aether gold. 1 to the ship, 1 to the hero, 1 to unit with 10 or more models, 1 for each reinforcment point spended on unit. (only 5 man squad of thunderers and 3 man unit of Skyriggers will not have gold, 15 man squad of thunderers and 9 man squad of Skyriggers will have 2 gold)
    Capital Ship - 1 Ship can be choosen as capital Ship. Your general doesn't take space om that ship and can use his abilities even if he is on board. 
    Flyhight - once per battle
    All other abilities are the same.

    2) Units:
    Special triumhs - Ignore battleshock or +1 attack to it's weapon for the gold

    5+ save
    Pistols 1 shot 4+/4+/-1/1
    Cutters 2 attacks 4+/4+/-/1
    Skypike 2 attacks 4+/3+/-1/D3
    Leader pistols D3 attacks 4+/4+/-1/1 or 1 attack 4+/4+/-1/D3
    Leader melee weapon 1 attack 4+/3+/-1/D3
    Can score while on the boat
    All other abilities are the same.

    All weapons have 1 attack
    Rifles 1 attack 3+/4+/-1/2
    Decksweeper 1 attack generates 5 tohit rolls 4+/4+/-1/1
    Cannon 1 attack 4+/2+/-2/D3
    Mortar 1 attack D3 tohit rolls 4+/3+/-1/1
    Fumigator 1 attack D3 tohit rolls 3+/3+/-2/1
    Drillbill will let squad leader use command abilities like hero. Can be used to deal D3 MW to enemy within 1".
    All other abilities are the same.

    Warden Pistols have 12" range
    Skypike 3+/3+/-1/D3
    Skymines. Each time Warden is killed choose unit within 1" and roll 2 dice - for each 5+ deal 1 MW (+1 if targeted unit have fly ability)
    Rigger Pistols have 9" range
    Chainsaw 2 attacks(3 on leader) 4+/2+/-2/D3
    Drillcannons 1 attack 4+/3+/-3/2, each hit generates D3 towound rolls
    Skyhooks 1 attack 4+/3+/-2/D3, +1 to chargerolls for each skyhook (with max +2)
    Grapnels - max 1 for 1 unit. Increase max number of models for hitched rule by 3 (9 Skyriggers can use hitched with Grapnel)
    All other abilities are the same.

    3) Ships:
    Special triumps - Save rerolls or +1 to rend for main gun

    Heavy Drillcannon 1 attack 3+/3+/-3/2, each hit generates 3 towound rolls
    Carbine 2 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2
    All other abilities are the same.

    HeavySkyhook 3+/3+/-2/D6, +1 to charge
    All other abilities are the same.

    GreateSkyhook 3+/3+/-2/6, +2 to charge
    All other abilities are the same.

    Other things
    Endrinmaster unlocks Riggers as Battleline
    Admiral and Brokk unlocks Wardens as Battleline
    Alchemists as battleline option in Barak-Urbaz with better abilities(maybe even remove attack complitly and instead he will apply curtain effect on target(friendly or not) on 3+)
    Aethermancy as "magic" school for Navigators
    Constracts for Endrinmasters that works like Invocations or more focus on supporting the ships. 
    Admiral with ability to modify Unleash Hell command to give also +1 save to a unit and Aether gold ability for like: Order to shoot in command phase or charge at the enemy charge phase.
    Flying fortress as faction terrain. 

    • Like 1
  9. 49 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Can anyone list all the Tzeentchaon buffs? Never played versus him.

    I played 4 times vs Archaon lists. 2 times I killed him on turn 1(slaanesh and khorne) before he was buffed, 2 times on turn 1 after he was buffed(slaanesh and tzeench). But I must admit that last time I have played against him I was VERY lucky and my opponent throw a bunch of bad dice.

    • Sad 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Dongilles said:

    I dont see why you cannot hitch during the hero fase. Whenever you fly high you can hitch along, as long as you have not moved that phase.



    If this  model is wholly within 6" of a friendly SKYVESSEL immediately before the SKYVESSEL uses its FlyHigh ability ,you can say that this model will hitch a lift instead of making a normal move
    If you can't do normal move - you can't hitch. This basically destroys skyriggers and wardens. Can't see why KO should take them anymore vs Thunderers/Arco.


  11. 19 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    As it's been mentioned a few times on the rumour thread and I think there's a good chance it's a source of some unease at the general popularity of AoS, I thought it'd be a good idea to give this its own thread. This is really just speculation but I'm also hoping a way to ease any feelings of unease, or at least to discuss the "why" of it.

    On the forum and over a few other social medias, there has been a general feeling that Dominion has sold poorly (poorly in this case is in relation to Gw's expectation). I very much doubt we will ever get a statement from GW, so until then we have a few things to go off:

    - Dominion is still for sale on the GW store

    - Dominion is still up for preorder on most LGSs

    - The limited edition book is still up for preorder

    - Some LGSs have reported low sales for the boxset 

    - GW have said that they printed "loads" so everyone can get a copy, so we can at least assume there is more than Cursed City and perhaps Indomitus 

    - There was still a queue on the GW site for Dominion

    The questions I think that are worth discussing are:

    • Do you think Dominion has sold poorly/well? Do you have any evidence to back this up?
    • If it has sold poorly, why?
    • If it has sold poorly, how do you think this reflects on AoS's popularity?
    • If it has sold poorly, do you think it means anything for the future of AoS?

    I think it'd be a good idea to discuss these things, not as some sort of "the sky is falling and GW will cut AoS any moment now" but because it would be useful to discuss sales and maybe put worries to rest, or at least to think about what this could mean for the future of AoS (not "it will die" but maybe "they will focus on a different figurehead for the franchise" as an example).

    1) player base is smaller than in 40k
    2) much better choice of unique factions than in 40k
    3) SCE are not as popular in AoS as Space marines in 40k
    4) Core rules are free
    If you combine this you will get lower sales.

    • Like 9
  12. 1 hour ago, Whitefang said:

    Why would they? I can’t see that tbh

    Actual thing I want to address that if I understand that correct Grungni pretty happy with KO as they are and want only one thing - unite duardins under Duardin legacy, not his. Grungni wants Duardins to become stronger than the gods that they had to worship but at the same time united as a race. .

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Feii said:

    So about the June WD and Grungni's discussion with Sigmar.


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    Did that discussion and Grungni not being opposed to Sigmar saving the Fyreslayer hold means that Sigmar has a full Fyreslayer karak of fyreslayer souls he might reshape one day into Duardin SCE? 


    I believe that all Duardin souls are under Grungni watchful eye and well protected that even Nagash can't reach them. More so it looks like after his creation Grombrindal works as a guide for the spirits of duardins who can't find their way to rest. Why? Only time will tell. But one thing I can tell for sure: duardins afterlife, ancestry and reunification are the main themes for all 6 short stories.

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