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Posts posted by cofaxest

  1. 52 minutes ago, Phasteon said:

    But if they need to be „the allrounder unit“ they will need more than a 4+ save. But to be fair, 4+ Save/5+ Save doesnt matter, they are still gonna die, imo they need to kill whatever tries to kill them first. Thats how the whole army is supposed to work but atm it doesnt because you get 1 round of shooting with most of the units hitting or wounding on 4+, then you need a doubleturn or you are done because most of your shooting range (12-18) is in the enemies potential charge range. 


    Arkanauts dont need better saves, they need better rules! 

    Dont know if it wouldnt be too much but imagine them shooting at the beginning of the fight phase. Then even those 4+/4+ shots would hurt. 

    Rules to let them fight twice (with improved combat profiles), retreat instead of fighting (which could be combined with the already existing fight last ability of the ships),basically ANYTHING to make the opponent worry about our army, other than 12 endrinriggers or 12 skyhooks to the face.


    Edit: I’d happily pay 20-30% more points for our units if they perform well enough for their cost. 

    I could totally live with 3-4 Heroes, 1 of each Ships, 3 Battlelines (more choice here please) and a support/elite unit. Fyreslayers work like that too now and they are so much fun to play. 

    I think I'll agree. Maybe overwatch can be one of KO allegiance ability? So when our oponent decide to charge he will think twice knowing that our army will have second shooting phase. In that case thunderers ability to retreate will be more dangerous and our awful combat phase will be balanced.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Phasteon said:

    I cant tell you yet because I dont know the new rules. 

    But I am pretty sure there will be ways. 


    Maybe I misunderstood you and you wanted to say that grots also dont look like a 4+ save but a) its not their profile save and b) its JUST against shooting (which is kinda problematic for us at the moment but we shall see. At least we dont shoot them with - to hit like close combat units do)


    tbh, I did not play my KO for over a year now (aside from 3-4 fungames) as they cant deal with most things reliably at the moment, which the new battletome will fix I am sure. 

    I just mean that KO need something to deal with horde army) 

    And don't mind me wrong I'm not a huge fan of 4+ save or 2w arcanaut. But I'm sure that gw will not give them more damage so the only way how you can balance them - make them tougher.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Phasteon said:

    Most of those changes would make sense, but the Arkanaut one is a bit too much. 

    The model doesnt look like 2w or a 4+, same thing with Thunderers 3+, thats Ironbreakers with Shields.

    +1w on Thunderers and Skyriggers will probably happen.

    I‘m really more excited about the rule/gameplay changes than the profile changes (again, probably +1w on 32mm base models and 4+ save on all ships, rest will stay the same)

    Who you would take to kill 240 goblins with 4+ against shooting?)

  4. 6 hours ago, Soolong said:


    I can see thunderers having there unique weapons turned into 'are equipped with an assortment of weapons' and now having just the one gun profile. Same damage,less  jump through hoops to get to it. They did this with brutes and the thunderers profile is way worse.

    I'm totally into it. And more so I would add 1 heavy aether rifle for each 5 model with +1 dmg on it.

    And an ability to choose the profile of special weapon you use:

    1) Decksweeper - 5 tohit rolls for each attack 4+/4+/-1/1 with reroll failed towound rolls

    2) Mortar - d3 tohit rolls for each attack 4+/3+/-/d3 with dmg reroll if 10 or more models in targeted unit

    3) Cannon - 1 tohit roll forneach attack 4+/2+/-2/3 with tohit reroll if on half range(or +1 tohit)

    4) Fumigator - 2d3 hits for each attack 3+/3+/-2/1. If not used then it will give enemy models within 1' -1 to attack characteristic (with min of 1)

  5. I hope that with new book we will get:

    4+ save on arcanauts or +1w

    3+ save on thunderers and +1w

    +1w to flying dwarfs 

    4+ save for gunhawlers and 3+save for behemoth ships

    Overwatch ability for thunderers with drillbill

    Command ship general option for behemoth ships 

    More battleline options (gunhawlers/frigates if you take command ship as your general, wardens/thunderers if you play as full KO, riggers if you take endrinmaster as your general)

    More things that can be done by chemist, navigator, endrinmaster and admiral.

    Better carbines and better mainguns for the ships

    Gyrobomber "bombing run" ability

    MW after charge with the ship

    Each behemoth ship should be count as 10 model for the porpoise of scoring

    Better countercharge mechanics.

  6. 1 hour ago, Reuben Parker said:

    I would like them to have a focus more on skirmish style warfare and positioning rather than just stacking sheer damage output. 

    I would like to see that, but don't think that you can achieve that with so many fast closecombat oriented armies. Even if we will have "shooting after retreat" rule it will not help against mv6 or higher armies.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    I think you're jumping through hoops trying to argue and win the argument.  Had you said there are multiple ways to play and all of them are equal to the designer I wouldn't have said anything.

    You said competitive play wasn't how the game is intended to be played.  I asked you to provide proof that the designers stated competitive way wasn't how they intended the game to be played. You have now come back with there are multiple ways to play so competitive is not the one true way to play, which is putting words in my mouth since I never wrote that competitive play is the one true way to play.


    "Play your game like you wanna play but don't think that this is the way it meant to be played" - I think that the main problem is that in my mind: "... that this is the way it meant to be...", "... that this is the ONLY way it meant to be..." and "... that this is "TRUE" way it meant to be..." have the same meaning. But this means that you shouldn't tell other people that your way to play the game is "true" and that's all. 

  8. 53 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    None of that has anything to do with this conversation chain.  You originated it by saying that competitive play is not how the designer intended the game to be played.  I asked you to provide proof of that.  Now you are saying there are multiple ways of playing the game.  No kidding dude.  I never said there wasn't.  I asked you to provide proof that the game was not intended for competitive play as you tried to assert.

    It's the same things. If you have multiple ways and all of them is equal then you doesn't have the "true" way. So if GW says that nothing is "true" way to play the game then how you can say that "competitive" aspect of the game is "true"? So it is not.


  9. 4 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Urgh it's a damn shame isn't it. Guttered to have missed out on the Fimir. 

    So, the New Year Open Day, what does everyone think.

    40k: Next PA book teaser

    AoS: Next army teaser

    WarCry: Scions of the Flame reveal 

    Trying to keep my expectations low, any other reveals would be a bonus for me. 

    AoS: next army teaser and more info for Tzeench vs KO release

    Warcry: Scions of the flame plus cards for Tzeench and KO forces.

  10. 6 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:

    That doesn't in any way give a quote from a rules designer on how the game is 'intended to be played', as you were trying to state.   Its fine to say "to me, the game is not intended to be a competitive game."  Its not fine to state that its a fact however because its not without a designers intent quote stating such.

    Matched play not the only one section in ghd as you know. This alone is an indication that this game was created not only for "competitive" play style. Quote from ghb2018 page2: "It is important to note that all of the rules presented in this book are optional; they can be used, or not in any combination that you and your tabletop adversaries find enjoyable." 

    • Like 1
  11. 47 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    Do you have a designer quote from the gw writers stating "the way it was meant to be played"?  Or are you just stating that you don't think competitive play is the way it was meant to be played beacuse thats your opinion that you are trotting as a fact?

    I think that no one cares about mine or yours opinion. But I think that warhammer can't be competitive as well as any other paytowin random roulette. And basically all heavy tournament players in my meta thinks the same way. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Rotary said:

    Actually nope buddy, take time to actually look at the numbers you will see,

    And If I was using the format you used for potential of units I could easily point out that the skyraiders can do 79-129 wounds on turn one (with 12 torpedos, 30 volley, 24 carbine, shots rerollng BOTH H&W and 10 harpoon D3 needing 1/2s, 40 xbows etc... To say nothing of the multiple blanket pluses hits, wounds, move, the combination of Lord ordinator, Hurricanum, flagship, Command traits, allegiance traits etc.. that are tied in.  

    But nuff said I"m just glad to see you realize it's a better version for the time being and I admire your enthusiasm for KO 

    I just hate when someone tells me that I can't beat his roster. Until I'll play agains it ofc. For example I was thinking that KO can win vs new goblins... until I saw how they kill 80% of my roster on turn two)

  13. 12 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:



    Like it or not though thats how the game designers have designed the game and what they are running with.  Until they balance the game, I and people like me (who are more numerous then what people like to think) are not going to self-handicap ourselves.


    Who cares? In my local stores we have peoples who prefer hobby more then competition and peoples who chasing the meta and everyone totally OK with that. Play your game like you wanna play but don't think that this is the way it meant to be played.

    • Thanks 2
  14. 8 hours ago, Rotary said:

    Actually nope :) 

    List haven't lost to one KO list out of the 5 played,  and not one of them lasted longer then three rounds. In fact pure KO fared the worst of any list on average. The stacked impact of buffs of Tempest Eye command, the Lord Ordinator, Hurricanum, and Flag ship flags gives the skyraider Ironclads 2 hit 2 wound torpedoes that reroll ones, and 2 hit 3 hit volley and carbines rerolling as well, and the scourgerunners are 2/2 dealing D3 with an average of 3.8 free deadly wounds. In addition to far superior movement stats of a Tempest Eye list.

    Hopefully the new battletome will give the KO what they need to be a viable army on their own.  

    Actually yes.

    KO can do 18-60 wounds into 3+ save on turn one (with 51 skyhook shots with rerolls and 4 skycannon shots with rerolls) So it all will depends on how good KO will roll.

    BUT! only from stat perspective this list is basically better version of KO. 

  15. 32 minutes ago, Rotary said:

    For every Kharadon unit you field you need to field 4 Tempest Eye units, they then gain the key words and are considered Tempest Eye units when tallying up the required 1/4 for SCE and VisaVersa,  GW has done a fantastic job updating the Warscroll builder to include all of the unit requirements and city roles, which made it possible to slowly puzzle together the best list to take advantage of the KOs, TE, and SCE synergy 

    And while normally my build/tactic partner and I tend to sit on the specifics of a decent list to protect any edge we have gained the window on this sucker is going to close in a month so.... Viola!


    Skyraiders.pdf 5.73 MB · 1 download

    Skyraiders of Titanspear.bmp 1.12 MB · 0 downloads

    Oh I see. You use scourgerunners. But sadly it's still not KO list( It's so sad that CoS battletome has more sinergy with KO then KO battletome

    But at the same time any competitive KO list can one shot all your Ironclades on turn one (or two of them). So it's still not the best solution for KO.

  16. 7 hours ago, Rotary said:

    Indeed they are. I run a Tempest Eye list with 3 Ironclads, LO SCE, Hurri, Blackark master, 10 corsairs, 5 Scourge Runners and it is remarkably agile and powerful. Since CoS dropped I've gone  33 wins straight, no losses, only list to push it to round 5 was a Slannesshy dance party. Playing in as many tournaments as I can before the new book drops just in case it gets whacked. 

    I can not recommend it enough, little real-world pricey ($700)  but well worth it, 1 rend on almost everything and incredibly great to hits and wound numbers at top tier range, combined with unique abilities.  My max for first round wounds with it so far is 73 wounds &  8 deadly wounds. 

    How you run this list? If I remember correctly you can take only 1 KO unit and 1 SCE unit for 4 CoS units.

  17. 1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

    I would be shocked if they got new models of any kind. Miiiiiiight, slight might, see some terrain and maybe some form of endless...somethings or other. My guess would be if KO get endless whatevers then the navigator will be the one to 'cast' them. Rules and warscroll updates are a given. Im hoping for 3+ save to the boats and almost universal 3+ to hit across everything except for Arkanauts

    I think GW is not interested to make KO shooting more powerful and to be honest we don't need it. We need screen melee unit, better saves and ships that can do some dmg/tanking. 

  18. 6 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Oh ******, you in deep 😂

    care to share a picture of your armada? That should be impressive. 

    I'll try to do a good photo of most of my army when I'll be on a big event in my local club where we planing to have 48000 pts megabattle. (22-23 feb)

    • Thanks 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    Meant as genuine advice. Take a step back. If this game, which is expensive as hobbies go, makes you angry and pessimistic... just take a step back or quit. 

    I already have more then 7500 pts of KO, so it's a bit too late for me to step back or quit) 

    • Haha 1
  20. 21 hours ago, mikethefish said:

    No evidence of that.

    When rumors about KO 2.0 battletome pops up it was said that no new model will be in there. Plus I'm very angry how GW uses our faction and I'm very... VERY pessimistic about our future (as well as other 5 admirals in my local club).

  21. 6 hours ago, mikethefish said:

    Wild speculation.

    Calling it now - the new book will NOT limit Arkhanaught Companies to only equipping one of each special weapon (to match the box).  It will remain the same as it's been so far 

    It looks like our book will be without new models, terrain or "spells" but I hope I'm wrong.

  22. On 10/30/2019 at 7:05 PM, Beliman said:

    I was talking with some friends about "new possible units" and we all agreed that  fyreslayers can be expanded with little  to no effort (chariots, avatars of grimnir, lava-monsters, armored dudes, shielded dudes, etc...) . But how this can be translated to Kharadrons Overlords? What type of units do want you to see?
    Some examples:

    • Monster-hunter hero: We are used to hunt a lot of flying monsters, why not have someone to lead this expeditions?
    • Smuggler units/hero:  All Kharadrons are part smuggler, part Kharadron (it's in their nature!!!). But maybe something that just goes "all in" in that concept? Maybe giving the "skyfarer" keyword to allies? Maybe just a melee unit to beat them?
    • "Conquistador" hero: A bit tricky, but it could work. Maybe a melee hero? Maybe a duelist? It could be fun to have an ability to spoil the terrain to find new artefacts or just take victory points fi the enemy lose some models because a battleshock phase.
    • Raiders: We wrote the Code because we had some...trouble between our own civilization. Maybe that "trouble" is still there in another unit form. Maybe a melee unit with innate buffs to jump and charge from our ships?
    • Slaves/Mercenaries: i know, it's crazy. But we are Flying Steampunk Pirate/Merchant Dwarfs!!! The possiblity to have some Ogres working with us (Maneater style, but being part of our army!!). Just try to visualize  Captain Duardin near a First Mate Ogor. Maybe it's my Chaos Dwarf part that it's still there...
    • More ships!!! But I'm not sure what kind of ship we need...
    • Specialist teams: Something like skaven teams? We have A LOT of weapons, but it's really boring to roll a dice for every one (I mean...5 grundstok thunderers with all their unique weapons). Maybe a unit that it's just one weapon? Btw, we have something close with our 3man arkanauts, but the rules forces 7 other dudes to run around them.

    1) Grundstock hero -  hunter for heroes/monsters
    2) Separate Arcanaut unit based on weapon equiped (skyhook - hunters, volleyguns - supressors, skypikes - breachers)
    3) Big aether charged costumes (maybe even behemoth size)
    4) Floating garrisoned outpost
    5) Floating heroes
    6) Ogor mercs with Aether powered armour and melee weapon
    7) Grundstock battleship (can't transport units, but have a good damage potential)

    • Like 1
  23. 9 minutes ago, dekay said:

    I've considered those too, but, being yet unfamiliar with the Kharadron, how in the world does one make Khemist keep up with them?

    Under Tempest eye you can move him 7. So 7 + 18/24 inch weapon. 25/31 inches more then you need on turn 1. 

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