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Posts posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. 44 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    And, to be clear, the points don’t reflect the forthcoming GHB.

    Do you happen to know anything about Beasts of Chaos points? I'm hoping they do something to make Bullgors, Ghorgons, Cygors, Gors, and the various Monsters of Chaos more viable. The only competitive list right now is Enlightened spam...

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  2. 6 hours ago, SwampHeart said:

    You should be dictating the pace and scope of combats with BoC in most cases. if you aren't you're probably losing already. 

    Enlightened on Disc up by 20 - every other bird is unchanged. 

    Damn, I was hoping Skyfires were going down. They've gotten worse with the Activation Wars.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Fulkes said:

    You mengioned Ungors, but basic math shows Gors do as well as them or better despite having smaller numbers.

    I agree Bestigors are plainly better (easilly 2-3 extra damage per round of combat over Gor), but I feel that they also a lot more expensive and don't have rerolls while also running 40 extra points over Gor for 10 and 90 extra points if you take a full block of 30.

    And the thing is, with GHB2019 coming I won't be surprised if that turns into us paying even more for Bestigors than we do now.

    I won't deny they hit like a small truck, but I suspect GW is going to points cost them to better reflect that too. Which means that it's worth looking at what strengths Gor have for future proofing.

    Basic maths actually favours Ungors for damage in max-sized units (and Gors and Ungors are only worth running in either min or max-size units). Gors do more damage per model, but 25mm bases on Ungors (i.e. fighting in 2 ranks, or 3 ranks with spears, and extra models in the front rank) more than make up for it. Plenty of people (myself included) have checked the maths and concluded that Ungors actually outdamage Gors in max-sized units.


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  4. 22 hours ago, Fulkes said:

    Gavespawn does look pretty amazing. I keep wanting to look into the non 'fray options but keep getting side tracked by how generally good that one is.


    At least I have plenty of time to work that out. I mean I'm still painting my Herdstone.

    EDIT: so after looking at the Greatfrays, is there really any reason to not take them?


    The standard power list for BoC that won the UK Masters and Sheffield Slaughter doesn't use a Greatfray.

    I also personally usually run a Shaggoth general with Ancient Beyond Knowing as his command trait for the extra CP, so I typically don't use a Greatfray.

    Gavespawn is really good though, especially with a Desolating Beastherd list with 4 heroes or more. Having your heroes turn into spawn is useful for both chaffing and buffing.

    Allherd can be strong in a low points game (around 1250-1500), if you can afford Desolating Beastherd and hence get the Aetherquartz Brooch as your second artefact.

    Darkwalkers is less obviously powerful, but can work well against alpha strike shooting lists like Skaven if your run a 1-drop.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Yeah I hate all this double pile-in and always strikes first/last ****** in the newer books. It just makes the combat phase boring and one-sided. It means that games are won or lost in the list-building phase, since you absolutely have to have a reliable counter to this stuff in your list. Beasts of Chaos list with no Tzaangor Shaman and Wildfire Taurus facing Gristlegore? Sorry, you automatically lose because nothing can withstand even one pile-in from the Gristlegore General.

    • Like 4
  6. 11 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    True, as it is a deprived drove in Hedonites army is the only place I can see taking them, exploding 6s make the Great Axes terrifying especially against heros with artifacts (re-roll to hit). Also Doom Bulls work great in Hedonites since they give you lots of wounds for a low cost (ideal for Depravity).

    I think if they go to 140 and assuming Enlightened on disks go up to 160+ they will see much more play. The problem at the moment is they are a comparable option to Dragon Ogors and Enlightened, but more expensive and slower than either. If you want hard hitting eites, take Enlightened on Disks. If you want a more tanky unit with decent damage output, take Dragon Ogors.

    Bullgors are actually strongest in Khorne. Extra attacks are so easy to achieve in Khorne via Bloodsecrator or Wrathmongers, and are a bigger bonus than double hits on a 6. And Khorne easily gives them much-needed +1 hit with Slaughterpriests. And on top of that the battalion benefit of rerolls of 1 to hit and 1/game rerolls wounds is better than Depraved Drove's benefit.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Sauriv said:

    I would like bullgors to keep their points but instead get a warscroll update to hit/wound on 3+/3+, making them more of a elite unit. Just making them a little more reliable and not pathetically useless if debuffed with - 1 to hit. 

    So many times my bullgors has failed all attacks.

    "how many attacks should I save?" 

    "None, they did nothing" 

    Yeah the 4+/3+ profile is pretty painful with all the -1 hit in the meta.

  8. 1 hour ago, Belper said:

    Why not just get rid of those abilities at that point? Honestly these are more insults than compromises.

    Reroll 1s to save on a unit with a 6+ save? A 7" bubble trying to cover a unit that takes up more than 7" of space on its own?

    What a joke.

    They would obviously expand the Hag Naar bubble if they changed it to wholly within, as they have with literally every ability that's changed to wholly within...

  9. On 5/2/2019 at 3:23 AM, Dead Scribe said:

    No one that plays an army will willingly want it to be nerfed lol.

    I  play Beasts of Chaos but I still want Tzaangor Enlightened to be nerfed because I dislike the fact that spamming them is pretty much mandatory to be competitive. I'd like GW to compensate by buffing or dropping points on all the other grossly underpowered or overcosted units in the book like Gors, Bullgors, Cygor, Ghorgon, Chimera, Jabberslythe, Skyfires, etc.

  10. My suggestions:

    -Witch Brew requires CP or is 1/battle.

    -Blessing of Khaine lets you reroll 1's to save.

    -Hag Naar buff to FNP save is wholly within.

    Main issue for me is that Hag Naar Witch Elves are one of the toughest units in the game while simultaneously being arguably the most damaging, and are also incredibly quick. And it just doesn't make sense that they're so tough when they're barely clothed little elves.


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  11. 11 hours ago, YungWargamer said:

    Just wanted to say hi, been lurking and entertaining the prospect of getting into AOS to go to events like Throne of Skulls and have a good old time. 

    Researched a lot, heard that Stormcast were the best way to get started and learn the game with and thus get to playing a little more competitively sooner. 

    Then I walk into the store, see this awesome army and walk out with this.  Don’t know what it was, I just thought that the Beasts were awesome!

    So then, where do I begin! Can I get some

    wdvice on approaching this force? 


    Great choice! Beasts are a very fun army to play. Very fast, often hard-hitting, and they have a very useful and flavourful summoning mechanic.  

    A good core for your army is 3 Start Collecting boxes, since Ungors/Raiders, Bestigors, and Shamans are always useful, and that gives you summoning options even if you don't include some of these in your list.

    From there, you can build in a few different directions depending on what models you like. You can focus on more of the traditional Brayherd, Warherd, Thunderscorn (Dragon Ogres), or Tzaangors. You can mix and match these as well; you don't have to go all-in. 


  12. 13 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Been hearing this allot and it's not reflected my experiences, so I did the maths:

    When re-rolling, you get an average increase of only 13.9% damage from the spears (, which means only 8.5% increase in damage done by a unit of 6 on disks (assuming all spears and disk in range).  

    Without rerolls the impact is greater with 33% increase in damage from the spears, meaning 20% increase for 6 enlightened on disks (again assuming all in range).  But since you want to get those rerolls 90% of the time, this number is less important.

    So all in all the damage increase is modest unless your talking enlightened on foot who aren't getting the rerolls.

    Definitely nice to have, but for a 180 point squishy model, not worth it if the bonus damage for a unit of enlightened is the main reason to taking it.


    That's incorrect. +1 to hit from the Shaman increases the spear damage by 18.5%, not 13.9% when rerolling.   

    Spear hit chance with rerolls and Shaman: 2/3+1/3*2/3=8/9

    Spear hit chance with rerolls: 1/2+1/2*1/2=3/4

    Since all other factors cancel, the damage ratio is: (8/9)/(3/4)=32/27=1.1852...

    18.5% increase in spear damage is not a small increase. 

    Not only that, but Tzaangor Enlightened use the old wording of "reroll FAILED hits", so the fact that everyone and their grandma has -1 hit in today's meta means that with -1 hit your Enlightened are going to be hitting on 5+ with the spears, and rerolling only 1-3 if they don't have a Shaman, since mods are applied after rerolls per FAQ (no rerolls of 4 allowed here). That's a hit chance of only 1/2. With the Shaman buff the everpresent -1 hit cancels out, and you can at least hit on 4+ and reroll 1-3.

  13. 1 minute ago, Lexalopolis said:

    Hello all, I'm gradually building up a BoC/Tzeentch force based around Tzaangor but I've also been keeping an eye on the rise of FEC/Gristlegore lists.  What would you all say are the best tools that BoC has for dealing with all the terrorgheists out there these days?  I'm half tempted to design a desolating beastherd list with big ungor raider blocks and four chimeras, but that's probably an overreaction!

    I think Chimeras are too expensive for what they do; you're better off taking another 30 Raiders rather than taking a Chimera.


    There's two key ways to deal with Gristlegore (and now Tyrants of Blood in the new Khorne book):


    1. Take the Taurus and ideally a Tzaangor Shaman for a casting reroll when you need it to go off. This is less reliable against the always-strikes-first Bloodthirsters for obvious reasons, but works fine against Gristlegore. It is still a bit of a gamble though, so be prepared for a lucky unbind or poor casting roll to mess up your plan.


    2. Take at least one block of 30+ Raiders and lower your drops via battalions so that you can decide turn order and shoot it down.


    Or if you're really worried about Gristlegore you can combine the two strategies.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 minute ago, SwampHeart said:

    Yeah, when its applicable. But there are times when I can't have my Enlightened walking up the board at 9", sometimes you need to use them aggressively to remove threats earlier. Also with more shooting coming into the meta the Ungor clip trick isn't as reliable as it used to be because opponents are either shooting the Ungors or the Enlightened off early. 

    Ungors will actually be moving an average of 10.5", or 13.5" with a Bray Shaman nearby. I personally run a Shaggoth with Ancient Without Knowing for extra CP so that my screen can move up a guaranteed 13", or 16" with a Shaman nearby.

    We don't have much shooting in my local meta so it's not a big deal for me.

  15. Just now, SwampHeart said:

    Never really found that the Tz. Shaman can actually keep up with and maintain his wholly within buff aura on a unit of Enlightened in regular play. 

    Are you putting your Enlightened behind an Ungors screen and using the clip-charge trick? 

    I think I've only failed to get the buff on my Enlightened about two times since the book came out.  

  16. 7 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    I've been thinking about what are best hard core competitive build is at 2k and come up with the following

    Great bray Shaman *3  300

    3 * 6 Enlightened  840

    8 * 5 Centigor   640

    3 * 10 Ungor 180

    Germids  40

    So 3 killer hammer units, 3 casts/dispells a game and lots of wounds (197).  Obviously dependant on the Enlightened to do the heavy lifting in terms of killing stuff but the Centigors can keep up and protect then. 17 drops, so won't get choice of turn one very often (ever) but with lots of screens and massive charge range it should be happy going first or second.  

    I'd probably got for Grave Spawn for the free spawns and command ability.

    Only major weakness is low hero count, so might have to play quite defensively with them. Could possibly drop one/two units of centigors for a Beastlord and/or another shammy, but love the object claiming potential of 40 lightening fast goats.

    Any thoughts or ideas for your own 'killer' build?


    Tzaangor Shamans are mandatory for Enlightened. If you do the math on their output, the +1 hit makes a massive difference, especially when they're rerolling everything.

  17. 10 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    That was counting vigordust + MMMWP and a spark for +1 damage. I really only run 6 of them at 1k and I will either take 9 or none at 2k, but that's preference really. Worse case scenario is you just target them at monters\elite units instead.

    I would say put it on whoever you expect to be casting WLV the most as it really helps to have the Master of Magic trait + the Gnawhole arcane terrain. Of course, you do make a nice case for Death Frenzy as well if you feel that would be more beneficial in the long run of the game.

    A Skryre wizard on Arcane Terrain using a warpspark to reroll casting is actually better at casting the Vortex than a Verminlord Warpseer with Master of Magic on Arcane terrain.  


    Edit: Never mind, the list you were replying to doesn't actually have a Skryre wizard.

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