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Posts posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. 3 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    So I've been heavily vacillating regarding the Shaggoth. What have folks overall experiences been with him and how did you use him? I've played him a handful of times and I just feel like he needs to be the general to be effective and if he's the general I'm going to need to give up Gavespawn to do so. 

    I won a 1000 point tournament recently with Shaggoth spamming hailstorm. Such a good spell!

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/4/2018 at 11:17 AM, peasant said:

    today Ive played  a 500 pts game, 20 spear ungors did nothing but 10 gors performed good and centigors were incredible

    Ungors should only be in blocks of 10 or 40 as a general rule. In a unit of 10 use blades, and in a unit of 40 use spears. Raiders are also best used in units of 10 or 40, though some argument could be made for 20 or 30 depending on the points in your list.

    • Like 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, Pandamina said:

    How did you get all Gors to combat? That's 30 32mm bases with 1" weapon.

    Yeah in my experience even getting 15 guys with 32mm bases into combat is not guaranteed, depending on how spread out your opponent's unit is, and how well you roll to charge. I can't see 30 guys getting into combat in any realistic scenario. And Ungors with Spears will outdamage Gors for this reason: way more attacks.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    Jeah. That is what I am also fearing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like those new Underworld models. But in my opinion this isn't enough support for Destruction compared to all the other Grand Alliances. 

    I am still on the fence if we are really getting a new Destruction faction, or if we will instead get another two or three Stormcast Chambers or new Chaos factions before we will even come close to anything Destruction related. And maybe in the end we will just get one model after a long wait.

    I would hope for a cool and big Moonclan/Troggoth release, but I don't want to expect too much. As a Destruction player you are often used to being disappointed.

    I really hope there's no more Sigmarine stuff for years and years. They already have the largest choice of models, and all are new plastic. Literally every faction deserves something new before Stormcast.

    • Like 4
  5. 4 minutes ago, peasant said:

    9what do.you think of that spear? too thin? the blade is ok or prefer the usual pointy ?thx in advance



    I think it looks fine, but I personally dislike slashing polearms like glaives and halberds being used one-handed with shields in fantasy because I know that it doesn't make sense from a martial or biomechanical point of view. And I can't think of any historical example of them being used this way.

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/20/2018 at 3:39 AM, Dracothjay said:

    So next year a plan on getting my last butt to tourneys. I understand that this build is by no means competitive, but I’m throwing it out for feedback. I’ve included the models I love and also a bit of synergy how I like to play my beasts.  Pick me to bits guys!

    3 things:

    my 3x10 unit’s of bestigor. I prefer running them as MSU, but would anyone rather a 30 man unit? With this build they can either be my ambushers instead of bullgors, or objective grabbers.

    wild rampage - I like this spell on my second shaman, but would any other spell benefit this build more?

    ghorgon - I love him and included him as a distraction to my opponent. A big model people tend to focus on. Also he looks badass! I understand he’s an investment in points, but for 200 points what else is there to include? Maybe bulk my 3 bullgor unit to 6 and gain an extra CP if I removed the ghorgon? I’d prefer to keep him in, but interested in your thoughts.35497485-EB48-40BA-B3A8-68DCC42A6869.png.fb6254bfea7a3f459dbd3fe0021913d0.png31784ADC-EF3B-42EE-A0A5-7062BECEB7C0.png.cea8ab82a4ca4093cadfeb20e75b494d.png17DC5FA6-98B8-435E-AFE3-87CD41A04CC6.png.166e83f49a6e7edf7b5374b231bce908.png

    If you're planning on getting into melee from Ambush, I think you should swap one of your Bray Shamans for a Tzaangor Shaman, since that will give you a much better chance of getting Cogs off.

  7. 1 minute ago, peasant said:

    I love chaos warhounds miniatures but I cant figure how to make them work, what uses do you find to them? screening? objective-grabbers?

    Yea probably best used as a screen and to grab objectives. They do have a fairly large footprint because of their base size.

    • Like 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

    I see. Yeah that actually sounds like a pretty solid strategy. Will try to pull that off this Saturday.

    So technically speaking,... could some other big beefy units make us of this ?

    Browsing through the pages, Dragon Ogres with War Glaives, could benefit from this.
    I was considering Gorghon, but it negates two of its attacks (the Huge Mouth, and the Swallow whole). Unless of course the Ungors get wiped out enough for the Gorghon to pile in from behind.

    Its kinda sad, bunch of our big stuff has 1" Range. You would expect Chimera Jabber, and Bullgors to have 2". You know. the big girbbly stuff.


    On a different note: Has anyone tried out Cockatrice and Preyton

    Cockatrice seems good against certain types of armies (Nighthaunt and Stormcast) though its quite unreliable. On the other hand Preyton looks very nice. 140 pts is a bit steep, and it no longer has the -1 to hit debuff for enemies, but D3 mortal wounds on charge, chance to generate more with shooting and combat attacks, and the fact it has no wound chart, has fly, and can pop out anywhere on the battlefield make it an interesting choice. 

    Granted there are better options for pure combat, but one or two of these as cheap utility monsters (fast, fairly durable for its pionts and can kill stuff) dont sound that bad.

    Ungors have 25mm bases, and 1" is 25.4mm, so you can always attack over the Ungors even if they don't get wiped out. It's a pretty common tactic to have a small unit of chaff in front of a hard-hitting unit like this, but Enlightened are perhaps the best at taking advantage of this because of their rerolls to hit and wound if attacking after an enemy unit.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, Frozenbeast said:



    You could but then you don't have to pile in, OR BETTER you can decide to pie in 0" and witches don't really need to have many models in contact to wipe out a unit of Unglrs. So at the end of the day you might not be able to pile you Enlightened in due to the fact that Witches managed to dash out attacks without getting in range of pile in. So at the end of the day there will be situations like this one and it will be better to just charge and risk one or  maybe two enlightened rather than risk and not attack at all.



    Like in the battle video, you can charge your Ungors into base to base contact, and just clip the witches with your Enlightened unit, bringing only one Enlightened into 1/2" range. And if the witches are the ones charging, you are always able to position your Enlightened behind the Ungors so that they can pile in against the witches while staying out of range of the witches' attacks.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

    What if the Enlightened stod behind the Ungors ? They have 2" range so they should be fine, but then again, they did not charge so can they pile in ?

    As for Cygor: He has the re-roll to hit against Wizards so even with the new look out sir rules he still can be fairly dangerous.

    But yeah, I agree with the priced drop (not to 140 though, that would be a joke). 160 sounds just about fine.

    Although, I would consider him for the current price, if they got rid of the Range decreasing part of  the Wound table . That one I think is way to harsh.


    Enlightened have 2" range on spears but their beaks and disks have only 1" range on their beaks and disks. You can still attack over the Ungors since they have 25mm bases, but any unit that is worth sending your Enlightened against will wipe the 10 Ungors easily.

    Also, even with rerolls Cygor's Boulder is pitiful against wizards that benefit from Look Out Sir: averages 1.62 wounds before saves.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Rarity Nouveau said:

    I recently got the SC and might get 1 or 2 more since they’re such a good value. So how should I build the Ungors? And what are better in your opinions, Cygors or Ghorgons? If it helps, I’m planning on running a fair amount of Tzaangors (including Shamans) since I already have a standing DoT Force.

    Raiders are really good ranged units in a block of 40, and groups of 10 with blades make cheap and fast chaff. Groups of 40 with spears are a bit more situational, but they are pretty cheap and have reasonable damage output if you keep them near your herdstone.

    Ghorgons are better than Cygors atm, since Cygors got a huge nerf from Look Out Sir. They should have given them an additional +1 to hit vs wizards to partly compensate. I'm hoping Cygors get a points drop to 140 or so in the next GHB.

  12. 41 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Correct me if I am wrong, but can't you do it like this?





    They'd get to direct a few attacks at enlightened, but only a few


    Yeah that's basically the idea. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Entombet said:

    Regarding 0,5" charge and doom&darkness battle report. How could he charge witch elves with enlighted behind ungors with their 1" bases?.

    He only needs to get 1 model within 0.5" to complete the charge. The rest of the Enlightened hang back a little bit further, within pile-in range but out of range of the witches. Witches are stuck attacking Ungors, which they easily wipe out. Once the Ungors are deleted the Enlightened pile into the free open space and take advantage of their rerolls.

    • Like 4
  14. 1 minute ago, Myrdin said:

    I dont see why you would have to drop the Gavespawn for that ? I mean they are Brayherd so you dont need to run Darkwalkers (and Allherd is just ....yeah we do not speak of Allherd :D )

    I mean Tzaangors and Enlightened both can benefit massively since they have 2 different weapon types, so that +1 does add on a lot.

    But I if you run the disc version, then yeah, I suppose it makes sense, since they would outrun the Spawns in one turn.

    ...Its kinda weird that our monster things cant benefit from Darkwalkers. I mean Spawn and Razorgors.... if they could ambush, things might get even more interesting.


    **I havent read the batt. rep yet guys. What gave  re-rolls are we talking about, and what gave it to them ?

    (I dont have the time to read the whole thing, so I am asking out of curiosity,  in case we have access to more re-rolls other than just the Brass Despoilers. But since these are TZAANgors they can be taken in BD battalion.)


    I actually like Allherd, especially in low points games. With a Battalion and Aetherquartz brooch I've managed to summon a turn 2 Chimera in all 4 games I've played with them so far.

    • Like 1
  15. 27 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    @SirPug I'm loving the Doom & Darkness battle reports! That tactic with the Enlightened behind the wall of Ungor is brilliant! They do seem a little cheap for 140 points although they only hit on 4+ and have a 5+ save. Without the rerolls I'm sure they would be less effective. 

    Yeah they're ridiculous with the rerolls.  They're still good without the reroll, but the reroll just makes them into an absolute blender.


  16. 2 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Cheers mate, good point on the casting bonus although not sure how to fit 240 points of Tzangoor shaman and cogs in. Also not a fan of Tzeentch stuff, normally a khorne player and those weird looking bird goats are not my cup of tea.

    In some ways the chariot charge isn't essential, the raiders will hopefully do a bit of damage and if my opponent splits their force to deal with the ambushers then they have sort of done their job anyway. Besides the ambushers will still benefit from the battalion so even without the charge and trumpet bonus they should still cause trouble. 

    I think it needs some playtesting...

    Yeah I kind of feel the same way. The Tzeentch disks and stuff are too ornate for my tastes. What I'm doing is just using the Malagor model for my Tzaangor Shaman. Works great since it means he gets to fly again like back in the old days, and he actually fits much better on a 40mm base  than a 32mm anyway. If you look at the picture of him in the battletome, GW actually stuck him on a 40mm as well.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    After a bit of theory crafting I am liking the look of this list;

    Allegiance: Beasts Of Chaos
    Doombull (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Rampant Juggernaut 
    - Artefact: Cleaver of the Brass Bull 
    Beastlord (90)
    - Artefact: Brayblast Trumpet 
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Vicious Stranglethorns
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Wild Rampage
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy
    3 x Bullgors (160)
    - Pairs of Axes
    3 x Bullgors (160)
    - Great Axes
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    30 x Bestigors (300)
    4 x Tuskgor Chariots (240)
    40 x Ungor Raiders (320)
    Desolating Beastherd (150)
    Wildfire Taurus (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1

    The Beastlord would ambush with the chariots and raiders, giving me 40 shots at 3+ to hit, rerolling 1's & 2's. With the built-in reroll the chariots hopefully make their charge for 40 attacks at +1 to hit. The Battalion bonus should mean even more damage caused.

    Meanwhile the Bestigors,  supported by the shamans, and Bullgors supported by the Doombull, hit them from the front in a classic pincer move.

    One of the Shamans hangs back with the herdstone and sacrifices Ungor to hopefully summon a Gorgon by turn 3, turn 4 at the latest.

    Very tempted to work cogs in there by dropping a chariot or maybe even the Beastlord and giving the brayblast trumpet to a shaman to ambush with. 

    If you're focused on ambushing with melee units, Cogs is pretty much mandatory. Get a Tzaangor Shaman to make it more likely that your Cogs spell goes off, because a casting roll of 7+ has a 58.33...% chance unbuffed. 

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Tasman said:

    You can't use it multiple times on a single unit. You'd have to target a different unit. "A friendly unit wholly within 12" of A friendly chaos spawn. You could do multiple units with multiple spawns and CPs though.

    I don't see why you can't stack it multiple times on a single unit? Usually command abilities that can't be stacked explicitly say so.

    • Like 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, decker_cky said:

    Calculations for attacks against a hero (so rerolling failed wounds). 

    No save 4+ 5+ 6+ 4+ fixed 5+ fixed
    12.44444444 8.296296 10.37037 12.44444 6.222222 8.296296


    Volcanic Axe          
    No save 4+ 5+ 6+ 4+ fixed 5+ fixed
    7.111111111 4.740741 5.925926 7.111111 3.555556 4.740741
    1.185185185 0.790123 0.987654 1.185185 0.592593 0.790123
    1 1 1 1 1 1
    0.166666667 0.166667 0.166667 0.166667 0.166667 0.166667
    9.462962963 6.697531 8.080247 9.462963 5.314815 6.697531


    Sword of Judgment        
    No save 4+ 5+ 6+ 4+ fixed 5+ fixed
    3.555555556 2.37037 2.962963 3.555556 1.777778 2.37037
    0.592592593 0.395062 0.493827 0.592593 0.296296 0.395062
    3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
    0.583333333 0.583333 0.583333 0.583333 0.583333 0.583333
    8.231481481 6.848765 7.540123 8.231481 6.157407 6.848765


    Gnarlblade is much better than either Sword of Judgment or Volcanic Axe (better against all targets).

    Volcanic Axe is actually better than the sword of judgment unless you're against 3+ saves or unmodifiable saves (though these are close enough that its more a value call of spiking damage with the sword of judgment vs consistent damage of the volcanic axe). 

    Without running the numbers, sword of judgment is obviously a distant third against non-hero non-monster targets. 

    Sorry, what does each row in your tables represent?

    • Thanks 1
  20. 7 minutes ago, sambaker31 said:

    Yeah that definitely stuck out as having a lot of potential - although I plan on running Darkwalkers most of the time (sorry, should have said above) so need to find ways to get similar levels of damage output on a hero who wouldn't be able to access it... Still 14 wounds in a single combat from one model is enough to maybe change my mind about the greatfray haha

    Darkwalkers is definitely good as well, especially if you run a lot of Warherd. Bullgors are great for ambushing because of their charge bonus, and with  cogs they only need a 6 to get into combat. And the command ability is nice for teleporting a Chimera into a dangerous area.

  21. 19 minutes ago, sambaker31 said:

    I have recently got the Beasts of Chaos book and that combined with this thread is proving very helpful for planning future purchases and tactics, so thanks all!

    Just had a thought, as I love the Beastlord model and want to use one in my herd, but the warscroll isn't that great (especially when compared to the Doombull) - what are people's thoughts on putting the Sword of Judgement on a Beastlord? 6 chances for the d6 mortal wounds (rerolling 1's), and a much higher chance of getting the improved buff for nearby units from slaying a hero/monster, could be pretty sweet in game if you roll well, especially on a 90pt model! 

    One question, I've had a look and can't seem to find anything on this so it may be obvious... but with the Sword of Judgement the wording about the attack sequence ending is vague - can you deal multiple d6 mortals depending on how many 6's you roll, and then continue with normal attacks that hit (e.g. I roll 4 hits, with 2 6's so deal 2d6 mortals + 2 normal hits that need to wound, roll armour saves etc)? Or is it as soon as one attack does d6 mortals the entire attack sequence ends? The rules say 'that attack...' and then the 'attack sequence', so I'm assuming it splits them into separate entities? Certainly a good combo if it's read this way, but may as well go volcanic axe if it's capped at just one d6 mortal wounds!

    Lots of monsters (mostly order draconis) in my local games, so the thought of popping up from ambush and potentially dealing crazy mortals with lucky rolls is quite thematic and pretty awesome ?


    The Gavespawn artefact Mutating Gnarlblade is also really good on a Beastlord, and possibly even better than the Sword of Judgement (I haven't done the maths on the latter yet). I one-shotted a 14 wound hero with Gnarlblade in one of my games.

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