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Everything posted by Brush.Addict

  1. Love this idea, it'd be a very exciting twist, add new models and bring the chaos god back into the fray. Prehaps causing so much havok that Slanesh could weaken his restraints for another epic story. If GW dont watch these feeds or feeds like this they'd be missing a trick. So many different and great ideas!
  2. As for Gotrek, in the two books Slayer and Kinslayer they focus on his doom. But it all happens in such a way that it would be possible for him to come back without breaking continuity. I hope he gets a mini
  3. I'm really quite excited for a Moonclan Battletome, they way GW have been going recently with all the new Battletomes I think a moonclan one would be brilliant. I've been wowed by the newer battletomes, the content has been fantastic not to mention how all the new allegiance abilities and warscolls make for some very interesting and exciting games of Aos. The absolute madness that would follow a Moonclan release would be brilliant.
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