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Everything posted by SorryLizard

  1. Presicely. I have yet to meet a TO who would complain about something like this and a quick chat (and courtesy reminders during the game) with your opponent should keep things clear.
  2. That's a shame. I might use Myrmidesh as chaos warriors or chosen then. Though their flat warscroll at least carries most of its abilities on itself - reroll saves and mortals on 6s. Losing the double hits on 6 will hurt their output though.
  3. How do these mortal Hedonites look in an StD army rather than in their own Battletome? E.g.: dropping in some Myrmidesh or Blissbarbs to an StD army. Do they get the benefits from the Warshrine or the Hero Auras in StD? Or is that specifically tied to keyword bingo within the book(s)?
  4. Ash is live too with his video here: I've ordered Sigvald, which is what I'd planned to do anyway. Time to watch more about NMM...
  5. Ogres for example have very few tricks. Just good damage output, decent chunks of wounds, decent foot speed. They don't win a lot of events but people who play them seem to just really enjoy doing so. But to a degree I think there's an amount of selection bias in play there. People drawn to one type of aesthetic are likely to trend toward enjoying a similar aesthetic in another area. i.e.: if the power fantasy of an ogre is raw power and smashing you likely don't want fancy rules interactions getting in the way of the smashing. While someone who's choosing a sophiticated, artsy, lithe, fast, lethal strike force probably does want something with subtle overlapping mechanical widgets with which to express that power fantasy.
  6. Perhaps wait a bit, see what comboes and synergies start coming to light. Don't drop money on things for their mechanics just yet (get the stuff you want to paint/etc.), wait for the FAQ. Let the book see some play first. Make buying decisions for gameplay reasons in...I dunno, a month? Proxy stuff, TTS games, etc. for now. Some armies really do rely on synergies and buffs to catapult their power. Seraphon for example skyrocket in effective ness once some buffs are in place. Wait and see if this book does it too before decrying it yet. Treat it like video games. Until it's proven itself to be something you're excited to play don't invest heavily. Let the early adopters take the risks for you and go in with more information to make informed choices.
  7. All that has to happen is the hype gets to the public on Pre-Order day. Hype on Tuesday is not that important. Hype on Thursday is nice but doesn't sell things. Angry people on Friday still don't matter. Hype on Pre-Order day makes sales. Get people hyped and able to spend money immediately is best because that hype leads to impulse purchases. There will be some optimal 'hype curve' that marketing experts will work out based on their audience, their product, sales trends and behaviours, etc. From what I have heard of GW internal working they probably don't do that level of research and planning. But they don't have to. Their sales are doing great regardless and, apart from a few comments about how they've mismanaged their previews this week, no one cares once the information reached them anyway (these leaks, Ash at GMG, whatever). At a guess if you're the kind of person who is getting annoyed about the WarCom previews about Hedonites not being well handled then you're someone that is already very engaged with their product and likely to have already made your decision to buy or not.
  8. And if Depravity is only used for summoning it's conveniently something you can ignore entirely if you're only interested in mortals. Same with the Locus. Remove all of that additional 'rules weight' to think about.
  9. Something like the Emerald Lifeswarm might be handy to bring along. Keep your and your enemy's units alive for just that tiny bit longer to get another few Depravity.
  10. Stopping pile in moves is massively powerful. Clip the end of a big enemy unit and it's now locked in place, barely able to get attacks into you and unable to move unless it falls back. With speedy heroes or run+charge abilities you should be able to get into position to clip exactly where you want to hold up an entire battleline for a turn which can be a lot of points from objectives.
  11. I aways suggest just waiting for the FAQ to drop before buying too much stuff. You'll be able to find out the contents of the book from the general internet chatter, videos and such to join in the conversation. Then can start planning armies and/or purchases once you've seen what excites you and what bits of that excitement survive the first round of FAQs and Errata.
  12. Honestly I'm not really missing the rules previews. They're nice to have during the week but Ash at GMG will have us covered anyway this weekend and I can spend time doing something other than checking WarCom until then.
  13. For example. If I do make any Symbaresh they'll all have the Myrmidesh heads. The dual weapons will still look distinct to shield+sword so there should not be confusion on the table between them but it means I can avoid painting faces!
  14. Top down for me. First set expectations about things like intended playstyle, what we should expect to change with this book (i.e.: just mortals, daemons getting a refresh, is this super locked down or open to mixing with StD etc.). Then with the allegiance abilities. Are we keeping locuses, double hits on 6 and Depravity? Is that being extended to mortals in some way or is there something extra in there to support mortals rather than the daemon focus we have now? I don't like the 'opponent strikes last' locus in general. It's too random for my tastes. Hard to plan how you'll play, I don't want to make a charge and hope for the 1/3 to trigger to make it worthwhile and it's just a feel bad for the opponent when it does trigger multiple times in a turn as they just watch their army get removed.
  15. That's pretty cool, I'll see what I can find then.
  16. And shooting and magic/mortal wounds being in vogue. Their only defence is in melee, otherwise it's 4W and 5+ save on an expensive unit.
  17. How did you attach the gorebeast to the shrine?
  18. Hi! I'm building an StD army at 1kpts (15 warriors, 5 knights, 5 knights, 5 marauder horse, lord on mount, sorc on foot) but am thinking about what is needed to go above that and a Warshrine seems like a critical piece. However, my army these is that these are not actually Chaos worshippers. They're one of the tribes that got stuck outside the Gates of Azyr when Sigmar closed them. So the army has survived by fighting against chaos tribes for generations. And, no, they're not secretly or unknowingly worshipping chaos through a different guise or deception or whatever. So, any warshrine I do get has to be something that is mortal only, no mutants, no daemons, no obvious chaosy symbols. Any good 3rd party options out there you can recommend? Or simple conversions to make something that would fit my theme? Thanks!
  19. Isn't that model already out in the shared box though? So not new?
  20. Says 11 new units (not just 11 new warscrolls, explicitly 11 units) Myrmidesh Demon Myrmidesh Gluttos Sigvald Slaangors Blissbarbs Seeker Archers Seeker Glaives Mirror Wizard What am I missing?
  21. They'd need some meaningful changes to fill that role. But it would be cool to see. 4 wounds, 5+ save is not going to be an effective tarpit. Even with -1 to be hit (and -1 to wound if the unit is big). The cost becomes important too, if you're paying 200-odd points for those 12 wounds it's never going to meaningfully tie something up in that price range. Though, they might do ok against monsters that often suffer a lot from -1 to hit debuffs and their stingers dealing d6 damage to big things works better there too.
  22. I wonder how Slaangor will be differentiated from Fiends. If they're both fast moving hard hitters with limited defenses they could overlap a lot.
  23. All coming out at once is nice. Can listen to Ash on GMG walk through the book then order Sigvald. Going to try and teach myself NMM using him so quite excited.
  24. Right. But the initial comment was that @Lucentia hoped the Slaangor would be beefier than mere Tzaangor. A Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc is considerably beefier than a Tzaangor so I'd imagine if Slaangor are of an equivalent beefiness (with a suitable Slaaneshi spin) that should satisfy the original desire.
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