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Posts posted by Rangeltoft

  1. 8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    The frigatte can charge after run, and everything embarked on the frigatte "count" as they charged too, even if they didn't throw any charge roll. 

    They still can't make a normal charge by themself because they "run" with the boat, so you can't disembark with the command and charge, but that's why you use the assault boat ability.

    Btw, take in mind that they can't shoot after the boat run with them embarked.

    Thanks, it was as i thought then.

    The shooting part i do know, but was thinking about alpha strike with the 2d6 run amendent, Command the Skies and no reward without risk, the rest of the army can shoot away the screens.

  2. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Any reason why u are not playing 6x fellwaters instead of 2 x 3? U using them more like screens?

    Aye, screens/objective grabbers. In my last game a unit of 3 wiped out a 20-man sized Tzaangor unit and then died themselfs to Battleshock 😜 But i have never tried running them as a bigger unit, always felt that they work better in a smaller sized unit

    • Like 1
  3. played another game vs Guild of Summoners Tzeentch. Ended 29-21 in favor of Truggs.

    got really lucky with some unbinds and getting the ward save for two turns was great aswell.

    Used the following list in both my games:

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
    - Gittish Horde: Trugg's Troggherd
    - Grand Strategy: Overshadow
    - Triumphs: Indomitable
    Dankhold Troggboss (210)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Prized Trogglet
    - Artefact: Thwackwheezer Club
    Dankhold Troggboss (210)*
    - Nullstone Adornment: Hand-carved Nullstone Icon
    Trugg the Troggoth King (320)
    3 x Fellwater Troggoths (170)*
    3 x Fellwater Troggoths (170)*
    6 x Rockgut Troggoths (340)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    3 x Rockgut Troggoths (170)*
    2 x Dankhold Troggoths (380)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    *Battle Regiment

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 120
    Drops: 3

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. A question regarding Coalition units.

     As per the Legion of Chaos rule, a coalition unit can not be your general.

    But is there anything that stops Plague Monk counting as battleline if you also include a Plague Priest?

     The rule for plague monks states that 1 unit count as battleline for each plague priest in your army (nothing about skaven/skaventide army).


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  5. 1 hour ago, W1tchhunter said:

    Quick rules check, what is the point in the hordemaster command Trait? How is it different to the ability on the master moulders scroll.



    No command point and you can use it on the same unit if the command ability fails to bring them back

    • Thanks 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    Yeah I think so, took me a while to work out exactly what was going on, but if I'm reading it right, you're Coalitioning the Berzerkers and the Hammerers, and Allying the Runesmiter and Runelord?

    That should be fine, although of course as allies the Runesmiter won't get to pick an extra prayer, and neither the Runesmiter nor Runelord will benefit from subfaction traits.

    aye, that's the plan. I know they would both be better as coalition, but then i would need..12(?) other units, since they are not seperate coalition options as KO/SCE in Tempest Eye for exemple.

  7. hello to you all.

    Is the following list legal, always confused when it comes to allies and coalition units.

    /cheers Rangeltoft



    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
    - Sky Port: Barak Thryng
    - Grand Strategy:
    - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
    Aether-Khemist (90)**
    - Artefact: Spell in a Bottle
    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (180)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Supremely Stubborn
    - Artefact: Grudgehammer
    Auric Runesmiter (135)**
    - Runic Iron
    - Allies
    Runelord (95)**
    - Allies
    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)*
    - 1 x Skypikes
    - 1 x Light Skyhooks
    - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    3 x Endrinriggers (120)*
    3 x Skywardens (105)*
    - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 1 x Drill Launcher
    10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)*
    - Poleaxes
    20 x Hammerers (290)*
    Arkanaut Ironclad (490)*
    - Main Gun: Great Sky Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks: The Last Word
    Soulscream Bridge (80)
    *Battle Regiment
    **Command Entourage - Magnificent
    TOTAL: 1995/2000 WOUNDS: 103



    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, W1tchhunter said:

    Oh damn I didn't see the master moulders had this built into the warscroll. What's the point in the command Trait then? 

    the command trait lets you use the ability without spendning a command point and you could bring back two units in the same phase, since its not the same ability as the command ability on the warscroll

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    @Rangeltoft I'll try my best to explain this madness. Some things that happened off screen was I never rolled a 1 on the ability, so there's that. My opponent was aware of my ability to roll over chaff, tried to redeploy his hero away and rolled poorly. I also used all of my ranged attacks (which I overclocked successfully) on something else nearby. Here was the setup:

    Movement Phase: 10" away from 2 MSU shooting units and a hero behind them about 5", I roll for movement and double it due to the artifact. I move 30". I run circles around all three of them and land outside of 3" of 2 of them. 3d3 MW.

    Charge Phase: I roll a 6" charge (barely enough) and Tokyo drift over all 3 units. Very critically I declare with intent to place it equidistant of all 3 and less than an 1" (the base was big enough for all 3), thus allowing me to choose which "closest" model to pile into. My opponent measured it out for me, said it was good, and was morbidly curious what I was doing. 3d3 MW.

    Combat Phase: I activate the doomwheel and declare I'm piling in <1" direction over the 2 shooting units and then travel back over to the hero <2" landing base to base contact with the model. It is important to play with intent in the pile-in step and declare that I "knick" the enemy units base by moving only 1mm or something small. 3d3 MW

    To be fair, only the hero died completely and was staring at 4 enemy models left putting myself out of melee range after pile in (?). 


    forgot about the charge phase🙃

    will have to try that out sometime

  10. 5 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    All of this paled in comparison to seeing the combo actually go off: Levitate and MMMWP on a single Doomwheel that was slapped in the behind with a Vial of the Fulminator. In range of 3 units, 1 of which was a hero, I did in total 9d3 triggers of MWs! Combat phase was an afterthought.  Its complicated but my opponent bunched up and wasn't expecting a flying unit suddenly. 

    Nobody expects the flying Doomwheel.


    May i ask how? i might be misunderstanding the rule here, but wouldnt you only get 3 in the movement phase and then maybe 3 in the combat phase after piling in?

  11. On 7/11/2022 at 5:21 PM, Landohammer said:

    The Battlelines Drawn battleplan in the new GHB makes each table quarter an objective. So how does that interact with rules that require you set setup stuff "more than 3" away from objectives"

    Just a list of examples:

    Faction Terrain


    Nurgle Summoning, etc

    Only the summoning of a new Feculant Gnarlmaw will be affected from Nurgle summoning, the other options don´t have the 3" away from.. rule

    • Like 1
  12. 36 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    The Core Rules said that you must pick the subfaction Enhancements.

    "Sometimes the rules for a subfaction will give you access to a further set of allegiance abilities. If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include a command trait and the general of your army has the keyword for that subfaction, then that command trait must be the one you give to your general. If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include an artefact of power and any HEROES in your army have the keyword for that subfaction, then that artefact of power must be the first artefact of power given to one of those HEROES."

    and thats what you get for not really paying attention to the core rules :P

    Thanks for the respons

  13. I was looking over the subfaction rules from BR: Kragnos in the app, am i missing something or are you not forced to take the subfaction command trait anymore? The artifacts still have the rule that first artifact must go to etc, but cant find the same for the command traits.

  14. 4 hours ago, Num said:

    Imagine a squad of 8 Rat Ogors with Toughened Sinews and Prized Creation with 3 as the D3 roll! 72 wounds for 360 points.

    The 6 attacks per mutation is also fancy...

    I always wanted to play units of 8 rat ogors so now is the time :)

    Quick question regarding this. Do you get the extra wounds and reroll 1s for the entire unit (from Prized Creation)? I have always played it as only a single Rat Ogor gets the buff.


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  15. 2 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    From the story

    "Something clicked in Bokkrog’s mind. Above the shaman, the clouds were being blown by a hard wind. One of them looked a bit like a charging boar rider slowly pushing its way through wall upon wall of thick white clouds. No. Not a boar rider. Something far bigger. More primal.

    A god.

    The shaman came towards him, dipping his gnarled fingers into a pot of fungus woad. Bokkrog let the old orruk smear the bright-blue pigment on his face and chest, too entranced by the clouds to stop him.

    ‘It’s time, in’t it?’ said Bokkrog.

    ‘It is.’

    ‘He’s comin’, in’t he?’

    ‘He is.’"

    That just sounds like a Bonesplitter's interpretation of Gorkamorka to me.

    Here is another idéa. Bonesplitterz are known to hunt godbeasts, Kragnos says that his "people" are gone. Might he be a leader for a godbeast/monster faction? (Not that destruction really needs another monster based army). Maybe Kragnos after out for revenage against the Bonesplitterz for killing off his spawns/whatever and thats the feeling the Boy and Shaman have?

  16. 28 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

    I don't see any problems with the interaction:

    The Lord of Change makes a casting roll, and uses Mastery of Magic to change the value of the lower die. Then, if the casting roll is successful, the Bloodsecrator's Loathsome Sorcery will force the Lord of Change to re-roll that casting roll. The Lord of Change can then use Mastery of Magic again to modify the lower die of the re-roll.

    To me, that seems consistent with Mastery of Magic happening "when this model makes a casting [...] roll," (which happens twice in this example), and Loathsome Sorcery happening "before any unbinding rolls are made." That's how I'd play it in normal games - in a tournament YMMV, so ask your TO.

    But rerolls happens before modifiers, if im not remebering wrong. And the Mastery of Magic is a modifier as of the latest DoT Faq/errata.

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