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Posts posted by Rangeltoft

  1. 12 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    With these new Celestial sub-factions, it appears as though they may have come to realise that many Gloomspite devotees have particular favourites within the overall faction.  We can only hope that the next Battletome will better reflect this while still offering a variety of Gitz soups.  Perhaps a version of the Orruk Warclans set-up might fit the bill.

    Or the Celestial sub-faction is because Gloomspite is the only army, besides Nighthaunt (atleast i think those two were the only ones), that doesnt have any Sub-faction alligance. Or maybe its just a money-grab move from GW´s side, to see if they can increase sales?

    Don´t get me wrong, these subfactions have rekindled my intrese in Gloomspite and i do like that they are added, but i still don´t think mono-"subfaction" is the way to go, my opinion ofcourse.

    7 hours ago, novakai said:

    i don't know, the way they did the Keyword bingo and battalion implies that it was suppose to be design to play army as specific subsect then souping and truth is  the book doesn't really favor souping outside of using stabbas and squigs as bodies on objectives.  Also i find people just don't like fielding stabbas and playing the horde aspect of Gloomspites 

    the way i though  they could have done the battle tome was have three different allegiance with Moonclan (w/ Troggoths) as one, Spiderfang with specific tailor rules for them as another, and then use the Current Gloomspite rules as the Soup allegiance for both army

    Maybe, altho i think the "mega-battalions" are there to give you the option to play mono-subfaction rather then the main intent of the book. I guess we will never know.

    as for people not wanting the field stabbas and playing hordes, that´s their choice. i´m more on the other side, i find it hard to play a list without stabbas.


    /cheers Rangeltoft

  2. to be fair, i don´t think gloomspite were writen with the idea of 4 diffrent armies in a singel book, but more as a mix and match book between all the diffrent "subfactions", alot like the Cites of Sigmar battletome. While it´s possible to run an army of only squigs, the army might work, but gets alot better if you mix in a few stabbas.

    • Like 3
  3. I do belive that there is a short storie in Oaths & Conquests about a champion and his followers that change "marks"(which god they worship) during thier travels and getting the benefits, Nurgle mutations etc.

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/21/2020 at 8:48 AM, GrimDork said:

    Was just playing around with another meeting engagement list. Basically I was wondering if it would be possible to fit a spell in a bottle in zilphin for hero phase move, drop spell, move again in move phase at 1K. It’s just possible

    As zilphin has a forced artefact you have to take a battalion to be able to take the spell in a bottle. I doubt I’ll ever try this as it would be buying a lot if models I don’t have for one gimmick, but here’s the list.


    1 x Khemist- zilphin artefact

    10x Arkanaut company

    Main Body

    1 x Khemist - spell in a bottle

    1 x Frigate

    10 x Arkanaut company


    1 x Frigate

    Iron Sky attack squadron battalion

    warp lightning vortex

    Total 980

    Could swap the first Khemist for another leader? Endrinmaster or Navigator for +10points

    (Whilst looking at this list it occurs to me that the Endrinworks available to Frigates are pretty rubbish )

    If im not mistaken, you could skip the battalion and just give one of your khemist the Collector command trait to unlock your second artifact.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    The way I understand it, this is the case.

    after-all he is considered a part of your army for that duration of the plague.


    Thanks for the respons! Not that i think it will come up, but you never know.

    Another question: If i have Death Frenzy on, lets say 20 Plague Monks, two die in meele, do they still get the +1 to hit for the death frenzy attacks?


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  6. Question about the Redmaw Plague:

    If i count the hero as friendly, does that mean that my opponent need to count it as an enemy model for that combat phase i.e he needs to attack it if there are models within range?

    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  7. 4 hours ago, Kramer said:

    That’s a world of difference. That would just be complaining ’I don’t like the rules of the sub faction’. Not it doesn’t work as intended. 

    The way its written makes Barak Thryng weird. While they do get Barak Thryng keyword, they do not get the KO keyword, meaning that unlike the similar rule for CoS (tempest eye/living city/SCE) they technical count as allies, since your army alligiance is KO, not Barak Thryng. That in turn makes the subfaction not working as intended, because every KO army can have duradin allies.


    on the other hand, i have played some with Barak Thryng and the rules are ok, altho without Soulscream Bridge its hard to make a meeleblock work.

    • Thanks 3
  8. 3 hours ago, EMMachine said:


    It's not forbidden in the rules of the Legion of Grief like in with Legions of Sacrament, Legions of Night or Legion of Blood and he could be General if he wants without including Lady Olynder in the List because he doesn't have the Mortarch Keyword, but you basicly spent 44% of your points in a 2000 Point army in a single model and it doesn't make much sense lorewise.

    I know he is an expensive model and i know that it doesnt make much sense from a lore prospective, but that was not what i was asking about was it?

    The reason for why i want to include Nagash in a LoGrief army is because the model is a good centerpiece and i came here to see if anyone had a workable list that does include him, hence my question. Not why he doesnt not fit in from a lore prospective or that he is an expensive heap of plastic.

  9. Hello to you all!

    might start up an LoGrief/NH army soon, but got the idea of including Nagash stuck in my head.


    is it possible to make a workable LoGrief list that includes Nagash? Doesnt need to be ultra competativ, but should not be a complete walkover list either.


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  10. 2 hours ago, Unter said:

    hey, I'm the author of this list and took it to 3rd place at our last pre-lockdown tournament! Happy to answer any questions.

    As to the playstyle, the ships generally deploy all in one corner/out of range of enemy alpha, screening with 1 ark-co and a hauler if necessary. 

    Smart opponents would then give you first turn as you open yourself up to a double if you go in close. If they do give you first, play conservatively and land your ships in a blob (mission depending) and play from 18"/24" shooting. However, many people can't resist taking first turn if they have the opportunity to do so, and a KO double is absolutely devastating. 

    That said, as a rule you should look to give away priority as long as it won't be game-breaking/you aren't passing up the opportunity to deliver a really crippling blow, as it gives you more control to score later. 

    KO really shine late game as we can zip around and score, and with the frigates and ark co you can do a classic 'circle of wagons' to defend your ironclad by putting the haulers up front and if facing teleporting dropping the ark co to screen behind. 

    The amount of ships in the list can be really nasty when it comes to mortal wounds, especially with Malefic Skymines and the ram on the Ironclad/Debt settler on the hauler. That's a big kicker people don't expect and really helps chew through ethereal bad guys or characters. 

    Furthermore, don't be afraid to charge a frigate or hauler into combat to slow people down for a turn or two, those guys are really tanky with triumphs.

    Happy sailing!


    May i ask why the gauntlet? The Endrinmaster do not count as charging if he is inside a boat.

  11. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    I would say the same as any other Endless Spell. You can take whatever you want and put in the bottle, just remember that the bound ones can still only be moved by Seraphon armies.

    Thats the thing im wondering about, the "all restrictions are ignored" wouldnt that mean that you can still move it, or is it just for the "casting" part?

  12. A quick question.

    I might end up playing my first battle with KO tomorrow but am having trouble settling on a list.

    If I run a Barak Zilfin list with a frigate loaded up with 10 arkonauts and 2 characters with the Magnificent Omniscope can I in my herophase then move 8+6(run), then in my movementphase disembark the arkonauts and characters and then fly high with the (now) empty frigate? Or could I fly high with a Gunhauler with Thundrik´s Profiteers and a Khemist in the herophase, throw out an endless spell from bottle and then use fly high in the movementphase to get some distance from the enemy?


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  13. Just now, Kramer said:

    yeah that was the case. Luckily they added that to the Core rules. 

    But again. You will never know unless you buy into the battletomes. Because the warscrolls don't specify it. 
    (assuming you are right, which until a FAQ comes i'm not committing to ;) )

    It's just a pet peeve of mine, sorry about that 😅

    I am not 100% sure im right on this issue, but thats the way i read it.. I really do like the Magmic Invocation models, so if i could use them in a KO army that would be very sweet (still think KO should have gotten thier own version of "endless prayers). But since i do have the battletome, i cant ignore the way it is written :P

    the warscrolls are there for ease of use (imo), since they don´t give you the point values (altho those were released in the latest faq/ghb) but before that you would need to have the battletome to "know them", ofcourse that information wouldnt have been to hard to get.

    Lets revisit this when/if a faq drops, untill then, enjoy using the magmic invocations :)


    /cheers Rangeltoft

  14. 13 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    But there are no army specific models*. There are none. Except according to your argument the endless prayers. There are rules for army composition in the rules that allow and limit you. They allow you to take only models with a keyword, which in turn allows you access to allegiance abilities. 

    can I ask which rules regarding endless spells you need an army battletome for? 
    All the rules are on the warscroll and the core rules. That’s why I can buy an endless spell and just need to ally a model in that has the right keywords to cast it. (And of course is allowed to ally with my army if I want to use allegiance  abilities)


    annoying thing is it’s been send to the faq team multiple times as far as I’m aware off. 

    * yes I seperated terrain from models to not muddy the waters. the faction specific terrain have no points, you can’t take them unless in open play and narrative in which case the whole discussion is a bit pointless 😂

    Army specific model might have been a poor choice of word on my part.

    Allegiance abilities are locked to your allegiance tho, in this case that would be Kharadron Overlords, not Fyreslayers. If you were allowed allegiance abilitys in other armies then the one that the battletome is written for then you would be able to use all the rules for both StD and Slaanesh (or any other chaos god) in the same army, which you cant.  And the way to Magmic Invocations (and Judgements of Khorne) are written, they are allegicance abilitys, not a unit/endless spell.


    and regarding the endless spell comment, that might be me misremembering the need for Malignant Sorcerery book to have all the rules how to casr etc.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    I don’t have the Khorne book either 😂

    but then let me phrase it this way, and I think you’ll agree. Say you are right, than it’s written as a serious trap. Because only fyreslayer players get that bit of info that it’s limited. Everybody gets access to those free warscrolls through GW and that’s where the limitations should be put. 
    If I’m building a grand alliance duardin allegiance... there is nothing that points me there. 

    so to the OP. These are the two sides of the argument. Best to check with a TO. But If you’d be playing me you can deffo take it. 

    I do agree that the rules could be more clear. But on the other hand, you dont get all the rules regarding Endless Spell from the Warscroll cards either. And to be fair, saying that an army specific model should point you to that armys battletome for all the rules regarding said model seems abit obvious, atleast to me.

    I guess the best way would be to e-mail GW faq team for clarification and/or talk it over with your opponent/TO before a game.

    • Like 2
  16. 33 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    The warscroll reads:

    all well and good. And I’ve heard the argument before. And I’ll see if i can borrow the book someday to check the quote.
    but this scroll, which I would be taking, does not specify that. 
    And I can’t find it in a faq either. 

    so if I’m taking this warscroll... there is nothing on their prohibiting me, nor pointing me to extra restrictions. 
    I expect the quote from the book to be just careless writing if I’m honest. 

    The quote from the book is from the  allegiance abilities section and as far as I know, no other allegiance ability works in a different army. You don´t get aether-gold in a Tempest Eye list or spell lores from Slaves to Darkness in a Nurgle army (exemple). 

    The Judgements of Khorne has the same wording in thier allegiance ability, so careless writing seems less likely.

    but I might be wrong in my interpetations.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Although some argue against it. Unless I’m missing a line of rules somewhere. The warscroll allows it. by bringing an fyreslayer priest And paying for it you meet all conditions. 

    Magmic Invocations have the following wording: FYRESLAYER PRIESTS in a Fyreslayer army can summon etc(page 59 Fyreslayer battletome)... a KO Barak Thryng army is not a fyreslayer army so wouldnt that be a condition not meet?

    would love for it to work, but atleast to me it seems like its not doable.


    /cheers Rangeltoft

    • Like 1
  18. Toying around with an Barak-Thryng list and this is what i came up with as a first draft.

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
    - Sky Port: Barak Thryng

    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220)
    - General
    - Trait: Supremely Stubborn
    Aether-Khemist (90)
    - Artefact: Spell in a Bottle
    Runelord (90)
    - Allies
    Runelord (90)
    - Allies
    Warden King (110)

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1x Skypikes
    - 1x Light Skyhooks
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1x Skypikes
    - 1x Light Skyhooks
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    3 x Endrinriggers (100)

    30 x Hammerers (360)

    Arkanaut Frigate (250)
    - Main Gun: Heavy Sky Cannon
    Arkanaut Frigate (250)
    - Main Gun: Heavy Sky Cannon

    Iron Sky Attack Squadron (120)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Soulscream Bridge (80)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 180 / 400
    Wounds: 110
    Couldn´t add in the Thryng specifik artifact in warscroll builder and havent really thought about endrinworks for the frigates yet.
  19. Im looking forward to trying out Mhornar tbh. The command ability allows me to take the Last Word on my ironclad and i can still move it to a good spot if needed while its "fully loaded". 

    But then again, i will try them all out before (if) i stettle for one specific skyport.

  20. 15 minutes ago, Matt Large said:

    Just Chipping in with my first attemp at a list. Is 5 drops too high in a "competative" setting or just about right? 

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords - Mortal Realm: Chamon - Sky Port: Barak Zilfin

    LEADERS Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Tough as Old Boots - Artefact : Staff of Ocular Optimisation

    Aetheric Navigator (100)

    Aether-Khemist (90) - Artefact : Spell in a Bottle


    10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    6 x Endrinriggers (200) - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Skyhooks

    5 x Grundstok Thunderers (120) - 1 x Decksweepers - 1 x Aethercannons - 1 x Grundstok Mortars

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinwork: Coalbeard's Collapsible Compartments 

    BEHEMOTHS Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Aethermatic Volley Cannon - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word

    Arkanaut Frigate (250) - Main Gun : Heavy Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Prudency Chutes - Kharadron Overlords Battleline (Sky Port: Barak Zilfin)


    Iron Sky Command (130)


    Aethervoid Pendulum (50)

    Looks nice!

    But are you deadset on the Endrinmaster as your general? You don't need it for battleline endrinriggers due to playing Zilfin so my first thought is to make the Khemist your general for the Collector trait to get you that auto-unbind artifact for the Navigator

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