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Posts posted by Mephisto

  1. 18 hours ago, Ben said:

    Is anyone playing any lists with 200 Ungor?  

    I've started writing some twists and it seems to be a solid option.  200 points for 40.  5 units.  Might seem spammy but it would be quick and easy to push them around the table.

    The other 1000 points would need to do the heavy lifting but sheer weight of numbers should be hard to deal with.  

    Has anyone played a full horde???

    On paper I think this is a viable strategy. So viable I've been experimenting with 120 of them w/ phantasmagoria in a Tzeentch list. Some armies just struggle with 120 (or 200) bodies clogging the arteries of play. And as you point out you still have 1000+ points for your hammers and tricks and such. I'll let you know my findings. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Ben said:

    I thought I would add some TO's commentary on why I selected this rules pack.  

    The Masters should be the toughest event of the year to win.  There are no easy games at the masters and I wanted to the rules pack to reflect that, 

    I wanted a pack that would incorporate the hardest parts of the game to master, while also giving the players the most amount of information to prepare for the event. 

    I chose to run from a single realm as this would remove any complications around some of the more powerful realm rules and spells.  

    To balance this out I made sure that we would be playing a range of the trickier battle plans.  Players have full knowledge of what they will be playing and can plan for this, but they also now need to bring a list that is flexible enough to win the likes of Relocation Orb and Star Strike, Places of Arcane Power and Total Commitment. 

    One very powerful realm spell that has been talked about at length is Inferno Blades.  I decided that I would not shy away from letting this in the event.  Instead, everyone would know that it was to be played, in which round and should be able to plan for that. 

    On the subject of soft scores I have added a few simple rules.  Be nice.  Bring a painted army that looks like an army and make sure you play to the times. If that happens every one will get top marks! 

    I like that you lay out your logic. Some people might disagree with it but I think we can all understand it. And understanding is key.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Honk said:

    And priority and HoD are things, that sometimes makes AoS not that balanced or really prevent a comeback.

    I got into AOS before the LoN tome came out. Briefly I considered FEC (dat lore, nuff sed) but eventually settled on "mixed Death" because necromancers+skeletons. I felt like GW was personally rewarding me for 'choosing correctly' when we got a proper battletome. Still, I feel beholden to FEC. They're like a little brother to me really. I always want them to do go and succeed. I was a bit aghast to see FEC take sixth at NOVA but also really proud. So seriously, major props, @Bill_S.

    Now there is some benevolence in my desire for FEC to be good. As an accomplished necromancer and lich, I quickly murder that benelovence and raise it as a skeleton to do my bidding and am left with two other, more selfish reasons:

    1. I want the Death GA to be the best because muwahahahahahaha. 
    2. If more Death armies are better, then the Nagash saturation will subside some. The Nagash haters can go back to not seeing him as often and I can go back to enjoying a less crowded mirror match meta because Grand Host players don't like losing to coinflip, HODs either.

    Like, I will actually defend Hand of Dust. It's an unreliable trump card of a sort. You have to resolve a spell portal and then resolve the HoD. Both of these tilt toward Nagash's casting bonus but there are some armies out there that guarantee an unbind X times per game. Next, you flip the coin (or hide the dice). Now that you can only cast one spell through that portal, the Nagash player MUST make a tactical decision. Debuff a priority unit, or go for the 50/50? Imagine now, that you play against another Nagash. Your bonuses are meaningless because you equally unbind and cast so it's like you're straight rolling (your investment in being the best caster completely absorbed in the mirror) and it really is just... who gets the better hand. You're annoyed as an FEC player, imagine how annoyed I am. ;) Like, don't you want me to HoD Morathi on average after 2 turns to keep DOK players honest? I know you do. 

    As for priority? Well, that's just bad beats. GW doubled-down on the double turn with 2.0. Their strives to mitigate it with some of the objectives that score better if you go second and Endless Spells was NOT enough in my mind to continue to keep it around. I like the randomness of HoD and dice in general. Actually completely having games turned on their head because of lucky priority rolls doesn't feel good for either player, imo. Like... I don't feel good when I win because I got the double because I expect more of myself and I certainly don't feel good losing because the double. It's just a straight feelbad mechanic or NPE. 

    I have to wonder if Bill could've weathered either the priority roles or the lucky multiples of HoD and just not both. I suspect he could've weathered the HoDs if it weren't for three straight priority wins for Nagash. Man, that's real close though. And with such a flavorful list... Once again, great showing, FEC. Every Death player is proud of you. At least they should be. 

    PS: really DO  NOT want to hijack this discussion with HoD talk or debate Double Turns. I was just being silly and humorous. 

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