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Mark Williams

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Everything posted by Mark Williams

  1. The ballista and crew unfortunately only counts as a single model.
  2. It’s in the core rules under setting up a unit from reserves. It’s also confirmed in the FAQs a few times when talking about a few similar units. Bottom line - Scions units are a new unit being set up as a reserve unit, and thus follows the reserve rules.
  3. Technically. You can only make one knight encantor from the box. It is a male model with a special front fitting armor and a special 2h stave. The rest are all evocators, but you can almost turn any of them into a prime because the shoulderpads come in 2 sizes and are all interchangeable. The poses, however, are very static. It would be very difficult to get much variety from the box. A few head swaps maybe. After that you’re basically into cutting plastic and using green stuff almost immediately.
  4. I regularly play someone who is running 12 of them plus a lord arcanum on one. They are very strong, but only upper mid tier in my estimation. His games seem pretty binary. If he plays someone with poor stopping power, he just runs them over unchallenged. But when he faces an army with high attacks, he gets overpowered. The main issue is they are basically 100% assault, so they do amazing until they hit something that’s better at assault than them, or something that has a lot of shooting. We’ve had a lot of talks with each other about how to make the list stronger, but basically the crux of the issue is the cats are expensive so the model count is low, but there aren’t many good choices to replace them with that are stronger, except basically just swapping them out for foot evocators. Honestly I think the unit is in a weird place. Not quite as good as dracoths imo, so mostly just take them for visuals.
  5. Pg 41, middle column, Lord-Celestant Ossiach Vanderghule.
  6. It’s quite strong but beware of Nighthaunt. Also, make sure you kill whatever you land close to, or you’ll lose it.
  7. yes and no. you can take them, but their command abilities usually only work oh HoS.
  8. I can’t make you a whole list but yes you can make a pretty awesome army with the soul wars models as a core. I’d get a box of seqs, a box of evos, a lord ordinator, and another ballista to start with.
  9. Friend and I have tested the vortex and it’s better than it looks on paper. It’s basically a hero sniper spell. imo all the sce endless spells are good and worth their points in individual situations. I wish I could fit them all in a list.
  10. If you took it literally, then yes you’ve missed the point, and I’m sorry I didn’t make a better case. I have played with a similar list for a few months now and my win ratio is near 8:1, and even when losing I’ve tabled my opponents before game end. It’s not a perfect list, no, but that was never my point to begin with. My point it that the unit feels a bit too powerful for its points cost to me, and I stand by that opinion. It’s strong enough that you can sort of bumble around with it and still wipe people off the board.
  11. You have the power to modify the list and make it better.
  12. 6 times “2 and a bit” is enough to kill the star drake before it kills much of anything in return. As for the liberators, just shoot something else first then hit them later. Prioritize other targets or just land and shoot over their heads at whatever things are buffing them, then finish them a turn later.
  13. There’s an advantage in being small, relatively low point squads, in that you can spread out a little and avoid losing everything in a single round. You say 6-7 wounds like it’s something to scoff at. 4 squads focusing into a single area 1-shots almost everything in the game... Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals- Stormhost: Hammers of SigmarKnight-Azyros (100)5 x Judicators (160)- Skybolt Bows5 x Judicators (160)- Skybolt Bows5 x Judicators (160)- Skybolt Bows3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 95 Spread your back units out a bit so that your opponent can’t get to them all in one assault. Drop a Knight Azyros and 6 units of raptors in front of something and see what happens. You’d probably table most opponents with this army by round 2... if your opponent doesn’t die of boredom watching you roll dice first... Edit: I’m not saying take this exact, literal list. I’m just saying if this dumb list I threw together in 5 minutes has a greater than 75% win rate out of the gate, think about what you could do if you actually put some thought into it. Your opponent might claim an objective bases victory, and maybe you need to think about how to defend against that, but damage-wise it will automatically kill most every army out there before the game ends. Anyone who gets within range and doesn’t kill you in a single turn will lose everything in the following one. Edit 2: I just did a practice roll against nagash and 2 morghasts, which is basically my benchmark for how much damage an army can put out these days. The morghasts die end of turn 1, if you get a double turn Nagash dies around the 5th set of raptors in the beginning of turn 2. If you lose priority then it depends on what he attacks or whether he chooses to flee (smarter choice). But either way you basically put him in a situation where he lost board control in a single turn. People would learn to counter it eventually but it forces your opponent to play cat and mouse with you. If they bulldoze forward expecting resilience to save them, they’ll lose by default.
  14. Honestly they feel almost overpowered, and I silently wonder if an entire army of them would be broken.
  15. It’s basically just volume of dice. At a certain point you get past good or bad luck and averages take over. Also it’s about being able to focus attacks into a small area with very little actual movement. You can only get so many guys in base to base, especially with the size of sce bases. My army is about half and half shooting and assault. The shooting arrives via scions. Ground units defend.
  16. The key to facing death as an sce player is to go almost completely over to shooting. You must eliminate heroes and nagash before you even attempt to start killing summonable units. My army is composed of crossbow judicators, crossbow raptors, and ballistas. You have to start killing the non-summonable units immediately on turn 1, and honestly it takes a bit of luck sometimes too. You start the game out losing basically, and with heavy shooting you basically at least have a chance to turn it around. That’s the only advice I’ve got.
  17. Edit: I see what you are saying now. I was under the impression that attacks were resolved one at a time, and that damage was allocated before moving on to the next attack. So basically what you are saying is that the only way the heal triggers is if a unit or model starts with a wound existing at the time saves are made for one group of attacks against it. Example, a unit of liberators with 1 wound remaining. Attacks are made, save rules are made. 3 6s are rolled for but 3 wounds are allocated. The initial wound is healed, then 3 wounds are allocated - 1 lib dies, 1 remains with 1 wound.
  18. My interpretation of the rules is that attacks happen one at a time. Each attack represents a sequence of events, happening one after the other. You only combine rolls together if it doesn’t affect the outcome. However the lord castellant affects the outcome and forces you to resolve them one at a time. The book to me clear indicates this is how you do it. example 1: I have a hero with no wounds, you do 5 wounds. Roll 5 dice in sequence. 6 (healing effect ignored, save made) 1 (failed save, 1 wound allocated) 3 (save passed) 6 (save passed, 1 wound healed) 2 ( save failed, 1 wound allocated) End result: 1 wound taken
  19. Wouldn’t choosing to roll them one at a time solve the problem? You allocate 1 wound, then roll saves one after another, healing the wound in the case of a 6, allocating another when you fail? That seems like the most fair thing to do to me. Bit slow, but fair.
  20. I suspect he’s talking about using scions with evos, gavriel, and vandus. Basically gives you the same “trick” as deepkin using soulscryer, volturnos, and eels.
  21. Yes, that's what I do when I face them. It doesn't always work however simply due to the mission or terrain or whatever. You do the best you can, but it's not like they are easy to deal with even after turn 3 is over. Most of my own big power play moves have already been played by turn 3 as well. there's some mild utility in trying to hold everything back until turn 3 and hoping to force IDK to go first so that you can counter with a similar tactic, but I find that's pretty dicey against models with that many wounds. I generally find it's better to try to hit them first and let them try to counter early on, or spend 2-3 turns letting you hit what they have on the table.
  22. Speaking as an opponent to Sylvaneth, one of the main reasons I lose to them in tournaments is that no one locally plays them, so I usually don't really know what they do or how they work. Their rules catch me off guard as my normal tactics don't work. There's a bunch of "Gotcha" moments where I wasn't aware of something and essentially walk into a trap of some kind. I've been trying to play a variety of armies lately in order to diffuse the number of times I get "caught out" by something like this, but it still happens as it's very difficult to play every combination of every army. I also find that Sylvaneth are pretty meta breaking in the sense that they can often dish out a lot of damage in a very short amount of time compared to some other armies that I'm used to. I've seen them tear through a fyreslayers army in a few turns, when normally that army would be pretty resilient against most other armies. I think it's just a classic case of, "meta breaking" army to a certain extint. I think DoK are a big impervious to these types of armies due to the fact that they dish out so much damage in short time frames. Basically these sorts of "glass cannon" armies are doing very well in the meta right now.
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