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Mark Williams

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Everything posted by Mark Williams

  1. The issue I find with SCE is that there’s a “wall” that is very difficult to get past at the tournament level. They do extremely well at the casual level, but once you hit the really tough meta lists, at a certain point it becomes incredibly frustrating to create a good competitive list. My “tournament” list went 2/5 in 5 tournaments last year. I changed the list every tournament, didn’t matter, and I’m basically losing to the same armies in the same ways all year. The tools are there, but you need a cavalcade of skill and luck to pull it off... I think that’s where the majority of “valid” complaints are stemming from. Barring a few very, very specific, special lists, SCE on the whole are mid to upper tier 2 at best. Not a bad place to be, but pretty darn frustrating if it’s your only army and you seriously invested in it.
  2. I’ve been tooling around with a large block of buffed liberators in the center of my board for about a month and it works wonderfully. But I have no delusions that a similarly buffed unit of sequitors wouldn’t do much better for similar or equal points. In this scenario, my general is sitting in the block anyway, so it might as well be an arcanum. The only reason I don’t use them is that I don’t have the models and won’t for a while. Liberators can do it, and I find 15 is just fine, while 20 is almost overkill. If taking sequitors, I would probably take 20 just simply because of the points bargain. But it’s worth mentioning that if all you want is a choke point and nothing else, liberators are better because they are cheaper. I have also been experimenting with Vandus in the block, pumping out his CA multiple times in a single phase. When he catches a block of liberators, even they become good at assault, so I shudder to think what would happen with sequitors instead. On the subject of sequitors serving a role of elites, I use a squad of 5 for that regularly. They are almost as good as evocators, and priced cheaper to compensate. I fully believe that they can substitute for elite units if taken in large enough numbers. On the subject of Stardrakes piling in 0”, that is always how I have played it.
  3. As an opponent to IDK in tournaments, if it weren’t for this fact I don’t know that I would ever be able to beat them. Any mission that has win conditions late game is pretty much an auto lose for me. IDK need at least some sort of weaknesses to balance out the incredible offensive power that they can generate mid game.
  4. Yes, due to the wording on their warscroll. Note that some units in the game can pile in 6”, but can’t activate outside of 3”. SoS are a bit unique.
  5. I’m averaging about 4-5 hours per model these days. Baring in mind that’s everything, from plastic on the sprue to completely finished product. In calendar days it’s working out to roughly two weeks per unit. So in a year I can more or less finish about 26 “projects” of various sizes. However larger centrepiece models can take up to three times that long, which is why I’m often reticent to start larger projects. I only tend to paint a huge model maybe once a year. I’ve attached a sample of the quality of work that I aim for, for reference. Further to the above, I don’t like cutting corners, and I’ve found that if I try to go much faster, the model just looks worse. If anything, if I wanted a better quality, the solution would be to spend even more time on them. I think if I could learn to use an airbrush effectively, I might be able to shave an hour or two off the process, sometimes. Especially with larger projects. But I’m not terribly concerned because I actually enjoy painting.
  6. Yeah I think those blow dart guns are one of the best options. The others are whatever you want.
  7. First unit from the Christmas battle force completed. Upwards and onwards!
  8. My hunch is that units that buff other units will go up in points, and we may see an adjustment to hag nar allegiance. Something as simple as wholly within would reign them in a little bit.
  9. I'm happy that we have a strong, winning combo in our tome, but the fact that it involves spamming a single unit troubles me.
  10. I don't mind judicators and liberators, but all of the new sacrosanct models have about 50% more detail to paint, and when you're painting a lot of them it can get pretty annoying and intimidating to start a big unit of them because it feels like the painting never ends. I recently started a daughters of khaine army, and compared to painting a storcast mode, the smaller models go a whole lot faster, and it makes me realize that part of the issue is that stormcast models are so large. They deceptively take more paint to finish than some of the other model ranges.
  11. Hey guys, this is my first daughters of Khaine model from the new battleforce that I got for Christmas.
  12. I’ll “bite.” Basically you want a Gavriel Bomb Hammers of Sigmar list with a Lord Arcanum as your general, and a large number of Sequitors and Evocators. Use a Knight Heraldor so that you can freely retreat and charge, so that you can maximize your movement and assault strength. I’ve built and brought several lists to tournaments this past year, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Sequitors and Evocators with Gavriel are more or less the most effective and efficient units in the tome at the moment. If you can build a list around buffing and assisting them... well you can never guarantee wins, but that will definitely provide you the most “bad luck protection” that you can get with Stormcast at the moment. They are still difficult to master, however. Without understanding why it works and knowing your opponents, you’re still going to have a bad time against some of the better armies. Another option is Anvils of the Heldenhammer with a large unit of Longstrike Raptors. This seems to be a pretty crazy tough list in the right hands. I have a few theories for some alternative lists. For example I think an army built around the Astral Warbringers probably has some good merit. And I think there might be something there for a mortal wound bomb list with a dragon and some wizards and endless spells... maybe. But in any case the best list I’ve been able to play this year is objectively my Gav Bomb list. I have a few ideas that I wouldn’t mind trying out if I ever get around to buying and painting new models, but all that stuff is on the back burner this year, unless ghb 2019 breathes some new life into the army for me. I’m not in the mood to paint 40 more Sequitors and Evocators right now, so I’m sticking with my current list for the foreseeable future.
  13. I guess I just never thought about it. I just went to a tournament at the end of last year where someone was using anvils and a large unit of Longstrikes, and I can’t remember how they played it, but knowing that might’ve been a huge factor in their opponents’ games.
  14. Where do you guys see a ruling that would stop hurricane raptors getting bonus shots or Longstrike raptors getting bonus range in the hero phase? The warscroll doesn’t say anything about the shooting phase. Is the logic that you haven’t gotten a movement phase yet? Is there an FAQ that actually clarified that?
  15. When you take a big, expensive model, no matter how tough it is, it gets punked by mortal wounds or hyper buffed units these days. I still want a dragon, they’re pretty awesome. But it’s very low on my priority list at this point.
  16. Does anyone have any recommendations for colour scheme for Khailebron armor? I was at the GW store today and we theorized stegadon scale green for the leather, with a wash of either nulin oil or nightshade, then highlighted with kantor blue. for metal it seems ret armor for gold or leadbelcher for steel.
  17. I got into the army simply because of the aesthetic and the Morathi model. Price wasn’t a consideration, and I’m pretty blasé about the rules and the fact that they are doing so well. I would have played them even if they were doing badly. Having said that, I’d like to see some new individual character models and endless spells sooner rather than later.
  18. I got the Daughters of Khaine starter box for Christmas, and I'm trying to set up a plan for a 1000 point army with it. Since you have to have a Medusa as your general in order to get 2 troops, this what I came up with. Allegiance: Daughters Of Khaine- Temple: KhailebronMortal Realm: UlguLeadersBloodwrack Shrine (220)- General- Trait: Mistress of Illusion - Artefact: Shade Claw - Lore of Shadows: Steed of ShadowsSlaughter Queen (100)- Prayer: Catechism of MurderHag Queen (60)- Prayer: Martyr's SacrificeBattleline10 x Sisters Of Slaughter (120)- Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers5 x Blood Stalkers (160)Units5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (80)BehemothsAvatar of Khaine (180)Total: 1000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 20Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 62
  19. Reavers aren’t bad. The other units are just amazing, which makes people think they are bad by comparison. GW seems to (usually) put a high value on units that can attack at range for some reason.
  20. They are amazing against elite armies, and speed bumps for horde type armies. If your opponent is counting on sneaking a unit into the back field and doing a sneak attack, they can completely unravel those plans. But if you’re facing some “tide” type army that just sort of washes over you, they are almost non existent. I consider them to be subtle units, to use with subtle tactics. In general I’m not sure how I feel about the list I brought to masters. It’s a good list but it still doesn’t seem to address the core problems I’ve been having. I’m still thinking about it.
  21. Ironically, even though we just got a new battletome, it's out of date. Nothing is balanced or makes sense across units when you compare them to each other. The new stuff, in general, is quite a bit better than the old stuff.
  22. I did face a hailstorm battery in a tournament once, and provided that it doesn't get assaulted or attacked and removed off the table quickly, it can deliver a very powerful "punch" when dropping from the scions. The problem is that it isn't a gaurantee unless you take at least 6 castigators, and you're basically paying 140 +100+160+130 for a unit that would do about the same damage if you just dropped 4 ballistas from the sky instead (actually, I'm pretty sure the 4 ballistas would do more). You might save a few drops from your deployment, and you might even get some good use out of an artefact. But the stormcast artefacts in general are pretty underwhelming, and I think it's "iffy" as to whether the juice is worth the squeeze....
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