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Everything posted by CommodoreCass

  1. The bladed tails looks quite the same indeed. But the feet don't match I guess, the "Centaur" got hoofs and no cat feet like the Lion. Maybe it's a new faction with Lion, Centaur and Warriors.
  2. There are so much older models that didn't get any update (Skaven métal range, Gutbuster, Night Gob, Gor, Ungor, Dryads...). I don't think skeletons will be update, they are already in a AoS box with round bases.
  3. Maybe the book was printed months away and the new bands weren't ready. Presenting the future content of an upcoming game can be a smart move to say "hey, buy, you can go, there will be more later".
  4. Still no date for Contrast? I stopped all my projects waiting for this.
  5. I think Warbands from Warcry will be played as a soup units like cultists or Poxwalkers from 40k with "various melee weapons" as equipement.
  6. As Sylvaneth, FeC and Fyreslayers didnt get any New units, its very unlikely that Ironjawz will get some. They need some love but it will be Hero, Endless Spells and dices IMHO.
  7. Its a win/win Strategy for GW and their customers. People will paint faster and better and will buy more miniatures. Some players who dont have lots of time for Hordes Army or big army, will now consider them under a new sight. I personally cant wait to grab some and try it!
  8. All the daemons warscroll are already in the 4 Dark God books, it's quite impossible to see them in another BT dedicated to Daemons only. I think personnaly that's way much better this way btw.
  9. I don't understand why the "all grand alliance will have new book" keeps going on over and over. With Gloomspite, Flesh eaters, Skaven and Fyreslayers , every alliance already have been served in 2019 so basically anything can happen. I guess Sylvaneth and Ironjawz seems pretty obvious tough.
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