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Posts posted by alghero81

  1. 5 minutes ago, TheMuphinMan said:

    So kurnothi are the next broken realms book?

    I have escaped my prison probably is referring to slaanesh's stomach.

    could be the kurnothi are siding with destruction because they freed themselves after slaanesh escaped instead of the aelf pantheon freeing them when they had slaanesh locked up.

    He says that he was in a mountain trapped under the rocks, that seems a clear reference to beast grave and direchasm

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, King Under the Mountain said:

    I am thinking Kurnothi actually.  Centigors have clawed feet while this guy has hooves. 


    I don’t see any mark of chaos either, not that BoC have many but a new hero or god would probably have at least the eight pointed star isn’t it?

  3. 35 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    I hope that at one point this year we will be just enthusatic about new rules as about* those new sculpts.

    * how do you heathen Anglo-Saxons phrase this properly?!

    I hope that at one point this year we will be just as enthusiastic about new rules as we are about these new sculpts

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    • Thanks 1
  4. The OBR warband is the next one in line to be announced, they said they were going to show a new one every month then plans got disrupted and here we are, but OBR are the second to last warband to be announced so that is what that archer is. Idoneth should be teased this month and shown in April.

    Regarding an expansion on OBR archers is what would make them jump back at the top of the meta with some counters and would be the only death army with decent shooting that makes sense lore wise (except maybe gun wielding vampirates).

    Now, as a Nighthaunt player I displease shooting but being denied any basic Magic is also quite intolerable, so I don’t want to deny other armies some counters, I just want to have my own counters. Why ethereal heroes can’t have -1 to hit and wound on shooting? Ever tried to shoot a ghost miles away?

    Anyway axe wielding guys and archers would complete an OBR roster quite decent so far so here hoping in a bright future.

    Not all WU things showed new things for nothing. Direchasm showed both new Swordmasters and new Sybarites, we don’t know how long before but usually the starter set comes end of September so maybe they would have arrived more or less with the same distance as now.

    Darkoath never came about but Warcry did and I reckon STD visually won greatly from it.

    Tree revenants with bows don’t exist yet but Sylvaneth didn’t get any update either so there’s still hope. Kurnothi got a new model in cursed city so they are definitely more present than other half baked ideas like the Silent Ones. Maybe one day they’ll release them like orruk warclans, who knows. 
    I reckon by now GW has at least 9 months delay with miniatures production, if this means just delays or dropping ideas they had I don’t know, but I would expect a bit of both...

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    It was, but it was also released during AoS as Spire of Dawn, i think  during the year of 2016

    Yes but by that criteria then the garden of Morr is the most represented terrain piece in AoS 😂😂

    I was talking about brand new AoS released sculpts, so anything post End Times 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    Skaven also had new sculpts in Isle of Blood, in the Rat Ogres, Packmaster, Warlord, Warlock Engineer, Warpfire Thrower, and Mortar (RIP) which were all removed with high elves in AoS a few years in.

    Wasn’t that the starter set of WHFB 8? In my list they are all pre-2016 so pre-AoS

  7. 50 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I argue that Ogor Mawtribes are in the same boat. With the new Tyrant and UW Warband and Mawpot being their only releases. 

    Good point, forgot about them. They have the same Skaven problem, actually pretty similar story considering that Skaven for a long while were split in various clans before being brought together and Ogors were pretty similar with Firebellies left on their own for a while 

  8. 2 hours ago, Charleston said:

    The current way the rules are split on 5 factions and by owning models of each of them you can be potentially lured to flesh each of them out ('huh, when I already own 1000k of Khorne Daemons I could buy that Bloodsecrator as well as some Wrathmongers'). 

    Yeah one of the things is that to know what the various demons do, you are assumed to have them already or their books. I know warscroll cards become outdated pretty quickly but I still like them, but not going to buy those of every single chaos faction just to have few that I’m going to use. 
    I personally hope in some undivided daemons that means also a new book and warscroll cards.

    Regarding WHFB surviving armies, CoS is the last one yet to get some love, I assume most cursed city heroes will be usable there but also there is no Warcry or WU warband for them. So only time will tell.

    The second worst treated old army is Seraphon, they got only a ziqqurat and soon a WU warband.

    Skaven got at least one hero, spells, gnawholes and a WU warband.

    Paradoxically worst than Skaven, until now, is Legions of Nagash, while they got some new models as part of Nighthaunt, not all are available and the only proper models they got are the Sepulchral Guard that they could not use for a year or so. They don’t even get the Black Coach but they have their own outdated and out of production model.

    Orruk Warclans are also on the losing side with Bonesplitterz getting their first model now in WU, and Ironjawz being an AoS army but at the cost of many old models.

    BoC got Tzaangors and now Slaangors, so they got indirect updates plus a new bray shaman in WU.

    As mentioned all Chaos armies got many models, as Sylvaneth during the transition.

    • Thanks 1
  9. If vampires are not heaven infantry but just heroes, it is possible that we see the first army with no limit to leaders? That way you could field as many vampires you want. Or maybe depending on the bloodline you can field up to X vampires exceeding the battlefield role like FEC can exceed the limit of behemoths?

  10. Closing the topic of FW models, Monstrous Arcanum, where most models from FW gets points is rarely updated and the first time things actually slipped in the Legend section was on GHB 20.

    Before that things haven’t been sold for a while like the Chaos Mammoth were still legal although with outdated warscrolls.

    Not to say they will not keep purging stuff, but if the recent trend gives us indication, out of stock models can still be valid for few years (FW only, GW drops models quite frequently, at least every “legacy” battletome).

  11. Wasn’t FW at least in WHFB considered almost a pay to win for some time? I remember when I first showed with a Mourngul in my area they all looked at me bad and indeed the first warscroll of the Mourngul took by himself 1000pt of Nurgle...

    Not sure about the rest of the line although or how true that was in 40k

  12. 38 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Unfortunately, hoping for the Mourngul to find its way into an already expansive plastic Nighthaunt range when they've already previewed the new Cruciator (suggesting a Sylvaneth/Kharadon/Tzeentch/most 40k armies-style update with a battletome and a single new hero mini) is most likely going to end in disappointment.

    I don’t think the two types of updates are linked but I agree with the concept. Unless a new battletome is coming in 2022 or later there’s no way the Mourngul will be resurfaced this year. And since Nighthaunt is the only Death army missing from BR: Teclis, makes me think they are due a new battletome soon. If they don’t get a battletome soon there’s hope for some expansion of the set in few years, to be fair the black coach is a good centrepiece but apart from that there’s not much “monstrous” in Nighthaunt, so maybe one day we will see a model update. But not today.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Sharkbelly said:

    Indeed. I nearly bought up these guys recently, but when I saw the Crimson Court and Cursed City, I opted to go that way instead. 

    I'm getting the feeling that many of the new models from Cursed City, like bat and rat swarms, skeletons, zombies, etc. will be available as individual kits. The new Soulblight Vampires are going to be customize-able, and will be able to make use of these. 

    I wanted to buy some of those models for nostalgia on a GW store and get the free coin in the process but no GW store is open in UK... I’ll have to find something else to buy, I was secretele hoping Soulblight was coming towards May/June

  14. 11 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Gloomspite I would love to see more support for Spiderfang with their own troop type, almost the Bonesplitterz equivalent of a Grot with updated Spider Riders and perhaps even another Faction of Sun Grots with Rippa Snarlfang styled wolf riders and Chariots. 

    I’m with you here, I would like more synergies when taking mixed army and more support on Spiderfang and Troggoths. Troggoths need new leaders to be playable in AoS at a decent level, Spiderfang need just spiders and better sculpts for the riders plus some more oomph as the current damage potential is one of the lowest.

    I also thought long about the Rippa guys and I think they would suit better as a subfaction of the Gloomspite rather than on their own, with few models and same synergies as above 

  15. 4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    So do any of you suspect that there will be new broken realms box sets and if the current ones will continue? Still on the fence over the Chariot set... nvm just saw that the Anvilguard set is no longer available online, so that answers half of my question. At least here in Canada or in Voltaire's words "quelques arpents de neige".

    Same in UK, I guess they were somehow limited in production like the Warcry sets, so grab them before they are gone... 

    Pity they advertised in a Warcry campaign the only one that sold out so far...

    And nice quote, didn’t know that 😂 

    • Haha 1
  16. 6 hours ago, EMMachine said:

    It cursed city should be released in march or april, the book Cursed City novel would be shown in this list as well, so we are either in the last week of April (and the Cursed City novel isn't added yet, or the release is in May.

    While this has been true until late last year, things started to change and stuff started to be moved around and appear suddenly in the list more recently (Before the list was updated always two months in advance).

    For example before Amazon would have six months worth of release already on their website, however now they are much more conservative. I got Inferno volume 5 around three months before was published in the black library store.

    I think it’s a concatenation of trying to avoid spoilers like they did in the past, especially considering they have an extremely “flexible” schedule at the moment and avoiding bad surprises.

    In saying that, given the current difficulties, a release in May would make sense although I would cry all March and April...

  17. While the Aelves conversation is definitely entertaining I’m for once happy the narrative moves focus from an Aelven god to something else and despite a Stormcast appearing in the video teaser, I still hope civil war is brewing in the chaos world and Archaon will finally get a worthy opponent in a revived Be’Lakor with new enhanced rules for legion of chaos.

    I was having a look at Warcry daemon warbands and they are usually much slimmer in fighter cards than their mortal counterpart, especially now that Slaanesh got a proper mortal release. Could be a sign there’s still room for some new miniatures? Would be a win win, undivided daemons for StD, new chaos daemons for every chaos god, all of them for Be’lakor 

  18. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    join the club of ever other army's fandom, everone want stuff for their army

    I’m a Nighthaunt player, I don’t want new models, especially no new 5 wound heroes, but some decent rules and more survivability of our heroes: yes please!
    I wouldn’t mind if some heroes lost the leader role like Karanak and some Fyreslayer and were available in decent one/two drops battalions  

    • Like 1
  19. 6 hours ago, Ghoooouls said:

    Even some of the characters we currently have (manny, neferata) existed in the old world with nagash and were not controlled by him.

    Sure but all vampires have been created by Nagash and at the beginning they were controlled by him through direct control first and subterfuges next (like using W’Soran as a proxy).

    Neferata, like many other of the first Bloodlines, sought a more reserved life also to avoid Nagash attention after one of his many defeats. 

    Also Nagash for much of his life was just a shadow controlling only few key players at a time through his essence embedded in artifacts.

    In End Times indeed was Mannfred with Arkhan to resurrect Nagash, and at that time Nagash controlled both Sylvania and Khemri, until things went sideways thanks to Mannfred himself... 

    • Like 1
  20. 5 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Any insectoid civilization would be modeled off of communal species like Ants or Termites; these species are extremely industrious, efficient, and one could even describe them as 'orderly.'

    Who said insectoid “civilisation”? Locusts are a classic example of all-consuming destroyers.

    If you think a bit about Zerg, yes they build but it’s more about destroying the environment to adapt it to their own by consuming all they meet. Destruction is a difficult concept as a GA because needs to be focussed on bringing down any civilisation but not in a chaotic way or they are just chaos. They cannot be too focussed on rebuilding afterward or they will be too order based.

    At the end of the day what really matters is that “they are in for a good scrap” and an insectoid race focussed on occupying an area, consuming all resources and moving on to repeat the cycle would fit perfectly. The hive mind kind of mentality could even be used for stronger abilities and dependencies from heroes or special units. If you are in range you get bonus like Ossiarch but obviously different, if you are not in range you take battleshock every phase. Just to cite how much different you can go following this path.

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  21. I have an army of legions of Nagash, and my story is that they have been betrayed while fighting the forces of chaos and serving undeath for eternity is the only way they had to exact their revenge against the chaos forces that slaughtered them and the order forces that betrayed them. And I personally don’t care if Nagash deep inside controls them, they have enough free will to do what they want on the tabletop, and occasionally get some help from Neferata because she is cool. So Nagash being the great god of death never bothered me. He has generals and mortarchs specifically because he can’t be everywhere at all time. 

    On another topic I just noticed the old herald of Slaanesh, the one called Viceleader, is not available anymore neither in the US or UK webstore. How comes? She/he still appears in the last battletome right? Is there another way to get it? Maybe from pieces of the chariot?

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