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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. So went back in time and gathered the battleforces released, in brackets the latest battletome release for that faction: 2019: Stormcast (Jul-18), Nighthaunt (Jul-18), Gloomspite Gitz (Jan-19), Skaven (Feb-19) 2018: Seraphon (Oct-15), Slaves to Darkness (N/A), Daughters of Khaine (Mar-18), Idoneth Deepkin (Apr-18) 2017: Legions of Nagash (N/A), Stormcast Eternals (Feb-17), Tzeentch (Jan-17), Kharadron Overlords (Apr-17) 2016: Khorne (Sep-15), Sylvaneth (Jul-16), Ironjawz (May-16), Stormcast Eternals (Mar-16) So I was wrong, they can create battleforces for armies that got a release in the first months of the same year (recently GG, DoK, IDK). Usually there is a battletome in the same year of just before (with some exceptions), but nothing of this gives us a hint as 19 battletomes were published between Q1 2018 and Q2 2019. I still believe Lumineth and SoB are too close to the end of the year to get a box, even considering the delay Lumineth would not have been fully released before May probably. And SoB even later. My money goes on Ossiarch and Ogors.
  2. My opinion is that they didn’t get the Warcry treatment because down the line there will be multiple specialised warbands that eventually can be used in Cities of Sigmar. A bit like Khainites will be the first specialised unit of DoK. Only Cities has so many directions they can go they didn’t get the basic one.
  3. Why can’t be a mega pet for the mega gargants? We have colossal squig already so we can have something else for the Gargants or a non-FW colossal squig! 😂 I was also thinking about battleforces and I reckon Ossiarch will get one as historically the new army got one the year after their release like Nighthaunt and Idoneth. Lumineth is too early, it will be next year.
  4. Well Scions of Flame should come before the Khainite. At least in theory. Warcry next wave may include a new starter set considering the old one is not available since a long while and Scions seems to be related to the “first season”, with the Khainite to the “second”. But until they publish a roadmap we will not know. They did show us in advance what was coming for Warcry last year, so they should announce closer to when they are ready what’s coming next.
  5. Warhammer Fest, GenCon, Nova, and not sure how many other preview events not happening I forgot... Yeah there's room for some surprise this Autumn, but not before 40K gets a few codexes out I bet.
  6. For Underworlds? Both. Either tomorrow for pre-order the 15th or next week for pre-order the 22nd. The roadmap published specifically said warbandS plural. And would not make sense to split them in 2 weeks in the same month. What we don't know is about Warcry but I doubt is coming so soon with no preview. I hope to be wrong, but they could do the same and soon announce a roadmap for Warcry with the first warbands in October after few more 40K and the Lumineth/AoS in September.
  7. Beliman expressed better than me what I wanted to say. My point is that allegiances don't have points so they should not be invalidated. Battalions have points, so if they don't appear anymore in the next GHB they are not valid any more (obviously this in a strictly "matched play tournament style way"). Mercenary companies were in the Narrative section not in the Matched Play section. They did not invalidate the Mercenaries itself, they removed the points associated to them. You are obviously still free to use them with house rules and use the oldest points recorded. The Mercenary rules published first in the Forbidden Power section are still valid, there's just no more companies with valid points.... I however agree 100% that the answer does not clarify the topic at all. The question is also wrongly worded, because the question asks about rules, while should have asked about point based entities like warscrolls and battalions not published anymore in GHB20. If you do interpret to the letter the answer from that question then you can definitely come to a point where no rules are valid anymore because they are not re-published in the GHB20. Sons of Behamat would then be the first battletome to be usable post GHB20. You can still field an army but you shouldn't use it's allegiance abilities... Obviously this is not the intent, but indeed it's not clear.
  8. Yeah that would be amazing. Have to be honest Warhammer Fantasy has still some cards to play to attract interest.
  9. Why would Wrath of the Everchosen be invalidated by the new GHB? I mean the Battalions for the Legion of Chaos Ascendant are explicitly there so for sure at least those allegiances are valid including the First Prince. What would make them different than the other chaos gods allegiances? I think what that rule says is all stuff that is more for narrative fluff like White Dwarf or temporary placeholders like the mercenaries, but in general all things that have points, last only until a GHB cancels them. Legion of Grief has no points so it’s still valid. Legion of Chaos Ascendant has no points but its warscrolls do, so it’s still valid. Nighthaunt white dwarf battalions are dead because the battalions are not mentioned anymore. Pretty simple. If it has points, risks to be invalidated. If there’s a structure behind it, then they would need another FAQ to delete it.
  10. I hope you are right and I don’t want a revolution and while I loved the Wrath of the Everchosen, 1 or maybe 2 campaign books do not satisfy my AoS appetite...
  11. My thoughts exactly. The problem is that if can delay it means there was nothing like the Psychic Awakening building up to AoS 3.0, unless 3.0 is not next year as rumoured. In the first case it could mean some dry time with little things and maybe a new army before AoS 3.0, in the second case it means AoS 3.0 not before 2022 (I think Vince from Warhammer Weekly also mentioned a 2022 as most likely).
  12. Not saying Blood Bowl should have not happened, it’s just I’m starved of new things for AoS! Those leaks are a bit weird, I mean they do look like almost to be on purpose. Anyway usually leaks are getting ready before other stuff so let's see if they can still surprise us with some AoS stuff because I’m starting to be afraid Lumineth and SoB are all we are getting this year. And yes I’ve been spoiled with all books last year, but I was hoping to see at least which direction will be taken before AoS 3.0
  13. Am I the only seeing Blood Bowl as a detractor from something new in AoS? 😂 I know that Lumineth and SoB are coming soon but part of me was hoping in some more love towards AoS this fall and schedule seems already packed. I guess I just need to learn to be patient...
  14. I don’t know, when I think vampires I also think flying units like the Vargheists and the lesser bats...
  15. To be fair I think it’s too early for a new Warhammer Quest considering Blackstone Fortress last expansion is not yet out (Ascension?). There are too many rumour engines that seem to go in that direction to be a single warband. Usually a Warcry or Warhammer Underworld warband how many rumours gets? A couple? Either we are talking about an undead game, but I believe would be too early and compete with Blackstone, or a new season of a new game dedicated to death (don’t forget one rumour was clearly OBR) or, and I would bet on it, we are talking about a new army probably around Halloween.
  16. Only The better part of valour and Places of arcane power. The others give only extra points. In both cases is the first one to arrive that counts so you physically need to be in range and destroy the first unit to change ownership. In that case summoned units would take two turns to overtake those objectives (unless they can charge 9+ and destroy on the turn they are summoned).
  17. The opposite right? Now Tzeentch does not do that anymore. Well everyone needs a minimum of roles to start with and to remove the extra advantage provided by summoning extra stuff seems fair. Death is not impacted as they usually re-setup the same unit destroyed. Also we are talking about extra points, summoning a unit on an abandoned objective already gives you the objective.
  18. So basically you need the three battlelines on the field at the start of the match? That basically makes useless few abilities for certain units... Edited: right reading better it’s basically only for summoning but not for reserves, so it’s not that game changer...
  19. To be fair that stuff is usually more for narrative than anything else. Every GHB deletes anything published by White dwarf...
  20. I never spent so little on AoS like this year. Considering the stuff I sold I think I may even be in active this year... just too little for me and I’m talking from a 9 armies standpoint (only 3 fully painted, 3 half-baked but almost all entirely assembled). I just hope they release at least some books soon, cause to buy a unit box I’ll probably have to wait the Christmas battle boxes if they continue this trend...
  21. Oh they are lots of fun, especially if you give up the idea to be competitive forcing rosters within one battalion. Just mix and match what you like and is pure mayhem. And the rockgut are actually quite good!
  22. So much this while I do appreciate the simplistic rules of AoS I would not mind having more counters here and there but not the slow return to the complexity of WFB...
  23. Theoretically Malerion is a real all powerful god while Morathi just an excellent sorceress with demi-god attitude, so while not impossible, logic would want Morathi alone should not be able to take Malerion 1 on 1.... I find Nagash’s death an easier event to pull off and also more likely as it did happen multiple times in the past. It could also further expand Death in interesting directions...
  24. The Recent Aelven Pantheon article however states Malerion is plotting in the darkness and shadow daemons are in his employ. Also the classic lore states that Tyrion, Teclis and Malerion found Morathi, so I wouldn’t see much in that article unless we are close to a giant retcon. Morathi does have a pinch for using males as cannon fodder, so after wizard knights having spies would still fit the same trend. If every Warhammer underworld warband would one day have its own army we would be inundated by new armies... some will remain just hints... On the topic of Skaven not getting anything I can’t believe GW let the year of the rat pass by without even a single wink... In the End Times Nagash had 9 mortarchs. At the moment he has 5, of which 2 brand new. Is it possible death is going towards that direction? It seems the old symbology is kept in the new armies and models although reimagined in AoS context. So a vampire faction with a new mortarch would not be impossible...
  25. I think was more a pun, they do often recall back to the old world, with no real double meaning
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