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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. And slightly off topic why can’t we have undead alves? 😂 The Glaivewraith being remade as horses was an epic fail instead of being skaven ghosts...
  2. You mean Warcry release the 3rd of October? Seems too close to have 2 sparse weeks of AoS in a month predicted to be 40k rich. Considering the one model/one book of Gargants I reckon Warcry could share the same week (10th of October). Unless for some reason they do some repacking considering only Nighthaunt box is left on UK store, that I believe unlikely. In that case would be more towards the end of October.
  3. According to hints from black library (site and amazon) Blood Bowl new box should be pre-order last week of November for release first week of December. Warcry Catacombs should be next month instead. As far as I remember they never released a book/audio linked to a new product without the product itself. 10th of October Sons is a safe bet in my opinion.
  4. https://boardgametoday.com/the-quest-is-calling-heroquest-returns/ It’s from Avalon Hill but linked with Hasbro although no mention of GW anywhere... 22nd of September, so not long left to wait...
  5. Well kind of. All compendium arms are now not legal in tournaments, while I believe Bretonnia was still playable in 8th edition tournaments. Or not?
  6. I had a quick look, obviously I was not there since the beginning of WHFB, but excluding FW and WD (Kislev was only published there) then only Dogs of War was discontinued. While Bretonnia never received an army book since 6th, was still a “playable” army in 8th... Some armies however got remodelling through the years. I think it’s safe to say that we have two types of discontinuation: - the disband of entire armies like passing from WHFB to AoS, unlikely to happen again safe disasters, and extremely rare outside of those events - the not in depth update of certain legacy armies, extremely possible but only once we move to a new edition. This does not make them unplayable, only really unbalanced All in all seems an healthy place to me so far. I’m still convinced Legions will be eventually replaced by something else, I’m just curious to understand what that will be...
  7. In WHFB was any army lost before the 8th edition lost? Not considering Kislev or Araby that never had real rules for the main game.
  8. Do we know the third “secret” army available?
  9. Black Library gives us good hints as already said: - Sons of Behemat pre-order the 10th of October - Morathi in November (we already knew that) - Warcry Catacombs in October (that's earlier than expected) - Blood Bowl could come in November maybe last week on pre-order? (on Amazon is 10th of Dec, they are usually 3-4 days late). - Novella series this time is only 5 books and hard-back instead of soft-back (not a big fan of HB) Interesting Inferno Volume 5 is still advertised as October but I have it since few months and already read a couple of novels... For who is interested Lady Sorrow in SB is coming April 2021 and Lumineth June 2021. Regarding the choice of models, one of the things really affects usability of a bloated range is warscroll battalions. Who has decent ones is already cornered in a limited range of units to try the "one-drop" army. Who does not have battalions or like me likes variety and not painting the same dude over and over (crypt ghouls and grots I'm talking to you) is going to play a sub-par army and should accept it. In the end each army has its owner, you go for the style of the miniature first and then for the rules (at least most of us). I'm personally more for different elite units so I don't need to have multiple units of the same type, but then I also need to remember multiple warscrolls...
  10. The problem on popularity of side games is that it’s possible that the warband in itself is likeable but the side game rules are terrible and no one uses it... even more considering Kurnothi are actually part of the starter set, stats would be really biased. WU and a bit Warcry are mostly fodder for conversion projects or for alternative sculpts. The beastclaw warband has the best frost sabre available without conversion and even the Chaos Warcry warbands could easily become much better looking Chaos Marauders... I hope they continue exploring new concepts in these side games rather than inflating AoS with new smaller armies
  11. I would literally pay lots of money for some more beastly beasts!
  12. There was in one recent community article a lot of emphasis on the Idoneth being discovered by Nagash after the Skaven dug in the wrong place and emptied an entire sea and Nagash not appreciating what they do (Part of Malign Portents plot threads). It would be hilarious (but also as megalomaniac as Nagash is) if Nagash after creating the Ossiarch to mock and fight the Stormcast would have created a sea themed undead army to mock and fight another group of souls stealers!
  13. Sorry to be picky but Stormcast got 4 warbands including Dreadfane: Steelheart Champions (1st starter box), the Farstriders (Vanguard) and Stormsire (2nd season box). The way they said “there has always been at least 6 more” makes me think that they may have more than 8 total for season 4. Considering that now warbands are moving more to a specific play style and less universal cards there’s room for wild creativity. Independently from the number of warbands I reckon there will be one or two outsiders a bit like Kurnothi and Rippa. Something for them to explore outside of standard armies. And I would love if that means a Cities vaguely related warband (any theme really, as long as they roughly belong to Cities bit like Kurnothi relate to Sylvaneth). There’s lots of room there, from a zealot warband of Devoted of Sigmar, to an assassin guild of dark aelves to a mixed race mercenary warband, you name it!
  14. No sorry it’s called WH AoS but if you search for Azyr in the Apple Store it’s the first result. From the store I can see version 3.4.3 is the latest released 4 months ago. Am I the only one? Or did they create a new app?
  15. Forgot to ask, the article says Azyr has been updated but I can’t see it in my Apple store. Was that only for Android?
  16. A new version of AoS may fix some disparity between the different faction scenery rules and considering 40k is coming out with a book specific on how to set terrain it may not be that far-fetched that AoS 3.0 could get similar treatment with attention the placement of faction scenery. On the Broken Realms books, I’m super excited cause I’m a lore nerd and read/collect everything. But I set my expectations on rules for the armies in it. New battalions and maybe subfactions will not improve something that needs a new warscroll rewritten... Like Nighthaunt WD article was lovely for the details on Lady Olynder but I never even tested their battalions, only one barely interested me but still for how I play and the need of support heroes would have not made my army one drop or even 5 drop...
  17. AoS 3.0 next year would match the most recent trend but is not a given at all especially considering the current pandemic. While 9th 40K was mostly planned and organised pre-Covid, AoS 3.0 must have had a significant portion of development this year. Nottingham is also at strong risk of a local lockdown according to the last numbers from the government. On a new big planned release for next year, GW has more choice and time to organise themselves and the chance to delay it (if it was scheduled at all) than they could with 40k. So I wouldn’t be so adamant 3th edition is coming next year considering the current situation but I would be pleasantly surprised. In saying so I hope broken realms bring new miniatures and rules to the most desperate factions but as far as I know from PA, it will not solve warscroll issues, is that true people who follow 40K more? Independently it seems AoS was not forgotten (as mentioned in the preview) and we may seem some more things this year. My wallet is definitely worrying...
  18. The famous battlebox Daughters vs Slaanesh!!!
  19. Wow what was just teased? Season 4 of WU with Lumineth against Slaanesh. At least now we know where the owl was coming from 😂
  20. Blown out It’s a pretty good core set for Warcry with better warbands than the previous one!
  21. This time they are dedicating 30th and 40th millenium before fantasy. Let’s hope for a strong last 30 minutes!
  22. I think you are there only 85% but a good try! 5 minutes and bets are still open!
  23. I know how excited you are and not wanting to detract anything but they mentioned new models and is unlikely they are going to show sprues in a preview show... just setting the right expectations. I agree the long delay didn’t do them justice but what we need to know now is about rules and is unlikely to talk about them in model preview show. Little bit more patience, October is just behind the corner... For me I’m just wishing this awful 2020 comes to an end and we all get back to our lives as soon as possible.
  24. Super excited by what is coming next. They already showed all they could about Sons and Lumineth so I doubt there will be anything related to them, anything else would be completely new and out of the blue! @Neverchosen, to answer your previous question it seems WU is more a practice field for trying new things they cannot within established armies. They did mention something similar to this in a podcast. While Kurnothi were advertised as “the first” we see of them, implying there’s more to come (one day), Rippa and band seems so far to be a one off. Sepulchral guard is also out of context not matching the previous skeletons or the new Ossiarchs and for months was not usable in AoS until they finally merged them with Legions. The Slaves warband is also interesting as it seemed to herald a new wave of Slaves release following the Darkoath style but that also never happened and Slaves got only many Warcry warbands as compensation. Everything else by memory, more or less fits the existing army in which they were placed but only Gloomspite has some sort of coincidental timeline with the release of new models.
  25. I was thinking Slaanesh as well but Wrath and Rapture was not a great success and not many of the new models (heroes) would fit a battle force so the models on the battle force would match that old duel box... not sure... fyreslayers is a strong candidate. Cities is so varied that I don’t see it feasible but would be great
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