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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. That’s why Glaivewraith Stalkers despite potentially being the first Skaven undead they are just garbage with uninteresting lore. They could fix them easily with 2 wounds to make them elite, rend on charge, etc but why fixing an 8£ unit?
  2. Well look at it on the other side, unless this causes a battletome spam race, the rules for new miniatures are available for free on GW website, new battalions, subfactions, etc can appear either in a campaign book or even cheaper in a White Dwarf. Both are available digitally. Sure you don’t have the “one place to rule them all” but if we get past this topic we then start seeing that armies can get updates faster than once every 10 years like they did in the past. If all armies would get a little bit but more frequently, then you would avoid the Big Bang of a massive release with all pros and contro. I personally prefer smaller releases, it’s also easier to spend little more frequently than justify a big expense from time to time, but in particular if this really becomes the new model, we could see new models for most armies every 2/3 years. Imagine Idoneth, Fyreslayers even Cities getting something so often instead of languishing... something more than Warcry/WU warbands, that even if amazing they are 99% of the case just proxies.
  3. Awesome teasers for 2021 and all coming really soon in a store (or webstore) near to you! Looking forward to see the vampire hunter in action!
  4. Yes the first rudimental human firearms were already available but was not until the Gunnery in Nuln was built that cannons and steam tanks start to appear. And if I’m not wrong all those weapons are of dwarf origin as humans shouldn’t have started building them until really close to the chaos wars. small correction, we are talking about humans, dwarves already had them perfectioned at that time
  5. Sure, freeguild swordsmen and similar may crossover easily, however say goodbye to the entire collegiate arcane and potentially many gunpowder based units, depending on when exactly around 2200 the game will be based. Any way, we are way off and for now AoS seems more interesting and less written in stone, new races can pop over from anywhere, who knows, maybe Saturday we will see a glimpse of 2021 new armies!
  6. Even assuming the scale will be compatible, the world is much different, many heroes are not even born then and some armies will look really different from the WHFB we know... And then we have no idea what’s the current state of the old moulds in case they actually want to keep supporting old models. But GW is a miniature company before being a Wargame system company so there’s no way they are going to invest time and energy in a system that can reuse most of miniatures from other games not bringing them fresh revenues. I expect any AOS or WHFB miniature compatible, if at all, to be a proxy at best. One exception to this rule is Warcry, but it took 1.5 years to expand the game to almost every existing miniature, including metal and resin
  7. What if they do a U-turn and to use Vince words from Warhammer Weekly they present Skaven instead?
  8. Merry Christmas everyone, only few hours left. I personally think there’s 0 chance tomorrow they are showing anything more than a teaser for Death. Next battletome has to be Slaanesh as everything seems to point at it: January coin is Slaanesh and we know they represent the biggest product coming that month, they have been teased for a while now, they are in the Warcry book that contains almost every existing miniature reasonable in a skirmish game including old resin models, but nothing new except Slaanesh mortals, and finally we know the closest thing to death is a warband coming in March and most of the time the warband heralds the army, like Mollog did with Gitz, Direchasm with Slaanesh, etc. Not sure we have ever seen the opposite... Merry Christmas to all
  9. Is people still believing in AoS 3.0 this summer? Unless broken realms is made of 2 books or they double the books in spring I see it highly unlikely they are still on schedule...
  10. Probably February or March but on the good side it is possible has nothing to do with Slaanesh if they get a new battletome so we can see some more development pointing to other tidbits of the narrative
  11. What if the ram gets destroyed by the Stormcast in a last act during Excelsis fall? That way Azyr is safe but we still have a plot twist and a big step forward with the destruction of one of the most interesting cities
  12. New Broken Realms story, the Waaagh! is coming!
  13. Technically winter starts the 21st of December and lasts 3 months so there's still some hope for the Winter FAQ 😃
  14. According to my data, that I am not sure how accurate it is, Leadbelchers and Ogors sprues are from 2005, Freeguild Pistoliers/Outriders are from 2007 and the Greatsword from 2009, so it would not be impossible to see them in duel box. No one speaks of the Warhammer preview on Christmas day? Is going to be just an article, but hopefully solving at least a good chunk of the "advent calendar" rumour engines.
  15. He could still smash the Varanspire on his way to Azyr, that no one would feel the absence 😃
  16. Here is the thing, already in Broken Realms: Morathi they explained how important is to preserve locked the gate to Azyr in the Eightpoints. Opening any gate and invading Azyr means basically the end of Order as we know it. Only something equally big can push back the balance once again, but an invasion to Azyr as they are describing it now would be an End Times type of event: Sigmar supply chain already stretched thin would be irreparably disrupted maybe even forcing retreat once again in Azyr, and remember that from the Slaves to Darkness book Chaos is overly present in every other Mortal Realm, so it's not like Order or even Death have safe havens... So if Gordrakk does succeed, then we will need something equally big to counter balance or could be the end for most of Order...
  17. Warhammer weekly thanksgiving special does a good summary of this year in AoS and portraits it as a good year despite the pandemic considering it was also a 40k year unavoidably because of the new edition. Only good things can wait behind the corner in 2021. But to summarise the miniatures released this year, excluding Warhammer underworlds warbands (6 this year) we had some heroes (Tzeentch, KO, DoK and Slaanesh), some Warcry warbands (Spire Tyrants, Scions and Shadowstalkers), some monsters for Slaves (the 3 for Warcry), Sons of Behemat and Lumineth release. But we can’t forget we had a quite good GHB (ignore the point mess), two books (Wrath of the Everchosen and Morathi), 5 battletomes, 3 new start collecting, 4 broken realms discounted boxes, 2 battle boxes, 1 special edition box for the Lumineth, 4 bigger Christmas battle forces than usual and some discounted bundles for Warcry (6 I think?)
  18. So what needs to happen for Slaangors to be usable in BoC? Clearly they will arrive after the Winter FAQ, and in a Slaanesh book I doubt there would be mention of BoC units, our best hope before the General Handbook 2021 would be a Broken Realms book figuring BoC as protagonists?
  19. According to my store in London they are going to receive the coins only on Saturday so until then they cannot sell them because they can’t scan them. You will need to spend 120£ to get both coins. So happy shopping if you are into it btw, the paint offer brings you already at around 30£ if you are missing some colours so it would not be too much of a stretch to get the other 30£ in miniatures...
  20. Or something even better than Sigvald like his master’s son? I’m not even a Slaanesh player but a sucker for lore development so anything interesting coming out on Christmas Day is welcome 😂😂
  21. Imagine if the 25th reveal is actually a picture of the Newborn ahah that would be a bit too “much” maybe
  22. Limited but more than battle forces. From the UK store it took several months for Vanguard and Gloomspite to disappear, Nighthaunt took even longer. The last batch instead it’s already gone and lasted what? A month?
  23. Well when they have big releases sometimes they tie the rumour engines with that release. Wasn’t there a full week of chaos rumour engines for the 40k chaos revamp? Maybe they are teasing things that will be presented in the usual new year preview... one can only hope...
  24. Isn't it annoying that they advertise a new campaign but to play that campaign buying one single book is not enough as now you need another booklet in an expensive box set? I’m not complaining about prices but the logic behind certain decisions. Don’t advertise it that way, how many people have the Catacombs rules? Legally of course
  25. Just to be sure I understood correctly, Tome of Champions 2020 will contain a way to use Catacombs rules but not the rules themselves and there is no way to see the rules outside of the Catacombs box set. Is that correct? Surprising they have not pushed the booklet as a stand-alone item since the warbands are now available... Or did I miss something?
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