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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. Thanks I may try it but my commute is really short and before bed I prefer reading books. If it will never appear in paper format I’ll give it a try but would be after my huge queue of warhammer chronicles...
  2. Thanks for the hint on Balthasar, read that book but missed that totally. I was actually wondering to what he was referring to but was afraid to ask in case was going to be described in a sequel. On the rumour side, Realmslayer would ever be in paper format?
  3. Fact 404 says: Some of these facts might not actually be true.
  4. Sorry a bit off topic but I did read it already a couple of times, who would have been reforged as Balthasar? I personally think the idea of connecting the realms and also to add maps is because people couldn’t follow the plot in the new stories without something to relate to. Everyone from WHFB knew the Old World by memory, but what about the Great Parch? What was it? How did it fit with the rest? Creating connections I see it as a move forward not a return to WHFB
  5. I forgot the Death Guard, honestly surprised only by the chaos choice But good on my wallet cause it means I’m less interested this year and I can concentrate on scenery or saving for next year
  6. That’s only 9 in that screenshot, the battle forces this year are 10, is there a screenshot of the 10th? I don’t understand the slaves to darkness one...
  7. Wow that was a complete round of previews for all Warhammer branded games!!! Didn’t hear any rumours but they mention Destruction is rising, to me this means potentially a new chapter of the story with Destruction leading the fray? Maybe even a couple more battletomes?
  8. Correct, I missed the difference. I have now reviewed all Battleforces, it seems they didn't bother having one for each GA, having 2 Order, 1 Chaos every year and 1 Destruction in 2016 and 1 Death in 2017
  9. Thanks at the analysis, I actually had a look (in UK prices) and you were spot on. The 2016 battleforces had an average of 45% discount, while those of 2017 had only 32% average. In 2018 points also the KO battleforce is still the worse (point-wise) with only 760 points... 2018 seems to be in the middle, with a discount of 37.5% but still low on points count (800 today), but what matters seems they are keeping the trend of removing named characters, making it easier to sell the battleforces to people who just want to integrate their army as well as new players (in 2016 4/4 boxes had a named character, in 2017 only 1/4 but you could assemble it in 3 different variants).
  10. @Klamm to be fair from the books there’s plenty of lore to expand, for example the Undead Sylvaneth from the Souls War book, or the cog-fort from the various stories in Malign Portents and I believe there were few more Dispossessed also in the Eight Lamentations series... Ironjawz battleforce is still available in UK... doubt it will be take a spot. My bet would be on DoK and BoC or Nurgle
  11. Analysts online say that it could be related to the fact GW stock is at a ATH and they are trying to prevent a steep fall as always after an ATH. Brexit itself is not clear and even if it happens should not impact it before end of Q4.
  12. I totally agree with this. For example I love Beastclaw Raiders but they can’t compete against LoN without allies, so I’m holding collecting them. I would buy more armies if I knew they were “stable” and supported for AoS 2.0, but again I can buy what? One new army per year? That’s not that much sales wise for GW... Yes sorry confused the two, thanks for correcting me. Point is that for now sending more Stormcasts means more could die forever and Sacrosant main objective is to find the cure to the reforging loss of humanity. For the other chambers GW would need to find an equally important objective or would not be worth the sacrifice. By the way didn’t Grungni leave Azyr to go back to the Dispossed? Or something similar
  13. Lore wise the Sigmarabulum is broke so there are actually no more Stormcast forged... This would normally not prevent to open new chambers but would limit how many are coming back and may help us see less new SC in 2019... Next shadespire warbands could give us a hint in the AoS warscroll as there could be new keywords. The rumours mentioned in earlier pages about Moonclan do speak about change in names and new keywords
  14. Not saying they need to but at least in uk they removed the blood coven box or however was called the box with 10 ladies and blood coven, this is usually a sign is gonna be replaced
  15. Blood and glory is next week, I think 2-4 of November so just one more week to wait to see if you guessed right and hopefully you did!
  16. Spiel 2018 is next weekend right? If I’m not wrong I heard there are more chances of AoS news in the following event so that means November although you can always hope... On a rumour side I know some scenery box for Christmas leaked early this year and we can’t link them, but did anyone hear genuine rumours about more scenery bundles for AoS coming this Christmas?? I guess Kill Team would take the spot for scenery this year... P.S. no one noticed the huge dragon is a monster but not a behemoth? Lol
  17. The Soul War cards are pretty wrong too. They were built with the idea to be used in the box like the Sequitors having one great hammer every 3 models instead of 2 every 5. Basically outdated as soon as the battletome came out (2 weeks difference?)
  18. Hey all, yes about the old cards I agree. But Stormcast and even Beasts of Chaos are totally gone!! That’s super weird...
  19. It is not a proper rumour but anyone knows why the warscroll cards have been completely removed from the UK store? Only Nighthaunt is still there. Could it mean they are changing again the card style and/or propagation system? May be digital only?
  20. Well don’t they have a new tree revenant with a bow? That could give a hint of new units and could come with some endless spells. I would say they have more chances than other battletomes don’t have anything at all, neither hints (like free peoples for example)
  21. Speaking of rumours did I get it wrong or I read here rumours also of a new battletome for Ironjawz and Sylvaneth in the works? If that is true they may be alternating the Warhammer Underworlds warbands with new armies/ battletomes. Or it may give us an idea of the direction GW is taking. That, assuming Moonclan and Darkoath are coming in the next 6 months, would leave Khorne, Tzeentch and KO with existing but old battletomes and Skaven and Deathrattle with no battletome but also no rumours or engine rumours about them... It may be a long shot but it is not impossible to think GW is testing the success of an army or the release schedule with smaller units first while in the meantime keeping the roster fresh with new stuff. Thoughts?
  22. I understand the point, mine is more wishful thinking. However the costs of production and shipment would be the same. Each week you produce and ship as many models as you are doing today, just for different factions. And you would have smaller purchases from people with already existing factions and limited budget. But in general I can see GW listens much more to their customers recently and they are turning for the better so I can only wish they will keep listening and improve even more. I have anyway still 2 boxes of Nighthaunt to buy and all Stormcast from the soul wars box to decide what to do, if expand them as an army or keep them as decoration...
  23. It’s probably off topic from the Rumours thread but the Nighthaunt treatment was probably exaggerated (and I’m talking as a Nighthaunt collector pre-LoN). As a GW customer and fan I would rather see expansion on the current armies and the odd new army here and there with maybe less models but more thematic. And “fix” or merge the old world factions that didn’t get love until now. But most importantly what I would like is to discorporate the “new model only when battletome is updated and cards are printed” system as this way we know many armies will take ages to be updated as they can’t have a mixed release (e.g. a release with single models for different factions). If the card was the problem I would even not mind pay a reasonable price for custom printing for all those not included in the “card pack” or an update pack for all new ones every year. but I guess it’s more about marketing strategies... end rant and hoping to see new exciting things for everyone next year! Happy people make happy gaming
  24. @Overread thanks a lot for the summary! Well if we don’t have anything else coming this year surely we are looking at a good Christmas anyway and a rich 2019!!
  25. Speaking of rumours so what could still be possible this year? Potentually a yet to be named battletome with more endless spells? Maybe another 2 war bands for shadespire? The Wrath & Rupture box? That would leave a potential Slaanesh release for new year and the still possible Moonclan release sometime between now and mid 2019 (if planned at all). Is that a fair summary? A moment off topic, the new TWW2 DLC makes me really wish GW would produce more subfactions for Death as LON is cool but I would like more character like Flesh-Eater Courts. No complains on Nighthaunt but is quite big and would really be nice to just have smaller subfactions like the conclaves of the SCE (Deathrattle anyone?? Or the Ghost Sylvaneth in the last book from Josh?)
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