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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. Since there’s so much hate here for poor Nagash controlling most death factions, I think it’s time to start a new trend against Gorkamorka and his control of destruction, Destruction can be much more than just green or fat people eating stuff!!! obviously I’m joking, but give me insectoid army any day of the year, don’t care about the grand alliance
  2. Regarding Cursed City and the Warscroll book, I just hope they don’t release a battletome in April to support those models and another in October for the second wave 🤣🤣🤣 Regarding Stormcast being decimated, can I just remind that without them the mortal realms were basically almost entirely wiped out by chaos forces and all remaining humans almost entirely followers of the chaos gods? What hope can humanity have if they lose their paladins? Stormcast tactics often involve self-sacrifice and if that means no coming back, it also means a finite army and soon the loss of all territory conquered... Destroying Azyr would also mean the end of hope and of all free races, the few pockets being destroyed one by one... Things need to happen but not at the end times pace... and let’s not forget the Seraphon are in Azyr and in theory the Slann can predict the future. Is it possible they are all blind my events of this magnitude?
  3. I’ll be honest, I don’t think we see three new humans, only loosely referring to Azyr, in the middle of a potential plot twist with a huge Waaagh! trying to batter down Azyr gate and this is just coincidence... On your second point, well then you can literally chose any army. Order is by far the biggest army available today Good luck and enjoy!
  4. No, according to the YouTube show it was based on logistic information. I would agree with you, to me does not make sense, on the other hand mixing them together would mean that vampires discovered from FEC how to escape control from Nagash and since they already share few models and those endless spells really could fit any death army it could potentially make sense done like Orruk Warclans. Although I hope the two things stay distinct and no endless spells disappears in the foreseeable future (for how much I don’t use them, I have no grudge either).
  5. I was going to write exactly this. What if the eternal is his own eternal feud with Archaon and the next BR book will continue the legacy of legion of chaos ascendant with new and better rules? Hinting maybe even to a future expansion? Correct me if I’m wrong but Chaos Daemons is still playable in 40k and was an army in WHFB. What best way to continue the broken realms saga with an open civil war in Chaos, maybe even a dent in the Varanspire? A rumour that haven’t seen discussed here with all excitement from yesterday is from Tom in Warhammer weekly. He mentioned that FEC endless spells are soon to be retired from the market, and this is interesting because he is utterly unexplainable. Unless FEC will be rebranded something else? What do you guys think? Could they be merged with Soulblight like Warclans?
  6. With this definition you can just include almost every army in AoS 😂 just make them from Shyish and use dark colours, Idoneth Mor’phann are dark, Anvils of Eldenhammer, any death army if you expand outside of order... you name it
  7. And all villains may be named characters or type of figures in AoS, although don’t expect good rules for them. What about Warcry instead? Are Blackstone fortress minies any good in Kill Team? The baddies are all one team right? They could do the same for Warcry
  8. I’m pretty sure if it was a vampire or even a mortarch plotting Nagash demise through Skaven, Nagash would be aware of it. FEC it’s more likely but they live in a distorted world and they claim to be brave and courageous and assassination is not really their style. To me seems more Be’lakor or Malerion but I hedge a bit more on Malerion side
  9. It could even be >!Malerion!< making his move to the >!realm of death!< ? edit: how do you do spoiler tags on a mobile again?
  10. That is amazing, just read it. What do you guys think?
  11. Let me disagree on this. The only purge on FW models happened in GHB 2020, the chaos mammoth was a valid model all the way until 2020 despite not being sold for most of AoS life. Legends was not even properly introduced in the GHB before 2020. And while it may have created a trend, it is also highly possible that they will keep the trend to forget updating FW warscrolls for few more years and keep them legal. In saying that I agree in saying they are a risky purchase, models not particularly more attractive than the existing models for most armies (with few exceptions) and it’s a pity because in some armies they represent a niche that could be played if it had better support. For example the Squig artillery is the only artillery available for Gitz, does not need LoS and if did a bit more damage, or was included in the Squigalanche would be a nice option. The Mourngul is a decent enough model and his -1 to hit combined with the ignore rend of Nighthaunt makes him also useful in certain situations, he is just not pointed correctly for what he does now..
  12. Retired FW models are still legal in AoS anyway... you just can’t buy new models anymore but usually you can find something second-hand or convert yours. Problem of FW models is that best case scenario the warscroll gets a keyword that allows some sort of usability but they are almost never synergistic. The Troggoth Hag is desperately required in a Troggherd as it’s so poor of heroes most new scenarios they will struggle even more. Hope one day they will get one supported by GW so that it may appear in a battalion... Same for Squig artillery and colossal Squig.
  13. Yes exactly, of course summoning armies have a hidden cost on top and result to be more expensive. There are still few really competitive but cheap armies like FEC and in some sort Beastclaw Raiders
  14. About that. Last year I wrote an article about it, mind you before the last price rise but in percentage grew only 2% on average per army as far as I remember. If you are interested: https://ageofminiatures.com/warhammer-army-cost/
  15. Small correction but “for this season”. If things return back to normal I’m expecting a new starter set in September/October moving away from Ghur, exploring some other amazing place and introducing new random stuff. It could be tied with the narrative as well. With the same concept they would need to rename Daughters of Khaine to Slaves to Morathi or similar 😂 I guess Cities of Sigmar was meant as all cities originally described were founded / re-founded by Sigmar’s troops but I agree we would need something more inclusive for future expansions. I’m also pretty sure some cities out there survived the age of chaos, at least in Shyish
  16. It they ever reimagine Dreadfleet but in the skies it’s quite sure Grotbag will get some presence. And for AoS they can just simply put them with the Gloomspite like Rippa that has nothing in common with them, until time will come to see if they expand in something of their own. I know many armies are referred to in the lore, but apart Malerion is totally possible the next one will be out of the blue as Idoneth at the time. From WU we can see things that actually have a miniature like Rippa wolf riders, Kurnothi and the vampires that for now don’t have a home.
  17. Totally agree. Rather than a new release, SCE just need a WS, rules, & keyword revamp. Many armies have went an edition cycle now without new models and SCE is fine for 3.0 with some tweaks. And simplification. If they want SCE to be the most user friendly army for beginners (as originally advertised) they need to be simpler to play but still good. Fewer synergies but more efficient, etc And I would not mind if there was a cleaner cut between Chambers rather than focusing on mixed stormhosts, a bit like the Gitz after the White Dwarf updates
  18. I don’t sell Sylvaneth so can’t tell you sorry But I can tell you that the population that just collects and paints is much higher than the one playing so even if you don’t see many ladies or gentlemen playing Sylvaneth does not mean they are not out there painting trees like it was a normal day in the amazon forest 😂😂😂
  19. Yeah you make a good point, SCE are user friendly for kids to start, heard that story many times with many dads. Also Nighthaunt seem to be popular with the female gender, at least by my limited experience selling my excess pieces.
  20. Sure but to be fair did AoS had same number of occasions as 40k? I mean when have you seen a Black Library special edition miniature for AoS? Which one? The Excelsior war priest? That was a Silver Tower model not a special model and made the same end as many others from the same game. All I’m saying is that while I Hope AoS 3.0 starter set will not contain SCE, thinking that AoS 3.0 will not have an SCE release in some form is a bit delusional (in the good sense, no offence to anyone).
  21. Interesting analysis but we also need to consider most of us don’t have infinite money so even if 52.5% of the people is interested every 2 releases they cannot possibly afford to buy every two releases. In the end the cycle of 11 releases would actually be healthier as it gives higher chances of everyone interested to actually afford to buy. Of course this is all rhetorical but considering GW stocks and revenues are going up every year we should not doubt their current model works so far. In saying that Stormcast have been the store model or special edition model 3 times out of 4 for AoS, so to say they are not central to their marketing even today is unfair. Last non-SCE special edition models I remember were 2 Nighthaunt models. Since then a wave of Knight questors...
  22. I don’t understand if they are constructs and they have “living” catapults why can’t they have archery for example... You did forget Morghasts however, with a good warscroll rewrite they are nice miniatures
  23. Whichever is pushing who does not matter to me as long as it means eventually new minies and maybe even cross-compatibility with AoS. If Kislev units were designed together, we can imagine other stuff was too and we know designers don’t just throw away their artwork...
  24. Ahah, if we are going for classics then the final battle in Army of Darkness But yeah, seeing what GW can do anything is welcome.
  25. I’m hoping for them to be simple Skeletons and Grace Guard yet to be shown. Imagine what they can do to them if that is the basic skeleton? I love how they started with Sepulchral Guard and then went all in upping 100x the stakes! It shows that WU are not only a testing ground for new ideas but also a stub to new armies or units. Obviously not all will become one, but Kurnothi fans have another reason to rejoice and hope
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