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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. We have rumours of KO, Tzeentch and Seraphon all completed before March. A new army in this period is unlikely but the Ossiarchs (new army) did come together with Ogors and a month before and after 3 other battletomes, so all it's possible when the release is just book and maybe endless spells.. Can anyone distinguish all kits from Mortal Realms? I can't see really well the scenery and the Stormcasts
  2. Why a Hysh giant army would be Order? Chaos didn’t have new armies in decades and Destruction would do with something new. Order this edition only after the consolidation still had Idoneth and Daughters, plus few more the previous edition and we know there’s potential for more between Kurnothi, Light and Dark Aelves... Not against it but from a player base perspective a similar army in a different allegiance considering there’s not much lore apart a battletome is not really enough to attract attention...
  3. Ready to bet the giant refers to the announcement and it will be a campaign moving to Hysh... An army of giants would be unpractical without some smaller troops but then you end up having Troggoths 2 or even worse Ogors 2 with no real reason. Behemoths would be a nice addition, maybe with Gotrex-like rules that can be used in any army of the same grand alliance.
  4. Magmadroth and Star dragons are descendent of godbeasts aren’t they? Vulcatrix and Dracothion respectively
  5. My AoS group is small, most players do 40k but now out of 6 players 3 are starting Ossiarch Bonereapers, fair enough we all got the starting box but we also paid hundreds more for the other bits. Not much significative but I think if you want something you are going for it deal or no deal... not all start collecting boxes are good value, this does not mean no one starts the armies without them or with poor start collecting...
  6. Yeah, not suggesting light giants but maybe some monster or giant construct in the realm of light. Aren’t the Sky Grots from Hysh for example? A giant ship would fit the bill no? Today they should announce the preorder of the battleforces right? Or I’m a week too early?
  7. They technically have it when they do the made to order. It could be a similar situation. Problem is these boxes have surely a much smaller margin and is not in their interest produce too many. But the idea to limit one for address mentioned above is interesting.
  8. Why do people think Hysh and say Aelves? Possible but I don’t think Hysh is populated only by light Aelves and true enough there’s not many unsolved rumour engines but it could be something else and the reiteration of the word huge mixed with giant must have something to do with it. And Aelves are not notoriously giant...
  9. To me the GW site in UK is down, did the sisters kill it? Lol
  10. The biggest take away here for me is that GW is slowly announcing things in advance that to me works really well and is what I would have hoped they did from the beginning. I like the expectation of a release event but not knowing what’s coming next at a high level means that I spend my money badly. It’s not that I spend more or less, it’s just I have half started armies because something cooler came after. I’m excited by the Old world coming back because I was a big fan of Wood Elves and I hope I’ll be able to use my minies in both games. But I’m also super excited by “giant things happening in Hysh”. We had many hints related to Hysh recently, be it Aelves or something else or multiple things, bring it on!
  11. Apart the big hint to Hysh that cannot be too far (when is the next preview? The 4th of January at the open day?) this is huge. Probably means some of the old armies will not get more updates in AoS but will mostly be relegated to this new game. But means also many conversion opportunities especially for Cities and Legions!!!
  12. It’s two different studios so if at all would be Horus Heresy to be affected. Godbeasts are still there today, only few were killed by Gorkamorka and Sigmar but without a properly scaled game they would not be usable in AoS proper
  13. But but but, how can they support a game for which most miniatures are not available to buy any more?? Would that mean FW will now start building WFB miniatures like they do with 30k? That would be amazing as there’s a fair bit of crossover in models usable in 30k and 40k
  14. But by the same criteria that means you have to wait another decade at least 😂😂😂 If by February they have all battletomes out I cant wait to see what happens in spring to AoS!!!
  15. What about that rumour going out that Malerion will become a new Chaos god? In that case it would be a new daemonic army nothing to do with the Light Aelves. It could come years apart from each other or be the starter set of AoS 3.0 light vs shadow. Although I don’t personally believe this rumour neither know when it started.
  16. This and for the point cost they started with the Terrorgheist and the Royal Terrorgheist, same model different name depending on the allegiance. Put the Legion Grimghast to 500 point system but leave decently priced the pure Grimghast if that’s the problem (was it ever as bad as Hag Nar or Slaanesh? Bah). LoG will always be in par with Nighthaunt cause they lose battalions, spells, etc. for really specific tricks. The day Nighthaunt will be rewritten decently, LoG will be a memory.
  17. Legion of Grief makes many Nighthaunt units more viable but still suffers a lot as you lose warscroll battalions, artifacts, spell variety and vampires for the graveyards that can be stopped by one single miniature over them or by killing all squishy heroes. I also guess you mean Grimghasts as Bladegheists are limited to 20. Either case they move 8”, they are nice models but depending how fast they are you may not have a general near the right graveyard and the only trick today is to use the Dreadblade. That means giving up Lady Olynder by the way that is in my opinion one of the best Nighthaunt heroes. And to stop the Dreadblade from pulling tricks you just need to engage him...
  18. Not from this year but Nighthaunt desperately need some love not soon, maybe not through a battletome, but I think every single battletome after them was better...
  19. Visual cohesion is a really subjective matter because then even Legions would have the same issues having chainrasps next to zombies... fact is that today Orruks have 20 models including FW models. Interesting outside of Everchosen the faction with the least amount of warscrolls is indeed the Kharadron and in their upcoming book will see soon if Grungni is out and about doing something or not. For amount of distinct boxes FEC wins hand down with only 5 distinct boxes followed by DoK with 6...
  20. From the sheet we known they are coming out to preorder next week so in the following days we should know more about them and which allegiance they take in AoS. At least at launch
  21. Technically Chaos are all left overs from WFB. If at all Destruction split Orcs and Goblins to reunite them under two different banners. But Ironjawz are new to AoS, no? You could have a unit of spirit torment of 3 using the spirit torment as champion, they are already sold in one box. Could work but now we are definitely away from rumours
  22. No one says Legions are weak Before Slaanesh they were often top tables and even now they can get good spots. It’s just as @Overread mentioned anything is open bet with them. Ossiarch does give a bad precedent but they could restyled in the near future as a grand alliance after another Death book. ”Problem” of Legions and Cities is that their models are named instead of using keywords. So even if they create a Dispossesed army, Cities may not benefit of them. Heck even existing but renamed models could potentially not benefit Cities at all! About new armies we know for sure there are at least 4 Gods planning something, then if this means new armies we don’t know. But Malerion, Teclis, Tyrion and Grungni are out there and they still have a story to tell. And then they surprise us bringing out Matlann and Kurnoth spirit. So really who knows the future of AoS?
  23. @Aelfric Don’t get me wrong I liked every single AoS 2.0 battletome and I’m happy the direction they are going but my suspicion, entirely based on Legions approach, is that some soups were only placeholders not destined to live indefinitely. Then time will tell which direction they will follow but I don’t see Beasts of Chaos getting more than the new warband. A clear temporarily soup tome is Orruks. They left Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz distinct enough to get expanded individually in future. While Ogors do not seem to be split anytime soon. I guess the next soup battletome to give some hints will be Gitz. To me it’s perfect but if they expand on any of those sub-themes they may detract models from the main tome or price them in a way they are not more viable. Nagash at 880 in Legions is too much... In the end time will tell and the new warband announced tomorrow for WU may give us some interesting hints...
  24. @Aelfric I would love to see more cities added but I think that some soup battletomes were placeholders that will never be updated again. Of course only time will tell but Ossiarch gives a good hint at the current trend towards Legions. And pricing the models equally in the different factions ends up that they will be too expensive in one allegiance unless the allegiances are completely similar in term of synergies. I would love to see Vampires taken out and given to Neferata and/or Mannfred but then we are really trimming Legions... @Vasshpit Spirit Torment I don’t see it becoming a unit cause we already have the chainghasts. Unless they become the same thing. Black Coach I kinda like as it is, does not need any artefact, maybe a further discount. The lord executioner “may” become interesting if loses the leader keyword and entered in some interesting battalion. At the end of the day you can only fit 6 heroes top and we have so many options: 3 named, the guardian, the 2 knights, the dreadblade and spirit torment should be enough. Anyway I'm not sure a small update could fix this. But in July the battletome will be 2 years old so who knows? We will have to wait the Open Day in January for the next reveal and then Adepticon
  25. If I were a betting man I would say that Cities will get the same treatment as Legions, a faction expanded from a concept, maybe a couple of units brought over but the entire new faction not usable in Cities. Eventually models will retire, for a while they will be present in GHB and then naturally be forgot. But with all new toys available people will forget.
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