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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/27/the-aelven-pantheon/ Nothing new but they point out to Malerion doing no-good and the Khainite warband: “We’ll have to wait and see to find out – but, perhaps, not for long. ”
  2. Yep that’s about it. We know that AoS Warhammer Fest preview never happened, but Who knows what was there. Maybe just new 40k stuff, maybe by then they would already had few things to show off for AoS.
  3. I’ve been saying a roadmap is something I would love to see and I was so happy to see Warhammer Underworld one. I really hope is the first of a new process.
  4. We also need for monsters and big models to perform as the scary thing they should be. As it is, hordes are just more cost effective hence the expensive models are mostly left to gather dust, see Ghorgon, Leviadon, etc... A combination of that and more points would be welcome (aetherwings at 40? 😂)
  5. I get your point but you balance the units in their vanilla state and you balance the sub-factions the same way you balance battalions. Nothing different. The problem of changing things like this is that it takes two point adjustments to even out the first nerf. And let’s be honest the Ossiarch were already pointed considering the Petrifex cost. This way, if Petrifex gets unbalanced, you just up the cost without affecting the rest.
  6. You still have vanilla armies with no additions. Sub-factions are already a big component of list building, either they are too good to pass or you use them thematically and then it does not matter cause then you are not playing competitive. If you play competitive, a value more does not make the difference, but lets people like me enjoying my Ossiarch without knowing that I have to pay the Petrifex “tax” even if I’m not using it cause now all units for a year will be balanced considering they once were Petrifex and in the best scenario some will go down with the winter FAQ. I get we don’t want to make things more complex, but that would be the quickest solution for who wants to enjoy balanced units without considering that they may be overpowered in a specific build.
  7. To be fair Ossiarchs had only one excellent list that caused problems, everything else was absolutely normal. Not that is bad, but they are so expensive and mostly slow that if they don’t “win” by the second turn they are most likely fried. It will be interesting to see how they react to this highly predicted change. I’m still of the opinion that the best solution is to give points value to the sub-factions like the battalions. That way if you use vanilla you are good, otherwise you pay for what extra you want.
  8. I don’t know you guys but the thing I am more eager to see from AoS 3.0 would be the release trailer in the same style as the last 40k cinematic!! Btw those Silent People look super interesting!
  9. The Scions have been teased since the first book last year but at this stage I’m not sure if they would decide to group them together with the new releases or not. If it’s true it’s seasonal and the package for season 2 would have different colours then definitely Scions will come before otherwise they could delay them even further. Pity because are some of my favourite warbands together with the Splinterfang.
  10. Do you guys think Scions of Flame will come out on his own or with the new “season” of Warcry? It is possible the next wave is a mixed one as we know only Daughters of Khaine so far for order... Either way unless Season 4 of Warhammer Underworld is greatly delayed or cancelled (no reason to believe that), then the next wave of WU warbands should come out in august to give a bit of distance from season 4 late September or most likely moved to October. Reason it may not move too much is because seasonal releases like this are better kept fixed in time to avoid having a season longer or shorter than another.
  11. To be fair unless AoS 3.0 changes drastically rules like getting rid of the initiative roll with a IGYG system or a more predictable initiative like adding general bravery or other value or things like this, I don’t see why the need of a new edition so soon. Siege rules can be expanded in a new campaign book and most ranges can be re-modernised with some booklet like PA in 40k. I know people don’t like having too many books but in the end having new books that replace old books is the same thing as having updated books... Whatever it is with the pandemic delaying things I can’t imagine GW squeezing their plans for the time until AoS 3.0 in around 3/6 months less. Already the last PAs look really rushed, don’t think they have to do the same for AoS.
  12. The Scions of Flame are the weirdest marketing campaign ever: they have now been teased for almost a year since they were in the first Warcry book! Them and 2 WU warbands (Orruks and Daughters) are the last remnants of this season. I guess season 4 of WU may be delayed a bit, usually starts in September. Would be interesting also to see if Warcry gets “seasons” or just expansions, either way we know at least one Order warband coming next, other than Scions.
  13. Slaves can use BoC as allies or even create Chaos armies entirely made of StD with a pinch of BoC like the battalions... Not sure why would they do that although.. Skaven can have Skagors I'm sure there's never too much chaos beasts roaming around... WU and Warcry have unit size problems. WU in particular are good to replace models from existing units, less to introduce new ones, see the Tree-Revenant with a bow... Warcry has better sized units but no synergies, they are not even battlelines so far. This would create such a gap with Tzaangors to make all other Xgors third class gors... Bad a man can dream... They already existed before, they are in the lore, Blood Bowl has a pestigor, so it's a so low-hanging fruit I cannot imagine GW never thought about that. Maybe as an update Psychic Awakening style while we wait AoS 3.0?
  14. Yeah each chaos beast could have a specific trait and be almost self sufficient. Tzaangors to be fair are almost there with a battleline, elite archers, elite wizards and a hero wizard. Just need something similar for the others...
  15. To be fair a really good expansion for the chaos gods would be expanding on the gors wise. Considering Tzaangors are objectively the best gors BoC have, would be great to give them some variety with Khorgors, Pestigors and Slaangors that on their own can create a small niche in an army and can be used across various armies. And I believe also in 40k and maybe 30k?
  16. I checked and it does not match exactly neither the winged FECs or zombie dragon or terrorgheist. It does looks like undead although.
  17. Not sure how many would be interested but today a mobile game called Era of Chaos, developed in the Might & Magic world, published a survey. Between all questions there was one related to potential cross-overs and aside different famous videogame brands there were also Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar specifically mentioned. I know I get excited for little but the fact that they could do a cross-over means they have at least a previous agreement with GW. And cross-overs usually are bidirectional, but I wouldn’t know which AoS game would be in that case. Either way I though it was interesting to share, could mean absolutely nothing.
  18. If someone is interested ageofminiatures collected all leaks so far in text. Apart Stormcast becoming cheaper across the entire range I don’t see anything else interesting...
  19. Or to be specific, it’s sold together with the GHB as a separate booklet
  20. They said they split Adepticon roughly in 4 sessions and they gave us 3 previews, the last one being one week after when Warhammer Fest would have happened, so it’s safe to assume they had more to show us but it has all been delayed. About what, that is the key question. No offence on Lumineth or Sons but they are quite “old” now so would be good to see what’s after.
  21. I suspect it will be a dry summer for AoS fans... hopefully autumn will pick on a different tone. It has been more than 2 months now since they previewed anything AoS related and we still have the Warhammer Fest preview to be shown.
  22. Ah thanks, so does Soulbound specifically mention Katakros or just the Ossiarch?
  23. Part of me hopes is not that cause: Excelsis is a really interesting city with few novels around and would be sad losing it or, even worst, they leave it like Lethis damaged but not broken or like Glymmsforge in an unknown state.
  24. Yeah I agree the box is a good box if you like Lumineth in particular because it contains the less divisive units of the entire range. But the fact it’s still up for preorder means either Lumineth didn’t convince too much, stock was much higher than usual, although in NZ eventually sold out, or Lumineth suffered a lot from marketing fatigue not surviving the few months of marketing and the delay. The latter is an interesting fact if true cause I always have been a big promoter of knowing upfront the releases so I can plan, but if that causes less products sold by GW then the cons are way above the pros.
  25. The box is not sold out in UK and it has been more than 8 hours, so there’s that... good news that GW produced enough for everyone or just Lumineth are not that attractive? Yeah I feel it. I bought a box as well not sure why or whenever I’ll open it. Lockdown allowed to almost finish my 5.5k Gitz (including 120 grots). What I really wanted to paint is my Beasts of Chaos but they totally suck, at least the way I want to play them so they add to my list of more than 500 miniatures to paint...
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