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Posts posted by SleeperAgent

  1. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Not much I can disclose without betraying the Person‘s trust. ^^
    But it looks like Good times Are ahead for one of the armies I am playing (meaning more models than we CURRENTLY have). And that it was certain that AoS would get it’s fair share of releases before the end of the year (depending on COVID Lockdowns ofc).

    I play:

    LoN, DoK, S2D, IDK, CoS (and all their splintered subfactions), S2D Slaanesh, a bit S2D in Tzeentch and SCE. :)

    Well obviously this means a new Stormcast Chamber is opening :)

  2. 1 hour ago, Mattrulesok said:

    On that it's worth noting I bought a mantic giant for £25 in the UK and out of curiosity was checking how much it cost back at home (Oz) and the first place I found it was selling it for $45 or roughly £25. So why can a little company like Mantic sell for the same price internationally but GW need to add an extra 50%?

    Because you aren't paying the extra 50% for the mini. You are paying for GW marketing, GW stores, GW payroll, and GW's new factory.


    There will be a defining moment someday soon. If they open up the UK factory at full staff and production and prices don't go down, it was all a lie. Here's hoping prices go down when they are able to do everything themselves. If the trend continues with price rises, I could see most of their product lines starting to die.

  3. 3 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Nah, not if we still had access to Ruler of the Spirit Host. Or the Black Coach, or Olynder's command ability.

    Deathly Invocation is prevalent in LoN armies with tons of multiple-unit model return sources. You have gravesites. You can overlap these and supplement them with spells and endless spells. Why couldn't Nighthaunt get this fancy kind of in-the-thick-of-battle model return (which really fits our aesthetic, I think) in addition to what we already have?

    I think I might ask my group if I could try it out.

    Ruler of the Spirit Hosts shouldn't be a command trait, it should just be something our heroes do. We're ghosts for crying out loud. We should be coming back better than skeletons and cannibals.

    • Like 4
  4. 6 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:


    • Requires at least 1 model remaining in a unit after losing models (so no heroes)
    • After taking damage in either the shooting phase or combat phase do the following:
      • Roll a D6 per Wound killed in the unit
      • On a 5+ gain a point
      • Return a number of models whose Wounds characteristic is equal or less than the number of points you gained
    • These returned models do not count toward Battleshock

    For example; if a unit of 3 Spirit Hosts loses 2 during the enemy's shooting phase, you then roll 6D6. If you get a 5+ three times, you can bring back one Spirit Host. If you somehow get all six dice on a 5+, you get both back.

    Or: Your 20-man unit of Bladeghests gets flamed for 15 deaths in the combat phase, leaving 5 behind. Roll 15D6. For each 5+ bring one back.

    Woah. I like this. A lot. Seems very powerful, but I wonder if it's really overpowered or not.

    Sadly, as a player who loves Spirit Hosts, this would make the army even worse for me. I still think SH are overpriced at 120, considering a unit of 3 is rarely gonna control an objective. Not being able to get them back naturally would make them next to worthless. Our reanimation should just be more like LoN. Command point for a unit maybe, but each hero should be reanimating 1-5 models naturally. Like a bunch of black coaches.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I am hoping for Shadow Selves/Soulblight soon. C‘mon it‘s Halloween Season! A Soulblight Army would be perfect for Halloween!

    I sincerely hope it's another death army, Soulblight or otherwise. LoN is just a holdover hodgepodge. We got three armies in our alliance. And considering OBR was pretty nicely priced another like it would go over real well right now.

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    Yeah so 1220 points kill 490. That's good to know :D

    Surely gargants are very bad news for mw based lists (like Starcast) because they just take too many to kill even one. I suppose shooting can do better but it's a bit sad to be pushed even more in that direction...

    That being said, anyone has had any interesting ideas about allying the krakeneater? I am trying to justify buying one but I can see any interest (o don't like buying models which I know I will not play): outside his allegiance abilities he doesn't seem to bring much.

    Well theres a chance that the 1220 points all survive and you can go after another one. :)


    In reality, 4 ballistas dropping nearby with an ordinator and azyros is your best bet to do mass damage for less cost. Truth is, this is just another sign that the SCE (and Nighthaunt) tomes are outdated and need to be redone. Alongside BoC, Nurgle, maybe Gitz.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Juicy said:

    so how do we feel about taking down 1 of the gargants. Ive testing around with protectors but it doenst look very reliable and an unit of 10 isnt enough. So im looking at 15 atleast over 2 rounds of combat with Lucky 6's.


    Raptors mayb?

    8 man unit of Desolators and a Drakesworn Templar hitting with the skybolt bow. Storm Blast is 8 attacks 3 up to deal d3 MW's. Then 40 Thunderaxe attacks at 3/3/-1/2 damage. Add a Knight Azyros in 10" of the gargant to re-roll 1's. Bonus points if you are Anvils of the Heldenhammer to attack twice.


    The good thing about them is the big base lets a huge unit encircle it to get all of their attacks.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Pulling off a 9" charge is quite unlikely and you don't even have access to a reroll because you don't have heroes in range (which would bring the chance of making it to 50-50). As for the drakesworn, yes you only need to score a hit, so to roll a 3+ on one dice (so you'll have this 66% of times)

    I dont "need" to make the charge. Im just gonna teleport to the side and shoot with the 12" weapons. If I make the charge its nice, but otherwise they are going to move towards my castle and I will just flank them.

  9. Been awhile, currently working on this.


    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Drakesworn Templar (420)
    - General
    - Arc Hammer
    - Command Trait: Staunch Defender
    - Mount Trait: Storm-winged
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    - Mystic Light (Artefact): Lantern of the Tempest
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Knight-Azyros (100)
    Knight-Venator (110)

    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield

    8 x Concussors (880)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 107

    From what I can decipher, Drakesworn Templar can take a stormbolt bow in addition to its other weapons so I wanna try to maximize that with Dracothian Guard.  The idea is to castle with everything and teleport the huge unit of concussors on a flank or weak spot and tear through the lines. At range 8 attacks hitting on 3's (thanks to bow) doing d3 mortal wounds each can usually get something out of the way or delete a key hero. Then on the charge you have a massive line than can engage 2-3 enemy units and any 6's to hit guarantees they can't pile in and get good attack value back. I am debating using Anvils of the Heldenhammer but I love the Staunch defender trait so much on my castle. Knight Venator is just filler for the 110 points I had left over. I was considering dropping him for Lord Celestant on Stardrake but then the Concussors lose the +1 to hit buff potential.
    Side  note: Do I have to wound with the Skybolt Bow? It just says "if this model scores one or more hits".
  10. 7 hours ago, Jackroks981 said:

    Are we looking at the same stat line?

    Compare it to  a Stardrake. It is way better. The amount of 2 damage attacks is roughly 3 times that of the stardrake. Not counting the other attacks. Stuff em in the bag is similar to cavernous jaws. And these guys have more than double the wounds.

    • Like 2
  11. The reason I dislike 40k is solely Strength and Toughness.

    I don't mind if my opponent makes a ton of saves because they have a 3+. What I hate is when all my dice miss because they are wounding on 5's and 6's. Maybe it's because my friend plays Imperial Knights, but it's just an un-fun experience. I actually had hoped 9th edition would've brought the removal of S&T. Whenever we show people warhammer we show them both, and every single person thinks S&T is just complicated for the sake of being complicated.

    There is no need for S&T. A good save value (and aftersave in the form of wound/mortal wound protection) shows how tough a model is. If Knights (or anything with insanely high toughness) just had a 3 up save and 5 up after save (like stonehorns) it's much more fun than saying "you only wound my stonehorn on 5 ups." Especially for newer players who see these gatekeeper armies from the get go. 

    I don't know if you play it, but I use MTG as my example. You are trying to teach someone mtg, you give them a precon deck, and you are playing Modern/Legacy level control. Your opponent just cant do anything and it's a negative experience.

    I have Necrons, I love the models, but I don't play the game. If AoS goes to S&T I'm out.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 2
  12. 44 minutes ago, wargames101 said:

    Anyone want to speculate about this year's Battleforces?

    Ossiarch Bonereapers - Seems like a lock, similar to the Gloomspite release last year

    + Mortek Crawler
    + Mortek Guard
    + Gothizzar Harvester (Could also see Kavalos Deathriders)
    + Arch- Kavalos Zandtos

    Lumineth - Might be too hot on the heels of the poorly selling LE box

    +Avalenor, the Stoneheart King
    + Alarith Stoneguard X2
    + Alarith Stonemage

    Other potential candidates

    + Beastclaw (Good sons of Behemat allies)
    + Ogors (Ditto)
    + Daughters of Khaine (In support of the new campaign)
    + Daemons of __________ (Any of the factions could work, Nurgle or Slaanesh seem most viable model-wise)

    I really hope if they do BCR it includes 4 Stonehorn sprues, the mawpot, and a plastic firebelly. Maybe one less stonehorn to include a plastic icebrow hunter and 4-8 plastic frost sabres.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Grim Beasties said:

    Don't they still have more Necrons and Space Marine's to release? I'm exited for Grargants but I thought our pre-order was the 10th

    I know they didn't announce the Necron terrain yet, but I think that's because all terrain is made in China and will probably be down the line. I assume even if there is some 40k leftover they will announce Sons today.

  14. 1 minute ago, frostfire said:

    What do NH players think about the dolorous guard becoming illegal? Is that a good promption?

    They FAQ'd it to be legal. It is our only legitimate way to keep the queen alive. NH desperately need a hero that has 10+ wounds like all the other legions, or need to have Olynder straight up become immune to mortal wounds. (cost balance required obv)

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Gwendar said:

    I do the same honestly.. but a lot of the time it's meant I play something for 3-6 months and find that I don't really care for the playstyle and no amount of theory-crafting ended up providing me with how it feels to play. I did this with Wanderers and to some extent FeC and OBR.. most recently I've been up in the air above selling off my Fyreslayers (that I just finished painting...) as well because I can't stand how they play either 😅. I should probably invest in some display cabinets and just hold onto stuff in case it gets expanded on in the future...

    Anyway, TTS has been huge for this as I can now test out armies and lists all I want before committing to anything with actual $$$. I'm with you on Pinks though.. I'm not big on them and really only like doing 10 but not more. That said a Hosts Duplicitous list with Multitudinous Host is absolutely a site to behold and difficult to deal with for most armies. I would never think to run it IRL because I would never punish myself to build, paint and transport that many Horrors.

    Yeah I do this with a ton of armies. I've done FEC, OBR, S2D, IDK, BCR, Stormcast, Slaanesh, and Skaven. I try to buy armies that are ready to go, then re-sell em when I get tired of em. The only army I've kept running this whole time is Nighthaunt. Probably because there are a ton of ways to build it. That's why I like Tzeentch. Everything can be done so many different ways. I'm hoping when they start making new battletomes they standardize the "households" and battalion numbers. Cause Tzeentch and some others got a ton of them and stuff like KO got three battalions.

  16. 8 minutes ago, RUNCMD said:

    @SleeperAgent thats a huge haul of plastic crack! Well done! Nothing better than smashing the bank account and committing to the buy of a new army! depending on how many pinks you end up running / summoning, you'll want a lot more blues and brims!

    If I can give you any advice on building The LOC is that if you build it with the arm underneath the chest not extended out is that you do that as a sub assembly.

    Happy building!

    I always go all out and buy an entire army. That way you get a feel for the army in regular 2k matches. As it stands Im probably only gonna run 10 pinks. I will undoubtedly be doing Eternal Conflagration or Hosts Arcanum so my flamers or screamers are battleline.

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