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Ragnar Alpaca

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Posts posted by Ragnar Alpaca


    6 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    I actually don't think its a competitively viable build. So many tournaments right now are including Total Commitment that you're almost guaranteed to play it (especially in a 5 round event), and as such you're basically wasting an artifact for one of your five rounds. Regarding specifically the Nurgle Battalion - have you considered chariots at all - I think they might be good missiles in the Battalion. They hit reasonably hard but aren't super durable so you should get the nice MW pop on them reliably. 

    I totally considered the chariots, but again, they look so bad that I don’t want to deal with them. You wouldn’t happen to have any good ideas to convert them?

    also what do you mean by Total Commitment?

  2. 16 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    Sorry for the long delay in response (you know the weekend and all). 

    -I think having the eye/aetherquartz brooch is more valuable than a 2nd artifact on a beastlord. My general experience has been that a BL with an artifact that improves his weapon damage is a very points efficient blender where anytime I run one barebones his damage output is just too low. Maybe you could run a Doombull instead of a Beastlord for your 2nd combat hero paying for it with the points you save in spawn? He's more effective on his own and wouldn't require an artifact investment. 

    -Regarding Centigors - you can pretty easily convert them out of Gors and marauder horsemen or even use 3rd party. But I totally understand models being a concern, and I agree the current range Centigors aren't good looking models (plus they suffer badly from scale creep). 

    -My general opinion on Bestigors is they are a missile. Smaller units are more easily maneuvered into tighter spots and represent a wider target priority for your opponent. If I'm facing an army with 4 units of 10 versus 1 20 and 2 10s its harder for me to plan out my shots to deal exactly with each given unit. This is also a major element of 'dealer's choice' so I'd play around with both and find your comfort level. 

    -I know I've gone on record in the thread as not being a lover of ambush but have you thought about going for the Ungor Raider ambush and giving a bray shaman the +1 to hit horn? I think its a bit of a niche build but could be fun and probably worth experimenting with if you run the big Raider unit. 

    Thanks again. 

    I’m not too fond of the doom bull so I’ll probably just stick with getting rid of one of the beast lords. Although this does significantly detract from my initial plan for making nurgle bombs with pestilent battalion.

    I looked into it and yeah I’m going to get some marauder horsemen and God’s to make centigors. 

    I will try all the bestigor configurations thank.

    the ambushing Ungor Raider unit and a hero with the horn sounds like it could really do some damage, but to do that I would have to get rid of either the eye or the mutated knarlblade. In a more competitive sense I would definitely go with the horn for the awesome ambush. But the whole thing is I’m trying to make a good nurgle list of BoC. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Nos said:

    It has a foundation. An age of Myth and Legend, Gods fighting for supremacy  using armies fashioned in their own image.

    Warhammer had a foundation of humanity and apocalypse. It was always the End Times. They boxed themselves in with that. They’re not going to do it again. Not only that but they would be fools to try. Warhammer has 30 years of pedigree. There’s no way they could equal what it did in respect to what it’s flavour and character was. 

    Humans are basically just in AOS to provide audience perspective. But basically they’re just observers. They get killed or they go mad or they fight alongside other factions or whatever but unlike in Warhammer they are far from being key players. The driving force in AOS are the deities themselves and they have specific avatars in the form of their armies that drive events. Humans are a species who co-exist in the world but that’s all they are. 

    Question-how do you make a human  AOS faction fit? Black Powder was a big reason for human ascendency in Warhammer but in AOS it’s not anything special. Basically in a world run by Gods and monsters humans are just going to get annihilated by everything. Unless of course you make them Super Human, but A) they already have those and B) the whole argument as to why you need a human faction in the first place dies as soon as they’re not human anymore. Or conversely the Stormcast are obsolete if regular joes can defend their own lands and wage their own wars competently.

    I’d love to see what aesthetic they came up with but the army of a relatable faction in a world of hyper fantasy and legend is fundamentally contradictory.


    The Imperial Guard disagrees

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  4. 1 hour ago, Nos said:

    AOS is releasing both books and factions  at a rate Warhammer never came close to. There’s Warscrolls for pretty much everything from Warhammer still.

    But it should be pretty clear now that AOS and Warhammer are different things and in the future all factions will be unique and fresh, that’s what it’s building towards. 

    But as I say-you still can play with pretty much any models you have in the meantime. The expectation that all armies should be as viable on the tabletop as each other is entirely unrealistic though, nor is it a precedent that is being ignored. Warhammer never had that over its last 4 iterations at least. 

    I somewhat agree, a good few of the armies that have been released now are basically in the exact same spot they were in during Fantasy. Although many of these new armies few different ecausd their lore and backstories have changed massively. BoC are basically exactly the same as Beastmen, LoN are basically Vampire Counts with less emphasis on Vampires, and Gloomspite is just an all goblin army from Orcs and Goblins. I expect I’m missing a couple factions as well that haven’t changed that much. 

    Of the armies that have changed I feel it’s not that they have changed more so that they have been split up and further expanded upon. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I looked through the new Gloomspite Gits battletome and the only mention that points towards Dispossessed is the mention of Grots taking over Duardin Karaks in the list of places Grots are likely to use to create their lairs. It also mentions Fyreslayer Magmaholds in the list so they must be considered separate things in the universe. 

    That makes me happy to see them listed as separate things, as well as them still being called Karaks. 

  6. 4 hours ago, SwampHeart said:

    Overall solid - a few thoughts though:

    -Why the double Beastlord? Without an artifact of some sort his overall damage output is very poor and his CA far to situational to build around. You could save 90 points there pretty readily. 

    -I wouldn't pay for the spawn - you're better off summoning them in. They're too unreliable movement wise to count on them being in place for the Gavespawn CA. You can instead summon in to the ability and save 100 points. 

    -I'd also sub in 5 Centigors for the 10 hounds. You can summon in hounds early for back field pressure where Centigors are SUPER fast (when in range of a Bray Shaman) and pack more of a punch when they drink. For the same points you get a more effective unit (less bodies but the same wounds). 

    -I'd consider dropping all your bestigors to 10. They're more flexible that way and become more effective bullets. Pick up another 120 points there - could even just go with 4 units of 10 even. 

    -Are you intending for the Raiders to be a major damage source? If not I think MSU raiders is a better choice - gives you better board presence and lets you take more advantage of their pre-game move to block off various parts of the board. 

    I think you've got a lot of good pieces - just a few here and there that I think you could better leverage. 

    Thanks for the feedback really appreciate it.

    - I had the idea to run the two beastlords up the board early to kill a bit then turn into spawn. I could give the second one an artifact but that takes away the eye allowing me to get more command points. Is that worth it?

    - I forgot you can summon spawn in, thanks for this

    - I would love to run Centigors but man they are such ugly models

    - I could definitely split the 20 into 10. Why are bestigors better in small numbers? Wouldn’t that just make them easier to wipe off the board?

    - I have heard people say that 40 unbor raiders can do a lot of work so yeah I was kinda putting them in a group to do some damage. I think I already have enough harass with this list. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I won my game today, but I feel a little sad that my opponent conceded rather than sticking out the game.

    Was there any specific reason why they conceded? 

    But congrats on the win though, what army were you playing against?

  8. Sorry if this has been discussed before, I’m sure it has, but how competitive can Gavespawn and the Pestilential Throng be? If I’m reading it correctly it looks like I can take a bunch of beastlords and really do some good damage by just throwing them at the enemy, then they die and turn into spawn, further tarpitting the enemy while my force gets into combat. Is this a good idea? Any specific things I can do to make it more competitive?

  9. 6 hours ago, Shankelton said:

    Regardless, I don't expect anything for atleast a year and a half. Maybe even 2 more years of waiting. Current rumors just don't reflect us at all, it's all Chaos/Slaanesh and more elves. Combine in the additional ranges that could already support a battletome, the updated books/ ranges some are sure to get, and the inevitable stormcast releases... It's going to be a long time.

    What are the actual rumors of new elves? I keep hearing people say there are rumors of new elves, but I have yet to hear them? I have a feeling we might get something next year honestly. Whether or not we’re combined within a free cities battletome or get our own book, they’re running out of other armies to even update. 

    Also I guess I’m the only one that hopes the warriors/thunderers/quarrellers stay? I agree they are aging, but overall I think they look ok, and if they all got removed than I think we would be missing some cool units. 

  10. 4 hours ago, cofaxest said:

    Allegiance: Tempest's Eye

    Warden King (120)
    Unforged (100)
    Runelord (100)
    Runelord (100)

    30 x Longbeards (270)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields

    10 x Ironbreakers (140)
    10 x Ironbreakers (140)
    30 x Irondrakes (540)

    Grudgebound War Throng (170)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 130

    This is how i would built my dwarfs if i try them. 

    Yeah this list doesn’t seem all that great, the battalion is not great and it’s a lot of tax for not much return. Drop the battalion and unforged, drop some longbeards, (why do you have so many) add some Hammerers most importantly. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

    Anyone know of any KO or Dispossesed rumors floating around the ether? Can't help but feel in all the rising destruction, elf and  chaos hype that  Dwarves in general seem woefully undermentioned! 

    Just our grumbling.

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  12. 20 minutes ago, RaritanAnon said:

    I'd probably do another 10 drakes. 10 Ironbreakers isn't enough to hold the line really. 

    That’s what I was thinking, of course I will be getting more of this kit in the future though. Is there really a set number people run breakers at?

  13. Quick questions and need some opinions, I have 1500 points of dwarfs now and my most recent purchase was the Ironbreaker kit. I currently only have 10 Irondrakes. Should I build the new box as 10 more drakes or make a new unit of 10 breakers?

  14. 5 hours ago, Montogon said:

    The best thing in the world (my world) right now, is to read about how many pepole actually think that we will someday get some love and a battletome , and then we can finaly rise from the shadows and claim what once was ours! 

    Hail Grungni

    and long live Dispossessed!


    I think we’ll be put into a free cities tome, but as dwarf can dream. 

  15. Also I had a bit of a thought here today, I watched the GG’s lore trailer and at the very end the guy specifically states that they’re from the realm of metal, which had me wondering. The Dispossessed also have a large presence in the realm of metal. Boom new battle for skull pass box in the future. 

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Ironbreaker said:

    This is kinda a very undwarfy idea, but what about a giant cave horror dragged from from the deep, like a giant cave centipede or something? (The Duardin delved too greedily and too deep...) Grots already seem already own the cave creatures motif though. I'm just spit balling ideas that are not just golems or Anvils of Doom. For cavalry, how about a choice between hard hitting goat/ram cavalry or "teleporting" giant mole cavalry?

    Idk it has to fit the whole classic dwarf theme while still being unique, digging too deep is a little taken. 

    Also I thought I wanted Ram or Goat Cav, but my god please giant mole cav. 

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