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Boss Salvage

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Posts posted by Boss Salvage

  1. I really dig the project - and had no idea Devoted of Sigmar was a subfaction 🙃 - plus your finished Flaggies look really solid. Did you end up using the Contrast as a base layer and working up from that? Guessing you didn't straight up repaint? Regardless, nice finished quality.

    On your list, I noticed in scrollbuilder that there's a battalion for these dudes, which may or may not be any good, but which your minis slot right into. The Celestant doesn't fit due to hero restrictions at 1000 points, but you could pop in a (headswapped ftw) Stormcast unit to keep the angelic allies going? Here's my thought:

    War Altar of Sigmar*
    Warrior Priest*
    Warrior Priest*
    Witch Hunter*
    20 Flaggelants*
    20 Flaggelants*
    3 Prosecutors
    *Pilgrimage of Wrath
    1000 // +1 CP

    I don't think you're too concerned about Matched Play, but this seems neat. I'm guessing hammer Prosecutors to go with the Sigmar theme.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Awesome approach to the Free Cities concept! Really hope other modellers do the same when integrating all the different elements of the cities together - sometimes I feel like the book is more a clearing ground for all the legacy models GW doesn't know what to do with but is hesitant to bin (as they should be). Armies like yours show there's some real creative potential with remixing the factions like this.

    Also, brilliant use of the Cawdor kit, and bonkers bash-up on that Heldrake :D

    • Like 1
  3. Came out of lurk to say that I really appreciate this project. Stormies being played differently, skew lists, mass head swaps and themed armies are all things I dig, so cheers across the board 🍻

    The crew is coming together, and I look forward to when you work in the pop colors to differentiate all that brown a bit more. Also props on the head recommendation, I had been looking for hawk/raven heads for some Tzeentch chaos warriors, so promptly ordered a bunch of Zinge's up as soon as I saw this plog!

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/8/2018 at 8:24 AM, KnaveOfScribes said:




    Yeah, I'm currently considering chopping a Lord of Change into a big old ragged god-crow. Maybe.

    Yes,  I have hobby-problems.

    Anyways, still mulling that one over. In the mean time, here's a painting guide for how I do the spirit-forms on my Sylvaneth,

    Thanks for the painting guide! I'm always looking for help painting very pale daemonic flesh, this is quite helpful :D

    Also holy ****** Lord of Crows!

  5. Have I not posted in this blog yet? Because you're still brilliant Kronos, thanks for being a constant source of equal parts mayhem and inspiration. I did think of you when the Brayherd spoilers went up - I'm a long time Morghur fan and thrilled to see him return / get a subfaction of this own, but you're the true king when it comes to our favorite great bray and father of spawn.

    Apart from the praise, I wanted to ask where Vilitch's sword is from? I know the body is from The Others, I just can't place that GW sword ...

    ... waitasec. That's Nagash's Mortis Blade, isn't it? Forgot he had one ?

    So anyway, the praise still stands!

    • Thanks 1
  6. Ahhhhhh so yea, classic Semantics Phase stuff. Cheers for the clarification, I was certainly in the forgetting restrictions camp - I was actually shocked they'd unlock things like that and got excited about slapping mortal gifts on my daemon prince, except beyond the Paradoxical Shield the daemon gifts (or the realmefacts) are better :P

  7. 21 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    They’re not MORTAL.


    Maybe I’m having reading issues? Can you point out which word reads “mortal”? ;) 

    Yes ... I know it’s not there either. I had to make a doublecheck myself. :/

    The restricions for The Artefacts is on the Artefact list, not in the wording section that was FAQ’d out.

    You got me! That dude has so many keywords that I guess I have trouble actually parsing them all. My bad, y'all are correct.

    On the FAQ thing, what did the FAQ actually do then? Anything? Just tighten down language? Was it unclear that Daemonic Gifts are just more artefacts, but for Daemon Heroes? I admit I was very confused why they were apparently changing things so I went searching for reason and found the wrong one :/

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Drib said:

    And it is invalid. As the Paradoxical Shield is Mortal Hero only.

    Pretty sure the 07/23 FAQ removed the artefact restrictions:


    Page 76
     – Artefacts of Power
    Replace the rules introduction for artefacts of power
    with the following:
    ‘If a Tzeentch army includes any Heroes, one may bear
    one artefact of power from one of the following tables:
    Treasures of the Cults, Fated Artefacts, Daemonic
    Weapons or Daemonic Powers.’

    Though the Tzaangor Shaman appears to be Mortal, Daemonic and Arcanite anyway, going by keywords.

  9. On 8/6/2018 at 3:17 AM, AaronWIlson said:

    So with the lack of a batallion to build around & the loss of spell portal, what sort of lists are people currently running?

    I'll show my hand, although I won't really get started on the Biggest Bird until the fall:

    Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch - Incorporeal Form + Ignax Scales
    Herald of Tzeentch
    Herald of Tzeentch
    30 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    1 Exalted Flamer
    1 Exalted Flamer
    Prismatic Palisade

    In the meantime, I've gotten the rebasing on the first 1k underway, and with a 1500 local tournament Aug 18 I might speed that up. Here's the list I'm thinking for that:

    Daemon Prince of Tzeentch - Nexus of Fate + Gryph-Feather Charm
    Herald of Tzeentch
    Herald of Tzeentch
    20 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    Soul Grinder of Tzeentch

    Trait + Artefact on the big boys subject to change and availability (i.e. no real read on if the realm artefacts are a thing locally or at large). I keep wanting to put an offensive buff on them but I prefer things that effect all weapons, which keeps leading me back to Phantasmal Weapons or possibly Daemonheart, although one use items make me sad. Though I'll admit Sword of Judgement on a beast that can summon 6's to hit is pretty stupendous, if very DD reliant.


    Alternate 1500 list to get all my horrors on the table at the cost of a sixth spell:

    Daemon Prince of Tzeentch - Incorporeal Form
    Herald of Tzeentch - Aura of Mutability
    30 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    Soul Grinder of Tzeentch

  10. 7 hours ago, AaronWIlson said:

    I think the thing that really confuses me about the Spell Portal is where they originaly designed clearly they thought at 60 points that's what was it worth to cast doe myself 6-7 spells a turn through it.

    Now, they've reduced that effectiveness by 500-600% percent but it's the same cost?

    It still works for the enemy, right? I'd say it's a 20 point spell in that case, like the shackles that do a thing but it isn't a huge thing and the enemy can use it too, plus with more than one model on the table it's easily dispelled. If it doesn't or didn't work for the enemy, I guess it could make sense at 40 points, or maybe more like 30. Gives armies that don't have range boosters a way to kick a big spell out early game, so still useful, but no longer the alpha strike vector those armies with heavy magic (and range boosters ironically) were using it as.

  11. I was pretty sure the keywords on the actual warscroll are what matter for HERO purposes, thought I might be crazy. Behemoth is a comp tag used for Pitched Battle and that's it? Ala Leader or Battleline, none of which appear on warscrolls.

    And yep, totally unrelated. I realized my potential LOC conversion is really large, so I've been looking at the Exalted LOC instead of regular big bird. 120 points seems to buy a bunch of wounds and better melee probability, if not actually more attaks, plus a punchier Gateway. Also interesting they have the same damage decay? Just stops getting worse once he gets sufficiently beat up.

  12. Meaty FAQs across the board, lots of reactionary changes that I can't argue with. Rest in Pepperonis, Lens of Refraction :P

    Unrelated question, the Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch has a HERO keyword, yet only has a Behemoth battlefield role on the pitched battle profile page of Monstrous Arcanum. Is it in fact still a HERO for the purpose of, well, everything? But particularly giving it an artefact. Also, is there a way to add it in on Scrollbuilder that I'm not seeing? Can't seem to find it under various tabs. Now it's there, NM.

  13. Thanks to the Endless Spells I think they'll both have plenty to keep themselves busy with, on top of Spell-thief potentially giving them even more to cast in later turns. Gift of Change is fine, and the spawn are free now, but it's not a huge loss vs the benefits.

    Also, am I wrong that both LOC could pop their command ability and give +2 to cast for all the daemon wizards (i.e. not the Curseling)? If you somehow had 2 CP stored up.

  14. On 7/17/2018 at 5:18 AM, SleeperAgent said:

    Lord of Change (Incorporeal Form, Blade of Fate, Tzeentch's Firestorm)
    Kairos Fateweaver (Bolt of Tzeentch)
    Gaunt Summoner (Shield of Fate)
    Curseling (Glimpe the Future)
    The Blue Scribes (Arcane Transformation)

    10x Pink Horrors (Fold Reality)
    10x Pink Horrors (Unchecked Mutation)
    10x Pink Horrors (Treason of Tzeentch)

    Endless Spells:
    Chronomantic Cogs
    Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh
    Umbral Spellportal


    Without deviating much from this, I think I might suggest:

    Lord of Change (Incorporeal Form)
    Lord of Change (Ghur: Gryph-feather Charm)
    Gaunt Summoner
    A Curseling

    10 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors
    10 Pink Horrors

    Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh
    Umbral Spellportal


    I think the standard LOC is better than Kairos (for many reasons but let's go with wounds + command ability at the least), and with the Charm they've both got -1 to be hit in combat (and also in shooting for the LT LOC). Then I wanted to give you more dudes on the ground, even if they're really really expensive dudes. Blue Scribes are cool and good but the most expendable of your heroes, so they got ground up with the Cogs (the most expendable of your Endless) to make more pinks. Alternatively you could make a unit of 20 but this way you keep a spell in the game, plus more objective claiming if that's actually a thing in this game.

  15. 52 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    You mentioned : “Prince uses Treason to compel the grandhammer on the bridge to smash the lightning out of his Liberator buddy.”

    Was that just a literary turn of phrase? Or were you using the “attack with their own weapon, the instead of the faq’d Treason Of Tzeentch”?

    I noticed that all all of your Horrors in the pics were painted blue? And none of the pinks appeared to be pink....?

    First off, thanks for reading! To your questions:

    Looks like I was using the pre-FAQ Treason, which I definitely got a boost out of thanks to those big Stormcast weapons. But you know what's crazy? In my first game of AOS 2 I actually remembered the FAQ'd rules, used them to great effect, looked in my DOT book, apologized to the Sylvaneth and we used the book rules instead. Personally I prefer the FAQ version, much simpler to use and a big unit killer (if no where near as nasty as the Summoner's) instead of very situational.

    Tzeentch is my blue army ;) So yes, my Pink Horrors are pink horror models on 32mm painted blue, and my single Blue Horror is a blue horror on 25mm painted blue. My heralds are also all 1988 Chaos Renegades ... painted blue.

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, AaronWIlson said:

    So I played a 1k point game last night against my friend which resulted in a bit of the feel bads ...

    Thanks for the write up. I didn't get the Gaunt Summoner love until I read his spell, and wow, that's some heat right there. Those were the kind of spells that ran competitive 8E, ones capable of countering the massive unit meta. Bro isn't as stunningly good as the Curseling - so many solid rules packed in one place, even if y'all mostly taking him for the mega dispel/glean - but both of those heroes are nutty good.

    Speaking of beatdowns, I wrote another report over on my Dakka blog, this time 1k vs Mixed Order. Just linking to it for the interested, as pasting it in felt like it messed with this thread.

    • Like 1
  17. 57 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    Taking away complexity because stuff has issues at this moment ... kinda makes me sad.

    I'm actually a huge proponent of variety, however I've been in the hobby for a long time and know GW gamers will tend towards the few good items at the exclusion of others, weirdly resulting in less variety. This is largely due to GW being particularly bad at internal balance - not all options available to an army are equally good, there are always Obviously Good things that are always taken.

    I applaud the blanket ban because while the actual answer is targeted bans at the few Always Taken items (thus opening the field to hopefully more variety, not just the assumption of it), blanket bans lead to less uproar than targeted ones. I do though expect we'll head back to hard caps for competitive AOS, if the official FAQs can't keep up. One should recall that WHFB was virtually never played without restrictions, especially 8E. There's no reason to think AOS doesn't need the same treatment, with the exception that GW appears to want to be involved in the life of the game more than previously.

    EDIT: Your comments about helping out non-battletome armies is valid. My other army is Gutbusters and I'm interested to see what the realms have for them (I hear Blade of Judgment is the answer?)
    EDIT2: I finally found a list of the realm artefacts, and I'm blown away by how good the Ulgu stuff is. Are people really kneejerking as hard as we think and taking Lens all the time? Because there's bonkers af stuff in Ulgu O_O

  18. I talked about the Lens a bunch last night with local Khorne dude, who recognizes it's a stopgap that he's forced to take by other game imbalances. FWIW my only problem with it - and this is as a Tzeentch player who gets pretty messed up by it - is that it doesn't block mortal damage "to a minimum of 1". Other games have similar damage reduction effects - like armor in Malifaux - and I actually think AOS does as well (stone skeleton? other stuff?) that allow 1 damage through at worst, letting the other player feel like they're still doing something with their points investment. To block *all* damage is IMO another negative play experience in a game with too many of them already.

    Also why doesn't the Lens just give every unit within 6" a X+ save against mortal wounds? Make it 6+ if you want it to be balanced with other artefacts, or 5+ if you want it to be overly strong. A save against mortal wounds is very common in AOS, especially when it comes to artefacts. Why create yet another special rule, when better game design finds an interesting and easier balanced way to use an established one? Why, GeeDub? Why?

    EDIT: All that said, I'm happy that there are tournaments coming up that ban the realm artefacts. Good call, TOs.

  19. Thanks for the report! So takeaway is Lens isn't the death of Tzeentch? Work the edges of the army then smash the lens with overwhelming force / up close and personal?

    10 hours ago, DaftSkunk said:

    Hellooo, I've been wondering and trying to find the updated rules for the Artefact / Daemonic Power: Mark of the Conjurer, because +1 to summoning feels like it's useless with the new edition. Did I miss an application or a change somewhere? Couldn't find it in the FAQs^^' 

    It needs to be addressed in the next FAQ. I messaged GW about it, recommend you do as well >> aosfaq@gwplc.com

  20. Oh I'm very aware of the recommended base size ;) I'm admitting I'll likely down-base and then just use a buffer base to fill out to 60mm when I do run my Screamers. I just really don't like the look of the big bases, on top of finding them hard to play with.

    Outside of T&T they would have hung out with the DP, but I wanted to give the Khorne player a token unit to play with, and had hopes of engaging the Skull Cannons. I also assumed the Sylvaneth / Wyldwood would insta-gib them. I've been quiet on TGA about Wyldwoods but wow have I hated them for years now ?

  21. Quick list commentary though: Screamers seem real bad, not helped by enormous bases (spoiler: mine are likely going on 40mm rounds, as they're currently on 40mm squares). 100 points is definitely their only saving grace. I can see myself running all 9 with a flying hero someday, to get their locus popping, but for now I'm firmly in the Exalted Flamer for fill camp.

    Daemon Prince - Incorporeal Form or Nexus of Fate; Treason
    Herald of Tzeentch - Aura of Mutability; Unchecked Mutation
    10 Pink Horrors - Arcane Transformation
    10 Pink Horrors - Tzeentch's Firestorm
    10 Pink Horrors - Bolt of Tzeentch
    1 Exalted Flamer

    Considering not even taking the Flamer and going with Balewind Vortex + 1 CP. The Vortex solves my range and lack of casts problems, at the cost of losing mobility, when frankly I didn't get much moving done. Thinking about popping the DP up there for 3+ save (if wasted combat "prowess"). Will learn more with a couple more normal games under my belt.

    EDIT: Also despite playing Treason like in WHFB 8E (i.e. everybody beats up everybody) before rewinding and doing it right, I still kind of like the spell. East to cast and fun to make a champ carve up his unit / heavy weapon trip and dish out mortal wounds to her bros.

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